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1. Facultative paedomorphosis is a polymorphism that has important evolutionary implications in promoting morphological differentiation and variation in habitat use. It occurs in several urodele species throughout the world. Several hypotheses based on life-history theory have been proposed to explain the wide range of habitats in which facultative paedomorphosis occurs, suggesting multifactorial causes.
2. In harsh habitats, such as mountain lakes, paedomorphosis might promote niche partitioning between morphs. This hypothesis was tested by comparing micro-habitat use and diet of two coexisting morphs in an alpine lake.
3. Paedomorphs occupied all microhabitats in the lake while metamorphs occurred only along the shoreline or at the water surface. Paedomorphic newts were frequent in deep water, where they foraged mainly on plankton. Plankton was poorly exploited by metamorphic newts, which fed mainly on terrestrial insects. Difference between morphs in microhabitat use, and consequently in the diet, were consistent in both sexes and in juveniles.
4. In adults, the mass and energy value of stomach contents did not differ between morphs, suggesting a similar food availability in the habitats occupied.
5. This study indicates habitat partitioning between morphs involving dietary differences. Specific benefits and costs of each ontogenetic pathway may allow their coexistence in this deep and fishless lake. Paedomorphosis benefits individual newts by making new food resources available and presumably reducing competition at the shore of the lake. However, the proximate causes of such an ontogenetic switch remain unclear.  相似文献   

A wide range of dimorphic species exhibit intraspecific differences in feeding ecology and habitat use; however, studies comparing resource partitioning between males and females and between age groups occur mainly at the community and species level. We here classified the main habitat of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) –fir tree crown– into six microhabitats; examined the lichen-load of the microhabitats; and investigated the microhabitat use of age–sex groups within one-male units (OMUs: an adult male, several females, and juveniles) of R. bieti using instantaneous scanning sampling methods to test whether there is resource niche partitioning in social units of this sexually dimorphic primate in a reserve in Yunnan, China. Our results showed that adult females and juveniles often foraged in the outer layer of the fir tree crown, whereas adult males often foraged in the inner layer, closer to the trunk where food abundance was highest. Adult females and juveniles, however, both shifted microhabitat-use patterns to the inner layer of the fir tree crown when the adult male was absent from the tree. We suggested that the preference for and benefit of the central layer of fir tree crown lies in food availability, but that adult male competitively excluded group members. Microhabitat segregation may serve to maximize the fitness of the group members by reducing intragroup competition, while also increasing interindividual distance, thereby reducing the possible effects of scramble competition.  相似文献   

General principles derived from studies of morphological ontogeny are useful in ethology. Behavioral ontogeny may be interpreted from an holistic view in which a series of behaviors is treated as an ontogeny toward a larger, complex, behavioral product. If the component behaviors are defined broadly, many taxa may be compared to find general principles that are not evident when behaviors are dissected to their smallest recognizable units. Flow charts can illustrate such general ontogenetic sequences in a manner that shows what sorts of modifications have evolved from the general pattern. Certain changes may illustrate forms of ontogenetic evolution that are well known for morphological development, such as addition or embellishment of terminal ontogenetic steps, or compression of ontogeny by acceleration or deletion of early steps. The major modifications in nest construction behavior of 28 genera of paper wasps are presented to test the predictions of the biogenetic rule with respect to character polarity. Cladistic analyses of separate morphological and behavioral data sets show that polarity is accurately inferred with respect to the five major patterns of nest construction in paper wasps.  相似文献   

1. Renewed interest in the role of changes to developmental regulation in organisms has highlighted the importance of heterochrony in the evolution of the Metazoa.
2. Beecher's interpretation of the evolution of the Trilobita as having been principally by peramorphosis is examined, as is the view of later workers, principally Stubblefield and Hupé, that paedomorphosis was a dominant factor in trilobite evolution.
3. Both peramorphosis and paedomorphosis are considered to have been important in trilobite evolution.
4. The role of paedomorphosis in the evolution of major morphological novelties is critically examined. Its importance in changes to the structure of the glabella is discussed and new terms proposed to describe the ontogenetic and phylogenetic state of the glabella.
5. The highly variable nature of early Cambrian trilobites, in particular the large degree of ontogenetic change, is considered, along with possible poor developmental control of the growth and moulting hormonal systems, to have been significant in providing a high degree of intrapopulational morphological variability. Selection of these heterochronic variants was responsible for the rapid diversification of the Trilobita during the Cambrian.  相似文献   

