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Anthony D .  Fox  Christian M .  Glahder  Alyn J .  Walsh 《Oikos》2003,103(2):415-425
Greenland white‐fronted geese accumulate body mass throughout late winter in preparation for migration after mid‐April to spring staging areas in Iceland. This analysis presents field assessment of abdominal fat deposits (API) from large samples of marked birds which showed increasing rates of fuel deposition throughout January–April. Historical records show that geese rarely depart en masse before 17 April, a pattern followed by all but one of the tagged birds. Timed positions obtained from 12 geese fitted with satellite transmitters in 1997, 1998 and 1999 suggested that all geese departed winter quarters on tailwinds between 16 and 19 April. Tracked geese flew directly to staging areas in Iceland, although one staged for 10 days in Northern Ireland in 1997 and another may have stopped briefly in western Scotland. Average migration duration of all tagged birds departing Ireland (including the 1997 bird that stopped over within Ireland) was 25 hours (range 13–77). Four geese apparently overshot and returned to Iceland during strong E to ESE winds. APIs in Iceland showed more rapid and linear increases in stores during the mean 19‐day (range 13–22) staging period there than on the winter quarters. Geese continued their migration to Greenland when APIs attained or exceeded levels at departure from Ireland and all departed on assisting tailwinds between 1 and 11 May. Tracked birds continued the journey to West Greenland in between 24 and 261 (mean 82) hours, although one bird turned back during the traverse of the Greenland Ice Cap and summered on the east coast. Seven of the birds staged for 1–20 hours at, or near, the East Greenland coast and several made slow progress crossing the inland ice, all in the direction of their ultimate destination (i.e. not necessarily taking the lowest or shortest crossing routes). It is suggested that the energy‐savings of departing on tailwinds may favour geese to wait for such conditions once threshold fat storage levels have been reached, but more research is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

In crayfish stimulation of abdominal positioning interneurons (APIs) recruits other interneurons producing various abdominal movements. We investigated whether: (1) the same API from different preparations activated a similar number or group of interneurons, (2) different APIs activated different groups, and (3) repeated stimulation of an API consistently affected a similar set of interneurons. To quantify the similarities and differences of the recruited interneuronal groups we compared the number of interneurons affected, their firing frequencies, and motor outputs. Three types of APIs (Curly Q, L and T) were identified and each type was stimulated in three preparations. Our results showed that for the Curly Q and L cells, each cell type activated interneuronal groups that were statistically similar in number and firing frequency. The T cell activated interneuronal groups that were more variable. Some APIs generally provided a repeatable motor output; all did not. The interneuronal groups activated by the Curly Q, L and T cells were very different from each other. Repeated stimulation of one Curly Q cell affected similar although not identical sets of interneurons. These data suggest that repeated motor outputs could be produced by a similar but not identical group of cells. Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Many Arctic‐breeding waterbirds are thought to bring nutrients for egg production from southern latitudes to allow early breeding. It has proved problematic to quantify the extent of such capital breeding and identify whether nutrients for egg production are brought in from nearby or from afar. Before reaching their breeding grounds on Svalbard, pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus fly ~ 1100 km across the Barents Sea from Norway. Using abdominal profile indexing (API) we scored body stores in individually marked geese just prior to migration from the northernmost staging area in Norway to Svalbard, followed by their breeding success on their non‐breeding grounds in autumn. In productive breeding years leading to a high (> 13.8%) proportion of juveniles in the autumn population, there was a positive relationship between female API and number of young produced, suggesting that the geese are at least partial capital breeders. Moreover, focusing on the geographic origin of proteins used in egg synthesis and measuring nitrogen stable isotope ratios in pink‐footed geese's eggs and food sources in Norway and Svalbard, we identified that capital breeding in this species is ~ 50% on average but may potentially amount to as much as 100%, notably in females laying early. About 60% of this protein capital is carried in well‐developed follicles across the Barents Sea, the remainder likely being stored in muscle tissues. Conditions on the wintering grounds and migratory stopover sites can have profound effects on an individual's fitness but the here presented link between the use of migratory stopover sites and breeding performance is particularly noteworthy. Apparently, some individuals accept the putative costs of carrying body stores over large distances to the breeding grounds. The data also highlights considerable variation in the reliance on capital for breeding, suggesting substantial individual scope to adjust breeding strategy to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

