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In this report we describe the linkage between genes encoding human complement componentsC6,C7, andC9. Polymorphisms have been described at the DNA level for theC7 andC9 genes. We have studied 20 individuals by Southern blot analysis with fourC6 cDNA subclones to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). We have found a Taq I polymorphism defined by two alleles of 8.0 (C6 H) and 6.0 (C6 L) kilobases (kb). RFLP segregation for theC6, C7, andC9 loci in informative families allowed us to estimate the maximum Lod scores at a recombination fraction of =0.0 (C6–C7), =0.0 (C7–C9), and =0.0 (C6–C9). Significant linkage disequilibrium was found betweenC6 andC7 and betweenC7 andC9 loci in directly determined haplotypes of unrelated parents. Data from this study show that the genes encoding the human terminal complement componentsC6, C7, andC9 define a cluster in the short arm of chromosome 5. We propose that the clusters involving theC8A andC8B and theC6, C7, andC9 genes be referred to as MACI and MACH, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage relations between the C6 and 33 other genetic marker loci have been analyzed in Norwegian pedigrees, including 114 matings with 388 informative children, by use of the MOSM computer program. No suggestion of linkage was found. Very close or close linkage (<0.06) has been ruled out for males between C6 and the following 19 marker loci: GPT, HLA+Bf, Rh, C3, Hp, PGM 3, Km, Gm, Fy, Gc, AB0, Jk, GLO 1, K, MNSs, PTC, ACP 1, PGM 1 and Pi. For several of the relations even loose linkage is unlikely.  相似文献   

Two forms of activated C1s, a subcomponent of the first component of complement, were present in preparations of C1 specifically purified from rabbit serum by affinity chromatography on IgG-Sepharose 6B and were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in the presence of EDTA. These two activated C1s, designated C1s(I) and C1s(II), were indistinguishable with regard to hemolytic activity as well as C1s esterase activity, though they had different molecular weights. C1s(I) had a molecular weight of 106,000, consisting of H and L chains connected by disulfide bonds; the molecular weights of the chains were 70,000 and 36,000, respectively. On the other hand, C1s(II), with a molecular weight of 72,000, consisted of two chains each with a molecular weight of about 37,000, which were also connected by disulfide bonds. These results suggest that, in the case of rabbit C1s, the primary product of activation with C1r, C1s(I), may be susceptible to further cleavage of its H chain without any loss of C1s activity, resulting in the formation of C1s(II), though the active principle responsible for this conversion remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Structural similarities between C6 and C7 of human complement.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new method for the isolation of C6 and C7 by affinity chromatography of human serum with anti-C6 and anti-C7 coupled to Sepharose is described. C6 and C7 prepared by this method are hemolytically fully active, homogeneous proteins obtained in 25% yield. A comparison of the properties of isolated C6 and C7 gave the following results: The amino acid composition of the two proteins is very similar. The m.w. calculated from the amino acid content is 124,800 for C6 and 120,800 for C7. Both components are single chain glycoproteins migrating upon electrophoresis at pH 8.6 as beta 2-globulins, Both proteins are polymorphic as detected by isoelectrofocusing in polyacrylamide gels and range in their isoelectric points from pH 6.15 to 6.7. The UV spectra reveal only minor differences; the extinction coefficients are: EC6 = 1.71 cm2 X mg-1 and EC7 = 1.92 cm2 X mg-1. CD-spectra show 8% alpha-helix and 10% beta-structure for C6 and 10% alpha-helix and 14% beta-structure for C7. The structural similarities of C6 and C7 suggest their evolution from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic polymorphism of C6 in the Japanese population has been described using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing electrophoresis followed by the electrophoretic blotting technique, and haplotype analysis between C6 and C7 has also been investigated. In 565 plasma samples five different common patterns and three rare variant patterns were observed, and these were controlled by autosomal codominance at a single locus with three common and one rare alleles. These alleles were designated C6*B, C6*A, C6*B2, and C6*M, and gene frequencies were estimated to be 0.50265, 0.43186, 0.06018, and 0.00531 for C6*B, C6*A, C6*B2, and C6*M, respectively. It is noteworthy that C6*B2 has a polymorphic frequency in the Japanese population. The distribution of phenotypes fitted the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Two combinations between C6 and C7 alleles, namely C6B-C7B and C6M-C7B, were shown to be in significant positive linkage disequilibrium. The presence of allelic combinations showing linkage disequilibrium suggests the close proximity between the C6 and C7 loci.  相似文献   