This paper aims to test the contribution of ontogenetic scaling to sexual dimorphism of the facial skeleton in the African apes. Specifically, it addresses whether males and females of each species share a common postnatal ontogenetic shape trajectory for the facial skeleton. Where trajectories are found to differ, it is tested whether male and female trajectories: 1) diverge early, or 2) diverge later after sharing a common trajectory earlier in the postnatal period. Where ontogenetic shape trajectories are found to be shared, it is also tested whether males and females are ontogenetically scaled. This study uses geometric morphometric analyses of 28 landmarks from the facial skeletons of 137 G. g. gorilla (62 adults; 75 juveniles), 95 P. paniscus (34 adults; 61 juveniles), and 115 P. t. troglodytes (58 adults; 57 juveniles). On average, males and females share a common ontogenetic shape trajectory until around the eruption of the second permanent molars. In addition, for the same period, males and females in each species share a common ontogenetic scaling trajectory. After this period, males and females diverge both from each other and from the common juvenile ontogenetic shape and scaling trajectories within each species. Thus, the male and female facial skeleton shows ontogenetic scaling until around the point of the eruption of the second molar (i.e., around puberty and the development of secondary sexual characteristics), but subsequent sexual dimorphism occurs via divergent trajectories and not via ontogenetic scaling.  相似文献   

Organisms are made up of semiautonomous parts or modules, but identifying the limits of modules is not straightforward. Covariation between morphological features across the adults of a clade can identify suites of characters as putative modules. We contrast such an approach for delimiting modules with one that includes inferences of heterochrony, evolutionary change in the timing of developmental events. That two features show differing types of heterochrony is a strong indication that they are ontogenetically dissociated and belong to differing modules even though these features may covary across adults. We focus on xylem vessels (wood water conduits) and phloem fibers (bark support cells) in the stems of the 13 species of the plant genus Moringa (Moringaceae), which vary from massive bottle trees to tiny tuberous shrubs. Across adults, vessel diameter and number of phloem fibers scale positively and significantly with stem size and with respect to one another. This covariation across adults suggests that these features may be members of the same ontogenetic module, a finding that might be expected given that these cells both derive from the same tissue ontogenetically and are tightly functionally integrated in the stem. In contrast, ontogenetic data in the context of a phylogenetic hypothesis suggest that vessel elements and phloem fibers have undergone different types of paedomorphosis, heterochronic alteration to ontogeny producing adults of descendant species that resemble the juveniles of their ancestors. Vessels and phloem fibers would be expected to show differing types of paedomorphosis only if they are not ontogenetically coupled, and therefore it is likely that they are part of different modules; this ontogenetic independence was invisible to inference based only on adult covariation. Finally, we show reasons to implicate paedomorphosis in the diversification in life form of Moringa across the Old World dry tropics.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that selection in distinct microhabitats generates correlations between morphological and ecological traits, and may increase both phenotypic and taxonomic diversity. However, some microhabitats exert unique selective pressures that act as a restraining force on macroevolutionary patterns of diversification. In this study, we use phylogenetic comparative methods to investigate the evolutionary outcomes of inhabiting the arboreal microhabitat in salamanders. We find that arboreality has independently evolved at least five times in Caudata and has arisen primarily from terrestrial ancestors. However, the rate of transition from arboreality back to terrestriality is 24 times higher than the converse. This suggests that macroevolutionary trends in microhabitat use tend toward terrestriality over arboreality, which influences the extent to which use of the arboreal microhabitat proliferates. Morphologically, we find no evidence for an arboreal phenotype in overall body proportions or in foot shape, as variation in both traits overlaps broadly with species that utilize different microhabitats. However, both body shape and foot shape display reduced rates of phenotypic evolution in arboreal taxa, and evidence of morphological convergence among arboreal lineages is observed. Taken together, these patterns suggest that arboreality has played a unique role in the evolution of this family, providing neither an evolutionary opportunity, nor an evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) has evolved in response to selection pressures that differ between sexes. Since such pressures change across an individual's life, SD may vary within age classes. Yet, little is known about how selection on early phenotypes may drive the final SD observed in adults. In many dimorphic species, juveniles resemble adult females rather than adult males, meaning that out of the selective pressures established by sexual selection feminized phenotypes may be adaptive. If true, fitness benefits of early female‐like phenotypes may constrain the expression of male phenotypes in adulthood. Using the common kestrel Falco tinnunculus as a study model, we evaluated the fitness advantages of expressing more feminized phenotypes at youth. Although more similar to adult females than to adult males, common kestrel fledglings are still sexually dimorphic in size and coloration. Integrating morphological and chromatic variables, we analysed the phenotypic divergence between sexes as a measure of how much each individual looks like the sex to which it belongs (phenotypic sexual resemblance, PSR). We then tested the fitness benefits associated with PSR by means of the probability of recruitment in the population. We found a significant interaction between PSR and sex, showing that in both sexes more feminized phenotypes recruited more into the population than less feminized phenotypes. Moreover, males showed lower PSR than females and a higher proportion of incorrect sex classifications. These findings suggest that the mechanisms in males devoted to resembling female phenotypes in youth, due to a trend to increase fitness through more feminized phenotypes, may provide a mechanism to constrain the SD in adulthood.  相似文献   

