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Cutting edge commentary: two B-1 or not to be one   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B-1 cells differ from conventional B-2 cells both phenotypically and functionally. Two seemingly mutually exclusive hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of B-1 cells. The lineage hypothesis holds that certain B cell precursors are destined early on to become B-1 cells. The differentiation hypothesis holds that every B cell has the same potential to acquire B-1 characteristics. Reconsideration of previous studies of transgenic and knockout mice, plus recent results identifying differences between splenic and peritoneal B-1 cells, point to unexpected complexity in the pathway leading to B-1 status. A new paradigm is suggested, in which surface Ig signaling is required for B-1 cell production, but in which the signaling threshold and context that lead to B-1 cell development and/or expansion differ for particular B cell precursors. Surface Ig signaling may also produce receptor editing, apoptotic deletion, and tolerance induction; how these different outcomes are determined remains uncertain.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that Ig gene rearrangement in the peritoneal cavity (Pc) B-1 cells might be involved in autoantibody generation. To study possible secondary B cell maturation, we prepared mice carrying a target integration of gfp gene into a rag1 locus (rag1/gfp mice). The GFP+ cells express rag1 mRNA and are undergoing Ig gene rearrangement. RAG1 expression was studied in Pc B-1 cells to detect cells during the stage of Ig gene rearrangement. In contrast to previous reports, Pc B-1 cells did not show RAG1 expression in adolescent or elderly mice. RAG1 expression was not induced in Pc B-1 cells in vivo after stimulation by oral or i.p. administration of LPS. Our results suggest that RAG1 expression in Pc B-1 cells is inhibited for a long period under normal condition and that this suppression is an essential state which maintains allelic exclusion of Ig genes.  相似文献   

