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Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has emerged as a cornerstone of proteomics owing in part to robust spectral interpretation algorithms. Widely used algorithms do not fully exploit the intensity patterns present in mass spectra. Here, we demonstrate that intensity pattern modeling improves peptide and protein identification from MS/MS spectra. We modeled fragment ion intensities using a machine-learning approach that estimates the likelihood of observed intensities given peptide and fragment attributes. From 1,000,000 spectra, we chose 27,000 with high-quality, nonredundant matches as training data. Using the same 27,000 spectra, intensity was similarly modeled with mismatched peptides. We used these two probabilistic models to compute the relative likelihood of an observed spectrum given that a candidate peptide is matched or mismatched. We used a 'decoy' proteome approach to estimate incorrect match frequency, and demonstrated that an intensity-based method reduces peptide identification error by 50-96% without any loss in sensitivity.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry, the core technology in the field of proteomics, promises to enable scientists to identify and quantify the entire complement of proteins in a complex biological sample. Currently, the primary bottleneck in this type of experiment is computational. Existing algorithms for interpreting mass spectra are slow and fail to identify a large proportion of the given spectra. We describe a database search program called Crux that reimplements and extends the widely used database search program Sequest. For speed, Crux uses a peptide indexing scheme to rapidly retrieve candidate peptides for a given spectrum. For each peptide in the target database, Crux generates shuffled decoy peptides on the fly, providing a good null model and, hence, accurate false discovery rate estimates. Crux also implements two recently described postprocessing methods: a p value calculation based upon fitting a Weibull distribution to the observed scores, and a semisupervised method that learns to discriminate between target and decoy matches. Both methods significantly improve the overall rate of peptide identification. Crux is implemented in C and is distributed with source code freely to noncommercial users.  相似文献   

In high-throughput proteomics the development of computational methods and novel experimental strategies often rely on each other. In certain areas, mass spectrometry methods for data acquisition are ahead of computational methods to interpret the resulting tandem mass spectra. Particularly, although there are numerous situations in which a mixture tandem mass spectrum can contain fragment ions from two or more peptides, nearly all database search tools still make the assumption that each tandem mass spectrum comes from one peptide. Common examples include mixture spectra from co-eluting peptides in complex samples, spectra generated from data-independent acquisition methods, and spectra from peptides with complex post-translational modifications. We propose a new database search tool (MixDB) that is able to identify mixture tandem mass spectra from more than one peptide. We show that peptides can be reliably identified with up to 95% accuracy from mixture spectra while considering only a 0.01% of all possible peptide pairs (four orders of magnitude speedup). Comparison with current database search methods indicates that our approach has better or comparable sensitivity and precision at identifying single-peptide spectra while simultaneously being able to identify 38% more peptides from mixture spectra at significantly higher precision.  相似文献   

Only a small fraction of spectra acquired in LC-MS/MS runs matches peptides from target proteins upon database searches. The remaining, operationally termed background, spectra originate from a variety of poorly controlled sources and affect the throughput and confidence of database searches. Here, we report an algorithm and its software implementation that rapidly removes background spectra, regardless of their precise origin. The method estimates the dissimilarity distance between screened MS/MS spectra and unannotated spectra from a partially redundant background library compiled from several control and blank runs. Filtering MS/MS queries enhanced the protein identification capacity when searches lacked spectrum to sequence matching specificity. In sequence-similarity searches it reduced by, on average, 30-fold the number of orphan hits, which were not explicitly related to background protein contaminants and required manual validation. Removing high quality background MS/MS spectra, while preserving in the data set the genuine spectra from target proteins, decreased the false positive rate of stringent database searches and improved the identification of low-abundance proteins.  相似文献   

The goal of many shotgun proteomics experiments is to determine the protein complement of a complex biological mixture. For many mixtures, most methodological approaches fall significantly short of this goal. Existing solutions to this problem typically subdivide the task into two stages: first identifying a collection of peptides with a low false discovery rate and then inferring from the peptides a corresponding set of proteins. In contrast, we formulate the protein identification problem as a single optimization problem, which we solve using machine learning methods. This approach is motivated by the observation that the peptide and protein level tasks are cooperative, and the solution to each can be improved by using information about the solution to the other. The resulting algorithm directly controls the relevant error rate, can incorporate a wide variety of evidence and, for complex samples, provides 18-34% more protein identifications than the current state of the art approaches.  相似文献   