Danionella dracula is a new species of sexually dimorphic, miniature and highly developmentally truncated cyprinid fish. Compared with its close relative, the zebrafish Danio rerio, it lacks 44 bones or parts thereof and represents one of the most developmentally truncated vertebrates. Absence of the majority of bones appears to be due to developmental truncation via terminal deletion. In contrast to these larval-like features, D. dracula also shows several hyperossifications. Uniquely, among carp-like fishes, male D. dracula have a series of long, pointed odontoid processes on the jaws greatly resembling the jaw dentition of teleosts with true teeth. The anterior-most process in each jaw is extended as a canine-like fang projecting through the epithelium. True jaw teeth are absent from all 3700 species of cypriniforms and were lost at least in the Upper Eocene. It remains to be investigated, however, whether the conserved pathways to regulate tooth development in cypriniforms have been used in D. dracula to form and pattern the odontoid processes. This new species represents a remarkable example linking progenetic paedomorphosis via heterochronic change in developmental timing to the evolution of morphological novelties.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential for ontogenetic resource partitioning within a population of the Texas earless lizard Cophosaurus texanus Results from focal samples, line transects, haphazard observations, and stomach flushes compiled in summer (July 1993) and autumn (September 1995) revealed differences in microhabitat use and diet between adults and juveniles Juveniles use rock perches more frequently than adult males, and consume smaller prey than adults No ontogenetic differences in thermal ecology were observed Diet differences between juveniles and adults may be attributed to the inability of juveniles to handle large prey items Differences between juveniles and adults in prey size and microhabitat use suggest ontogenetic variation in foraging, predator avoidance, and territory defense  相似文献   