B-1 lymphocytes represent a distinct B cell subset with unusual mitogenic responses. PMA alone promotes proliferation in B-1 cells, but not in splenic B-2 cells. Although cyclin D2-cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (cdk4) complexes mediate early retinoblastoma gene product (pRb) phosphorylation in B-1 cells, the transient nature of their accumulation cannot account for the continued increase in pRb phosphorylation, which is maximal at 24 h. We show herein that PMA promotes the accumulation of functional cyclin D3-cdk4 complexes in B-1 cells following loss of cyclin D2. PMA also induces accumulation of cyclin D3-cdk4 complexes in B-2 cells; however, these complexes do not phosphorylate pRb. Thus, PMA is sufficient to induce synthesis and assembly of cyclin D3-cdk4 complexes in B-1 and B-2 cells; however, PMA triggers cyclin D3-cdk4 activation only in B-1 cells. These results reveal a novel regulatory step that controls activation of cyclin D3-cdk4 complexes whose function segregates differentially in B cell subsets.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: Membrane nanotubes connect immune cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We present evidence that nanotubular highways, or membrane nanotubes, facilitate a novel mechanism for intercellular communication in the immune system. Nanotubes were seen to connect multiple cells together and were readily formed between a variety of cell types, including human peripheral blood NK cells, macrophages, and EBV-transformed B cells. Nanotubes could be created upon disassembly of the immunological synapse, as cells move apart. Thus, nanotubular networks could be assembled from transient immunological synapses. Nanotubes were seen to contain GFP-tagged cell surface class I MHC protein expressed in one of the connected cells. Moreover, GPI-conjugated to GFP originating from one cell was transferred onto the surface of another at the connection with a nanotube. Thus, nanotubes can traffic cell surface proteins between immune cells over many tens of microns. Determining whether there are physiological functions for nanotubes is an intriguing new goal for cellular immunology.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: naive T cells masquerading as memory cells   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
This study shows that naive CD8 T cells can acquire characteristics of memory T cells in the absence of stimulation with specific Ag simply by the process of homeostatic proliferation under lymphopenic conditions. This Ag-independent T cell differentiation pathway did not result in up-regulation of early activation markers (CD69, CD25, CD71), but expression of several memory markers (CD44, CD122, Ly6C) increased progressively with successive divisions. These markers were then stably expressed, and these cells also became more responsive functionally to specific Ag. Thus, all "memory" phenotype T cells in an individual may not be true Ag-experienced cells and may include naive cells masquerading as memory cells. These findings are specially relevant in cases of disease or treatment-induced lymphopenia such as in HIV-infected individuals or transplant recipients. In addition, this study may have implications for autoimmunity because homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells requires interaction with self peptide plus MHC molecules.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis plays an important role in tissue remodeling and repair during the late phase of inflammation. In the present study, we show that human dendritic cells (DC) that matured in the presence of anti-inflammatory molecules such as calcitriol, PGE2, or IL-10 (alternatively activated DC) selectively secrete the potent angiogenic cytokine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms VEGF165 and VEGF121. No VEGF production was observed in immature or classically activated DC. Also, the capacity to produce VEGF was restricted to the myeloid DC subset. When implanted in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane, alternatively activated DC elicit a marked angiogenic response, which is inhibited by neutralizing anti-VEGF Abs and by the VEGFR-2 inhibitor SU5416. Therefore, alternatively activated DC may contribute to the resolution of the inflammatory reaction by promoting VEGF-induced angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (NBPs) are taken by millions for bone disorders but may cause serious inflammatory reactions. In this study, we used a murine peritonitis model to characterize the inflammatory mechanisms of these agents. At dosages comparable to those used in humans, injection of NBPs into the peritoneum caused recruitment of neutrophils, followed by an influx of monocytes. These cellular changes corresponded to an initial increase in IL-1α, which preceded a rise in multiple other proinflammatory cytokines. IL-1R, IL-1α, and IL-1β were required for neutrophil recruitment, whereas other MyD88-dependent signaling pathways were needed for the monocyte influx. Mice deficient in mast cells, but not mice lacking lymphocytes, were resistant to NBP-induced inflammation, and reconstitution of these mice with mast cells restored sensitivity to NBPs. These results document the critical role of mast cells and IL-1 in NBP-mediated inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: NTB-A activates NK cells via homophilic interaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NK cells are an important component of the innate immune system. Their activity is tightly regulated by activating and inhibitory surface receptors. However, the exact functions of many activating surface receptors, as well as their ligands, still remain to be elucidated. NTB-A is a receptor on the surfaces of human NK, T, and B cells, mediating a signal whose malfunction may be involved in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease. However, the ligand of NTB-A has remained elusive so far. Using trimeric recombinant proteins, we now show that NTB-A is its own ligand. Homophilic interaction of NTB-A enhances NK cell cytotoxicity and influences NK cell proliferation and IFN-gamma secretion. We suggest that NTB-A is an interlymphocyte signaling molecule, which serves to orchestrate the activities of immune cells.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: Natural helper cells derive from lymphoid progenitors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural helper (NH) cells are recently discovered innate immune cells that confer protective type 2 immunity during helminth infection and mediate influenza-induced airway hypersensitivity. Little is known about the ontogeny of NH cells. We report in this study that NH cells derive from bone marrow lymphoid progenitors. Using RAG-1Cre/ROSA26(YFP) mice, we show that most NH cells are marked with a history of RAG-1 expression, implying lymphoid developmental origin. The development of NH cells depends on the cytokine receptor Flt3, which is required for the efficient generation of bone marrow lymphoid progenitors. Finally, we demonstrate that lymphoid progenitors, but not myeloid-erythroid progenitors, give rise to NH cells in vivo. This work therefore expands the lymphocyte family, currently comprising T, B, and NK cells, to include NH cells as another type of innate lymphocyte that derives from bone marrow lymphoid progenitors.  相似文献   

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are primarily recognized for their immunosuppressive properties in malignant disease. However, their interaction with other innate immune cells and their regulation of immune responses, such as in parasitic infection, necessitate further characterization. We used our previously published mouse model of MDSC accumulation to examine the immunoregulatory role of MDSCs in B16 melanoma metastasis and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection. In this study, we demonstrate that the activity of MDSCs is dependent on the immune stimuli and subset induced. Monocytic MDSCs predictably suppressed antitumor immune responses but granulocytic MDSCs surprisingly enhanced the clearance of N. brasiliensis infection. Intriguingly, both results were dependent on MDSC interaction with mast cells (MCs), as demonstrated by adoptive-transfer studies in MC-deficient (Kit(Wsh)(/)(Wsh)) mice. These findings were further supported by ex vivo cocultures of MCs and MDSCs, indicating a synergistic increase in cytokine production. Thus, MCs can enhance both immunosuppressive and immunosupportive functions of MDSCs.  相似文献   