Computational analysis of mass spectra remains the bottleneck in many proteomics experiments. SEQUEST was one of the earliest software packages to identify peptides from mass spectra by searching a database of known peptides. Though still popular, SEQUEST performs slowly. Crux and TurboSEQUEST have successfully sped up SEQUEST by adding a precomputed index to the search, but the demand for ever-faster peptide identification software continues to grow. Tide, introduced here, is a software program that implements the SEQUEST algorithm for peptide identification and that achieves a dramatic speedup over Crux and SEQUEST. The optimization strategies detailed here employ a combination of algorithmic and software engineering techniques to achieve speeds up to 170 times faster than a recent version of SEQUEST that uses indexing. For example, on a single Xeon CPU, Tide searches 10,000 spectra against a tryptic database of 27,499 Caenorhabditis elegans proteins at a rate of 1550 spectra per second, which compares favorably with a rate of 8.8 spectra per second for a recent version of SEQUEST with index running on the same hardware.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Tandem mass spectrometry allows for high-throughput identification of complex protein samples. Searching tandem mass spectra against sequence databases is the main analysis method nowadays. Since many peptide variations are possible, including them in the search space seems only logical. However, the search space usually grows exponentially with the number of independent variations and may therefore overwhelm computational resources. RESULTS: We provide fast, cache-efficient search algorithms to screen large peptide search spaces including non-tryptic peptides, whole genomes, dozens of posttranslational modifications, unannotated point mutations and even unannotated splice sites. All these search spaces can be screened simultaneously. By optimizing the cache usage, we achieve a calculation speed that closely approaches the limits of the hardware. At the same time, we control the size of the overall search space by limiting the combinations of variations that can co-occur on the same peptide. Using a hypergeometric scoring scheme, we applied these algorithms to a dataset of 1 420 632 spectra. We were able to identify a considerable number of peptide variations within a modest amount of computing time on standard desktop computers.  相似文献   

Clustering millions of tandem mass spectra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments often generate redundant data sets containing multiple spectra of the same peptides. Clustering of MS/MS spectra takes advantage of this redundancy by identifying multiple spectra of the same peptide and replacing them with a single representative spectrum. Analyzing only representative spectra results in significant speed-up of MS/MS database searches. We present an efficient clustering approach for analyzing large MS/MS data sets (over 10 million spectra) with a capability to reduce the number of spectra submitted to further analysis by an order of magnitude. The MS/MS database search of clustered spectra results in fewer spurious hits to the database and increases number of peptide identifications as compared to regular nonclustered searches. Our open source software MS-Clustering is available for download at http://peptide.ucsd.edu or can be run online at http://proteomics.bioprojects.org/MassSpec.  相似文献   

Gentzel M  Köcher T  Ponnusamy S  Wilm M 《Proteomics》2003,3(8):1597-1610
Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry is a major tool for identifying proteins. The fragment spectra of peptides can be interpreted automatically in conjunction with a sequence database search. With the development of powerful automatic search engines, research now focuses on optimizing the result returned from database searches. We present a series of preprocessing steps for fragment spectra to increase the accuracy and specificity of automatic database searches. After processing, the correct amino acid sequences from the database can be related better to the fragment spectra. This increases the sensitivity and reliability of protein identifications, especially with very large genomic databanks, and can be important for the systematic characterization of post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Lin YH 《Proteomics》2005,5(4):853-855
Instead of using the probability mean, a simple and yet effective heuristic approach was employed to treat experimentally obtained tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data for protein identification. The proposed approach is based on the total number (T) of identified experimental MS/MS data. To warrant the subsequent ranking, the total number of identified b- and y-type ions (Tb+y) must be greater than 50% of T. Peptides having the same T and Tb+y are either ranked by the contiguity of identified ions or discarded during identification. When compared to other protein identification tools, good agreement with the searched results was seen.  相似文献   