Compact cortex in a Champsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) femur is ontogenetically replaced with extensively developed cancellous bone. This histological shift, together with retention of calcified cartilage to late ontogenetic stage, was previously considered to show that adult champsosaurs were more adapted to aquatic environments than juveniles. However, the new histological examination reveals the nearly amedullar condition of a juvenile femur consisting of thick periosteal cortex and less cancellous bone tissue and the amedullar but more porous condition of adult femora. This likely demonstrates that the femoral inner structure of the juvenile is denser than those of the adults, and therefore, juveniles were more aquatic. It is suggested that morphological variations between two sympatric species of Champsosaurus reflect sexual dimorphism in a single species and limb bones with more robust morphology, showing better terrestrial adaptation for nesting on land, belong to females. The similarity of gross limb bone morphology between juveniles and inferred adult males indicates aquatic habitats for juveniles, coincident with the new interpretation of bone microstructures. No differences are, however, recognised in femoral microstructure between inferred sexes in adults. The possibly lowered density of femur in adults is considered as an adaptation to increase the mobility in water.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiation theory predicts that phenotypic traits involved in ecological performance evolve in different directions in populations subjected to divergent natural selection, resulting in the evolution of ecological diversity. This idea has largely been supported through comparative studies exploring relationships between ecological preferences and quantitative traits among different species. However, intersexual perspectives are often ignored. Indeed, although it is well established that intersexual competition and sex-specific parental and reproductive roles may often subject sex-linked phenotypes to antagonistic selection effects, most ecomorphological research has explored adaptive evolution on a single sex, or on means obtained from both sexes together. The few studies taking sexual differences into account reveal the occurrence of sex-specific ecomorphs in some clades of lizards, and conclude that the independent contribution of the sexes to the morphological diversity produced by adaptive radiation can be substantial. Here, we investigate whether microhabitat use results in the evolution of sex-specific ecomorphs across 44 Liolaemus lizard species. We found that microhabitat structure does not predict variation in body size and shape in either of the sexes. Yet, we found that males and females tend to occupy significantly different positions in multivariate morphological spaces, indicating that treating males and females as ecologically and phenotypically equivalent units may lead to incomplete or mistaken estimations of the diversity produced by adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a common feature of animals, and selection for sexually dimorphic traits may affect both functional morphological traits and organismal performance. Trait evolution through natural selection can also vary across environments. However, whether the evolution of organismal performance is distinct between the sexes is rarely tested in a phylogenetic comparative context. Anurans commonly exhibit sexual size dimorphism, which may affect jumping performance given the effects of body size on locomotion. They also live in a wide variety of microhabitats. Yet the relationships among dimorphism, performance, and ecology remain underexamined in anurans. Here, we explore relationships between microhabitat use, body size, and jumping performance in males and females to determine the drivers of dimorphic patterns in jumping performance. Using methods for predicting jumping performance through anatomical measurements, we describe how fecundity selection and natural selection associated with body size and microhabitat have likely shaped female jumping performance. We found that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism (where females are about 14% larger than males) was much lower than dimorphism in muscle volume, where females had 42% more muscle than males (after accounting for body size). Despite these sometimes-large averages, phylogenetic t-tests failed to show the statistical significance of SD for any variable, indicating sexually dimorphic species tend to be closely related. While SD of jumping performance did not vary among microhabitats, we found female jumping velocity and energy differed across microhabitats. Overall, our findings indicate that differences in sex-specific reproductive roles, size, jumping-related morphology, and performance are all important determinants in how selection has led to the incredible ecophenotypic diversity of anurans.  相似文献   

Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine snail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in ontogenetic development among individuals may be a major contributor to morphological variation within species. Evolution of different growth trajectories might, for example, evolve as a response to varying ecological contexts of individuals living in different environments, or by life-stage or gender differences. The intertidal periwinkle Littorina saxatilis is strongly polymorphic in shell shape. We compared ontogenetic trajectories between life stages, local populations, and sexes to understand how different morphological end points are reached during ontogeny and what might cause these differences. Applying landmark-based geometric morphometrics, we captured shell shape variation for four Swedish populations of this species. We also derived a method to visualize ontogenetic trajectories described by the relationship of size to the multivariate shape space. We found that growth trajectories differed between individuals living in different habitats, as well as between sexes and maturity stages. Males living on rocky cliffs grew isometrically throughout life, whereas females from the same habitat switched from isometric growth as juveniles to allometric growth as adults. In contrast, males and females living on boulders grew allometrically as juveniles but changed to isometric growth at sexual maturity. Thus, in this species, ontogenetic growth seems influenced by habitat-associated selection as well as by gender and age-specific selection. These differing selection regimes result in ontogenetic shifts in allometry in three of the four groups examined.  相似文献   

