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赤拟谷盗全基因组和EST中微卫星的丰度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微卫星是近年大力开发的一种分子标记,为了推进赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)遗传学相关研究,对赤拟谷盗全基因组和EST中由1~6个碱基重复单元组成的简单序列重复进行分析,进而对其微卫星的丰度和分布进行比较分析。微卫星在赤拟谷盗EST中的分布频率为1/0.87kb,其中单碱基重复序列占71.25%,是最丰富的重复单元,而六、三、四、二,五碱基重复单元序列分别占23.93%,2.94%,1.56%,0.17%,0.15%。全基因组中微卫星的分布频率为1/3.65kb,其中六碱基重复序列占61.96%,是最丰富的重复单元,而三,四,一,五,二碱基重复单元序列分别占14.35%,13.75%,4.68%,3.60%,1.69%。同时发现富含A和T碱基的微卫星占主导地位,富含G和C碱基的微卫星数量较少。进一步的分析显示,微卫星在每条染色体上的丰度存在很大的相似性。  相似文献   

利用模糊搜索的方法,在TIGR水稻日本晴基因组数据库(TIGR Rice Genome Annotation-Release5)中识别出565个编码抗病蛋白质的同源序列;利用识别出565个编码抗病蛋白质序列分别与籼稻基因组数据库进行BLASTP联配,共确定320个对应的等位基因。通过在线生物信息学软件,识别了这565个抗病基因的保守结构域、保守模体和DNA序列内转座子元件,其中有14个抗病基因同源序列注释错误。同时绘出了这些基因的基因组分布,并基于这些基因的同源树分析和基因组物理分布,认为基因的原位和远程复制事件产生了抗病基因的现存分布和多样性,其中转座子在复制过程中扮演了重要角色。这些对抗病机制研究和抗病基因进化研究以及抗病基因的转育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

查找出蜜蜂基因组中由1~6个碱基重复单元组成的简单序列重复,分析蜜蜂基因组中微卫星的分布频率,并比较其在各染色体中的分布频率。微卫星在蜜蜂基因组中的分布频率为1/0·804kb,其中二碱基重复序列占26·86%,是最丰富的重复单元,而六、一、三、四、五碱基重复单元序列分别占24·74%,22·19%,13·65%,10·98%,2·59%。同时发现富含A和T碱基的微卫星占主导地位,富含G和C碱基的微卫星数量较少。第4,1,3条染色体微卫星分布频率较高,而第11,14,12条染色体微卫星分布频率较低。  相似文献   

基因组中重复序列的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾对元 《生命的化学》2008,28(3):343-345
从原核生物到真核生物,其基因组中的重复序列呈递增趋势.重复序列的作用也被各种实验所揭示.各种重复序列的类型与它在染色体上的分布密切相关.重复序列不是垃圾,而是影响着生命的进化、遗传、变异;同时它对基因表达、转录调控、染色体的构建以及生理代谢都起着不可或缺的作用.它们的功能及演化也正在被逐步阐明.  相似文献   

蚊子全基因组中微卫星的丰度及其分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
微卫星是近年大力开发的一种遗传标记,为推进按蚊遗传学相关研究,对按蚊全基因组中由 1~6 个碱基重复单元组成的简单序列重复 ( 微卫星 ) 进行了分析 . 进而对其微卫星的丰度和分布进行了比较分析,也比较了染色体各个区域 ( 外显子、内含子和基因间隔区 ) 之间的分布差异 . 微卫星在按蚊基因组中的比例约占 2.14% ,其中 X 染色体拥有微卫星的密度最大 . 对按蚊基因组中微卫星丰度而言, A 碱基和 C 碱基重复在基因组中丰度相似, AC 单元的丰度是 AG 单元的两倍多,然而 AT 和 CG 单元非常稀少;对于三四碱基而言, AGC, AAAC 和 AAAT 单元最为丰富, ACG, ACT, AGG, CCG, ATGC, CCCG, ACTG, AACT, ACGT, AGAT, CCGG, ACCT 和 AGCT 单元等均很稀少,而一些五碱基重复,在某条甚至某几条染色体中均未分布 . 除两碱基重复单元在 2L 的外显子区域丰度较高外,其他重复单元均在内含子和基因间隔区丰富 . 进一步分析显示,微卫星在每条染色体两臂的丰度和分布存在着很多的相似性 .  相似文献   

