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In the current study the expression and ultrastructural localization of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) was analyzed by immunogold labelling of surface spreads of meiotic chromosomes from Eimeria tenella oocysts. The authors used a previously reported method that overcomes the difficulties of the resistance of Eimeria oocysts to disruption and permits the release of intact meiotic chromosomes. HSP70 was localized at the ultrastructural level using an anti-HSP70 monoclonal antibody in combination with a secondary antibody coupled to colloidal gold. Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) were visualized by means of the surface spreading technique to study both HSP70 expression and the consequences of the lack of HSP70 in the behaviour of the eimerian chromosomes during meiosis. For that purpose E. tenella oocysts were treated with quercetin, a flavonoid that is known to inhibit the synthesis of HSP70. The results showed a close association of HSP70 with the lateral elements (LEs) of the SCs. That association began at the time that SCs were formed and persisted until disassemble. Comparison between distribution of immunogold label over the SCs from non-treated and treated oocysts revealed a decreasing number of gold particles as the concentration of quercetin increased. The current results demonstrated three dose-dependent effects of the quercetin treatment of Eimeria oocysts: a reduction in the HSP70 synthesis; defects in SC formation or desynapsis, and inhibition of sporulation. HSP70, as a structural component of the SCs, may be involved in SC functions such as chromosomal pairing, recombination, or disjunction.  相似文献   

Using the silver staining technique, in somatic and meiotic chromosomes of the Armenian hamster (Cricetulus migratorius), it is possible to stain synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in early spermatocytes. There are five pairs of autosomes (Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8) which have terminally located NORs. Synaptonemal complexes and accessory structures present in the sex chromosomes within the sex vesicle can be easily observed using light microscopy.  相似文献   

Nuclei from Chinese hamster testicular cells in suspension were prepared in a sucrose gradient. Following the basic procedure of Blobel and co-workers for separating a fibrous lamina-nuclear pore complex, synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from spermatocytes were isolated free of other nuclear structures, except for fibrillar tufts at the attachment plaques in which annuli were observed. All the major morphological components of the SC appeared to be intact, showing that the structure could survive the procedure and was not dispersed by the removal of DNA with DNase and solubilization of membranes and some proteins with Triton X-100. Isolated sex bodies were also well preserved, as were various structures from other cell types in the mixed cell suspension, such as spermatid manchettes, acrosomal ‘ghosts’, axonemes, etc. While no nuclear matrix was found associated with autosomal SCs, a residual material was present in the sex body, in which the X and Y axes were embedded. The results indicate the feasibility of isolating and fractionating SCs from testicular cell suspensions enriched for pachytene spermatocytes. The association between SC attachment plaques and annuli that is seen in spreads of whole nuclei persists through the isolation procedure and implies an integrated structural relationship.  相似文献   

The effect of tequila in the synaptonemal complex (SC) of mouse spermatocytes was determined. We tested 3 dosages (2.1, 4.2 and 8.4 g/kg) administered in a single intraperitoneal inoculation. The frequency of SC alterations was established in pachytenic nuclei 5 days after the administration using a silver impregnation technique. Three types of alterations were observed (desynapses, breaks and multiaxials) and the rate of each alteration was compared with that obtained with appropriate controls, including cyclophosphamide (CP) (150 mg/kg). The results showed a significant increase induced by tequila only in the frequency of desynapses. This damage began at the second highest dose (4.2 g/kg). The other SC alterations were in the control range. CP, however, induced a significant increase in all 3 types of SC alterations.  相似文献   

In spermatocytes of Helix aspersa, the structure of the synaptonemal complexes undergoes changes in the course of the pachytene, the lateral elements being transformed into wide bands of lesser density than the chromatin. By using the uranyl-EDTA-lead sequence, which preferentially stains RNA, the lateral elements can be made to appear positive in the early pachytene while the corresponding areas, which become wider and more diffuse, are positive during late pachytene. — Apparently, the lateral elements do not persist in the diplotene and remnants of the central element can occasionally be observed. Using the uranyl-EDTA-lead method reveals some positively stained material surrounding the chromatin, mostly granular in appearance, which is observed in late pachytene and attains its maximum amount during diplotene. Several aspects of these observations are here discussed.  相似文献   

