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Cryptosporidium cuniculus in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryptosporidium cuniculus was identified by light and electron microscopy in two apparently healthy rabbits. Organisms were firmly attached at the brush borders of intestinal epithelial cells. Cellular alterations were minimal, consisting of elongation and shortening of microvilli adjacent to the attachment sites of organisms. Various developmental stages of cryptosporidium were identified by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

In 1998-1999 a survey of coccidiosis in wild rabbits was carried out in six different localities in France. About five individuals were caught monthly in each locality and a total of 254 wild rabbits was examined. Ten species of Coccidio were identified: Eimeria perforans, E. flavescens, E. piriformis, E. exigua, E. media, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. stiedai, E. roobroucki, E. intestinalis. Intensity of infection in young individuals was higher than in adults. Intensity was highest in winter but, as there are no young rabbits in winter, in young individuals it was higher in spring and autumn than in summer. Intensities were higher in the northern rather than in southern localities. Ranking of prevalence was remarkably stable, in contrast to the variability of the parasitic load. The equilibrium between congeneric species of rabbit coccidia (stable prevalence rank, variable parasitic load) is thought to be probably the consequence of the opportunistic feeding habits of rabbits.  相似文献   

Two hundred and four rabbits from 8 Macaronesian islands (Pico, San Jorge, San Miguel, Terceira, and Flores from Azores Archipelago; Tenerife and Alegranza from Canary Islands; and Madeira from Madeira Archipelago) were examined for helminth parasites between 1995 and 2000. Three species of cestodes, Taenia pisiformis (larvae), Andrya cuniculi, and Mosgovoyia ctenoides, and 5 species of nematodes, Trichuris leporis, Graphidium strigosum, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis, Passalurus ambiguus, and Dermatoxys hispaniensis, were identified. Only 3 species (M. ctenoides, T. retortaeformis, and P. ambiguus) were regularly distributed over the 3 archipelagos. Taenia pisiformis was not collected in Madeira, nor was A. cuniculi in the Azores and G. strigosum in the Canary Islands. Trichuris leporis and D. hispaniensis were only found in Madeira. Significant differences in the general prevalence of the nematodes G. strigosum and T. retortaeformis were detected between Azores and Madeira. The prevalence of T. retortaeformis differs significantly between the Azores and the Canaries and that of P. ambiguus was higher in Madeira than in Azores and Canaries. The helminth richness found in the wild rabbit in these Macaronesian archipelagos was very low compared with the Palearctic helminth fauna of this host. The wild rabbit was introduced from the Iberian Peninsula into different Macaronesian islands. Helminths introduced with Oryctolagus cuniculus into these islands also are commonly found in Iberian wild rabbits, which are excellent colonizers, as demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

The movement of the entire tongue and intermolar eminence during mastication is described in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Tongue movement and jaw position were analyzed videofluorographically from separate lateral and dorso-ventral views in six rabbits. Metallic markers were inserted into the tongue so that its movement was visible on the fluorographic image. Frame-by-frame analysis of the videofluorographic tape recordings demonstrates that tongue movement in all animals was identical in direction during each part of the chewing cycle. In the lateral view the forepart of the tongue moves down and forward during the opening stroke, whereas the intermolar eminence moves up and forward to appose the palate. During the closing stroke, as the tip of the tongue moves up and back, the intermolar eminence lowers from the palate and retracts. During the power stroke the forepart of the tongue is at its most elevated and retruded position, while the intermolar eminence is its lowest and most retruded. The dorso-ventral view showed that lateral movement of the tongue and mandible are highly synchronous. The intermolar eminence decreases in width during the power stroke, possibly twisting to place or keep food on the teeth. An anterior to posterior undulating movement of the entire tongue occurs throughout the chewing cycle. As the intermolar eminence elevates to appose the palate during the opening stroke, it may replace the bolus on the teeth on the chewing side. The intermolar eminence also appears to be twisting during the closing and power strokes to place or maintain food on the teeth.  相似文献   