On their way from the wintering area to the breeding grounds in Spitsbergen, barnacle geese Branta leucopsis stage on islands off the coast of Norway. The aim of this study was to describe when the geese migrate in relation to the body stores deposited and explore questions related to the concept of optimal migration schedules and on the possible mechanisms involved. We estimated fat stores by repeated assessments of the abdominal profile index of individually marked females throughout staging. Reproductive success was derived from observations of the same individuals later in the annual cycle. Females arriving late, or with low fat stores at arrival, achieved higher fat deposition rates, probably by spending more time foraging. But they were unable to match final fat scores of birds that arrived earlier or with larger fat stores. Reproductive success was correlated with the timing of migration and individuals departing at intermediate dates achieved highest success. The exact date of peak reproductive success depended on the size of fat stores accumulated, such that low-quality birds (depositing less fat) benefited most from an early departure to the breeding grounds. Observations in the breeding colonies showed that these birds did not initiate a nest earlier but they spent a longer time in Spitsbergen before settling. The length of stay in Norway was close to the prediction derived from an optimisation model relating spring events to eventual breeding success. Poorest performing birds stayed longer than expected, perhaps depositing more fat to avoid the risk of starvation. Two possible mechanisms of the timing of migration were contrasted and it seemed that the geese departed for migration as soon as they were unable to accumulate any more fat stores.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In an effort to reduce goose depredation at a traditional spring migratory stopover site, private landowners implemented a coordinated hazing plan to scare Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) from private lands to adjacent public pastures that were cultivated and set aside specifically for geese. Coincidentally, some Aleutian geese began using a new stopover site 150 km farther south in their spring migratory range; numbers at the new site continue to increase. We tested the idea that when their ability to acquire resources deteriorates geese are likely to seek improved foraging conditions, especially during spring migration when individuals strive to maximize nutrient stores and minimize energy expenditure. We quantified measures of goose foraging performance in traditional and new spring staging sites by calculating foraging opportunity, foraging effort, body condition, and daily energy expenditure. Geese staging at the site with higher levels of human disturbance had less foraging opportunity and, despite increased foraging effort and more nutritious food-plants at the site, birds there experienced an elevated energy expenditure and poorer body condition than birds at the new stopover site. Reduced foraging time and increased energy expenditure at the traditional spring staging site may have triggered the colonization process. Suitability assessment of habitat for migratory geese should include measures of foraging opportunity, disturbance risks, and daily energy expenditure in addition to quantity and quality of foods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In many urban metropolitan areas, resident Canada goose (Branta canadensis) populations have grown to nuisance levels in spite of increasing harvest opportunity. To document differences in demographic parameters between urban and rural geese, I estimated probabilities of survival, recapture, recovery, and fidelity for adult resident Canada geese between 2001 and 2006 using banding, live recapture, and dead recovery data from 2 distinct banding locations in Georgia, USA. Adult survival rates were higher for urban geese (0.958, SE = 0.020) than for rural geese (0.682, SE = 0.049). Using estimated recovery probabilities of 0.505 (SE = 0.107) for urban and 0.463 (SE = 0.045) for rural geese, along with current estimates of crippling loss and reporting rate, the estimated mean harvest rate for urban geese was 0.029 (SE = 0.006) and for rural geese was 0.202 (SE = 0.020). Fidelity rates were similar between urban (0.730, SE = 0.033) and rural geese (0.713, SE = 0.069). This information suggests that urban segments of the Canada goose population have substantially higher survival than rural geese and are harvested at a very low rate, and that liberalizing hunting regulations may have little impact on Georgia's urban goose population. Wildlife managers may need to consider options other than sport hunting to control nuisance goose populations in urban areas.  相似文献   