In order to study the molecular organization of synaptonemal complex (SC), a preparative method for isolation of relatively purified SC from rat, mouse and hamster testes was elaborated which involves isolation of SC-containing (pachytene) nuclei, their lysis, DNAase digestion of DNA and fractionation of nuclear elements by the discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Electron microscopy revealed a rather good preservation of the SC structure after the isolation procedure. Effects of the dissociating agents on the SC structural integrity were studied. It has been demonstrated that the treatment with 2M NaCl, Triton X-100, sodium deoxycholate, 6M urea, and with a buffer containing 2% SDS and 5% mercaptoetthanol does not lead to a complete SC dissociation, though it results in some structural chanes. Possible reasons of the high resistance of SC to dissociating treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the sequential analysis of male meiosis using hydroxyurea (HU). HU produces a gap in the spermatogenic line. The front of surviving cells behind the gap was examined day by day using silverstained whole mount spreads on glass slides. With this method it was possible to study the development and behaviour of the synaptonemal complex (SC) in mouse spermatocytes by the light microscope. At zygotene no unpaired axial elements could be seen. Unpaired axial elements were found to be specific for the diplotene stage. The axes of the XY pair could be recognized from late zygotene up to diplotene.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the synaptonemal complex (SC) has been studied in spermatocytes of the golden hamster and the albino rat, spread on liquid surfaces and negatively stained with uranyl acetate. The conditions for a reproducible procedure for spreading the SC have been specified. Spreading on water causes large losses of material from the complex. Spreading on 0.45–0.9% NaCl in water results in good preservation of the SC. Ethanol dehydration introduces irreversible changes in the shape of the chromatin fibers and the components of the complex. Digestions with DNase and proteases, extraction with 2M NaCl and fixation in an aqueous solution of formaldehyde permit analysis of the components of the SC. The lateral elements of the SC are formed by three components: 1) the bulk material which is protease sensitive, DNase resistant, insoluble in 2M NaCl and partially soluble in water; 2) the axial attachment regions of the chromatin fiber; and 3) an axial and linear filament, 65 Å wide, which is DNase sensitive. It is suggested that this linear 65 Å filament contains a single linear DNA molecule to which the chromatin fibers are attached. The central element of the SC is made of fibrillar material, most of which is DNase resistant and protease sensitive. Fibrils 25 Å wide cross the central space and merge with the central element. The cross fibrils and the central element are labile in solutions containing less than 0.45% NaCl. — From the present results and previous data on diplotene axes (Solari, 1970), it is concluded that the lateral elements of the SC of hamster and rat spermatocytes are undivided during pachytene. It is suggested that the singleness of the axes in the lateral elements is based on the presence of a single DNA molecule axially located in the lateral elements, and that the chromatin fibers are symmetrically attached to this DNA molecule.  相似文献   