Evidence for two new alleles (TfC and TfD) at the transferrin locus (Tf) in wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, is presented. Blood samples were collected in Continental Portugal (178 individuals), and in the Azores Islands of Terceira (52) and S. Miguel (59). The frequency of TfA, which is the only allele detected up to now in domestic rabbits, varied from 0.20 +/- 0.13 to 0.95 +/- 0.05 in the populations sampled in Continental Portugal. In the island populations sampled the frequency of TfA was greater than 0.8.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors controlling the distribution of parasites within their host population is fundamental to the wider understanding of parasite epidemiology and ecology. To explore changes in parasite aggregation, Taylor's power law was used to examine the distributions of five gut helminths of the wild rabbit. Aggregation was found to be a dynamic process that varied with year, season, host sex, age class, and myxomatosis. Yearly and seasonal changes are thought, in the main, to be the result of variations in weather conditions acting upon infectious stages (or intermediate hosts). Evidence in support of this was the comparatively low degree of fluctuation in the aggregation of the pinworm, Passalurus ambiguus, as the infectious stage of this parasite is likely to be less susceptible to environmental variation. Host age had a marked effect on the level of aggregation of all parasites, but this effect varied between parasite species. P. ambiguus, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and Cittotaenia denticulata aggregation were lower in adult than juvenile rabbits whilst Graphidium strigosum and Mosgovoyia pectinata aggregation tended to increase with age. Host immunity is thought to be responsible for these differences. Differences in aggregation for different parasites were also seen when the rabbit population was split into males and females. Myxomatosis had a marked effect on helminth distribution with substantially less aggregation in rabbits showing clinical signs of the disease.  相似文献   

The KRAS2 gene was localized in the rabbit by chromosomal in situ hybridization, using a 3H-labeled human cDNA probe. There were 201 silver grains on 144 metaphase spreads; 12.9% of the grains resided on chromosome 16, and 54% of these grains were located close to the centromere at 16p11----q11. Statistical analysis indicated that labeling at this region represents a significant deviation from a random distribution and thus provided evidence for the assignment of KRAS2 to 16p11----q11. In addition to the predominant labeling site on 16, there was a positive signal at the telomere of 9q, possibly representing a sequence of another member of the ras family. Our assignment of KRAS2 to rabbit chromosome 16 strengthens the argument that a fragment on this chromosome is homologous to one on human chromosome 12, which bears the KRAS2 locus.  相似文献   

While much is known about the circadian systems of rodents, chronobiological studies of other mammalian groups have been limited. One of the most extensively studied nonrodent species, both in the laboratory and in the wild, is the European rabbit. The aim of this study was to extend knowledge of the rabbit circadian system by examining its phasic response to light. Twelve Dutch-Himalayan cross rabbits of both sexes were allowed to free-run in constant darkness and then administered 1 h light pulses (1000 lux) at multiple predetermined circadian times. Changes in the phase of the rabbits’ circadian wheel-running rhythms were measured after each light pulse and used to construct a phase–response curve (PRC). The rabbits’ PRC and free-running period (τ) conformed to the empirical regularities reported for other predominantly nocturnal animals, including rodents and predatory marsupials. The results of the study are thus consistent with reports that the rabbit is essentially a nocturnal animal and show that it can entrain to light/dark (LD) cycles via discrete phase shifts. Knowledge about the rabbit’s circadian range of entrainment to LD cycles gained in this study will be useful for examining the putative circadian processes believed to underlie the unusual rhythm of very brief, once-daily nest visits by nursing rabbit mothers and other nursing lagomorphs.  相似文献   

A case of gastric ruputre secondary to a trihobezoar occurred in a rabbit. A review of the literature showed that, although trichobezoars are common in rabbits, antemortem gastric rupture has not been reported previously.  相似文献   