Use of the progesterone (Pg) birth control depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) increases a woman's risk for sexually transmitted infection with HIV or HSV-2 via unknown mechanisms. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are circulating and tissue-resident sentinels capable of making large quantities of IFN-alpha upon recognizing viruses through TLRs 7 and 9. In this study, we show that Pg inhibits TLR9-induced IFN-alpha production by human and mouse pDCs and that DMPA impairs TLR9- and virus-induced IFN-alpha production by pDCs in mice, providing a potential explanation for how DMPA impairs innate antiviral immunity in women. Pg failed to inhibit the Mda-5 pathway of IFN-alpha induction in dendritic cells, suggesting that Pg regulates select antiviral DC programs. This may occur through selective blockade of IFN regulatory factor-7 activation, a novel steroid action. Thus, through inhibition of TLR-mediated IFN-alpha production by pDCs, Pg may regulate antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (DC) are professional APC and a major source of type I IFN following viral infection. We previously showed that histamine alters the cytokine profiles of maturing monocyte-derived DC resulting in a change from Th1 to Th2 in their T cell polarizing function. In this study, we show that human plasmacytoid DC, activated by either CpG oligodeoxynucleotides or viral infection, also respond to histamine through H2 receptors, leading to a marked down-regulation of IFN-alpha and TNF-alpha and a moderate switch in their capacity to polarize naive T cells. Our findings provide an explanation for low levels of type I IFN frequently observed in atopic individuals.  相似文献   

Invariant NKT cells (iNKT cells) recognize CD1d/glycolipid complexes. We demonstrate that the nonglycosidic compound threitolceramide efficiently activates iNKT cells, resulting in dendritic cell (DC) maturation and the priming of Ag-specific T and B cells. Threitolceramide-pulsed DCs are more resistant to iNKT cell-dependent lysis than alpha-galactosylceramide-pulsed DCs due to the weaker affinity of the human iNKT TCR for CD1d/ threitolceramide than CD1d/alpha-galactosylceramide complexes. iNKT cells stimulated with threitolceramide also recover more quickly from activation-induced anergy. Kinetic and functional experiments showed that shortening or lengthening the threitol moiety by one hydroxymethylene group modulates ligand recognition, as human and murine iNKT cells recognize glycerolceramide and arabinitolceramide differentially. Our data broaden the range of potential iNKT cell agonists. The ability of these compounds to assist the priming of Ag-specific immune responses while minimizing iNKT cell-dependent DC lysis makes them attractive adjuvants for vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

We recently identified expression of the semaphorin receptor, plexin-A1, in dendritic cells (DCs); however, its function in these cells remains to be elucidated. To investigate function and maximize physiological relevance, we devised a retroviral approach to ablate plexin-A1 gene expression using small hairpin RNA (shRNA) in primary bone marrow-derived DCs. We show that plexin-A1 localizes within the cytoplasm of immature DCs, becomes membrane-associated, and is enriched at the immune synapse in mature DCs. Reducing plexin-A1 expression with shRNA greatly reduced actin polarization as well as Rho activation without affecting Rac or Cdc42 activation. A Rho inhibitor, C3, also reduced actin polarization. These changes were accompanied by the near-ablation of T cell activation. We propose a mechanism of adaptive immune regulation in which plexin-A1 controls Rho activation and actin cytoskeletal rearrangements in DCs that is associated with enhanced DC-T cell interactions.  相似文献   