To interpret LC-MS/MS data in proteomics, most popular protein identification algorithms primarily use predicted fragment m/z values to assign peptide sequences to fragmentation spectra. The intensity information is often undervalued, because it is not as easy to predict and incorporate into algorithms. Nevertheless, the use of intensity to assist peptide identification is an attractive prospect and can potentially improve the confidence of matches and generate more identifications. On the basis of our previously reported study of fragmentation intensity patterns, we developed a protein identification algorithm, SeQuence IDentfication (SQID), that makes use of the coarse intensity from a statistical analysis. The scoring scheme was validated by comparing with Sequest and X!Tandem using three data sets, and the results indicate an improvement in the number of identified peptides, including unique peptides that are not identified by Sequest or X!Tandem. The software and source code are available under the GNU GPL license at http://quiz2.chem.arizona.edu/wysocki/bioinformatics.htm.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) combined with database searching is currently the most widely used method for high-throughput peptide and protein identification. Many different algorithms, scoring criteria, and statistical models have been used to identify peptides and proteins in complex biological samples, and many studies, including our own, describe the accuracy of these identifications, using at best generic terms such as "high confidence." False positive identification rates for these criteria can vary substantially with changing organisms under study, growth conditions, sequence databases, experimental protocols, and instrumentation; therefore, study-specific methods are needed to estimate the accuracy (false positive rates) of these peptide and protein identifications. We present and evaluate methods for estimating false positive identification rates based on searches of randomized databases (reversed and reshuffled). We examine the use of separate searches of a forward then a randomized database and combined searches of a randomized database appended to a forward sequence database. Estimated error rates from randomized database searches are first compared against actual error rates from MS/MS runs of known protein standards. These methods are then applied to biological samples of the model microorganism Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1. Based on the results obtained in this study, we recommend the use of use of combined searches of a reshuffled database appended to a forward sequence database as a means providing quantitative estimates of false positive identification rates of peptides and proteins. This will allow researchers to set criteria and thresholds to achieve a desired error rate and provide the scientific community with direct and quantifiable measures of peptide and protein identification accuracy as opposed to vague assessments such as "high confidence."  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A powerful proteomics methodology couples high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tandem mass spectrometry and database-search software, such as SEQUEST. Such a set-up, however, produces a large number of spectra, many of which are of too poor quality to be useful. Hence a filter that eliminates poor spectra before the database search can significantly improve throughput and robustness. Moreover, spectra judged to be of high quality, but that cannot be identified by database search, are prime candidates for still more computationally intensive methods, such as de novo sequencing or wider database searches including post-translational modifications. RESULTS: We report on two different approaches to assessing spectral quality prior to identification: binary classification, which predicts whether or not SEQUEST will be able to make an identification, and statistical regression, which predicts a more universal quality metric involving the number of b- and y-ion peaks. The best of our binary classifiers can eliminate over 75% of the unidentifiable spectra while losing only 10% of the identifiable spectra. Statistical regression can pick out spectra of modified peptides that can be identified by a de novo program but not by SEQUEST. In a section of independent interest, we discuss intensity normalization of mass spectra.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the genome annotating proteomic pipeline (GAPP), a totally automated publicly available software pipeline for the identification of peptides and proteins from human proteomic tandem mass spectrometry data. The pipeline takes as its input a series of MS/MS peak lists from a given experimental sample and produces a series of database entries corresponding to the peptides observed within the sample, along with related confidence scores. The pipeline is capable of finding any peptides expected, including those that cross intron-exon boundaries, and those due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), alternate splicing, and post-translational modifications (PTMs). GAPP can therefore be used to re-annotate genomes, and this is supported through the inclusion of a Distributed Annotation System (DAS) server, which allows the peptides identified by the pipeline to be displayed in their genomic context within the Ensembl genome browser. GAPP is freely available via the web, at www. gapp.info.  相似文献   