Activation of the complement system through the classical, alternative, or lectin pathway results in the formation of the terminal complement complex. C7 plays an integral role in the assembly of this complex with target cell membranes. To date, only human C7 has been cloned and characterized; thus, in this study, we characterized the porcine complement component C7. Porcine C7 was isolated by affinity chromatography as a single glycoprotein with an approximate molecular mass of 90 kDa and 100 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions, respectively. The full-length porcine C7 cDNA was isolated, and the predicted amino acid sequence exhibited 80% identity with human C7 with conservation of the cysteine backbone and two putative N-linked glycosylation sites. Porcine C7 mRNA expression was detected in all tissues investigated, except polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes. Addition of purified porcine C7 restored the hemolytic activity of C7-depleted human sera in a dose-dependent manner. A functionally inhibitory mAb against porcine C7 attenuated the hemolytic activity of human, rabbit, or rat sera, suggesting an important conserved C7 epitope among species. These data demonstrate that porcine and human C7 are highly conserved, sharing structural and functional characteristics.  相似文献   

This collaborative work was undertaken to resolve discrepancies in reports of the number of forms of complement component C6 present in the circulation of mice from various inbred strains. Plasma C6 was analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and by isoelectric focusing (IEF), and C6 band patterns were developed by electroblotting and immunoprobing. Results of C6 allotyping of mice from 36 strains confirmed that while 20 strains (prototype strain BALB/c) possessed only one relative mass (M r) form which typed C6A1 on IEF, the other 16 strains all possessed more than one C6 M r form. Moreover, IEF analysis demonstrated additional polymorphic differences; among these 16 strains, 11 typed C6A l B l like the prototype strain CBA, the AKR and RF/J strains typed C6A2B2, and the Japanese MOM strain as well as the C57BR/cdJ and C57L/J strains possessed two forms with IEF mobilities intermediate between C6A1B1 and C6A2B2. These will now be referred to as C6A3B3. Thus, a total of four different mouse C6 haplotypes have been identified.Testing C6 allotypes in a limited number of wild mice revealed that haplotypes found in inbred strains of Western or Eastern origin tend to reflect haplotypes of the wild mice from Europe or Japan, respectively.  相似文献   

Puff application of complement component C5a (5 x 10(-8) M) onto peritoneal macrophages from thioglycollate-stimulated mice induced two kinds of outward current at a holding potential of -68 mV, a slowly-rising sustained outward current and a spike-like transient outward current. Quinidine (2 x 10(-4) M) and tetraethylammonium (10(-2) M) partially suppressed both types of outward current. Charybdotoxin (2 x 10(-6) M) markedly suppressed the spike-like outward current. Reversal potentials in bath solutions of different external K+ concentrations were dependent only on K+ concentrations. The transient current was not suppressed in Ca(2+)-free EGTA-containing solution, but was completely abolished in BAPTA-containing solution. One kind of single channel responding to C5a, which has a single-channel conductance of 29 pS, was recorded from cell-attached patches. These results suggest that C5a activates a Ca(2+)-dependent and another type of K+ current.  相似文献   