Murine intrahepatic lymphocytes (IHL) are dominated by invariant TCR alpha-chain expressing CD1d-reactive NKT cells, which can cause model hepatitis. Invariant NKT (CD56(+/-)CD161(+)) and recently identified noninvariant CD1d-reactive T cells rapidly produce large amounts of IL-4 and/or IFN-gamma and can regulate Th1/Th2 responses. Human liver contains large numbers of CD56(+) NKT cells but few invariant NKT. Compared with matched peripheral blood T cell lines, primary IHL lines from patients with chronic hepatitis C had high levels of CD161 and CD1d reactivity, but the invariant TCR was rare. CD1d-reactive IHL were strikingly Th1 biased. IHL also demonstrated CD1d-specific cytotoxic activity. Hepatocytes and other liver cells express CD1d. These results identify a novel population of human T cells that could contribute to destructive as well as protective immune responses in the liver. CD1d-reactive T cells may have distinct roles in different tissues.  相似文献   

The existence of dendritic cell (DC) subsets is firmly established, but their trafficking properties are virtually unknown. In this study, we show that myeloid (M-DCs) and plasmacytoid (P-DCs) DCs isolated from human blood differ widely in the capacity to migrate to chemotactic stimuli. The pattern of chemokine receptors expressed by blood M-DCs and P-DCs, with the exception of CCR7, is similar. However, most chemokine receptors of P-DCs, in particular those specific for inflammatory chemokines and classical chemotactic agonists, are not functional in circulating cells. Following maturation induced by CD40 ligation, the receptors for inflammatory chemokines are down-regulated, and CCR7 on P-DCs becomes coupled to migration. The drastically impaired capacity of blood P-DCs to migrate in response to inflammatory chemotactic signals contrasts with the response to lymph node-homing chemokines, indicating a propensity to migrate to secondary lymphoid organs rather than to sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: Expression of functional CD137 receptor by dendritic cells   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Interaction between dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells is a prerequisite for the initiation of a T cell response. The molecular nature of this interaction remains to be fully characterized. We report in this work that freshly isolated mouse splenic DCs and bone marrow-derived DCs express CD137 on the cell surface and in soluble form. Triggering CD137 increased the secretion of IL-6 and IL-12 from DCs. More importantly, infusion of an agonistic mAb to CD137 into naive mice enhanced the ability of DCs to stimulate T cell proliferation in response to both alloantigens and a nominal Ag in vitro. This enhancement of DC function is not mediated through activation of T cells, because the effect was also observed in RAG-1 knockout mice that lack T cells. Our findings implicate CD137 as an important receptor involved in the modulation of DC function.  相似文献   

Cellular fusion of macrophages into multinucleated giant cells is a distinguishing feature of the granulomatous response to inflammation, infection, and foreign bodies (Kawai and Akira. 2011. Immunity 34: 637-650). We observed a marked increase in fusion of macrophages genetically deficient in Dicer, an enzyme required for canonical microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis. Gene expression profiling of miRNA-deficient macrophages revealed an upregulation of the IL-4-responsive fusion protein Tm7sf4, and analyses identified miR-7a-1 as a negative regulator of macrophage fusion, functioning by directly targeting Tm7sf4 mRNA. miR-7a-1 is itself an IL-4-responsive gene in macrophages, suggesting feedback control of cellular fusion. Collectively, these data indicate that miR-7a-1 functions to regulate IL-4-directed multinucleated giant cell formation.  相似文献   

IL-8 is a potent inflammatory cytokine that induces chemotaxis of neutrophils expressing CXCR1 and CXCR2, thus indicating its involvement in the migration of these cells to inflammatory sites where bacteria proliferate. Presently, we showed that CXCR1(+) cells were predominantly found among CD8(+) T cells having effector phenotype, and that the expression of CXCR1 was positively correlated with that of perforin, suggesting that CXCR1 is expressed on effector CD8(+) T cells. Indeed, human CMV-specific CD8(+) T cells from healthy individuals, which mostly express the effector phenotype and have cytolytic function, expressed CXCR1, whereas EBV-specific CD8(+) T cells, which mostly express the memory phenotype and have no cytolytic function, did not express this receptor. The results of a chemotaxis assay showed that the migration of CXCR1(+)CD8(+) T cells was induced by IL-8. These results suggest that the IL-8-CXCR1 pathway plays an important role in the homing of effector CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

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