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The transport of glycine betaine by Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. Two transport systems were found that could be differentiated on the basis of their affinity for glycine betaine and their activation by osmotic pressure. The high-affinity system was relatively independent of osmotic pressure and exhibited a Km of approximately 3 microM. This system was not inhibited by proline, for which a separate high-affinity transport system has been recently discovered. The low-affinity system was activated approximately 35-fold by an increase in osmotic pressure and exhibited a Km of approximately 130 microM for glycine betaine. This system is partially inhibited by excess proline and may be identical to the low-affinity system recently described for proline. Both glycine betaine transport systems are Na(+)-dependent.  相似文献   

Characterization of arginine transport in Helicobacter pylori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mendz GL  Burns BP 《Helicobacter》2003,8(4):245-251
Background. The amino acid L‐arginine is an essential requirement for growth of Helicobacter pylori. Several physiological roles of this amino acid have been identified in the bacterium, but very little is known about the transport of L‐arginine and of other amino acids into H. pylori. Methods. Radioactive tracer techniques using L‐(U‐14C) arginine and the centrifugation through oil method were employed to measure the kinetic parameters, temperature dependence, substrate specificity, and effects of analogues and inhibitors on L‐arginine transport. Results. The transport of arginine at millimolar concentrations was saturable with a Km of 2.4 ± 0.3 mM and Vmax of 1.3 ± 0.2 pmole min?1 (µl cell water)?1 or 31 ± 3 nmole per minute (mg protein)?1 at 20°C, depended on temperature between 4 and 40°C, and was susceptible to inhibitors. These characteristics suggested the presence of one or more arginine carriers. The substrate specificity of the transport system was studied by measuring the effects of L‐arginine analogues and amino acids on the rates of transport of L‐arginine. The absence of inhibition in competition experiments with L‐lysine and L‐ornithine indicated that the transport system was not of the Lysine‐Arginine‐Ornithine or Arginine‐Ornithine types. The presence of different monovalent cations did not affect the transport rates. Several properties of L‐arginine transport were elucidated by investigating the effects of potential inhibitors. Conclusions. The results provided evidence that the transport of L‐arginine into H. pylori cells was carrier‐mediated transport with the driving force supplied by the chemical gradient of the amino acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection is recognized as a major cause of chronic digestive diseases with a major public health impact, yet the knowledge of transmission pathways is limited. We studied the transmission in employees taking care of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities with a documented high prevalence of H. pylori. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six hundred and seventy-one health-care workers were screened for H. pylori serology. For each employee, information was collected on age, sex, father's and mother's education level, number of household members and number of children sleeping in the same bedroom during childhood, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking and tropical journeys and occupational exposure data such as type of contact with inhabitants (changing napkins with stools, washing inhabitants, feeding inhabitants, personal contact) and seniority in the institution. RESULTS: Seroprevalence for H. pylori increased significantly with age. In univariate analysis, risk factors for H. pylori positivity were (age-adjusted): father's education, mean length of employment, smoking, contact with fecal materials of inhabitants, washing and feeding of inhabitants. Controlling for confounders, in multiple logistic regression analysis, only fecal contact remained as a significant risk factor for H. pylori infection. CONCLUSIONS: In health-care workers caring for a population with a high prevalence of H. pylori infection, there is an association with fecal transmission. This, however, does not rule out the possibility of other ways of transmission.  相似文献   

A laboratory model system was utilised to investigate the persistence of Helicobacter pylori in mixed-species heterotrophic biofilms. A single-stage continuous culture vessel was linked to a modified-Robbins device (mRD) incorporating removable stainless steel coupons. The system was innoculated with H. pylori (NCTC 11637) and the fate of the organism monitored by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Helicobacter pylori was detected in biofilm material for a period of up to 192 h. Theoretical washout would have occurred at around 48 h thus detection of H. pylori for a prolonged period after theoretical washout suggested that the organism possessed the ability to persist in the mixed-species heterotrophic biofilm. Preliminary studies using heat-inactivated H. pylori showed that the organism was not detected in biofilm material at any time post-challenge suggesting that the persistence of H. pylori in such material was a phenomenon requiring the organism to be in a viable state. Further investigations to assess the biological basis for the association of H. pylori with drinking water biofilms and the risk that this may pose to public health are being undertaken.  相似文献   