屠鞠传礼  吕贯廷  曾长青 《遗传》2010,32(9):914-920
基因组上一个基因的所有或大部分外显子位于另一基因内含子和UTR中被称为巢式基因(Nested gene)。巢式基因对(Nested gene pair)是由主基因(Host gene)和巢式基因组成的基因对。文章针对人类基因组上的顺式巢式基因对(简称为巢式基因对)进行全基因组鉴定,并通过比较巢式基因对在人和小鼠基因组上的保守性分布,研究巢式基因对的进化方式。保守性分析表明基因转座、序列原位突变和主基因转录起始/终止位点突变是巢式基因对进化的主要原因,其中主基因转录起始/终止位点突变是巢式基因对独特的一种进化方式。Gene On-tology分析揭示大部分巢式基因与主基因的产物在功能上没有相关性。  相似文献   

金钱鱼毒腺cDNA表达文库的构建及EST序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以金钱鱼 (Scatophagusargus)毒腺为出发材料 ,构建以真核表达载体pcDNA3 0为基础的金钱鱼毒腺cDNA表达文库 .应用SMARTTM cDNALibraryConstruction技术和生物信息学分析等方法 ,通过对文库克隆的序列测定和初步生物信息学分析 ,获得了 2 0 1个金钱鱼新表达序列标签 (ESTs) ,其中已确定全长cDNA的克隆有 2 7个 ,包括多个核糖体大小亚基蛋白 (ribosomalprotein)、细胞凋亡相关蛋白 (programmedcelldeath 10 ) ,G蛋白信号调控子 (Gproteinsignalingregulator)、胸腺素(thymosinbeta 4 )、延伸因子 (translationelongationfactor 1 alpha)和泛素 (ubiquitin)等 .金钱鱼毒腺cDNA表达文库的成功构建 ,为研究金钱鱼毒腺的活性组分及其作用机制奠定了基础 ,也是分离新基因不可多得的重要资源  相似文献   

全基因组复制与串联复制是两种重要的基因扩增途径,在生物进化过程中普遍存在.这两种复制方式相互关系的研究在拟南芥中已经取得很多成果.白菜(Brassica rapa)属于十字花科(Brassicaceae)芸薹属(Brassca),是一类重要的经济作物,也是研究基因组多倍化和形态演化的模式植物.白菜基因组的测序与组装工作已经取得了重大成就,运用比较基因组学的方法,通过比较白菜与模式植物拟南芥,可以清晰鉴定白菜基因组经历的全基因组三倍化事件.同时,白菜与拟南芥同属于十字花科,有较近的起源关系和良好的基因组共线性关系.因此,拟南芥可以作为外群研究白菜全基因组三倍化以及串联重复之后基因的偏向性保留.结果发现,在白菜中存在物种特有的偏向性保留基因,即与环境刺激相关的基因和与激素相关的基因.  相似文献   

过去的研究认为在脊椎动物的进化历程中曾发生了两次基因组复制.而最近的系统发生学和比较基因组学研究提出辐鳍鱼还发生了第3次基因组复制,即鱼类特异的基因组复制(The fish-specific genome dupli-cation).目前,基因组复制是生物进化研究中的热点问题.硬骨鱼是世界上现存鱼类中最多的一类,由多于现存脊椎动物半数的物种组成,在形态和生理适应类型上表现了明显的差异.硬骨鱼在进化上的成功和惊人的生物多样性可能与它们的基因组复杂性有关.  相似文献   

郑惠  蔡方成 《微生物与感染》2005,28(3):22-24,36
空肠弯曲菌是1种微需氧的革兰阴性鞭毛螺旋菌,其NCTC11168基因组序列分析显示为1个超变量序列.该菌基因组序列的高变异,尤其是编码膜表面抗原性蛋白的基因序列的高变异可能与其逃逸宿主免疫系统的清除和感染后引起不同疾病有关.结合空肠弯曲菌感染后常见临床表现,本文从基因组水平对该菌趋化性、运动性、黏附力、侵袭力和定植力,以及细胞毒素产生与其感染后诱发格林-巴利综合征等致病作用进行综述.  相似文献   

