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A method of historical inference that accounts for ascertainment bias is developed and applied to single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data in humans. The data consist of 84 short fragments of the genome that were selected, from three recent SNP surveys, to contain at least two polymorphisms in their respective ascertainment samples and that were then fully resequenced in 47 globally distributed individuals. Ascertainment bias is the deviation, from what would be observed in a random sample, caused either by discovery of polymorphisms in small samples or by locus selection based on levels or patterns of polymorphism. The three SNP surveys from which the present data were derived differ both in their protocols for ascertainment and in the size of the samples used for discovery. We implemented a Monte Carlo maximum-likelihood method to fit a subdivided-population model that includes a possible change in effective size at some time in the past. Incorrectly assuming that ascertainment bias does not exist causes errors in inference, affecting both estimates of migration rates and historical changes in size. Migration rates are overestimated when ascertainment bias is ignored. However, the direction of error in inferences about changes in effective population size (whether the population is inferred to be shrinking or growing) depends on whether either the numbers of SNPs per fragment or the SNP-allele frequencies are analyzed. We use the abbreviation "SDL," for "SNP-discovered locus," in recognition of the genomic-discovery context of SNPs. When ascertainment bias is modeled fully, both the number of SNPs per SDL and their allele frequencies support a scenario of growth in effective size in the context of a subdivided population. If subdivision is ignored, however, the hypothesis of constant effective population size cannot be rejected. An important conclusion of this work is that, in demographic or other studies, SNP data are useful only to the extent that their ascertainment can be modeled.  相似文献   

As large-scale sequencing efforts turn from single genome sequencing to polymorphism discovery, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are becoming an increasingly important class of population genetic data. But because of the ascertainment biases introduced by many methods of SNP discovery, most SNP data cannot be analyzed using classical population genetic methods. Statistical methods must instead be developed that can explicitly take into account each method of SNP discovery. Here we review some of the current methods for analyzing SNPs and derive sampling distributions for single SNPs and pairs of SNPs for some common SNP discovery schemes. We also show that the ascertainment scheme has a large effect on the estimation of linkage disequilibrium and recombination, and describe some methods of correcting for ascertainment biases when estimating recombination rates from SNP data.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approximate-likelihood method to fit demographic models to human genomewide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. We divide the genome into windows of constant genetic map width and then tabulate the number of distinct haplotypes and the frequency of the most common haplotype for each window. We summarize the data by the genomewide joint distribution of these two statistics—termed the HCN statistic. Coalescent simulations are used to generate the expected HCN statistic for different demographic parameters. The HCN statistic provides additional information for disentangling complex demography beyond statistics based on single-SNP frequencies. Application of our method to simulated data shows it can reliably infer parameters from growth and bottleneck models, even in the presence of recombination hotspots when properly modeled. We also examined how practical problems with genomewide data sets, such as errors in the genetic map, haplotype phase uncertainty, and SNP ascertainment bias, affect our method. Several modifications of our method served to make it robust to these problems. We have applied our method to data collected by Perlegen Sciences and find evidence for a severe population size reduction in northwestern Europe starting 32,500–47,500 years ago.  相似文献   

Nielsen R  Hubisz MJ  Clark AG 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2373-2382
Most of the available SNP data have eluded valid population genetic analysis because most population genetical methods do not correctly accommodate the special discovery process used to identify SNPs. Most of the available SNP data have allele frequency distributions that are biased by the ascertainment protocol. We here show how this problem can be corrected by obtaining maximum-likelihood estimates of the true allele frequency distribution. In simple cases, the ML estimate of the true allele frequency distribution can be obtained analytically, but in other cases computational methods based on numerical optimization or the EM algorithm must be used. We illustrate the new correction method by analyzing some previously published SNP data from the SNP Consortium. Appropriate treatment of SNP ascertainment is vital to our ability to make correct inferences from the data of the International HapMap Project.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic data contain information on the history of populations. Evidence of prehistoric demographic expansions has been detected in the mitochondrial diversity of most human populations and in a Y-chromosome STR analysis, but not in a previous study of 11 Y-chromosome SNPs in Europeans. In this paper, we show that mismatch distributions and tests of mutation/drift equilibrium based on up to 166 Y-chromosome SNPs, in 46 samples from all continents, also fail to support an increase of the male effective population size. Computer simulations show that the low nuclear versus mitochondrial mutation rates cannot explain these results. However, ascertainment bias, i.e., when only highly variable SNP sites are typed, may be concealing any Y SNPs evidence for a recent, but not an ancient, increase in male effective population sizes. The results of our SNP analyses can be reconciled with the expansion of male effective population sizes inferred from STR loci, and with mitochondrial evidence, by admitting that humans were essentially polygynous during much of their history. As a consequence, until recently only a few men may have contributed a large fraction of the Y-chromosome pool at every generation. The number of breeding males may have increased, and the variance of their reproductive success may have decreased, through a recent shift from polygyny to monogamy, which is supported by ethnological data and possibly accompanied the shift from mobile to sedentary communities.  相似文献   