The effects of several dehydration treatments on the synaptonemal complex (SC), histone solubility in 2.0 M NaCl, and histone-DNA interaction in unfixed rat spermatocytes were evaluated. Freeze substitution with ethanol or dehydration with polyethylene glygol resulted in loss of the SC, preservation of histone solubility and DNA-histone salt linkages. Dehydration with ethylene glycol or hexylene glycol resulted in preservation of SC with a clear delineation of attachment of the chromatin fibrils to the lateral elements, but a loss of histone solubility and histone-DNA linkages. Dehydration to a fifty percent concentration with glycerol with completion of dehydration with ethylene glycol had the same effect but also resulted in an even distribution of chromatin fibrils. Dehydration with glycerol alone resulted in clumping of chromatin and loss of SC structure, histone solubility and histone-DNA linkages. Partial dehydration to a fifty percent concentration with these three solvents followed by freeze substitution with ethanol resulted in the loss of SC structure and histone solubility but the preservation of histone-DNA linkages. It is likely that these nonaqueous solvents affected the histone hydrophobic groups and thereby altered histone conformation and interactions. These alterations, depending on the treatment used, resulted in the loss or preservation of SC, histone solubility and histone-DNA interactions thereby indicating that the hydrophobic interactions of the histones are crucial for the preservation of these feature of meiotic chromosomes. These results also demonstrate that neither does the preservation of the histone-DNA salt linkages suffice for the preservation of the SC nor does their disruption necessarily result in its loss. The lysine-rich histones, particularly that one unique to meiotic cells, may through their interactions play a crucial role in SC structure.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex (SC) studies in male mice from the beginning of meiosis to its completion (7–40 days of age) indicate: (1) the existence of a leptotene stage with fragmented and completely unpaired axial elements; (2) that synapsis begins at several different initiation points of the axial elements, resulting in X-shaped and Y-shaped configurations; (3) that interlocking of axial elements at zygotene is a normal phenomenon; and (4) that zygotene (presynaptic) and diplotene (postsynaptic) configurations are different from each other. This investigation received financial support from the special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, World Health Organization.  相似文献   

Recombinases RAD51 and its meiosis-specific paralog DMC1 accumulate on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) of programmed DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in meiosis. Here we used three-color dSTORM microscopy, and a mouse model with severe defects in meiotic DSB formation and synapsis (Hormad1-/-) to obtain more insight in the recombinase accumulation patterns in relation to repair progression. First, we used the known reduction in meiotic DSB frequency in Hormad1-/- spermatocytes to be able to conclude that the RAD51/DMC1 nanofoci that preferentially localize at distances of ~300 nm form within a single DSB site, whereas a second preferred distance of ~900 nm, observed only in wild type, represents inter-DSB distance. Next, we asked whether the proposed role of HORMAD1 in repair inhibition affects the RAD51/DMC1 accumulation patterns. We observed that the two most frequent recombinase configurations (1 DMC1 and 1 RAD51 nanofocus (D1R1), and D2R1) display coupled frequency dynamics over time in wild type, but were constant in the Hormad1-/- model, indicating that the lifetime of these intermediates was altered. Recombinase nanofoci were also smaller in Hormad1-/- spermatocytes, consistent with changes in ssDNA length or protein accumulation. Furthermore, we established that upon synapsis, recombinase nanofoci localized closer to the synaptonemal complex (SYCP3), in both wild type and Hormad1-/- spermatocytes. Finally, the data also revealed a hitherto unknown function of HORMAD1 in inhibiting coil formation in the synaptonemal complex. SPO11 plays a similar but weaker role in coiling and SYCP1 had the opposite effect. Using this large super-resolution dataset, we propose models with the D1R1 configuration representing one DSB end containing recombinases, and the other end bound by other ssDNA binding proteins, or both ends loaded by the two recombinases, but in below-resolution proximity. This may then often evolve into D2R1, then D1R2, and finally back to D1R1, when DNA synthesis has commenced.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemistry methods, the structure of synaptonemal complexes (SC) of chromosomes in spread nuclei of primary spermatocytes of mice at 1, 10, and 36 days after the 10-day intraperitoneal administration of antibacterial preparations of three pharmacological groups: furacilin, an antiseptic derivative of nitrofuran; cifran, an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones; and sextaphage, a polyvalent piobacteriophage was investigated. The maximal number of damages in the structure and behavior of synaptonemal complex was revealed on the first day after the end of preparation administration. On days 10 and 36, the total number of damages in SC structure decreased gradually. On the first day after the end of the administration of cifran and sextaphage in 41.8 and 25% of nuclei, respectively, the fragmentation of synaptonemal complexes was revealed and, in males to whom furacilin had been administered, the fragmentation of synaptonemal complexes was identified in 100% of nuclei. Multiple chromosome fragmentation is a meiotic catastrophe and results in the degeneration of cells without enabling the mechanism of pachytene arrest. The features of pachytene arrest were revealed in the nuclei of primary spermatocytes with the violation of chromosomes pairing. After the administration of sextaphage, circle structures released from the lateral elements of SC and are dyed with antibodies to SCP3 protein.  相似文献   