The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a keystone species in the Iberian Mediterranean ecosystems being the staple prey of protected and endangered predators. Wild rabbits were once widespread, but the introduction of two viral diseases, myxomatosis in the 1950s and the rabbit hemorrhagic disease in 1989, resulted into a dramatic decline of its populations. Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious parasitic infection caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. The first cases of sarcoptic mange in a wild rabbit population are recorded from a hunting area in Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Five of 32 inspected rabbits (14.7%) were affected, with similar prevalences in summer and autumn. Sarcoptes scabiei were obtained from the edge of the lesions of two of the rabbits. The most frequently observed lesions were small areas of alopecia and crusts in the limbs. Affected limbs presented also a marked hypertrichosis and an apparent abnormal growth of the nails. One rabbit also presented lesions around mouth and nostrils. Parasitized rabbits were in significant lower body condition than healthy ones. According to previous reports of mange epizooties in other naïve wild species that caused marked short-term effects in their populations, this disease may pose a risk for the conservation of wild rabbit and their predators. Whether mange is endemic in rabbits from Majorca or it has been introduced is unknown. Game managers are encouraged to be aware of introducing sarcoptic mange during rabbit translocations.


Genetic analysis of a polymorphic tissue esterase revealed a new locus (Est-6) with two alleles (Est-6 a andEst-6 b) on linkage group VI of the rabbit.Est-6 is closely linked to theEst-1,2,4 cluster. Esterase ofEst-6 is found in many organs, particularly in liver and small intestine, but not in erythrocytes and serum.Est-6 esterase hydrolyzes -naphthyl acetate and butyrate, naphthol AS-D acetate, indoxyl acetate, and butyrate as well as 5-bromoindoxyl acetate,N-acetyl-l-alanine--naphthyl ester but not 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate and fluorescein diacetate. The enzyme is inhibited by bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate and eserine but not byp-chloromercuribenzoate. It was classified as a carboxylesterase (EC Based on chromosomal localization, tissue distribution, substrate specificity, inhibitor sensitivity, and range ofpI's, rabbitEst-6 is assumed to be homologous with mouseEs-7.The contribution of Dr. O. von Deimling (No. 59) was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (De 315/2-2).  相似文献   

Sequencing of the 300 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was done. Genetic analysis was carried out for the first time in three exotic breeds (Giant White, Soviet Chinchilla, and German Angora) of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) to determine intra- and interspecific variability and to measure the genetic distance. The frequencies of types of mutations (transition, transversion, deletion, and insertion) were also determined. This study throws light on matrilineage of breeds that arise due to interbreed crosses and the genetic management of a stocked rabbit breeding population.  相似文献   

We have sequenced 2,388 bp of the European rabbit sex determining region Y (SRY) gene. These data provide a 10-fold increase in the coverage of the Y chromosome in this species, including the entire open reading frame of the SRY, the polyadenylation signal, and two repetitive sequences in the 5' -region. A survey of 2021 bp of this gene in eight domestic breeds and four wild individuals revealed a total of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms and one indel, defining two deeply divergent lineages. The resulting estimation of nucleotide diversity (pi=1.34 x10(-3)) is very high when compared with other species, but no variability was detected among the domestic breeds. This study represents a first step in the characterization of the European rabbit Y chromosome and its variability. These sequences can be used in additional phylogeographical analyses of the European rabbit and other Leporid species, as well as in evolutionary studies of sex determination and the Y chromosome in wild species.  相似文献   

Samples of rabbit burrows were excavated and measured at four areas around Edinburgh. Of these, 31 burrows over 2 m long were analysed for internal structural relationships and the effect of soil composition and slope of the ground on their form. Seven variables were measured for each burrow—total length, number of entrance holes, number of junctions, number of ends, average length of sections between holes, junctions and ends, average depth and maximum depth. There are three main trends in burrow variation—size, an inverse relationship between relative number of holes and average depth, and an inverse relationship between average section length and relative number of junctions. Burrows in sand have relatively fewer holes and junctions, longer element lengths, a higher average depth and three times the enclosed volume per hole. Burrows dug into slopes have a higher average depth. Areas differed significantly in the relative number of holes and junctions, and average depth. It was concluded that an apparently complex structure could be summarized in terms of relatively few components. The chief of these, size, was largely independent of the soil and site characteristics, whereas the remaining two were dependent on the soil in which the burrow was dug. This may have implications for the ecology and behaviour of rabbits in different areas, and is relevant to the success of some rabbit control procedures such as burrow fumigation and warren ripping.  相似文献   

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