Background: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori has declined over recent decades in developed countries. The increasing prevalence with age is largely because of a birth cohort effect. We previously observed a decline in H. pylori prevalence in 6‐ to 8‐year‐old Dutch children from 19% in 1978 to 9% in 1993. Knowledge about birth‐cohort‐related H. pylori prevalence is relevant as a predictor for the future incidence of H. pylori‐associated conditions. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the birth cohort effect of H. pylori observed between 1978 and 1993 continued in subsequent years. Methods: Anti‐H. pylori IgG antibodies and anti‐CagA IgG antibodies were determined in serum samples obtained in 2005/2006 from 545 Dutch children aged 7–9 years who participated in the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy birth cohort. The H. pylori and CagA antibodies were determined by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays that have been extensively validated in children, with a 94% sensitivity for H. pylori colonization and a 92.5% sensitivity for colonization with a cagA‐positive strain. Results: Of the 545 children (M/F 300/245), most (91.5%) were of Dutch descent. The H. pylori positivity rate was 9% (95% CI 6.6–11.4%). The prevalence of CagA antibodies was 0.9% (95% CI 0.1–1.6%). No significant differences were demonstrated in H. pylori and cagA prevalence in relation to gender or ethnicity. Conclusion: The prevalence of H. pylori in childhood has remained stable in the Netherlands from 1993 to 2005, suggesting a stabilization of the previously decreasing trend in subsequent birth cohorts. This finding may reflect stabilization in determinants such as family size, housing, and hygienic conditions (or offset by day care). If confirmed in other populations in developed countries, it implies that colonization with H. pylori will remain common in the coming decades. Remarkably however, the rate of colonization with cagA+H. pylori strains has become very low, consistent with prior observations that cagA+ strains are disappearing in Western countries.  相似文献   

Smeets LC  Kusters JG 《Trends in microbiology》2002,10(4):159-62; discussion 162
Like other bacterial species with a high frequency of inter-strain recombination, the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is competent for natural transformation. Recent data, however, indicate that its DNA-uptake system differs significantly from that in other species that contain DNA-uptake systems related to type IV pili. Instead, in H. pylori it has been suggested that the five proteins that form the transmembrane channel of the transformation system are closely related to subunits of type IV secretion systems.  相似文献   

A proton motive force-driven di-tripeptide carrier protein (DtpT) and an ATP-dependent oligopeptide transport system (Opp) have been described for Lactococcus lactis MG1363. Using genetically well-defined mutants in which dtpT and/or opp were inactivated, we have now established the presence of a third peptide transport system (DtpP) in L. lactis. The specificity of DtpP partially overlaps that of DtpT. DtpP transports preferentially di- and tripeptides that are composed of hydrophobic (branched-chain amino acid) residues, whereas DtpT has a higher specificity for more-hydrophilic and charged peptides. The toxic dipeptide L-phenylalanyl-beta-chloro-L-alanine has been used to select for a di-tripeptide transport-negative mutant with the delta dtpT strain as a genetic background. This mutant is unable to transport di- and tripeptides but still shows uptake of amino acids and oligopeptides. The DtpP system is induced in the presence of di- and tripeptides containing branched-chain amino acids. The use of ionophores and metabolic inhibitors suggests that, similar to Opp, DtpP-mediated peptide transport is driven by ATP or a related energy-rich phosphorylated intermediate.  相似文献   