Analysis of the chromosome behaviour at pachytene has been performed by means of the silver staining technique visualizing the synaptonemal complexes (SCs) in male mice heterozygous for the male-sterile translocations T(5;12)31H, T(16;17)43H and T(7;19)145H, respectively. The T(9;17)138Ca male heterozygotes and T43H/T43H homozygous males were used as fertile controls. The sterile mice displayed a high frequency (about 60%) of pachytene spermatocytes with autosomal translocation configuration located in close vicinity of the XY pair. The dense round body (XAB), normally located near the X-chromosome axis in fertile males, exhibited abnormal affinity to translocation configuration in the sterile translocation heterozygotes. The incomplete synapsis of autosomes involved in translocation configuration was observed in more than 70% of the pachytene spermatocytes with the male-sterile translocations but in less than 20% of the cells from T138Ca fertile male.s. A hypothesis relating the spermatogenic arrest of carriers of male-sterile rearrangements to the presumed interference with X chromosome inactivation in male meiosis is discussed.  相似文献   

A method is presented for sequential analysis of the development and behaviour of the Synaptonemal Complex (SC) in primary spermatocytes of male mice, using agar filtration for electron microscope grid preparation. The mice were treated with hydroxyurea (HU) to produce a gap in the spermatogenic line. The front of surviving cells behind the gap was examined day by day. The first visible parts of unpaired axial elements, with some barely recognizable paired regions were found 9 days after the last HU injection i.e. directly after the last S-phase before meiosis. During mid zygotene and late zygotene the axes of the autosomes had a fuzzy ill-defined appearance with irregular regions of apparent thickening. The axes of the XY pair could be recognized only at late zygotene. During pachytene the SCs of the autosomal pairs did not show a significant change except for a slight increase in size of the attachment points of the axial elements. On the first day of pachytene the axes of the XY pair appeared thin and long. On the second day the axes of the XY pair showed maximal pairing of about 50% of the axis of the Y chromosome. From the third to the fifth day a decrease of the paired region of the sex chromosomes was found together with an increase in thickness of the axes, which reached its maximum on the fourth day. Diplotene could be easily recognized: the autosomal axes showed a sharp, well-defined outline with thick attachment points with deltoid structure, and desynapsis was very clear. The axes of the XY pair showed variation during diplotene but on the third day of diplotene a characteristic bulging could be seen. The axes of the autosomes disappeared at this time and in most cases only the attachment points remained visible. The duration of the prophase classes of meiosis I was found to be: zygotene approximately 2 days; pachytene a little more than 5 days and diplotene approximately 3 days. Leptotene could not be traced by the method used. If it exists at all, it must be a stage of very short duration.  相似文献   

When Locusta migratoria spermatocytes are surface-spread on various salines, the axial element of leptotene and zygotene chromosomes, and the synaptonemal complex of pachytene chromosomes are well-preserved, although, in most instances, virtually denuded of chromatin. A complex association of chromosome ends with the nuclear membrane is apparent as early as leptotene, and, as pairing is initiated, the nuclear attachment points of the partner half-bivalents fuse, apparently incorporating additional membrane material between them. The meiotic kinetochore originates in association with the axial element during early prophase, and prior to synaptonemal complex formation and chromosome condensation.  相似文献   

