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Hemoglobin-Strumica has been observed in five members of a Macedonian family. Histidyl residue in position 112 of the alpha chain of this variant is replaced by an arginyl residue. Two other variants (hemoglobin-Dakar and hemoglobin-Hopkins-2) in which this histidyl residue has been replaced by a glutaminyl and by an aspartyl residue, respectively, have been described (Rosa et al. (1968) 12 thCongr. Int. Soc. Haematol. New York, abstract, p. 73 and Charache, S. and Osterag, W. (1970) Bloodt 36, 852). The hemoglobin-Strumica heterozygotes have minimal hematological changes although this may not necessarily be associated with the hemoglobinopathy. Subjects heterozygous for hemoglobin-Dakar have a mild hemolytic anemia and hemoglobin-Hopkins-2 heterozygotes exhibit minimal hematological changes.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of Gelin and Karplus ((1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 801-805) suggest that in hemoglobin upon ligation the penultimate tyrosyl residues of the subunits are not expelled from the hydrophobic pockets described in the crystals between the helices E and F (Perutz, M.F. (1970) Nature 228, 726-737). This implies that both the liganded and unliganded conformations of hemoglobin may be affected by mutations involving such residues. Investigation of the conformational behavior of liganded and unliganded hemoglobin Osler was conducted measuring the functional properties, the subunits dissociation, the CD and electronic spectra, the protons absorption upon interaction with polyanions, and the reactivity of the -SH groups of the protein. The results suggest that both the liganded and unliganded conformations of the system are affected by the mutation, confirming the anticipations of Gelin and Karplus on the relevance of tyrosine at beta 145 for both allosteric states of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

H Wajcman  G Gacon  D Labie  R D Koler  R T Jones 《Biochemistry》1975,14(22):5017-5020
Hemoglobin Casper (beta106Leu replaced by Pro) can be separated from hemoglobin (Hb) A by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel. This abnormal hemoglobin was estimated to be 30% of teh total by both isoelectric focusing and heat lability kinetics. Its oxygen equilibrium curves indicate a high oxygen affinity, low degree of subunit interaction, and a decreased Bohr effect. Mixtures of Hb Casper and Hb A appear to bind oxygen as if no hybrid molecules exist.  相似文献   

Two alpha-chain variants, Hb G-Philadelphia and Hb Matsue-Oki, were present in members of a relatively large black family from South Carolina. The four Hb G-Philadelphia heterozygotes averaged 35.6% Hb G, suggesting the presence of an alpha-thalassemia-2 condition in cis to the Hb G mutation, which was confirmed by DNA structural analysis. The seven Hb Matsue-Oki heterozygotes averaged 22.2% Hb MO and likely have four active alpha-chain genes. One infant was a compound heterozygote for the two Hb variants which could not be separated from each other. The quantity of Hb G plus Hb MO was 58% by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and 69% by chain analyses. These results and the family data indicate that this child had three active alpha-chain genes, of which one regulated the synthesis of the normal alpha chain, one was mutated to give the alpha G chain, and one to give the alpha MO chain. The amino acid substitutions in Hb G-Philadelphia and Hb Matsue-Oki are located in the tryptic peptide alpha T-9, which is 29 amino acid residues long. Structural analyses of these abnormalities made use of high-pressure liquid chromatography for the separation of both tryptic and thermolytic peptides and of a highly sensitive ultra-micro sequencing procedure. Although the alpha 68 Asn replaced by Lys substitution is readily demonstrable in Hb G-Philadelphia the elucidation of the alpha 75 Asp replaced by Asn replacement in Hb Matsue-Oki was greatly facilitated by the use of these microprocedures.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Fannin-Lubbock was found in a 9-year-old Mexican-American female. The abnormal hemoglobin was detected as a fast-moving variant by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at pH 8.4. Structural analysis indicated a substitution in the beta-chain of aspartic acid for glycine at position 119, a position involved in the alpha1beta1 contact of the hemoglobin tetramer. This contact between unlike chains is larger and undergoes a smaller shift during the process of oxygenation and deoxygenation that the alpha1beta2 contact (Perutz, M.F., Muirhead, H., Cox, J.M. and Goaman, L.C.G. (1968) Nature 219, 131-139). Mutations in this contact tend to cause slight or no changes in functional behavior. Apart from a mild anemia, the propositus did not exhibit any obvious clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