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) produced via the enzyme myeloperoxidase is a major antibacterial oxidant produced by neutrophils, and Met residues are considered primary amino acid targets of HOCl damage via conversion to Met sulfoxide. Met sulfoxide can be repaired back to Met by methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr). Catalase is an important antioxidant enzyme; we show it constitutes 4-5% of the total Helicobacter pylori protein levels. msr and katA strains were about 14- and 4-fold, respectively, more susceptible than the parent to killing by the neutrophil cell line HL-60 cells. Catalase activity of an msr strain was much more reduced by HOCl exposure than for the parental strain. Treatment of pure catalase with HOCl caused oxidation of specific MS-identified Met residues, as well as structural changes and activity loss depending on the oxidant dose. Treatment of catalase with HOCl at a level to limit structural perturbation (at a catalase/HOCl molar ratio of 1:60) resulted in oxidation of six identified Met residues. Msr repaired these residues in an in vitro reconstituted system, but no enzyme activity could be recovered. However, addition of GroEL to the Msr repair mixture significantly enhanced catalase activity recovery. Neutrophils produce large amounts of HOCl at inflammation sites, and bacterial catalase may be a prime target of the host inflammatory response; at high concentrations of HOCl (1:100), we observed loss of catalase secondary structure, oligomerization, and carbonylation. The same HOCl-sensitive Met residue oxidation targets in catalase were detected using chloramine-T as a milder oxidant.  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌肽脱甲酰基酶(PDF)的可溶性表达是基于PDF靶位新药筛选的前提。本研究在克隆肽脱甲酰基酶基因(螂后,构建了其融合表达载体pTrcHisB-def,并在不同宿主菌(大肠杆菌BL21、DH5a和JM109)中进行了诱导表达。结果显示,只有在BL21(DE3)中获可溶性表达,产物经纯化后具有肽脱甲酰基酶活性。以上研究为PDF特性分析及PDF抑制剂筛选奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Expression of the two Helicobacter pylori flagellin proteins FlaA and FlaB is required for full motility and persistent infection of the gastric mucosa. The mechanisms and regulation of the biosynthesis and export of flagella in H. pylori are still poorly understood. Scrutiny of the H. pylori 26695 genome sequence revealed homologues of FliQ and FlhB. The roles of the fliQ and flhB genes in H. pylori were investigated by the construction and characterisation of defined isogenic mutants. The results indicate that these genes are involved in the flagellar expression, adhesion to and colonisation of the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress conditions lead to enzymatic and non-enzymatic unsaturated fatty acid-initiated lipid peroxidation reactions. One exacerbating product is lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) which itself promotes formation of several additional peroxyl radicals. Helicobacter pylori mutant strains with disruptions in genes encoding the peroxiredoxins, alkyl hydroperoxide reductase (ahpC) and the bacterioferritin comigratory protein (bcp), were more sensitive than the parent strain to oxidizing agents. These mutant strains were particularly sensitive, compared to the wild type, to killing by the unsaturated fatty acid linolenic acid but were not sensitive to the saturated fatty acid palmitic acid. A double mutant strain (ahpC bcp) accumulated more than 3-fold more lipid peroxides than the parent strain, indicating these peroxiredoxins together play a role in detoxifying lipid peroxides. The level of free iron accumulation, a signature of oxidative stress damage, was correlated specifically to organic peroxide-mediated stress by both in vivo and in vitro approaches. Free iron accumulation and concomitant destruction of [Fe-S] cluster-containing proteins (hydrogenase and aconitase) was correlated to damage mediated by exogenous t-butyl peroxide, or separately to intracellular accumulation of lipid peroxides in mutant strains. A major macromolecular target of accumulating lipid peroxides in H. pylori is DNA, as mutant analysis approaches combined with quantitative DNA fragmentation studies and specific DNA damage assessment (i.e. 8-oxoguanine formation) were used to demonstrate that such damage was especially associated with ahpC and ahpC bcp strains.  相似文献   

The ATP binding cassette B/multidrug-resistance/P-glycoprotein (ABCB/MDR/PGP) subfamily is a member of the ABC protein family. Significant progress has been made in the functional characterization of ABCB genes, particularly in Arabidopsis thaliana. This review evaluates recent advances concerning the plant ABCB subfamilies including their evolution and structure, the involvement and regulation of ABCB-mediated auxin transport, and the roles of ABCBs in plant growth and development. Insights into specific functions of members of the ABCB subfamily and their mediation of various regulatory pathways are also presented.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a common human pathogen infecting about 30% of children and 60% of adults worldwide and is responsible for diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Treatment against H. pylori is based on the use of antibiotics, but therapy failure can be higher than 20% and is essentially due to an increase in the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which has led to the search for alternative therapies. In this review, we discuss alternative therapies for H. pylori, mainly phytotherapy and probiotics. Probiotics are live organisms or produced substances that are orally administrated, usually in addition to conventional antibiotic therapy. They may modulate the human microbiota and promote health, prevent antibiotic side effects, stimulate the immune response and directly compete with pathogenic bacteria. Phytomedicine consists of the use of plant extracts as medicines or health-promoting agents, but in most cases the molecular mode of action of the active ingredients of these herbal extracts is unknown. Possible mechanisms include inhibition of H. pylori urease enzyme, disruption of bacterial cell membrane, and modulation of the host immune system. Other alternative therapies are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake by the heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium Oenococcus oeni B1 was studied at the physiological and gene expression levels. Glucose- or fructose-grown bacteria catalyzed uptake of [(14)C]glucose over a pH range from pH 4 to 9, with maxima at pHs 5.5 and 7. Uptake occurred in two-step kinetics in a high- and low-affinity reaction. The high-affinity uptake followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics and required energization. It accumulated the radioactivity of glucose by a factor of 55 within the bacteria. A large portion (about 80%) of the uptake of glucose was inhibited by protonophores and ionophores. Uptake of the glucose at neutral pH was not sensitive to degradation of the proton potential, Δp. Expression of the genes OEOE_0819 and OEOE_1574 (here referred to as 0819 and 1574), coding for secondary transporters, was induced by glucose as identified by quantitative real-time (RT)-PCR. The genes 1574 and 0819 were able to complement growth of a Bacillus subtilis hexose transport-deficient mutant on glucose but not on fructose. The genes 1574 and 0819 therefore encode secondary transporters for glucose, and the transports are presumably Δp dependent. O. oeni codes, in addition, for a phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) (gene OEOE_0464 [0464] for the permease) with similarity to the fructose- and mannose-specific PTS of lactic acid bacteria. Quantitative RT-PCR showed induction of the gene 0464 by glucose and by fructose. The data suggest that the PTS is responsible for Δp-independent hexose transport at neutral pH and for the residual Δp-independent transport of hexoses at acidic pH.  相似文献   