We introduce a flexible and robust simulation-based framework to infer demographic parameters from the site frequency spectrum (SFS) computed on large genomic datasets. We show that our composite-likelihood approach allows one to study evolutionary models of arbitrary complexity, which cannot be tackled by other current likelihood-based methods. For simple scenarios, our approach compares favorably in terms of accuracy and speed with , the current reference in the field, while showing better convergence properties for complex models. We first apply our methodology to non-coding genomic SNP data from four human populations. To infer their demographic history, we compare neutral evolutionary models of increasing complexity, including unsampled populations. We further show the versatility of our framework by extending it to the inference of demographic parameters from SNP chips with known ascertainment, such as that recently released by Affymetrix to study human origins. Whereas previous ways of handling ascertained SNPs were either restricted to a single population or only allowed the inference of divergence time between a pair of populations, our framework can correctly infer parameters of more complex models including the divergence of several populations, bottlenecks and migration. We apply this approach to the reconstruction of African demography using two distinct ascertained human SNP panels studied under two evolutionary models. The two SNP panels lead to globally very similar estimates and confidence intervals, and suggest an ancient divergence (>110 Ky) between Yoruba and San populations. Our methodology appears well suited to the study of complex scenarios from large genomic data sets.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data are routinely obtained by sequencing a region of interest in a small panel, constructing a chip with probes specific to sites found to vary in the panel, and using the chip to assay subsequent samples. The size of the chip is often reduced by removing low-frequency alleles from the set of SNPs. Using coalescent estimation of the scaled population size parameter, Θ, as a test case, we demonstrate the loss of information inherent in this procedure and develop corrections for coalescent analysis of SNPs obtained via a panel. We show that more accurate Θ-estimates can be recovered if the panel size is known, but at considerable computational cost as the panel individuals must be explicitly modeled in the analysis. We extend this technique to apply to the case where rare alleles have been omitted from the SNP panel. We find that when appropriate corrections for panel ascertainment and rare-allele omission are used, the biases introduced by ascertainment are largely correctable, but recovered estimates are less accurate than would be obtained with fully sequenced data. This method is then applied to recombinant multiple population data to investigate the effects of recombination and migration on the estimate of Θ.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been proposed by some as the new frontier for population studies, and several papers have presented theoretical and empirical evidence reporting the advantages and limitations of SNPs. As a practical matter, however, it remains unclear how many SNP markers will be required or what the optimal characteristics of those markers should be in order to obtain sufficient statistical power to detect different levels of population differentiation. We use a hypothetical case to illustrate the process of designing a population genetics project, and present results from simulations that address several issues for maximizing statistical power to detect differentiation while minimizing the amount of effort in developing SNPs. Results indicate that (i) while ~30 SNPs should be sufficient to detect moderate (FST = 0.01) levels of differentiation, studies aimed at detecting demographic independence (e.g. FST < 0.005) may require 80 or more SNPs and large sample sizes; (ii) different SNP allele frequencies have little affect on power, and thus, selection of SNPs can be relatively unbiased; (iii) increasing the sample size has a strong effect on power, so that the number of loci can be minimized when sample number is known, and increasing sample size is almost always beneficial; and (iv) power is increased by including multiple SNPs within loci and inferring haplotypes, rather than trying to use only unlinked SNPs. This also has the practical benefit of reducing the SNP ascertainment effort, and may influence the decision of whether to seek SNPs in coding or noncoding regions.  相似文献   

At present there is tremendous interest in characterizing the magnitude and distribution of linkage disequilibrium (LD) throughout the human genome, which will provide the necessary foundation for genome-wide LD analyses and facilitate detailed evolutionary studies. To this end, a human high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker map has been constructed. Many of the SNPs on this map, however, were identified by sampling a small number of chromosomes from a single population, and inferences drawn from studies using such SNPs may be influenced by ascertainment bias (AB). Through extensive simulations, we have found that AB is a potentially significant problem in estimating and comparing LD within and between populations. Specifically, the magnitude of AB is a function of the SNP discovery strategy, number of chromosomes used for SNP discovery, population genetic characteristics of the particular genomic region considered, amount of gene flow between populations, and demographic history of the populations. We demonstrate that a balanced SNP discovery strategy (where equal numbers of chromosomes are sampled from multiple subpopulations) is the optimal study design for generating broadly applicable SNP resources. Finally, we validate our theoretical predictions by comparing our results to publicly available data from ten genes sequenced in 24 African American and 23 European American individuals.  相似文献   