Markers are widely used to study behavior, migration, and the life history traits of birds such as survival, dispersal, and reproductive success. The presence of neck collars has been shown to impact the breeding propensity of adult female Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), but not their survival rates. We evaluated the hypothesis that the reduction in breeding propensity in neck‐collared birds was due to a reduction in the body condition of these long‐distance migrants that rely on a partial capital breeding strategy. Our study was conducted during 4 consecutive years along the St. Lawrence estuary in Quebec, Canada, a major spring staging area for these geese. We captured and marked 2552 geese with collars and 34 were recaptured in subsequent years at the same site. After controlling for confounding variables such as year and date of capture, we found that the presence of a neck collar reduced body condition of females during spring staging. Female Greater Snow Geese lost an average of 105.5 ± 39.1 (SE) g (4% of body mass) after carrying a collar for 1 yr and an average of 81.9 ± 43.6 g compared to original mass when recaptured 2 or 3 yr later. Our results suggest that the previously reported reduction in breeding propensity of neck‐collared geese may be due to a reduction in body condition during spring staging. Neck collars could negatively affect the body condition of female Greater Snow Geese by increasing their energy expenditure (due to increased drag during flight or to chronic stress) or reducing their foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

The migration strategy of many capital breeders is to garner body stores along the flyway at distinct stopover sites. The rate at which they can fuel is likely to be strongly influenced by a range of factors, such as physiology, food availability, time available for foraging and perceived predation. We analysed the foraging behaviour and fuel accumulation of pink‐footed geese, an Arctic capital breeder, at their mid‐flyway spring stopover site and evaluated to what extent their behaviour and fuelling were related to physiological and external factors and how it differed from other stopovers along the flyway. We found that fuel accumulation rates of geese at the mid‐flyway site were limited by habitat availability rather than by digestive constraints. However, as the time available for foraging increased over the stopover season, geese were able to keep constant fuelling rate. Putting this in perspective, geese increased their daily net energy intake along the flyway corresponding to the increase in time available for foraging. The net energy intake per hour of foraging remained the same. Geese showed differences in their reaction to predators/disturbance between the sites, taking higher risks particularly at the final stopover site. Hence, perceived predation along the flyway may force birds to postpone the final fuel accumulation to the last stopover along the flyway. Flexibility in behaviour appears to be an important trait to ensure fitness in this capital breeder. Our findings are based on a new, improved method for estimating fuel accumulation of animals foraging in heterogeneous landscapes based on data obtained from satellite telemetry and habitat specific intake rates.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lesser Canada geese (Branta canadensis parvipes) are indistinguishable from other subspecies of small Canada geese on the wintering grounds using current survey methods. Consequently, managers are unable to adequately measure their abundance. Without direct estimates of abundance, researchers often use estimates of vital rates that influence abundance (e.g., annual survival) to monitor potential impact of harvest on the population. Based on capture and re-sighting data records of 567 geese marked from 1994 through 1998, we calculated annual survival and recovery rates for different age and sex classes of white-cheeked geese staging in interior Alaska. We compared those survival and recovery rates with those of other neck-collared white-cheeked geese. The best approximating model allowed survival to vary by age class while holding Seber's recovery probability (r̂) constant over sex, age class, and time. We estimated annual survival to be 0.49 (SE = 0.05) for hatch-year geese and 0.68 (SE = 0.03) for after-hatch-year geese based on the weighted average of all models with a change in Akaike's Information Criterion adjusted for small sample size and lack of fit < 4. Estimates of annual survival of white-cheeked geese in this study are among the lowest and recovery estimates are among the highest for migratory populations of neck-collared geese. Low survival estimates of Canada geese in our study suggest that harvest rates may be higher than in many other populations. Surveys to estimate abundance or other population parameters such as reproductive success and recruitment are necessary to determine whether this population is self-sustaining. Furthermore, we recommend monitoring abundance and harvest of small white-cheeked geese east and west of the Cascade Mountain Range separately to better determine harvest pressure on white-cheeked geese wintering east of the Cascades.  相似文献   