We made hybrid crosses between closely and distantly related sea urchin species to test two hypotheses about the evolution of gene regulatory systems in the evolution of ontogenetic pathways and larval form. The first hypothesis is that gene regulatory systems governing development evolve in a punctuational manner during periods of rapid morphological evolution but are relatively stable over long periods of slow morphological evolution. We compared hybrids between direct and indirect developers from closely and distantly related families. Hybrids between eggs of the direct developer Heliocidaris erythrogramma and sperm of the 4-million year distant species H. tuberculata, an indirect developer, restored feeding larval structures and paternal gene expression that were lost in the evolution of the direct-developing maternal parent. Hybrids resulting from the cross between eggs of H. erythrogramma and sperm of the 40-million year distant indirect-developer Pseudoboletia maculata are strikingly similar to hybrids between the congeneric hybrids. The marked similarities in ontogenetic trajectory and morphological outcome in crosses of involving either closely or distantly related indirect developing species indicates that their regulatory mechanisms interact with those of H. erythrogramma in the same way, supporting remarkable conservation of molecular control pathways among indirect developers. Second, we tested the hypothesis that convergent developmental pathways in independently evolved direct developers reflect convergence of the underlying regulatory systems. Crosses between two independently evolved direct-developing species from two 70-million year distant families, H. erythrogramma and Holopneustes purpurescens, produced harmoniously developing hybrid larvae that maintained the direct mode of development and did not exhibit any obvious restoration of indirect-developing features. These results are consistent with parallel evolution of direct-developing features in these two lineages.  相似文献   

We propose a practical concept that distinguishes the particular kind of weaponry that has evolved to be used in combat between individuals of the same species and sex, which we term intrasexually selected weapons (ISWs). We present a treatise of ISWs in nature, aiming to understand their distinction and evolution from other secondary sex traits, including from ‘sexually selected weapons’, and from sexually dimorphic and monomorphic weaponry. We focus on the subset of secondary sex traits that are the result of same‐sex combat, defined here as ISWs, provide not previously reported evolutionary patterns, and offer hypotheses to answer questions such as: why have only some species evolved weapons to fight for the opposite sex or breeding resources? We examined traits that seem to have evolved as ISWs in the entire animal phylogeny, restricting the classification of ISW to traits that are only present or enlarged in adults of one of the sexes, and are used as weapons during intrasexual fights. Because of the absence of behavioural data and, in many cases, lack of sexually discriminated series from juveniles to adults, we exclude the fossil record from this review. We merge morphological, ontogenetic, and behavioural information, and for the first time thoroughly review the tree of life to identify separate evolution of ISWs. We found that ISWs are only found in bilateral animals, appearing independently in nematodes, various groups of arthropods, and vertebrates. Our review sets a reference point to explore other taxa that we identify with potential ISWs for which behavioural or morphological studies are warranted. We establish that most ISWs come in pairs, are located in or near the head, are endo‐ or exoskeletal modifications, are overdeveloped structures compared with those found in females, are modified feeding structures and/or locomotor appendages, are most common in terrestrial taxa, are frequently used to guard females, territories, or both, and are also used in signalling displays to deter rivals and/or attract females. We also found that most taxa lack ISWs, that females of only a few species possess better‐developed weapons than males, that the cases of independent evolution of ISWs are not evenly distributed across the phylogeny, and that animals possessing the most developed ISWs have non‐hunting habits (e.g. herbivores) or are faunivores that prey on very small prey relative to their body size (e.g. insectivores). Bringing together perspectives from studies on a variety of taxa, we conceptualize that there are five ways in which a sexually dimorphic trait, apart from the primary sex traits, can be fixed: sexual selection, fecundity selection, parental role division, differential niche occupation between the sexes, and interference competition. We discuss these trends and the factors involved in the evolution of intrasexually selected weaponry in nature.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):115-124
Correlates of reproductive success of male Coralliozetus angelica were studied in field populations in the central Gulf of California by collecting males with their shelters (vacant barnacle tests) and counting the number of eggs defended. Male body size was positively correlated with the number of eggs defended. This apparently resulted from female preference for large males since females preferred to mate with the larger of two males in laboratory choice experiments. Condition of males, as assessed by their relative head width, was also positively correlated with the number of eggs defended. Fit of males in their shelter entrance, male colour intensity, and male size relative to immediately surrounding males were not correlated with reproductive success. The quality of shelters was an important determinant of male reproductive success since females apparently avoided mating with males in heavily fouled shelters. Large shelters tended to be more heavily fouled than small shelters and male size and shelter size were positively correlated. The resulting negative correlation of male size and shelter quality apparently constrained female preference for large males and may be an important factor limiting the degree of polygyny in this species.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization is common on coral reefs and almost certainly contributes to the high diversity of fishes and invertebrates associated with reefs. Here, the recruitment pathway of an endemic Gulf of California fish, the Browncheek Blenny, Acanthemblemaria crockeri (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae), which specializes as an adult on vacant invertebrate tests or tubes, is reported. Like most reef fishes, Browncheek Blennies have a planktonic larval stage that leaves the reef and later settles on suitable habitat as a fully developed juvenile. These blennies follow a clear, “two-step” recruitment pathway, however, and do not reside in invertebrate tests until reaching an adult body size. Individual juveniles and adults were observed for 3 min intervals in order to develop average time budgets for this species. Members of both sexes and all post-settlement life-history stages were included in the analysis. The difference in habitat use by post-settlement juveniles and adults is striking; the average juvenile spends none of its time inside a test, and the average large adult spends all of its time inside a test. Using data on intermediate-sized individuals, the behavioral change associated with invading a test was determined to be size-cued, and it occurs between 20 and 30 mm standard length. Changes in feeding and predator avoidance behaviors are also associated with the ontogenetic shift from life in the open to life in a shelter. Addition of artificial shelters demonstrated the essential role of access to this specialized resource in the population regulation of adults but not juveniles of these blennies.  相似文献   