We have investigated a large set of interactions from the Helicobacter pylori protein interaction map previously identified by high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (htY2H)-based methods. This study had two aims: i) to validate htY2H as a source of protein-protein interaction complexes for high-throughput biochemical and structural studies of the H. pylori interactome; and ii) to validate biochemically interactions shown by htY2H to involve components of the H. pylori type IV secretion systems. Thus, 17 interactions involving 31 proteins and protein fragments were studied, and a general strategy was designed to produce protein-interacting partners for biochemical and structural characterization. We show that htY2H is a valid source of protein-protein complexes for high-throughput proteome-scale characterization of the H. pylori interactome, because 76% of the interactions tested were confirmed biochemically. Of the interactions involving type IV secretion proteins, three could be confirmed. One interaction is between two components of the type IV secretion apparatus, ComB10 and ComB4, which are VirB10 and VirB4 homologs, respectively. Another interaction is between a type IV component (HP0525, a VirB11 homolog) and a non-type IV secretion protein (HP01451), indicating that proteins other than the core VirB (1-11)-VirD4 proteins may play a role in type IV secretion. Finally, a third interaction was biochemically confirmed between CagA, a virulence factor secreted by the type IV secretion system encoded by the Cag pathogenicity island, and a non-type IV secretion protein, HP0496.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell surface glycolipids can act as both the primary interface between bacteria and their host and secondly as a targeting mechanism for bacterial virulence factors. The former is characterized by redundancy in adhesin-receptor interactions and the latter by a higher affinity, more restrictive glycolipid binding specificity for targeting. Interactions of verotoxin with its glycolipid receptor globotriaosylceramide and Helicobacter pylori binding to a variety of different glycolipids, which can be environmentally regulated, provide examples of these differing modes of glycolipid receptor function. Verotoxins are involved in endothelial targeting in the microangiopathies of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The highly restricted binding specificity and crystal structure of the verotoxin B subunit have allowed theoretical modeling of the Gb3 binding site of the verotoxin B subunit pentamer which provides an approach to intervention. Studies of the role of glycolipid function in verotoxin-induced disease have concentrated on the distribution of Gb3 and its ability to mediate the internalization of the toxin within the target cell. The distribution of Gb3 within the renal glomerulus plays a central role in defining the age-related etiology of HUS following gastrointestinal infection with VT producing Escherichia coli. H. pylori, on the other hand, instigates a less distinct but more complex disseminated gastric inflammation. Studies on the role of glycolipid receptors in H. pylori infection have been bogged down in establishing the importance of each binding specificity defined. In addition, the physiological condition of the organism within the various binding assays has not been extensively considered, such that spurious non-physiological interactions may have been elucidated. The identification and cloning of a Le(b) binding adhesin and the identification of cell surface hsp70 as a mediator of sulfoglycolipid binding under stress conditions may now allow a more molecular approach to define the role of glycolipid recognition in this infection.  相似文献   

Ek C  Whary MT  Ihrig M  Bravo LE  Correa P  Fox JG 《Helicobacter》2012,17(2):107-115
Background: Helicobacter pylori‐infected children from coastal Tumaco, Colombia, have more parasitism, and adults have lower gastric cancer risk compared with high‐altitude Pasto/Tuquerres residents. Because helminth and Toxoplasma gondii infections alter helicobacter gastritis in rodent models, we determined whether seropositivity to Ascaris lumbricoides or T. gondii was associated with Th2‐IgG1 or Th1‐IgG2 responses to H. pylori. Methods: Sera (240) from the two populations were evaluated for A. lumbricoides and T. gondii seropositivity and results correlated with IgE and IgG isotype responses to H. pylori. Results: Most Tumaco children and adults were seropositive for A. lumbricoides (89%, 66%), T. gondii (59%, 98%), or both (45%, 66%). In contrast, seropositivity among Pasto/Tuquerres children was much lower (9%A. lumbricoides, 11%T. gondii, and 2% dual positive) but increased in adults (58%A. lumbricoides, 82%T. gondii, and 41% dual positive). A. lumbricoides seropositivity correlated with elevated IgE and anti‐inflammatory Th2‐IgG1 responses to H. pylori, while T. gondiigondii seropositivity was linked to elevated IgE, pro‐inflammatory Th1‐IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 responses to H. pylori. Individuals with high T. gondii titers had reduced Th1‐IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 responses to H. pylori. Conclusions: Results support regional differences for childhood parasitism and indicate A. lumbricoides and T. gondii infections may impact inflammatory responses to H. pylori and partially explain differences in gastric cancer risk in Colombia.  相似文献   

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