杨树的组织培养及其基因工程研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
杨树是林木基因工程的模式植物,在其组织培养过程中,试管苗的再生不仅与植株的基因型,年龄及组织的来源,状态等有关,还受许多外界因素如盐浓度及激素的种类与配比的影响,在杨树的转化过程中,DNA直接转移法和农杆菌介导法都有应用,但后者较为常用,组织培养及转化技术的日趋成熟,为杨树基因工程奠定了良好基础,本文对杨树组织培养,DNA转化方法及其基因工程进行了较为系统的概述。  相似文献   

脊椎动物的出现是动物进化历史上一次质的飞跃.由于所有的脊椎动物在其胚胎发育中都呈现连续的解剖学特征,因此过去很多学者都根据现存脊椎动物的形态特征和在其发育过程中的解剖学特征假想原始脊椎动物,并推导其进化过程和起源.近年来的研究表明,通过对脊椎动物和与之亲缘关系接近的物种之间进行基因家族、染色体结构分析,可以对脊椎动物进化提供很多线索和证据.更多的研究表明,脊椎动物在进化过程中很可能发生过整体基因组的复制, 基因和/或基因组的复制可能是引起脊椎动物形体结构复杂性增加的根本原因.因此,基因和基因组的复制正在成为生物进化研究的热点问题.但这两种复制方式中哪一种是产生动物形体结构和功能复杂性增加最重要的原因尚有争论.  相似文献   

Spliced leader trans-splicing is an mRNA maturation process used by a small set of eukaryotes, including the nematode C. elegans, to cap the downstream genes of operons. We analyzed the frequency of duplication of operonic genes in C. elegans and confirmed that they are duplicated less often in the genome than monocistronic genes. Because operons account for about 15% of the genes in C. elegans, this lower duplication frequency might place a large constraint on the plasticity of the genome. Further analyses suggest that this paucity of duplicated genes results from operon organization hindering specific types of gene duplication. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Yves van de Peer]  相似文献   

Asymmetric compositional and mutation bias between the two strands occurs in mitochondrial genomes, and an asymmetric mechanism of mtDNA replication is a potential source of this bias. Some evidence indicates that during replication the heavy strand is subject to a gradient of time spent in a single-stranded state (D ssH) and a gradient of mutational damage. The nucleotide composition bias among genes varies with D ssH. Consequently, partial genome duplications (PGD) will alter the skew for genes located downstream of the duplication, relatively to nascent light strand synthesis, and in the same way, gene rearrangements (GRr) will affect genes by changing their skews. We examined cases where there had been PGD or GRr and determined whether this left a trace in the form of unusual patterns of base composition. We compared the skew of genes differently located on the mtDNA genome of previously published whole mtDNA genomes from amphibians, a group that shows considerable levels of both GRr and PGD. After observing a significant correlation between AT and GC skew with D ssH at fourfold redundant sites, we ran our analysis and detected 31.3% of the species with GRr and/or PGD. By comparing the nucleotide composition at fourfold redundant sites in normal and “abnormal” species, we found that A/C variation occurs and is associated with GRr/PGD. These results show that by analyzing the nucleotide skews of only three genes, it may be possible to predict some mitochondrial GRr and/or PGD without knowing the complete mtDNA genome sequence. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. David Pollock]  相似文献   