While bar-headed geese are renowned for migration at high altitude over the Himalayas, previous work on captive birds suggested that these geese are unable to maintain rates of oxygen consumption while running in severely hypoxic conditions. To investigate this paradox, we re-examined the running performance and heart rates of bar-headed geese and barnacle geese (a low altitude species) during exercise in hypoxia. Bar-headed geese (n = 7) were able to run at maximum speeds (determined in normoxia) for 15 minutes in severe hypoxia (7% O2; simulating the hypoxia at 8500 m) with mean heart rates of 466±8 beats min−1. Barnacle geese (n = 10), on the other hand, were unable to complete similar trials in severe hypoxia and their mean heart rate (316 beats.min−1) was significantly lower than bar-headed geese. In bar-headed geese, partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in both arterial and mixed venous blood were significantly lower during hypoxia than normoxia, both at rest and while running. However, measurements of blood lactate in bar-headed geese suggested that anaerobic metabolism was not a major energy source during running in hypoxia. We combined these data with values taken from the literature to estimate (i) oxygen supply, using the Fick equation and (ii) oxygen demand using aerodynamic theory for bar-headed geese flying aerobically, and under their own power, at altitude. This analysis predicts that the maximum altitude at which geese can transport enough oxygen to fly without environmental assistance ranges from 6,800 m to 8,900 m altitude, depending on the parameters used in the model but that such flights should be rare.  相似文献   

Summary The diet composition of Brent Geese Branta bernicla on a salt-marsh was quantified. Puccinellia maritima was the principal food species, while Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima were less commonly taken. Festuca rubra only acted as a substitute for Puccinellia when production of the latter species dropped. The metabolizable energy of the food plants ranged from 5 to 11 kJ·g–1. By assessing the ingestion rates of geese feeding on different food species, the net intake rate could be derived. Plantago and Triglochin appeared to be the most profitable plants to eat. The proportion of these species in the diet was restricted by (1) the capacity of the alimentary tract, since high intake rates combined with high water contents of the food plants easily led to overfill; and (2) the limited distribution of these plants, in combination with their rapid depletion by grazing geese. These latter factors led to an unequal allocation among individual geese. Most Plantago and Triglochin was obtained by dominant pairs within the flocks. The high quality of Puccinellia allowed geese to gain mass in spring, but the metabolizable energy of this plant species declined during the staging period, and Plantago and Triglochin increased in importance in supplying the geese with components with which to build their body reserves. The timing of the onset of spring growth of the various food species differed between years, and plant phenology was shown to have a profound effect on the final body reserves of the geese.  相似文献   