Despite increased interest in applying single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data to questions in natural systems, one unresolved issue is to what extent the ascertainment bias induced during the SNP discovery phase will impact available analysis methods. Although most studies addressing ascertainment bias have focused on human populations, it is not clear whether existing methods will work when applied to other species with more complex demographic histories and more significant levels of population structure. Here we present findings from an empirical approach to exploring the effect of population structure on issues of ascertainment bias in the Eastern Fence Lizard, Sceloporus undulatus. We find that frequency spectra and summary statistics were highly sensitive to SNP discovery strategy, necessitating careful selection of the initial ascertainment panel. Randomly selected ascertainment panels performed equally well as ascertainment panels chosen to jointly sample geographic, phenotypic, and genetic diversity. Geographically restricted panels resulted in larger biases. Additionally, we found existing ascertainment bias correction methods, which were not developed for geographically structured data sets, were largely effective at reducing the impact of ascertainment bias. Because bias correction methods performed well even when underlying assumptions were violated, our results suggest tools are currently available to analyze SNP data in structured populations.  相似文献   

Marth GT  Czabarka E  Murvai J  Sherry ST 《Genetics》2004,166(1):351-372
We have studied a genome-wide set of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) allele frequency measures for African-American, East Asian, and European-American samples. For this analysis we derived a simple, closed mathematical formulation for the spectrum of expected allele frequencies when the sampled populations have experienced nonstationary demographic histories. The direct calculation generates the spectrum orders of magnitude faster than coalescent simulations do and allows us to generate spectra for a large number of alternative histories on a multidimensional parameter grid. Model-fitting experiments using this grid reveal significant population-specific differences among the demographic histories that best describe the observed allele frequency spectra. European and Asian spectra show a bottleneck-shaped history: a reduction of effective population size in the past followed by a recent phase of size recovery. In contrast, the African-American spectrum shows a history of moderate but uninterrupted population expansion. These differences are expected to have profound consequences for the design of medical association studies. The analytical methods developed for this study, i.e., a closed mathematical formulation for the allele frequency spectrum, correcting the ascertainment bias introduced by shallow SNP sampling, and dealing with variable sample sizes provide a general framework for the analysis of public variation data.  相似文献   

Inference of intraspecific population divergence patterns typically requires genetic data for molecular markers with relatively high mutation rates. Microsatellites, or short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphisms, have proven informative in many such investigations. These markers are characterized, however, by high levels of homoplasy and varying mutational properties, often leading to inaccurate inference of population divergence. A SNPSTR is a genetic system that consists of an STR polymorphism closely linked (typically < 500 bp) to one or more single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPSTR systems are characterized by lower levels of homoplasy than are STR loci. Divergence time estimates based on STR variation (on the derived SNP allele background) should, therefore, be more accurate and precise. We use coalescent-based simulations in the context of several models of demographic history to compare divergence time estimates based on SNPSTR haplotype frequencies and STR allele frequencies. We demonstrate that estimates of divergence time based on STR variation on the background of a derived SNP allele are more accurate (3% to 7% bias for SNPSTR versus 11% to 20% bias for STR) and more precise than STR-based estimates, conditional on a recent SNP mutation. These results hold even for models involving complex demographic scenarios with gene flow, population expansion, and population bottlenecks. Varying the timing of the mutation event generating the SNP revealed that estimates of divergence time are sensitive to SNP age, with more recent SNPs giving more accurate and precise estimates of divergence time. However, varying both mutational properties of STR loci and SNP age demonstrated that multiple independent SNPSTR systems provide less biased estimates of divergence time. Furthermore, the combination of estimates based separately on STR and SNPSTR variation provides insight into the age of the derived SNP alleles. In light of our simulations, we interpret estimates from data for human populations.  相似文献   