The structure of human complement component C7 and the C5b-7 complex   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The molecular architecture of human complement component C7 was elucidated at several structural levels. The complete primary structure of C7 was derived from the cDNA sequence of clones isolated from a human liver library. C7 is a mosaic protein that consists of 821 amino acids. The amino-terminal two-thirds of C7 has 23-30% homology with complement components C8 and C9. In addition, the carboxyl-terminal third contains four cysteine-rich segments that have overlapping internal homology. The protein is a single polypeptide chain with 28 disulfide bonds and is glycosylated at two sites. Virtually all the cysteines are found in small units of 35-77 amino acids that exhibit homology with those of various proteins including the low density lipoprotein receptor, epidermal growth factor precursor, thrombospondin, and blood coagulation factors IX and X. The secondary structural analysis, estimated by circular dichroism, suggested a high content of beta-sheet (38%) and beta-turns (24%). The tertiary structure, visualized by transmission electron microscopy, indicated a flexible elongated molecule with dimensions of 151 X 59 X 43 A. The quaternary structure of the C5b-7 complex bound to lipid vesicles was observed to be in the form of monomers or dimers. The monomer C5b-7 consists of a leaflet and a long flexible stalk, and the dimer has two leaflets linked through a supercoiled stalk. Membrane binding is mediated by the stalk part of the complexes. Using a radioiodinated photoreactive cross-linking reagent bound to the polar head group of phosphatidylethanolamine, the stalk part of the C5b-7 complex could be labeled preferentially, and it was found to consist mainly of C6 and C7. Thus, C7 plays a major role in bringing about the hydrophilic-amphiphilic transition during the formation of the membrane attack complex, and it serves as a membrane anchor for the C5b-7 complex.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex-linked human complement C4 genes are highly homologous in primary structure but give rise to products which differ in complement-activating function. In order to examine the synthesis, function, and regulation of these two genes independently, cloned C4A and C4B genes were transfected into mouse fibroblast L-cells. In the stable transfected cell lines, C4A and C4B are synthesized, undergo a complex series of post-translational modifications, and each functions appropriately in activation of the classical complement pathway. A marked difference in the kinetics of complement component C1-mediated cleavage of the C4A- and C4B-alpha chains was demonstrated in the transfectants and may contribute to the differences in the intrinsic functional activity of the two C4 isotypes. In contrast to the expression of other complement genes which are affected during the hepatic "acute phase response" (factor B, C3), the expression of C4 was not regulated by interleukin-1 or tumor necrosis factor. Interferon-gamma, however, mediated a dose- and time-dependent increase in the expression of the C4 genes. Moreover, interferon had a significantly greater and longer-lasting effect on the synthesis of C4A than that of C4B. Differences in the expression and regulation of these two genes provide insight into the control of complement activation during inflammation.  相似文献   

Using polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing and standard specific hemolytic detection methods, genetic polymorphisms have been found in the sixth and seventh complement components (C6 and C7) in two laboratory groups of Common marmosets. The C6 locus is highly variable and the products of six alleles were observed; three C7 alleles were found. Comprehensive breeding data indicated that both sets of alleles are inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Many of the C6 variants differed only by a minute charge interval. The C7 variant bands differed by large charge intervals and could only be clearly seen in plasmas that had been preincubated with neuraminidase. A linkage analysis of C6 and C7 phenotypes in three, two-generation families gives reasonable evidence that the two loci are linked in marmosets as they are in humans.This work was supported by a grant from the Advisory Board to the Research Councils.  相似文献   

Human C7 is one of four homologous complement proteins that self-assemble on the nascent activation-specific fragment, C5b, thus forming the cytolytic membrane attack complex (MAC). In addition to the conserved modular core of the MAC/perforin protein family, C7 has four C-terminal domains comprising a pair of complement control protein modules (CCPs) preceding two Factor-I like modules (FIMs). It is proposed that the C7-CCPs might serve as a molecular arm for delivery of C7-FIMs to their binding site on C5b. Here we present the NMR chemical shift assignments for the C7-CCPs produced as a 14-kDa recombinant protein. Based upon triple-resonance experiments, 98 and 94 % of the backbone and side-chain (1H, 13C and 15N) assignments, respectively, have been completed. The chemical shifts and assignments have been deposited in the BioMagResBank database under accession number 18530.  相似文献   

cDNA clones of human complement components C4A and C4B alleles were prepared from mRNA obtained from the liver of a donor heterozygous at both loci. cDNA from one C4A allele was sequenced to give the derived complete amino acid sequence of 1722 amino acid residues of the C4 single chain precursor molecule and the estimated sequences of the three peptide chains of secreted C4. Comparison with partial sequences of a second C4A allele and a C4B allele has led to the tentative identification of some class differences in nucleotide sequences between C4A and C4B and of allelic differences between C4A alleles in this highly polymorphic system.  相似文献   