Current theories on the evolution of paedomorphosis suppose that several ontogenetic pathways have appeared according to different selective pressures. The aim of this study was to find out whether two distinct processes can lead to paedomorphosis in the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris. In this respect, we compared age structures of paedomorphic and metamorphic individuals in two newt populations where the two forms lived syntopically. Whereas paedomorphosis resulted in a slower rate of somatic development in one population, it resulted in an acceleration of sexual maturation in the other population. These processes correspond to neoteny and progenesis, respectively. These results suggest that phenotypic plasticity can result from contrasted ontogenetic pathways between two populations of the same species. They give support to models that consider gonadic development as the target of selection under different environmental pressures.  相似文献   

Intraspecific microhabitat segregation is expected to arise when there are age- or sex-specific differences in predation risk. The degree to which conspecific predation (cannibalism) can generate this risk, however, is poorly understood. In this paper, we examine microhabitat use, cannibalism, and individual responses to the presence of conspecifics in Thermosphaeroma thermophilum, an endangered isopod crustacean species that is endemic to a single, thermal spring in Socorro, N.M. USA. In samples from the natural habitat, juveniles (mancas) were found mainly on vegetation, whereas adults were found predominantly on bottom sediments. Females were found on vegetation more often than males. In laboratory containers without refuges, males cannibalized females, males and females cannibalized mancas, and mancas cannibalized each other, even in the presence of alternative food. When placed in containers provided with refuges, mancas actively avoided adults. We suggest, therefore, that cannibalism in T. thermophilum generates age-, size-, and sex-specific predation risks which are responsible for microhabitat segregation between mancas and adults, and between males and females. Since interspecific predation in the spring is negligible, cannibalism appears to play a significant role in population regulation and behavioral evolution in this species. We recommend, given the current “endangered” status of this species, that microhabitat heterogeneity be maintained in its native spring because it provides refuges from cannibalism and may support a larger and more viable natural population. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

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