Genetic stock identification (GSI) using molecular markers is an important tool for management of migratory species. Here, we tested a cost-effective alternative to individual genotyping, known as allelotyping, for identification of highly informative SNPs for accurate genetic stock identification. We estimated allele frequencies of 2880 SNPs from DNA pools of 23 Atlantic salmon populations using Illumina SNP-chip. We evaluated the performance of four common strategies (global F ST, pairwise F ST, Delta and outlier approach) for selection of the most informative set of SNPs and tested their effectiveness for GSI compared to random sets of SNP and microsatellite markers. For the majority of cases, SNPs selected using the outlier approach performed best followed by pairwise F ST and Delta methods. Overall, the selection procedure reduced the number of SNPs required for accurate GSI by up to 53% compared with randomly chosen SNPs. However, GSI accuracy was more affected by populations in the ascertainment group rather than the ranking method itself. We demonstrated for the first time the compatibility of different large-scale SNP datasets by compiling the largest population genetic dataset for Atlantic salmon to date. Finally, we showed an excellent performance of our top SNPs on an independent set of populations covering the main European distribution range of Atlantic salmon. Taken together, we demonstrate how combination of DNA pooling and SNP arrays can be applied for conservation and management of salmonids as well as other species.  相似文献   

Nielsen R 《Genetics》2000,154(2):931-942
Some general likelihood and Bayesian methods for analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are presented. First, an efficient method for estimating demographic parameters from SNPs in linkage equilibrium is derived. The method is applied in the estimation of growth rates of a human population based on 37 SNP loci. It is demonstrated how ascertainment biases, due to biased sampling of loci, can be avoided, at least in some cases, by appropriate conditioning when calculating the likelihood function. Second, a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for analyzing linked SNPs is developed. This method can be used for Bayesian and likelihood inference on linked SNPs. The utility of the method is illustrated by estimating recombination rates in a human data set containing 17 SNPs and 60 individuals. Both methods are based on assumptions of low mutation rates.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships among species is a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified through next generation sequencing and related technologies enable phylogeny reconstruction by providing unprecedented numbers of characters for analysis. One approach to SNP-based phylogeny reconstruction is to identify SNPs in a subset of individuals, and then to compile SNPs on an array that can be used to genotype additional samples at hundreds or thousands of sites simultaneously. Although powerful and efficient, this method is subject to ascertainment bias because applying variation discovered in a representative subset to a larger sample favors identification of SNPs with high minor allele frequencies and introduces bias against rare alleles. Here, we demonstrate that the use of hybridization intensity data, rather than genotype calls, reduces the effects of ascertainment bias. Whereas traditional SNP calls assess known variants based on diversity housed in the discovery panel, hybridization intensity data survey variation in the broader sample pool, regardless of whether those variants are present in the initial SNP discovery process. We apply SNP genotype and hybridization intensity data derived from the Vitis9kSNP array developed for grape to show the effects of ascertainment bias and to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among Vitis species. We demonstrate that phylogenies constructed using hybridization intensities suffer less from the distorting effects of ascertainment bias, and are thus more accurate than phylogenies based on genotype calls. Moreover, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Vitis using hybridization data, show that North American subgenus Vitis species are monophyletic, and resolve several previously poorly known relationships among North American species. This study builds on earlier work that applied the Vitis9kSNP array to evolutionary questions within Vitis vinifera and has general implications for addressing ascertainment bias in array-enabled phylogeny reconstruction.  相似文献   

In this report, we examine the hypothesis that the drivers of latitudinal selection observed in the eastern US Drosophila melanogaster populations are reiterated within seasons in a temperate orchard population in Pennsylvania, USA. Specifically, we ask whether alleles that are apparently favoured in northern populations are also favoured early in the spring, and decrease in frequency from the spring to autumn with the population expansion. We use SNP data collected for 46 metabolic genes and 128 SNPs representing the central metabolic pathway and examine for the aggregate SNP allele frequencies whether the association of allele change with latitude and that with increasing days of spring–autumn season are reversed. Testing by random permutation, we observe a highly significant negative correlation between these associations that is consistent with this expectation. This correlation is stronger when we confine our analysis to only those alleles that show significant latitudinal changes. This pattern is not caused by association with chromosomal inversions. When data are resampled using SNPs for amino acid change the relationship is not significant but is supported when SNPs associated with cis-expression are only considered. Our results suggest that climate factors driving latitudinal molecular variation in a metabolic pathway are related to those operating on a seasonal level within populations.  相似文献   