This study was performed to establish the structural abnormality of a new hemoglobin variant discover-d in a Japanese patient with angina pectoris. The hybridization of the separated hemoglobin with canine hemoglobin revealed a beta-chain anomaly. Peptide betaTp-6 was found to be abnormally located on the peptide map of tryptic digests of the S-carboxymethylated beta-chain from the variant hemoglobin. A structural study on the abnormal betaTp-6 revealed that the variant hemoglobin differs from hemoglobin A by substitution of leucine for valine at residue 60 of the beta-chain. This new variant hemoglobin is designated as hemoglobin Yatsushiro after the name of the city where the propositus lived. The patient is hematologically healthy and his clinical history has nothing to do with this abnormal hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Hb-Manitoba was discovered in 1970 [1] in a Canadian family of British origin. Recently we observed the same variant in a second family, and found that the oxy-derivative of Hb-Manitoba is slightly unstable at 65 degrees C, dissociates less readily at alkaline pH than does Hb-A, and forms asymmetric hybrids with other hemoglobins which are readily detectable by electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Fort Gordon, alpha2beta2145 Tyr replaced by Asp (HC2), has been observed in a 20-year-old black male with compensatory erythrocytosis. The variant was readily identified by electrophoresis and chromatography, and comprised about 30% of the red cell hemoglobin. The substitution was identified through analyses of tryptic peptides of various digests of the isolated beta chain. The oxygen affinity of whole blood was increased; two components were observed one of which had a greatly increased affinity for oxygen and a markedly reduced subunit cooperativity. It appears that the Tyr replaced by Asp substitution resembles the Tyr replaced by His substitution in hemoglobin Bethesda (Bunn, H. F. et al. (1972) J. Clin. Invest. 51, 2299-2309; Olson, J. S. and Gibson, G. H. (1972) J Biol. Chem. 247, 3662-3670; Adamson et al. (1972) J. Clin. Invest. 51, 2883-2888) in that both inhibit the quarternary change of the oxy to the deoxy conformation, resulting in greatly altered functional properties. Studies of a few members of the family were negative.  相似文献   

A new hemoglobin variant, termed hemoglobin Athens-Georgia, has been found in a 23-year-old Caucasian student and three members of her family. The electrophoretic mobility of this variant at pH 9.0 is slightly less than that of hemoglobin-A. Arginyl residue in position 40 of the beta chain, corresponding to position 6 of the C helix, has been replaced by a lysyl residue. This amino acid substitution is at the alpha1-beta2 contact and slightly affects the oxygen binding properties of the hemoglobin molecule. Hemoglobin Athens-Georgia has an increased affinity for oxygen, a normal heme-heme interaction and a normal Bohr effect. Hematological abnormalities are not associated with this variant.  相似文献   

In a survey for abnormal haemoglobin variants in voluntary blood donors in Iran, a new variant was found in a young male who presented no clinical symptoms. It had the same electrophoretic mobility as haemoglobin D in alkaline buffers. Separation of the constituent polypeptide chains in acid urea buffer revealed it to be different from haemoglobin D previously found among Iranians. Analysis of its structure demonstrated a substitution to alanine (beta 47 Asp replaced by Ala) in the same residue as involved in haemoglobin G-Copenhagen (beta 47 Asp replaced by Asn).  相似文献   

A new abnormal hemoglobin was detected in a young German anemic patient by cation-exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Using a combination of electrospray mass spectrometry, HPLC, direct sequencing, and family screening with polymerase chain reaction/restriction digestion approach, we have characterized this hemoglobin variant as resulting from a Thr --> Ala replacement at beta84(EF8). It could be separated neither by electrophoresis nor by isoelectric focusing. Hb Saale is slightly unstable, exhibiting a moderate tendency to auto-oxidize. Functional properties and the heterotropic interactions are similar to those of Hb A.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin G. Ferrara is an abnormal human hemoglobin in which an asparagine residue is replaced by a lysyl residue at position beta57 (beta57 Asn replaced by Lys). Oxygen equilibria show that cooperativity and alkaline Bohr effect are maintained to normal levels while the acid Bohr effect appears increased; in addition, a smaller effect of diphosphoglycerate is also observed. Flash photolysis experiments performed as a function of protein concentration show that the fraction of quickly reacting form is always higher than that of human hemoglobin A. This fact, together with the increase of the oxygen affinity observed at acid pH values, may be related to an enhanced dissociation of the molecule into dimers. Several attempts to isolate the native chains by treatment of the protein with p-chloromercuribenzoate were unsuccessful due to the great instability of the isolated variant beta-chains, which precipitated completely during incubation with p-chloromercuribenzoate. Therefore, although the substitution is on the surface of the molecule, there are several properties of hemoglobin G. beta Ferrara which are clearly different from hemoglobin A.  相似文献   