Resident populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are of particular management interest throughout the eastern United States given increased human-wildlife conflicts due to regional increases in the Atlantic Flyway Resident Population. Within Virginia, USA, growth rates of resident goose populations have been reduced through extended harvest seasons and increased bag limits. Our objective was to investigate spatiotemporal patterns in survival rates and harvest rates of resident geese in Virginia over the past 25 years. We estimated annual survival, recovery, and harvest rates using mark-recapture data from 1990–2015 for individuals that were banded as resident birds during summer throughout the state. We tested for differences in annual survival probability and harvest rates of resident geese banded and recovered in 3 distinct goose hunt zones: the Atlantic, Southern James Bay, and Western hunt zones, each of which had different hunting regulations. We also tested for differences in survival and harvest rates between individuals banded in rural or urban sampling locations, and between age classes (i.e., after hatch-year or hatch-year). In general, survival rates of resident geese over the past 25 years in Virginia are declining. Differences in survival among the 3 goose hunt zones also suggests that current harvest management strategies have reduced survival rates of resident geese. Upon closer examination, we found differences in survival among zones, with resident geese in the Atlantic and Southern James Bay hunt zones showing more negative declines compared to resident geese in the Western zone. Resident geese banded in rural areas had higher survival than urban-banded geese. We also investigated the effects of sampling effort on survival estimates and found no difference in survival estimates among groups when using 75%, 50%, 25%, or 5% of the data randomly sampled from the full data set, suggesting that banding efforts of resident geese could be reduced and continue to inform adaptive management strategies for these populations throughout Virginia. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Most birds develop brood patches before incubation; epidermis and dermis in the brood patch region thicken, and the dermal connective tissue becomes increasingly vascularized and infiltrated by leukocytes. However, current dogma states that waterfowl incubate without modifications of skin within the brood patch region. The incubation periods of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens; hereafter called snow geese) and Ross’s geese (C. rossii) are 2–6 days shorter than those of other goose species; only females incubate. Thus, we hypothesized that such short incubation periods would require fully developed brood patches for sufficient heat transfer from incubating parents to eggs. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the skin histology of abdominal regions of snow and Ross’s geese collected at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, Canada. For female snow geese, we found that epidermis and dermis had thickened and vascularization of dermis was 14 times greater, on average, than that observed in males (n=5 pairs). Our results for Ross’s geese (n=5 pairs) were more variable, wherein only one of five female Ross’s geese fully developed a brood patch. Our results are consistent with three hypotheses about brood patch development and its relationship with different energetic cost–benefit relationships, resulting from differences in embryonic development and body size.  相似文献   

营养和能量有效的积累对候鸟能否顺利完成迁徙具有重要意义。2015年8月至10月在内蒙古图牧吉湿地,利用卫星跟踪技术对灰雁的活动特征、生境利用等方面进行了研究,以期阐明灰雁在秋季如何有效积累能量以满足迁徙前的生理需求。我们采用增强型植被指数(EVI)分析了灰雁的生境特征,运用核密度分析法(KDE)计算了日间和夜间活动区面积,以及对不同月份的平均活动距离进行了分析。结果表明,8至10月间,灰雁活动位点的EVI值逐月递减,并且逐渐向南移动,趋向于水域集中,增加了对湖泊的利用,同时减少了对草地的利用;灰雁的活动区面积逐月递增,日间活动区面积大于夜间;灰雁在日间、夜间及平均活动距离均呈递增的趋势,每天凌晨及黄昏都出现较长时间的活动。由于8至10月间气温逐渐降低,从草地中可以获取的潜在食物资源减少,灰雁通过逐渐向水域较为丰富的区域移动,活动区面积逐渐增大,增加活动距离提高食物的获取量等确保获取足够的食物和能量满足迁徙的需求。  相似文献   

