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A modified procedure for the preparation of the S-sulfonates of the A- and B-chains of insulin and their conversion to the sulfhydryl forms by tri-n-butylphosphine is described. Air oxidation of the sulfhydryl forms of the A-chain in dilute solution (0.2 mg/ml) either in the presence or absence of urea at pH 9.0 yields primarily monomeric, intrachain disulfides. Similar treatment of the reduced B-chain yield monomeric, intrachain disulfide in 7 M urea but a large number of oligomeric, interchain disulfides in the absence of urea. Electrolytic reduction of insulin in 7 M urea of pH 8.5, followed by oxidation of the sulfhydryls in dilute solution in 7 M urea at pH 9.0 yields primarily a mixture of the monomeric, intrachain disulfides of the A-chain and of the B-chain which can be separated by chromatography on Sp-Sephadex in acidic urea. The rate of the oxidation of the sulfhydryls of the two separate chains was much slower and less complete than that reported for the two chains crosslinked by the carbonylbismethionyl residue.  相似文献   

Southern blot analysis of the B-chain genes in one of eight C1q-deficient individuals revealed an abnormal banding pattern. The defect, which was homozygous, could be localized by restriction mapping to a single Taq I site within residue 150 in the coding region of the B-chain gene. DNA sequencing across the site revealed a stop codon that would cause premature termination of the protein product. No material corresponding to the A or C chains, or a truncated B chain, could be identified by antigenic analysis of the patient's serum, indicating that a complete B chain is required for secretion of a Clq molecule.  相似文献   

Plasmid clones containing cDNA coding for the B-chain of human Clq were isolated from a liver cDNA library. The longest cDNA insert isolated contained all the coding sequence for amino acid residues B1 to B226 plus a 3' non-translated region of 264 nucleotides that extended into the poly(A) tail, thus accounting for 950 nucleotides of the mRNA. The B-chain mRNA was estimated by Northern-blot analysis to be 1.46 kb (kilobases) long, which indicated that approx. 500 bases were not accounted for in the cDNA clone. A cosmid clone containing the C1q-B chain gene was isolated from a human genomic DNA library. The precise 5' limit of gene was not established, but from the data available it appears that the gene is approx. 2.6 kb long. The coding sequence for residues B1 to B226 in the gene is interrupted by one intron, of 1.1 kb, which is located within the codon coding for glycine at position B36. This glycine residue is located in the middle of the triple-helical regions found in C1q at exactly the position where there is an unusual structural feature, i.e. a bend in each of the helical regions brought about by the interruption of the Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating triplet sequences in the A- and C-chains and the presence of an 'extra' triplet in the B-chain. Nucleotide sequencing of the 5' end of the gene indicates the presence of a predominantly hydrophobic stretch of 29 amino acids, immediately before residue B1, which could serve as a signal peptide.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that C1q, a subcomponent of the first component of the classical complement pathway, is synthesized by macrophages and that endogenous C1q is detectable on the macrophage membrane. In this report, we demonstrate that membrane-associated C1q, which contains the A, B, and C chains of C1q, is structurally distinct from fluid-phase C1q in that the B chain of the membrane species is approximately 1000 m.w. less than its fluid-phase counterpart. By using biosynthetically ([3H]proline) labeled C1q from guinea pig peritoneal macrophages, we found that the membrane form of C1q is derived from already secreted C1q. The demonstration of a distinct membrane form of C1q supports earlier functional studies which implicated C1q as a membrane-associated molecule with receptor functions for those molecules which also interact with fluid-phase C1q, such as polyanions, immune complexes, and bacteria. Furthermore, we show that, in the vicinity of macrophages, C1q is very susceptible to oxidation manifested by the formation of disulfide bonds. By SDS-PAGE (nonreduced and reduced), we demonstrate the existence of disulfide-linked multimers (180,000 m.w., 360,000 m.w.) which are composed of the A, B, and C chains of C1q.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease resulting in progressive cognitive decline. Amyloid plaque deposits consisting specifically of β-amyloid peptides that have formed fibrils displaying β-pleated sheet conformation are associated with activated microglia and astrocytes, are colocalized with C1q and other complement activation products, and appear at the time of cognitive decline in AD. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic mouse models of AD that lack the ability to activate the classical complement pathway display less neuropathology than do the APPQ+/+ mice, consistent with the hypothesis that complement activation and the resultant inflammation may play a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Further investigation of the presence of complement proteins C3 and C4 in the brain of these mice demonstrate that both C3 and C4 deposition increase with age in APPQ+/+ transgenic mice, as expected with the age-dependent increase in fibrillar β-amyloid deposition. In addition, while C4 is predominantly localized on the plaques and/or associated with oligodendrocytes in APPQ+/+ mice, little C4 is detected in APPQ−/− brains consistent with a lack of classical complement pathway activation because of the absence of C1q in these mice. In contrast, plaque and cell associated C3 immunoreactivity is seen in both animal models and, surprisingly, is higher in APPQ−/− than in APPQ+/+ mice, providing evidence for alternative pathway activation. The unexpected increase in C3 levels in the APPQ−/− mice coincident with decreased neuropathology provides support for the hypothesis that complement can mediate protective events as well as detrimental events in this disease. Finally, induced expression of C3 in a subset of astrocytes suggests the existence of differential activation states of these cells.  相似文献   

