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Wheeler  C. T.  Hughes  L. T.  Oldroyd  J.  Pulford  I. D. 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):81-90
The tolerance of nickel by Frankia in culture and in symbiosis with Alnus was determined. Yield of three Frankia strains was not affected significantly by 2.25 mM nickel when cultured in propionate medium containing hydolysed casein as nitrogen source. Yield of two strains in medium without combined nitrogen, and thus reliant on fixed nitrogen, was stimulated markedly by the same nickel concentration. Utilisation of nickel for synthesis of uptake hydrogenases is presumed to be the cause of enhanced nitrogenase activity.Although growth was reduced, treatment of 2-month-old seedlings with 0.025 mM nickel for 4 weeks did not affect nodulation significantly while nitrogenase activity was doubled. Nodulation and nitrogenase activity of seedlings receiving 0.075 mM nickel were inhibited markedly, while 0.5 mM nickel was lethal to all seedlings after 4 weeks of treatment. A few small, ineffective nodules were initiated early on some of the latter seedlings, suggesting that effects of nickel on host plant processes rather than Frankia are the primary cause of inhibition of nodulation. This interpretation is supported by the retention of substantial nitrogenase activity in 10-month-old plants 1 day after the treatment with 0.59 mM nickel, when the nickel content of roots and nodules was already maximal. No nitrogenase activity was detected after 3 days, by which time the leaves were almost completely necrotic. Over a 4 day period, most nickel was retained in the roots and nodules. Supplying histidine simultaneously at concentrations equal to, or in excess of, nickel prevented wilting and leaf necrosis, but did not increase translocation of nickel to the shoot.  相似文献   

 Ectomycorrhizal types of black alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.] collected over a 3-year period within an alder forest were characterised by morphological and anatomical features. Of the total of 16 types, 14 are described for the first time in this paper. Eight identified types belong to the genera Russula, Lactarius, Naucoria, and Cortinarius, while eight further types remained unidentified. In some cases, similarities of mantle features indicate relationships to identified mycorrhizas. Mycorrhizas of Naucoria escharoides and N. subconspersa were not distinguished. Two unidentified mycorrhizal types exhibited hyphal mantle structures very similar to these Naucoria species. Within the genus Cortinarius, mycorrhizas of C. cf. helvelloides were easily distinguished from all other Cortinarius-like mycorrhizas described on Alnus, which in general showed little anatomical variation. Two further unidentified mycorrhizas, "Alnirhiza lilacina" and "A. violacea", probably also belong to Cortinarius. The ectomycorrhiza of Russula pumila was the only identified type within the genus Russula, but the unidentified type "Alnirhiza cremicolor" also likely belongs to this genus. Three Lactarius species were present in the experimental plot. Two species (L. obscuratus and L. omphaliformis) had indistinguishable mycorrhizal types, but were easily differentiated from the mycorrhizas of L. lilacinus, which caused intracellular penetration of Hartig net hyphae into epidermal and cortical cells. All other mycorrhizal types of black alder exhibited a paraepidermal Hartig net without penetration of root cells. Two unidentified mycorrhizal types "Alnirhiza atroverrucosa" and "A. cystidiobrunnea", already described from North American Alnus rubra as unnamed morphotypes, showed no similarity to identified mycorrhizas. All 16 mycorrhizal types appeared to be specific or at least typical for alders, since they have not yet been reported from other tree species. Accepted: 29 August 1997  相似文献   

Ineffective Frankia endophytes were retrieved from various wet soils by using Alnus glutinosa clones as trapping plants. No pure cultures could be isolated from these ineffective nodules. Therefore, the phylogenetic position of these endophytes was determined by sequence analysis of cloned PCR products of bacterial 16S rDNA, derived from nodules. The results showed that all nodule endophytes belong to a hitherto undescribed cluster of the Frankia phylogenetic tree. The position of these uncultured ineffective Frankia nodule endophytes is different from that of the ineffective Frankia isolates derived from A. glutinosa nodules, even when originating from the same geographical location. This suggests a bias in current isolation techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract. The invasion of the actinomycete Frankia into the root cells of Alnus glutinosa with subsequent nodule formation effects a number of ultrastructural changes in the host cell cytoplasm. Among other changes the amyloplasts rapidly lose their starch and acquire an amoeboid or pleomorphic form. Such plastids occur predominantly in the mature vesicle-containing, nitrogen-fixing cells of the nodule. They lack starch, have an electron dense stroma and a complex lamellar system. This last would appear to be associated with a distinct membranous reticulum which can be extensive. The flexible form of these plastids is mirrored in their ability to enclose portions of host cytoplasm together with organelles and even other plastids. Their close association with cristate mitochondria suggests an active metabolic role in the nodule symbiosis.  相似文献   

The effects of aeration of the N-free rooting medium with elevated CO2 on (a) acetylene reduction by perlite-grown plants and (b) N2-fixation and long-term growth of nutrient solution-grown plants were determined for nodulatedAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. In the former experiments, roots of intact plants were incubated in acetylene in air in darkened glass jars for 3 hr, followed by a further 3 hr incubation period in air enriched with CO2 (0–5%). During incubation, the CO2 content of the jars increased by 0.17% per hour due to respiration of the root system, so that the CO2 content at 3 hr was 0.5%. Additional enrichment of the rooting medium gas-phase with CO2 equivalent to 1.1% and 1.75% CO2 of the gas volume significantly increased nitrogenase activity (ethylene production) by 55% and 50% respectively, while enrichment with greater than 2.5% CO2 decreased activity. In contrast, ethylene production by control plants, where CO2 was not added to the assay jars, decreased by 8% over the assay period. In long-term growth experiments, nodulated roots of intactAlnus glutinosa plants were sealed into jars containing N-free nutrient solution (pH 6.3) and aerated with air, or air containing elevated levels of CO2 (1.5% and 5%). Comparison of the appearance of CO2-treated with air treated plants suggested that 1.5% CO2 stimulated plant growth. However, at harvest after 5 or 6 weeks variability between plants masked the significance of differences in plant dry weight. A significant increase of 33% in total nitrogen of plants aerated with 1.5% CO2, compared with air-treated plants, was demonstrated, broadly in line with the short-term increase in acetylene reducing activity observed following incubations with similar CO2 concentrations. Shoot dry weight was not affected significantly by long-term exposure to 5% CO2, the main effect on growth being a 20% reduction in dry weight of the root system, possibly through inhibition of root system respiration. However, in contrast to the inhibitory effects of high CO2 on acetylene reduction there was no significant effect on the amounts of N2 fixed.  相似文献   

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