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Thermophiles are microorganisms that can grow at temperatures higher than 50 or 60 degrees C. There are thermophilic eubacteria and thermophilic archaebacteria. Thermophilic microorganisms can be found geothermally and hydrothermally active area. The water penetrates into deep subsurface around thermal area and reacts with hot basalt. Some of the compounds in the water are reduced by the reaction. The water returned to the surface and reacts with seawater or air, depending on the location of the thermal area. Many types of autotrophes and heterotrophes were found near thermally active area. The microorganisms form the ecosystem based on the redox chemical reactions. All of the structural elements in thermophilic microorganisms are thermophilic or thermostable. Proteins found in microorganisms are thermostable. Though several common characteristics can be found in thermostable proteins, it is not easy to attribute the stability to specific amino acid residues. DNA in thermophiles is stabilized by increasing the G+C content or by histone-like DNA binding proteins. There are several molecular biological and geological evidences to support the relation between ancient life forms and thermal activity on the Earth. Thermophiles of different life forms may be found in thermally active area, in such as those that may be present in satellites of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Weisbroth S  Poe E 《Lab animal》2000,29(6):43-47
The authors discuss the need for international standards for the microbiologic and genetic quality of rodents.  相似文献   

Personnel who work with laboratory animals incur potential occupational health risks that can lead to the development of musculoskeletal disorders. Demanding manual tasks may also result in increased errors, worker fatigue, poor human performance, and decreased productivity. Studies have shown that a comprehensive ergonomics program that utilizes a systematic risk management approach can reduce the likelihood of exposure to musculoskeletal disorder risk factors and remove barriers to human performance. Research has characterized the risk factors of musculoskeletal disorder exposure in terms of force, frequency, posture, and muscle exertion. Ergonomic risk factors for typical animal handling tasks and work areas are identified, and a method is suggested for prioritizing interventions using interrelated data indicators. An initial review of potential control measures is offered to improve the health, safety, and effectiveness of people involved in the care and use of research animals.  相似文献   

Public support is a strong impetus for the adoption of alternatives to laboratory animals. It is therefore important to find out what a society thinks about ethical animal use. In the case of China, a useful line of enquiry was to survey Chinese people's as their country is renowned for the deplorable conditions under which animals are kept. This report concerns an investigation into the attitudes of Chinese university students toward the use of animals in laboratory research. The survey revealed a moderate concern amongst students; for example, they agreed that the use of animals for testing cosmetics and household products is unnecessary and should be stopped, and disagreed that humans have the right to use animals as they see fit. This finding is very encouraging. Further research is needed, in order to understand Chinese views about the justification of using animals in research.  相似文献   

There are some experiments which do not need a centrifuge apparatus in space, however, for other space experiments the use of centrifuge is indispensable as the control. The characteristics of these two types of space experiments are explained. Generally, the more quantitatively the phenomenon is analyzed, the greater the need of centrifuge apparatus becomes. The centrifuge in space can realize various gravity values ranging from 0 to 1 G, and this will extend the present biology to a more universal biology.  相似文献   

Responsibility of our society is discussed with a special emphasis on the basis of modern science and the history of its development. Space life science stands on firm core research subjects, such as the origin of life or the universal law of living system. Even having this advantage, our scientific discipline has failed to bloom at the level correspondent to its significance. In order to keep the right track, the action of academic organization might be required repetitively to define the strategy of research.  相似文献   

Most space-related life science programs are expensive and time-consuming, requiring international cooperation and resources with trans-disciplinary expertise. A comprehensive future program in "life sciences in space" needs, therefore, well-defined research goals and strategies as well as a sound ground-based program. The first half of this review will describe four key aspects such as the environment in space, previous accomplishments in space (primarily focusing on amphibian embryogenesis), available resources, and recent advances in bioinformatics and biotechnology, whose clear understanding is imperative for defining future directions. The second half of this review will focus on a broad range of interdisciplinary research opportunities currently supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Health (NIH), and National Science Foundation (NSF). By listing numerous research topics such as alterations in a diffusion-limited metabolic process, bone loss and skeletal muscle weakness of astronauts, behavioral and cognitive ability in space, life in extreme environment, etc., we will attempt to suggest future opportunities.  相似文献   

我国实验动物科学带来的动物伦理及福利问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金玫蕾 《生命科学》2012,(11):1325-1329
实验动物是在一定条件下人工饲养繁殖,具有特定的生物学特性,用于科学研究的动物。实验动物是生命科学研究不可缺少的支撑条件,是为人类的健康和发展作出贡献和牺牲的生命体。实验动物科学包括实验动物和动物实验两个方面,是生命科学的重要分支。随着人类社会、经济和文化的发展,动物福利和动物伦理问题已经全面渗透到了实验动物科学乃至生命科学的各个领域之中。在我国,实验动物科学带来的伦理问题主要表现为:缺乏相应的法律法规,对虐杀实验动物的现象缺乏管理,违背实验动物伦理的技术操作现象依然存在,动物保护主义者和实验动物科学工作者之间的矛盾,等等。动物伦理学在中国出现的社会原因是:改革开放后经济的快速发展促使人们的观念转变,与国际的交往促进了东西方文化的交融,同时也是近十几年来教育的结果。近年来,我国实验动物科学领域内关于伦理问题和动物福利的研究进展迅速,实验动物纪念碑的出现和"3R"研究概念的传入是其主要表现。改善实验动物的生活条件,杜绝虐杀实验动物的现象,规范动物实验的技术操作,尽快制定和完善相关的法律法规,是进一步努力的目标;而落实组织措施,成立动物伦理委员会及专家组,加强与国际上的交流,推动"3R"研究的进展,扩大对社会的宣传,支持爱护动物的行为,注重与动物保护组织的理解及沟通等,是为达到这一目标应采取的措施。  相似文献   

To perform experiments in microgravity environment, there should be many difficulties compared with the experiments on ground. JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has developed various experiment facilities to perform life science experiments in space, such as Cell Culture Kit, Thermo Electric Incubator, Free Flow Electrophoresis Unit, Aquatic Animal Experiment Unit, and so on. The first experiment facilities were flown on Spacelab-J mission in 1992, and they were improved and modified for the 2nd International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) mission in 1994. Based on these experiences, some of them were further improved and flown on another missions. These facilities are continuously being improved for the International Space Station use, where high level functions and automatic operations will be required.  相似文献   

Complementary to existing legislation, non-public research companies in France have been working together voluntarily within an organization known as Grice (Interprofessional Working Group on Ethics Committees for Laboratory Animals/Groupe de Réflexion Interprofessionnel sur les Comites d'Ethique appliquée à l'animal de laboratoire) with the objective of creating institutional ethics committees in an effort to promote animal welfare and good scientific procedures. Each company's commitment to the creation of these committees has been expressed by signing the Charter. Each ethics committee is composed of at least three members, including one who is not a scientist; a veterinarian is highly desirable. The committee examines all procedures and protocols involving animals and hands down a favourable or unfavourable opinion, or requests improvements, especially concerning animal well-being. Consensual approval of the protocol is an essential requirement before the purchase or allocation of animals. The committee examines every aspect of laboratory animal housing and care, and inspects all temporary or permanent animal housing facilities. Grice will continue its efforts in relation with public research organizations as well as with groups and in other countries whose objectives are in line with its own.  相似文献   

The authors answer eight questions commonly asked of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare concerning Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care of Use of Laboratory Animals.  相似文献   

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