Mistletoe lectin I (MLI) is the major active constituent of mistletoe extracts, which are widely used for adjuvant tumour therapy. The 66-kDa heterodimeric disulphide-linked glycoprotein is classified as type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) due to the rRNA-cleaving enzyme activity of the A-subunit, also referred to as toxic entity. MLI and the close relative ricin both belong to the family of the two-chain plant type II RIP proteins. Isolation of the glycosylated proteins from plant material yield inhomogeneous material probably due to post-translational modifications. The aim of this study was to prepare pure and homogeneous protein as a prerequisite for structural and mechanistic studies in order to gain insight into the mode of action of this cytotoxic plant protein on tumour and immune cells. Of particular interest was to explain whether the differences in toxicity of ML and ricin are the result of variations of their enzymatic activities. By investigating the sequence homologies between the active sites of different RIPs we were able to deduce a set of primers which were suitable for specific amplification of the mistletoe lectin gene. Applying this PCR strategy the full-length 1923 nucleotide DNA sequence coding for the prepro-protein was obtained showing the existence of a single intron-free gene. In order to elucidate the molecular basis for the observed differences in cytotoxicity within the family of RIP the enzymatic A-subunit was expressed in a heterologous system. Expression of the A-chain in E. coli BL21/pT7 resulted in production of insoluble inclusion bodies constituting 20-30% of total protein. Refolding led to a pure and homogeneous protein species with an apparent molecular mass of 27 kDa and a pI value of 6.4. The ribosome-inactivating activity of the unglycosylated recombinant A-chain (IC50 20.5 pM) protein was in the same range as that of the glycosylated plant-derived ML A-chain (IC50 3.7 pM), which was very similar to that of ricin A-chain (IC50 4.9 pM). Thus, the higher cytotoxicity of ricin cannot be accountable for differences in the enzymatic activities of the type II RIP A-chains.  相似文献   

1. Mouse C1q, a subcomponent of the first component of complement, has been purified in a highly haemolytically active form by a combination of precipitation with EGTA, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. Yields ranged from 3 to 5 mg/200 ml of serum, and the activity of final preparations was in the range of 2 X 10(13)-4 X 10(13) C1q effective molecules/mg. 2. The molecular weight of mouse C1q was 439 500 +/- 1586, as determined by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. 3. Mouse C1q was shown to be composed of non-covalently linked subunits, all being in the molecular-weight range 45 000-46 000, and three covalently linked chains each having a molecular weight of approx. 23 000 as determined on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate by using non-covalently and covalently linked subunits of human C1q as markers with known molecular weights calculated theoretically previously [Porter & Reid (1978) Nature (London) 275, 699-704]. 4. Mouse C1q contained hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine, a high percentage of glycine and approx. 9% carbohydrate. The absorption coefficient and nitrogen content of C1q were also determined.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis and biological evaluation of a two-chain, disulfide-linked, insulin-like compound consisting of the B-chain of bovine insulin and an A-chain corresponding to the A- and D- domains of human insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in which the A-domain amino-acid residues -Phe49-Arg50-Ser51- found in IGF-I have been replaced by -Ala-Gly-Val-, the homologous region of sheep insulin. The compound is indistinguishable from a previously reported compound whose A-chain corresponds to the A- and D-domains of IGF-I without the substitution, in assays for insulin-like activity as well as in assays for growth-promoting activity. We conclude that these A-domain residues do not contribute significantly to the interaction of IGF-I with either insulin or IGF-I receptors.A preliminary discussion of this work was presented (P.G.K.) to the 19th European Peptide Symposium, Porto Carras, Greece, 1986.  相似文献   