Duplicated genes produce genetic variation that can influence the evolution of genomes and phenotypes. In most cases, for a duplicated gene to contribute to evolutionary novelty it must survive the early stages of divergence from its paralog without becoming a pseudogene. I examined the evolutionary dynamics of recently duplicated genes in the Drosophila pseudoobscura genome to understand the factors affecting these early stages of evolution. Paralogs located in closer proximity have higher sequence identity. This suggests that gene conversion occurs more often between duplications in close proximity or that there is more genetic independence between distant paralogs. Partially duplicated genes have a higher likelihood of pseudogenization than completely duplicated genes, but no single factor significantly contributes to the selective constraints on a completely duplicated gene. However, DNA-based duplications and duplications within chromosome arms tend to produce longer duplication tracts than retroposed and inter-arm duplications, and longer duplication tracts are more likely to contain a completely duplicated gene. Therefore, the relative position of paralogs and the mechanism of duplication indirectly affect whether a duplicated gene is retained or pseudogenized. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the first molecular study of ostracod (Crustacea) vision, we present partial cDNA sequences of ostracod visual pigment genes (opsins). We found strong support for differential expression of opsins in ostracod median and compound eyes and suggest that photoreceptor specific expression may be a general phenomenon in organisms with multiple receptors. We infer that eye-specific expression predates the divergence of the two species examined, Skogsbergia lerneri and Vargula hilgendorfii, because eye-specific opsin orthologs are present in both species. We found multiple opsin loci in ostracods, estimating that at least eight are present in Skogsbergia lerneri. All opsins from both ostracod species examined are more closely related to each other than to any other known opsin sequences. Because we find no evidence for gene conversion or alternative splicing, we suggest the occurrence of many recent gene duplications. Why ostracods may have retained multiple recent opsin gene duplicates is unknown, but we discuss several possible hypotheses.[Reviewing Editor: Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Tandemly duplicated actin genes have been isolated from a Helicoverpa armigera genomic library. Sequence comparisons with actin genes from other species suggest they encode cytoplasmic actins, being most closely related to the Bombyx mori A3 actin gene. The duplicated H. armigera actin genes, termed A3a and A3b, share 98.3% nucleotide sequence identity over their entire putative coding region. Analysis of the distribution of nucleotide differences shows the first 763 bp are identical between the two coding regions, with the 18 nucleotide changes occurring in the remaining 366 bp. This observation suggests a gene conversion event has taken place between the duplicated H. armigera A3a and A3b actin genes. Translation of the open-reading frames indicates the products of these genes are identical, apart from a single amino acid difference at codon 273. Polymerase chain reaction and northern blot analysis have shown both H. armigera A3a and A3b genes are expressed during pupal development and in the brain of newly eclosed adults. A region 5′ of the H. armigera A3a actin gene start codon has been identified which contains regulatory sequences commonly found in the promoter region of actin genes, including TATA, CAAT, and CArG motifs. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   

Expansins comprise a superfamily of plant cell wall-loosening proteins that has been divided into four distinct families, EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB. In a recent analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa expansins, we proposed a further subdivision of the families into 17 clades, representing independent lineages in the last common ancestor of monocots and eudicots. This division was based on both traditional sequence-based phylogenetic trees and on position-based trees, in which genomic locations and dated segmental duplications were used to reconstruct gene phylogeny. In this article we review recent work concerning the patterns of expansin evolution in angiosperms and include additional insights gained from the genome of a second eudicot species, Populus trichocarpa, which includes at least 36 expansin genes. All of the previously proposed monocot-eudicot orthologous groups, but no additional ones, are represented in this species. The results also confirm that all of these clades are truly independent lineages. Furthermore, we have used position-based phylogeny to clarify the history of clades EXPA-II and EXPA-IV. Most of the growth of the expansin superfamily in the poplar lineage is likely due to a recent polyploidy event. Finally, some monocot-eudicot clades are shown to have diverged before the separation of the angiosperm and gymnosperm lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Genome evolution arises from two main ways of duplication and reduction. Fish specific genome duplication (FSGD) may have occurred before the radiation of the teleosts. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) has been considered to be a tetraploid species, because of its chromosome numbers (2n=100) and its high DNA content. Using 69 microsatellite primer pairs, the variations were studied to better understand the genome evolution (genome duplication and diploidization) of common carp from a gynogenetic family. About 48% of primer pairs were estimated to amplify duplicates based on the number of PCR amplification per individual. Segregation patterns in the family suggested a partially duplicated genome structure and disomic inheritance. This indicates that the common carp is tetraploid and polyploidy occurred by allotetraploidy. Two primer pairs (HLJ021 and HLJ332) were estimated to amplify reduction based on the number of PCR amplification per individual. One allele in HLJ002 locus and HLJ332 locus was clearly lost in the gynogenetic family and the same as in six wild populations. Segregation patterns in the family suggested a partially diplodization genome structure. A hypothesis transition (dynamic) and equilibrium (static) were proposed to explain the common carp genome evolution between genome duplication and diploidization.  相似文献   

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