The distribution of DNA in synaptonemal complexes of rat and mouse spermatocytes, and of chick oocytes was investigated by immunogold electron microscopy. Except for a few specific sites, DNA was not immunolocalized in the space between lateral elements of the complex. Some labeled fibrils connecting the lateral elements with the central element were observed associated with recombination nodules or near them. However, other labeled fibrils in the space between lateral elements did not appear to present any relationship to recombination nodules. The immunocytochemical approaches used here confirmed the presence of significant amounts of DNA in the lateral elements as previously indicated by preferential DNA staining methods. Furthermore, our findings support the view that recombination nodules are the site of chiasma formation.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complex (SC) is an evolutionarily conserved structure that mediates synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiotic prophase I. Previous studies have established that the chromatin of homologous chromosomes is organized in loops that are attached to the lateral elements (LEs) of the SC. The characterization of the genomic sequences associated with LEs of the SC represents an important step toward understanding meiotic chromosome organization and function. To isolate these genomic sequences, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation assays in rat spermatocytes using an antibody against SYCP3, a major structural component of the LEs of the SC. Our results demonstrated the reproducible and exclusive isolation of repeat deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences, in particular long interspersed elements, short interspersed elements, long terminal direct repeats, satellite, and simple repeats. The association of these repeat sequences to the LEs of the SC was confirmed by in situ hybridization of meiotic nuclei shown by both light and electron microscopy. Signals were also detected over the chromatin surrounding SCs and in small loops protruding from the lateral elements into the SC central region. We propose that genomic repeat DNA sequences play a key role in anchoring the chromosome to the protein scaffold of the SC. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti spermatocytes were reconstructed from electron micrographs. The species has tight somatic pairing of the chromosomes, and there are therefore no classical leptotene and zygotene stages, but rather a gradual transition from somatic pairing to meiotic pairing (= pachytene). The term prepachytene has been used for the transitory stage. The first visible sign of impending meiosis was a reorganization of the chromatin, which resulted in the formation of spaces (synaptic spaces) in the chromatin, about the width of the synaptonemal complexes (SCs). Diffuse material, possibly precursor material for the SC, was present in the spaces. Later short pieces of complex were formed throughout the nucleus. Late prepachytene, pachytene, and diplotene complexes were reconstructed. Each chromosome occupied a separate region of the nucleus. The complexes became progressively shorter from prepachytene (maximum complement length 289 m) to diplotene (175 m). The thickness of the SCs increased from prepachytene to pachytene and probably decreased again during diplotene. At the beginning of diplotene the lateral elements (LEs) separated, and the single LEs became two to three times thicker than the LEs of the SC. The centromeres were at all stages attached to the nuclear membrane, whereas the telomeres were free in the nucleoplasm during pachytene and diplotene. A heterochromatic marker was present on chromosome 1 near the sex determining locus, and a diffuse marker on chromosome 3 near the nucleolus organizer region. After breakdown of the complexes, polycomplexes were present in the nucleus.  相似文献   

We report on the molecular and biochemical characterization of CDJ1, one of three zinc-finger-containing J-domain proteins encoded by the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome. Fractionation experiments indicate that CDJ1 is a plastidic protein. In the chloroplast, CDJ1 was localized to the soluble stroma fraction, but also to thylakoids and to low density membranes. Although the CDJ1 gene was strongly heat shock inducible, CDJ1 protein levels increased only slightly during heat shock. Cellular CDJ1 concentrations were close to those of heat shock protein 70B (HSP70B), the major HSP70 in the Chlamydomonas chloroplast. CDJ1 complemented the temperature-sensitive phenotype of an Escherichia coli mutant lacking its dnaJ gene and interacted with E. coli DnaK, hence classifying it as a bona fide DnaJ protein. In soluble cell extracts, CDJ1 was found to organize into stable dimers and into complexes of high molecular mass. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that CDJ1 forms common complexes with plastidic HSP90C, HSP70B, and CGE1. In blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, all four (co)chaperones migrated at 40% to 90% higher apparent than calculated molecular masses, indicating that greatest care must be taken when molecular masses of protein complexes are estimated from their migration relative to standard native marker proteins. Immunoprecipitation experiments from size-fractioned soluble cell extracts suggested that HSP90C and HSP70B exist as preformed complex that is joined by CDJ1. In summary, CDJ1 and CGE1 are novel cohort proteins of the chloroplast HSP90-HSP70 multichaperone complex. As HSP70B, CDJ1, and CGE1 are derived from the endosymbiont, whereas HSP90C is of eukaryotic origin, we observe in the chloroplast the interaction of two chaperone systems of distinct evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

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