Replication-defective recombinant adenovirus, Adex4SRLacZL, was used as a vector for transferring exogenous genes in mouse zona pellucida-free eggs at the pronuclear stage. The vector contained the E. coli LacZ reporter gene under the control of the SRα promoter (SV40 early promoter-fused HTLV-I LTR), and the expression of the reporter gene was examined during preimplantation development in culture. Histochemical staining of the embryos for β-galactosidase activity showed that the exogenous LacZ gene as expressed in 98% of the embryos at the morula-blastocyst stages. As in the microinjection method, the exogenous genes could be pursued from the 2-cell stage. Neither apparent morphological changes nor cytotoxic effects were observed. Both the percentages of embryos expressing reporter genes and the rate of development to the blastocyst stage were higher in the adenovirus vector-treated embryos than in the microinjected ones. These results suggest that the adenovirus vector system is a useful tool in investigating the genetic control of early mammalian development. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The autocrine effects of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A- and B-chain homodimers (PDGF-AA and PDGF-BB) on rat-1 cells and human fibroblasts have been investigated by using human PDGF A- and B-chain cDNA clones expressed in a retroviral vector. Infection with replication-defective virus carrying the B-chain cDNA resulted in a phenotypical transformation resembling that induced by simian sarcoma virus. The resulting cells were focus forming in monolayer cultures, grew to high saturation densities, and formed large colonies in soft agar. The PDGF A-chain transfectants showed no transformed morphology and lacked focus-forming activity but grew to high saturation density in monolayer culture and formed small colonies in soft agar. A similar but weaker effect was obtained with an A-chain cDNA variant containing a 69-base-pair insertion in the 3' end of the protein-coding domain. A- and B-chain transfectants released PDGF receptor-competing activity into the medium, but only the medium conditioned by the B-chain transfectants possessed potent mitogenic activity on human fibroblasts. Both types of transfectants had downregulated levels of PDGF receptors; however, the B-chain transfectants were downregulated to significantly lower levels. Metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitations with PDGF antiserum showed that the PDGF B-chain protein was processed to a 24-kilodalton cell-associated and a 30-kilodalton secreted dimeric protein. The A-chain protein was rapidly secreted as a 31-kilodalton dimeric protein. The present study shows a marked difference in the autocrine effects of PDGF-AA and -BB expressed under the control of a retroviral promoter and suggests that different biological properties may be assigned to these two PDGF isoforms.  相似文献   

Mistletoe (Viscum album) lectins, which are classified as a type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) due to their unique biological function and the potential medical and therapeutic application in cancer cells, receive a rising attention. The heterodimeric glycoproteins contain the Achain with catalytic activity and the B-chain with sugar binding properties. In recent years, studies involving the lectins from the white berry European mistletoe (Viscum album) and the yellow berry Korean mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) have been described. However, the detailed mechanism in exerting unique cytotoxic effect on cancer cells still remains unclear. Here, we aim to understand and define the molecular basis and biological effects of the type II RIPs, through the studies of the recombinant Korean mistletoe lectin. To this end, we expressed, purified the recombinant Korean mistletoe lectin (rKML), and investigated its molecular characteristics in vitro, its cytotoxicity and ability to induce apoptotic cell death in cancer cells. To gain structural basis for its catalytic activity and sugar binding properties, we performed homology modeling studies based on the high degree of sequence identity and conserved secondary structure prediction between Korean and European, Himalayan mistletoe lectins, and Ricin.  相似文献   

Guo ZY  Shen L  Feng YM 《Biochemistry》2002,41(34):10585-10592
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) share homologous sequence, similar three-dimensional structure, and weakly overlapping biological activity, but different folding information is stored in their homologous sequences: the sequence of insulin encodes one unique thermodynamically stable three-dimensional structure while that of IGF-1 encodes two disulfide isomers with different three-dimensional structure but similar thermodynamic stability. Their different folding behavior probably resulted from the different energetic state of the intra A-chain/domain disulfide: the intra A-chain disulfide of insulin is a stable bond while that of IGF-1 is a strained bond with high energy. To find out the sequence determinant of the different energetic state of their intra A-chain/domain disulfide, the following experiments were carried out. First, a local chimeric single-chain insulin (PIP) with the A8-A10 residues replaced by the corresponding residues of IGF-1 was prepared. Second, the disulfide stability of two global hybrids of insulin and IGF-1, Ins(A)/IGF-1(B) and Ins(B)/IGF-1(A), was investigated. The local segment swap had no effect on the fidelity of disulfide pairing and the disulfide stability of PIP molecule although the swapped segment is close to the intra A-chain/domain disulfide. In redox buffer which favors the disulfide formation for most proteins, Ins(A)/IGF-1(B) cannot form and maintain its native disulfides just like that of IGF-1, while the disulfides of Ins(B)/IGF-1(A) are stable in the same condition. One major equilibrium intermediate with two disulfides of Ins(A)/IGF-1(B) was purified and characterized. V8 endoproteinase cleavage and circular dichroism analysis suggested that the intra A-chain/domain disulfide was reduced in the intermediate. Our present results suggested that the energetic state of the intra A-chain/domain disulfide of insulin and IGF-1 was not controlled by the A-chain/domain sequence close to this disulfide but was mainly controlled by the sequence of the B-chain/domain.  相似文献   