Five crystal forms of the abnormal human hemoglobin Hb3 C (beta six Glu → Lys) have been grown. Two of them are grown with liganded Hb C, three with deoxy Hb C. The structures of two of the deoxy crystal forms were determined by the method of molecular replacement, using deoxy Hb A as the model structure. Fourier maps were calculated for each Hb C structure, using data to a resolution of 5 Å in one case and 4 Å in the second case. The structural differences between each deoxy Hb C structure and the deoxy Hb A model are found mostly at the molecular surface. Energetically favorable interactions involving the variant residue, beta six lysine, occur in both Hb C crystal forms, and could explain the lowered solubility and enhanced tendency of deoxy Hb C to crystallize in vivo.  相似文献   

Oxygen binding by hemoglobin fixed in the T state either by crystallization or by encapsulation in silica gels is apparently noncooperative. However, cooperativity might be masked by different oxygen affinities of alpha and beta subunits. Metal hybrid hemoglobins, where the noniron metal does not bind oxygen, provide the opportunity to determine the oxygen affinities of alpha and beta hemes separately. Previous studies have characterized the oxygen binding by alpha(Ni2+)2beta(Fe2+)2 crystals. Here, we have determined the three-dimensional (3D) structure and oxygen binding of alpha(Fe2+)2beta(Ni2+)2 crystals grown from polyethylene glycol solutions. Polarized absorption spectra were recorded at different oxygen pressures with light polarized parallel either to the b or c crystal axis by single crystal microspectrophotometry. The oxygen pressures at 50% saturation (p50s) are 95 +/- 3 and 87 +/- 4 Torr along the b and c crystal axes, respectively, and the corresponding Hill coefficients are 0.96 +/- 0.06 and 0.90 +/- 0.03. Analysis of the binding curves, taking into account the different projections of the alpha hemes along the optical directions, indicates that the oxygen affinity of alpha1 hemes is 1.3-fold lower than alpha2 hemes. Inspection of the 3D structure suggests that this inequivalence may arise from packing interactions of the Hb tetramer within the monoclinic crystal lattice. A similar inequivalence was found for the beta subunits of alpha(Ni2+)2beta(Fe2+)2 crystals. The average oxygen affinity of the alpha subunits (p50 = 91 Torr) is about 1.2-fold higher than the beta subunits (p50 = 110 Torr). In the absence of cooperativity, this heterogeneity yields an oxygen binding curve of Hb A with a Hill coefficient of 0.999. Since the binding curves of Hb A crystals exhibit a Hill coefficient very close to unity, these findings indicate that oxygen binding by T-state hemoglobin is noncooperative, in keeping with the Monod, Wyman, and Changeux model.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Alberta has an amino acid substitution at position 101 (Glu----Gly), a residue involved in the alpha 1 beta 2 contact region of both the deoxy and oxy conformers of normal adult hemoglobin. Oxygen equilibrium measurements of stripped hemoglobin Alberta at 20 degrees C in the absence of phosphate revealed a high affinity (P50 = 0.75 mm Hg at pH 7), co-operative hemoglobin variant (n = 2.3 at pH 7) with a normal Bohr effect (- delta log P50/delta pH(7-8) = 0.65). The addition of inositol hexaphosphate resulted in a decrease in oxygen affinity (P50 = 8.2 mm Hg at pH 7), a slight increase in the value of n and an enhanced Bohr effect. Rapid mixing experiments reflected the equilibrium results. A rapid rate of carbon monoxide binding (l' = 7.0 X 10(5) M-1 S-1) and a slow rate of overall oxygen dissociation (k = 15 s-1) was seen at pH7 and 20 degrees C in the absence of phosphate. Under these experimental conditions the tetramer stability of liganded and unliganded hemoglobin Alberta was investigated by spectrophotometric kinetic techniques. The 4K4 value (the liganded tetramer-dimer equilibrium dissociation constant) for hemoglobin Alberta was found to be 0.83 X 10(-6) M compared to a 4K4 value for hemoglobin A of 2.3 X 10(-6) M, indicating that the Alberta tetramer was less dissociated into dimers than the tetramer of hemoglobin A. The values of 0K4 (the unliganded tetramer-dimer equilibrium dissociation constant) for hemoglobin Alberta and hemoglobin A were also measured and found to be 2.5 X 10(-8) M and 1.5 X 10(-10) M, respectively, demonstrating a greatly destabilized deoxyhemoglobin tetramer for hemoglobin Alberta compared to deoxyhemoglobin A. The functional and subunit dissociation properties of hemoglobin Alberta appear to be directly related to the dual role of the beta 101 residue in stabilizing the tetrameric form of the liganded structure, while concurrently destabilizing the unliganded tetramer molecule.  相似文献   

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