Glycans are molecules made from simple sugars that form complex tree structures. Glycans constitute one of the most important protein modifications and identification of glycans remains a pressing problem in biology. Unfortunately, the structure of glycans is hard to predict from the genome sequence of an organism. In this paper, we consider the problem of deriving the topology of a glycan solely from tandem mass spectrometry (MS) data. We study, how to generate glycan tree candidates that sufficiently match the sample mass spectrum, avoiding the combinatorial explosion of glycan structures. Unfortunately, the resulting problem is known to be computationally hard. We present an efficient exact algorithm for this problem based on fixed-parameter algorithmics that can process a spectrum in a matter of seconds. We also report some preliminary results of our method on experimental data, combining it with a preliminary candidate evaluation scheme. We show that our approach is fast in applications, and that we can reach very well de novo identification results. Finally, we show how to count the number of glycan topologies for a fixed size or a fixed mass. We generalize this result to count the number of (labeled) trees with bounded out degree, improving on results obtained using Pólya's enumeration theorem.  相似文献   

Protein activity and turnover is tightly and dynamically regulated in living cells. Whereas the three-dimensional protein structure is predominantly determined by the amino acid sequence, posttranslational modification (PTM) of proteins modulates their molecular function and the spatial-temporal distribution in cells and tissues. Most PTMs can be detected by protein and peptide analysis by mass spectrometry (MS), either as a mass increment or a mass deficit relative to the nascent unmodified protein. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) provides a series of analytical features that are highly useful for the characterization of modified proteins via amino acid sequencing and specific detection of posttranslationally modified amino acid residues. Large-scale, quantitative analysis of proteins by MS/MS is beginning to reveal novel patterns and functions of PTMs in cellular signaling networks and biomolecular structures.  相似文献   

Peptide identification by tandem mass spectrometry is the dominant proteomics workflow for protein characterization in complex samples. The peptide fragmentation spectra generated by these workflows exhibit characteristic fragmentation patterns that can be used to identify the peptide. In other fields, where the compounds of interest do not have the convenient linear structure of peptides, fragmentation spectra are identified by comparing new spectra with libraries of identified spectra, an approach called spectral matching. In contrast to sequence-based tandem mass spectrometry search engines used for peptides, spectral matching can make use of the intensities of fragment peaks in library spectra to assess the quality of a match. We evaluate a hidden Markov model approach (HMMatch) to spectral matching, in which many examples of a peptide's fragmentation spectrum are summarized in a generative probabilistic model that captures the consensus and variation of each peak's intensity. We demonstrate that HMMatch has good specificity and superior sensitivity, compared to sequence database search engines such as X!Tandem. HMMatch achieves good results from relatively few training spectra, is fast to train, and can evaluate many spectra per second. A statistical significance model permits HMMatch scores to be compared with each other, and with other peptide identification tools, on a unified scale. HMMatch shows a similar degree of concordance with X!Tandem, Mascot, and NIST's MS Search, as they do with each other, suggesting that each tool can assign peptides to spectra that the others miss. Finally, we show that it is possible to extrapolate HMMatch models beyond a single peptide's training spectra to the spectra of related peptides, expanding the application of spectral matching techniques beyond the set of peptides previously observed.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a new approach to the determination of amino acid composition from tandem mass spectrometrically fragmented peptides using both experimental and simulated data. The approach has been developed to be used as a search-space filter in a protein identification pipeline with the aim of increased performance above that which could be attained by using immonium ion information. Three automated methods have been developed and tested: one based upon a simple peak traversal, in which all intense ion peaks are treated as being either a b- or y-ion using a wide mass tolerance; a second which uses a much narrower tolerance and does not perform transformations of ion peaks to the complementary type; and the unique fragments method which allows for b- or y-ion type to be inferred and corroborated using a scan of the other ions present in each peptide spectrum. The combination of these methods is shown to provide a high-accuracy set of amino acid predictions using both experimental and simulated data sets. These high quality predictions, with an accuracy of over 85%, may be used to identify peptide fragments that are hard to identify using other methods. The data simulation algorithm is also shown post priori to be a good model of noiseless tandem mass spectrometric peptide data.  相似文献   

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