As part of the total synthesis of [A7,B7-L,L-2,7-diaminosuberoyl]-des-(B26-B30)-insulin B25-amide, an insulin analogue containing a non-cleavable bond between A- and B-chain, the chemical synthesis of the A-chain segments is described. The N-terminal sequence A(1-6), Boc-Gly-Ile-Val-Glu(OBut)-Gln-Cys(SBut)-NH-NH2, was synthesized in solution. The middle segment A(8-16), Ddz-Thr(But)-Ser(But)-Ile-Cys(SBut)-Ser(But)-Leu-Tyr- (But)-Gln-Leu-NH-NH2, was obtained by solid phase synthesis according to the Fmoc strategy. The C-terminal segment A(17-21), Bpoc-Glu(OBut)-Asn-Tyr-Cys(Acm)-Asn-OBut, was prepared in solution.  相似文献   

Members of the caveolin family played important roles during fundamental cellular processes,such as regulation of cell morphology,migration,and gene expression in muscle cells.In this study,caveolin-1 (Cav-1),one of the caveolins,was identified from longissimus dorsi muscle of Large Yorkshire pig and Chinese indigenous Lantang pig based on the results of mRNA differential display analysis.The deduced amino acids sequence of the porcine Cav-1 contained a caveolin domain,and was very conservative among different species.The Cav-1 mRNA was widely expressed in the eight tissues in this study,including heart,liver,kidney,encephalon,spleen,lung,longissimus dorsi muscle,and back fat, and the highest expression quantity was found in back fat of the two pig breeds.The expression quantity of porcine Cav-1 in back fat and longissimus dorsi muscle of Lantang pig was significantly higher than that of Large Yorkshire(P<0.01,and P<0.05,respectively).These results suggested that the Cav-1 might be a candidate gene for carcass traits,and might provide valuable information for understanding the mechanism of caveolae signaling in fat deposition by using the animal model of pig.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of C1q complement component by resident peritoneal macrophages from (CBA X C57BL/6)F1 mice has been studied in in vitro experiments. Using anti-mouse C1q antibodies immobilized on CNBr Sepharose it has been demonstrated that 14C glycine incorporates both into intracellular C1q and C1q secreted into the medium. The maximum radioactivity of intracellular C1q was observed 48 h after cultivation, with it dropping drastically between hours 72-96. Kinetics of radiolabelled C1q was similar, but 24 hours delayed. Cell viability during 96 h of cultivation remained unchanged. These data can be considered as the indication of feedback regulation of C1q biosynthesis at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential structural components of all cell membranes and, more so, of the central nervous system. Several studies revealed that n-3 PUFAs possess anti-inflammatory actions and are useful in the treatment of dyslipidemia. These actions explain the beneficial actions of n-3 PUFAs in the management of cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory conditions, neuronal dysfunction, and cancer. But, the exact molecular targets of these beneficial actions of n-3 PUFAs are not known. Mice engineered to carry a fat-1 gene from Caenorhabditis elegans add a double bond into an unsaturated fatty acid hydrocarbon chain and convert n-6 to n-3 fatty acids. This results in an abundance of n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid specifically in the brain and a reduction in n-6 fatty acids of these mice that can be used to evaluate the actions of n-3 PUFAs. Gene expression profile, RT-PCR and protein microarray studies in the hippocampus and whole brain of wild-type and fat-1 transgenic mice revealed that genes and proteins concerned with inflammation, apoptosis, neurotransmission, and neuronal growth and synapse formation are specifically modulated in fat-1 mice. These results may explain as to why n-3 PUFAs are of benefit in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and other diseases associated with neuronal dysfunction, low-grade systemic inflammatory conditions, and bronchial asthma. Based on these data, it is evident that n-3 PUFAs act to modulate specific genes and formation of their protein products and thus, bring about their various beneficial actions.  相似文献   

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