Two genes, cmcI and cmcJ, corresponding to open reading frames 7 and 8 (ORF7 and ORF8) of the cephamycin C cluster of Nocardia lactamdurans encode enzymes that convert cephalosporin C to 7-methoxycephalosporin C. Proteins P7 and P8 (the products of ORF7 and ORF8 expressed in Streptomyces lividans) introduce the methoxyl group at C-7 of the cephem nucleus. Efficient hydroxylation at C-7 and transfer of the methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine require both proteins P7 and P8, although P7 alone shows weak C-7 hydroxylase activity and strong cephalosporin-dependent NADH oxidase activity. Both P7 and P8 appear to be synthesized in a coordinated form by translational coupling of cmcI and cmcJ. Protein P7 contains domains that correspond to conserved sequences in cholesterol 7 alpha-monooxygenases and to the active center of O-methyltransferases by comparison with the crystal structure of catechol-O-methyltransferase. Protein P8 may act as a coupling protein for efficient hydroxylation at C-7 in a form similar to that of the two-component system of Pseudomonas putida p-hydroxyphenylacetate-3-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

 The thioester-containing complement components, C3 and C4, are believed to have arisen by gene duplication from a common ancestor, and the mammalian C4 gene resides in the vicinity of the C2 and B genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region. To analyze the evolution of both the complement system and the MHC, we determined the complete primary structures of two C3 genes, termed Orla C3-1 and Orla C3-2, and one C4 gene, termed Orla C4, of a teleost, Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes), by analyzing cDNA clones isolated from a liver library constructed using the inbred AA2 strain. The deduced basic structures of Orla C3-1, C3-2, and C4, such as the subunit chain structure, the thioester site, and the proteolytic activation site, are similar to their mammalian counterparts. However, the catalytic His residue which greatly increases the rate of thioester reaction, is replaced by Ala in Orla C3-2, implying functional differentiation between two C3 molecules. Mapping analysis revealed a close linkage between the C3-1 and C3-2 genes, indicating that they arose by a local duplication rather than by a genome-wide tetraploidization. The C4 gene belongs to a different linkage group, and no linkage was observed among the C3, C4, Bf/C2, MHC class I, and MHC class II loci. These results suggest that the MHC class III complement region was established in the tetrapod lineage, or lost in the teleost lineage. Received: 15 July 1999 / Revised: 3 September 1999  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of C1q complement component by resident peritoneal macrophages from (CBA X C57BL/6)F1 mice has been studied in in vitro experiments. Using anti-mouse C1q antibodies immobilized on CNBr Sepharose it has been demonstrated that 14C glycine incorporates both into intracellular C1q and C1q secreted into the medium. The maximum radioactivity of intracellular C1q was observed 48 h after cultivation, with it dropping drastically between hours 72-96. Kinetics of radiolabelled C1q was similar, but 24 hours delayed. Cell viability during 96 h of cultivation remained unchanged. These data can be considered as the indication of feedback regulation of C1q biosynthesis at the cellular level.  相似文献   

C5 convertase of the alternative C pathway is a complex enzyme consisting of three C fragments--one molecule of a major fragment of factor B (Bb) and two molecules of a major fragment of C3 (C3b). Within this C3bBbC3b complex, the first C3b binds covalently to the target surface, and Bb, which bears a catalytic site, binds noncovalently to the first C3b. In the present investigation, we studied the nature of the convertase that is assembled on E surfaces and obtained evidence that the second C3b binds directly to the alpha'-chain of the first through an ester bond rather than to the target surface. Thus, the alternative pathway C5 convertase could be described as a trimolecular complex in which Bb binds noncovalently to a covalently linked C3b dimer. We also obtained evidence that not only the second C3b but also the first C3b participates in binding C5, that is, covalently-linked C3b dimer acts as a substrate-binding site. Because of this two-site binding, the convertase has a much higher affinity for C5 than the surrounding monomeric C3b molecules. Based on this evidence, a new model of the alternative pathway C5 convertase is proposed. Covalent association of two subunits and the bivalent binding of the substrate are then common properties of the alternative and classical pathway C5 convertases.  相似文献   

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