To optimize the strategies for population-based pharmacogenetic studies, we extensively analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes in 199 drug-related genes, through use of 4,190 SNPs in 752 control subjects. Drug-related genes, like other genes, have a haplotype-block structure, and a few haplotype-tagging SNPs (htSNPs) could represent most of the major haplotypes constructed with common SNPs in a block. Because our data included 860 uncommon (frequency <0.1) SNPs with frequencies that were accurately estimated, we analyzed the relationship between haplotypes and uncommon SNPs within the blocks (549 SNPs). We inferred haplotype frequencies through use of the data from all htSNPs and one of the uncommon SNPs within a block and calculated four joint probabilities for the haplotypes. We show that, irrespective of the minor-allele frequency of an uncommon SNP, the majority (mean +/- SD frequency 0.943+/-0.117) of the minor alleles were assigned to a single haplotype tagged by htSNPs if the uncommon SNP was within the block. These results support the hypothesis that recombinations occur only infrequently within blocks. The proportion of a single haplotype tagged by htSNPs to which the minor alleles of an uncommon SNP were assigned was positively correlated with the minor-allele frequency when the frequency was <0.03 (P<.000001; n=233 [Spearman's rank correlation coefficient]). The results of simulation studies suggested that haplotype analysis using htSNPs may be useful in the detection of uncommon SNPs associated with phenotypes if the frequencies of the SNPs are higher in affected than in control populations, the SNPs are within the blocks, and the frequencies of the SNPs are >0.03.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data can be used for parameter estimation via maximum likelihood methods as long as the way in which the SNPs were determined is known, so that an appropriate likelihood formula can be constructed. We present such likelihoods for several sampling methods. As a test of these approaches, we consider use of SNPs to estimate the parameter Theta = 4N(e)micro (the scaled product of effective population size and per-site mutation rate), which is related to the branch lengths of the reconstructed genealogy. With infinite amounts of data, ML models using SNP data are expected to produce consistent estimates of Theta. With finite amounts of data the estimates are accurate when Theta is high, but tend to be biased upward when Theta is low. If recombination is present and not allowed for in the analysis, the results are additionally biased upward, but this effect can be removed by incorporating recombination into the analysis. SNPs defined as sites that are polymorphic in the actual sample under consideration (sample SNPs) are somewhat more accurate for estimation of Theta than SNPs defined by their polymorphism in a panel chosen from the same population (panel SNPs). Misrepresenting panel SNPs as sample SNPs leads to large errors in the maximum likelihood estimate of Theta. Researchers collecting SNPs should collect and preserve information about the method of ascertainment so that the data can be accurately analyzed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have triggered a shift toward single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A systematic bias can be introduced if SNPs are ascertained in a small panel of genotypes and then used for characterizing a larger population (ascertainment bias). With the objective of evaluating a potential ascertainment bias of the Illumina MaizeSNP50 array with respect to elite European maize dent and flint inbred lines, we compared the genetic diversity among these materials based on 731 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 186 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 41,434 SNPs of the MaizeSNP50 array (SNP-A), and two subsets of it, i.e., 30,068 Panzea (SNP-P) and 11,366 Syngenta markers (SNP-S). We evaluated the bias effects on major allele frequency, allele number, gene diversity, modified Roger’s distance (MRD), and on molecular variance (AMOVA). We revealed ascertainment bias in SNP-A, compared to AFLPs and SSRs. It affected especially European flint lines analyzed with markers (SNP-S) specifically developed to maximize differences among North American dent germplasm. The bias affected all genetic parameters, but did not substantially alter the relative distances between inbred lines within groups. For these reasons, we conclude that the SNP markers of the MaizeSNP50 array can be employed for breeding purposes in the investigated material. However, attention should be paid in case of comparisons between genotypes belonging to different heterotic groups. In this case, it is advisable to prefer a marker subset with potentially low ascertainment bias, like in our case the SNP-P marker set.  相似文献   

In spite of its evolutionary significance and conservation importance, the population structure of the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, is still poorly understood. An issue of particular controversy is whether the proposed fourth subspecies of chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes ellioti, from parts of Nigeria and Cameroon, is genetically distinct. Although modern high-throughput SNP genotyping has had a major impact on our understanding of human population structure and demographic history, its application to ecological, demographic, or conservation questions in non-human species has been extremely limited. Here we apply these tools to chimpanzee population structure, using ~700 autosomal SNPs derived from chimpanzee genomic data and a further ~100 SNPs from targeted re-sequencing. We demonstrate conclusively the existence of P. t. ellioti as a genetically distinct subgroup. We show that there is clear differentiation between the verus, troglodytes, and ellioti populations at the SNP and haplotype level, on a scale that is greater than that separating continental human populations. Further, we show that only a small set of SNPs (10-20) is needed to successfully assign individuals to these populations. Tellingly, use of only mitochondrial DNA variation to classify individuals is erroneous in 4 of 54 cases, reinforcing the dangers of basing demographic inference on a single locus and implying that the demographic history of the species is more complicated than that suggested analyses based solely on mtDNA. In this study we demonstrate the feasibility of developing economical and robust tests of individual chimpanzee origin as well as in-depth studies of population structure. These findings have important implications for conservation strategies and our understanding of the evolution of chimpanzees. They also act as a proof-of-principle for the use of cheap high-throughput genomic methods for ecological questions.  相似文献   

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