Large increases in several populations of North American arctic geese have resulted in ecosystem-level effects from associated herbivory. Consequently, some breeding populations have shown density dependence in recruitment through declines in food availability. Differences in population trajectories of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens; hereafter snow geese) and Ross's geese (C. rossii) breeding in mixed-species colonies south of Queen Maud Gulf (QMG), in Canada's central arctic, suggest that density dependence may be limiting snow goose populations. Specifically, long-term declines in age ratios (immature:adult) of harvested snow geese may have resulted from declines in juvenile survival. Thus, we focused on juvenile (first-year) survival of snow and Ross's geese in relation to timing of reproduction (annual mean nest initiation date) and late summer weather. We banded Ross's and snow geese from 1991 to 2008 in the QMG Migratory Bird Sanctuary. We used age-structured mark-recapture models to estimate annual survival rates for adults and juveniles from recoveries of dead birds. Consistent with life history differences, juvenile snow geese survived at rates higher than juvenile Ross's geese. Juvenile survival of both species also was lower in late seasons, but was unrelated to arctic weather measured during a 17-day period after banding. We found no evidence of density dependence (i.e., a decline in juvenile survival over time) in either species. We also found no interspecific differences in age-specific hunting vulnerability, though juveniles were more vulnerable than adults in both species, as expected. Thus, interspecific differences in survival were unrelated to harvest. Lower survival of juvenile Ross's geese may result from natural migration mortality related to smaller body size (e.g., greater susceptibility to inclement weather or predation) compared to juvenile snow geese. Despite lower first-year survival, recruitment by Ross's geese may still be greater than that by snow geese because of earlier sexual maturity, greater breeding propensity, and higher nest success by Ross's geese. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering in Ireland and Britain stage for 3 weeks in Iceland in spring before migrating onwards to breeding areas in west Greenland. The geese now depart their wintering quarters 12–15 days earlier than in 1973 because they attain necessary fat stores earlier than in previous years. Icelandic temperatures at critical midway staging areas have shown no significant change since 1973, creating a potential mismatch in food availability along the migratory route. Greenland White-fronted Geese have shifted from consuming below-ground plant storage organs in Iceland in spring to grazing managed hayfields created since the 1950s where fresh grass shoot growth occurs despite sub-zero temperatures, when traditional natural foods are physically inaccessible to staging geese due to frozen substrates. Rates of fat accumulation (measured by field scores of abdominal profiles) and mass change (measured in captured geese) were the same in the springs of 1997, 1998 and 1999 as in that of 2007 when the migration episode was 10 days earlier. Hence, earlier arrival in Iceland in 2007 did not occur at cost to refuelling rates there. The shift to acquiring energy from artificial grasslands has enabled Greenland White-fronted Geese to arrive in Iceland earlier, but has apparently not impaired their ability to accumulate fat reserves required for onwards migration, which occurs at the same rate, only earlier in the spring.  相似文献   

Evidence that decoy harvest techniques primarily remove individuals of poorer body condition is well established in short-lived duck species; however, there is limited support for condition bias in longer-lived waterfowl species, such as geese, where decoy harvest is considered primarily additive because of their high natural survival rates. We evaluated support for the harvest condition bias hypothesis of 2 long-lived waterfowl species, the lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross's goose (Anser rossii). We used proximate analysis to quantify lipid and protein content of lesser snow and Ross's geese collected during the Light Goose Conservation Order (LGCO) in 2015 and 2016 during spring migration in Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota, USA. In each state, LGCO participants collected birds using traditional decoy techniques and we collected birds from the general population using jump-shooting tactics. Total body lipid content in both lesser snow and Ross's geese varied with age, region of harvest, and harvest type (decoy or jump-shooting). On average, adult lesser snow and Ross's geese harvested over decoys had 60 g and 41 g, respectively, fewer lipids than conspecifics collected using jump-shooting. We observed lower lipid reserves in decoy-shot geese in all 4 states sampled despite general gains in lipid reserves as migration chronology progressed. Our data support that the harvest condition bias extends to longer-lived waterfowl species and during a life-history event (spring migration) in which harvest is not normally observed. In the case of overabundant light geese, the disproportionate harvest of poorer-conditioned lesser snow and Ross's geese may serve as an additional challenge against any realized effects of harvest to reduce the population, in addition to extremely low harvest rates. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The body-size hypothesis predicts that nest attendance is positively related to body size among waterfowl and that recess duration is inversely related to body size. Several physiological and behavioral characteristics of Ross’s geese (Chen rossii) suggest that females of this species should maintain high nest attendance despite their relatively small body size. Accordingly, we used 8-mm films to compare the incubation behavior of Ross’s geese to that of the larger, closely-related lesser snow geese (C. caerulescens caerulescens; hereafter, snow geese) nesting sympatrically at Karrak lake, Nunavut, Canada in 1993. We found that nest attendance averaged 99% for both species. Our results offer no support for the body-size hypothesis. We suggest that temperature requirements of embryos in relation to short incubation duration and a low foraging efficiency of females select for high nest attendance in both snow geese and Ross’s geese.  相似文献   

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