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The coastline of Sergipe state hosts the main Brazilian nesting sites of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829). The second most abundant species of turtles in Sergipe is Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758). Both sea turtle species, respectively known as olive ridley and loggerhead, are currently listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. The genetic diversity of the Sergipe loggerhead population (N = 51) was assayed by analyzing 627 bp from the control region of mitochondrial DNA in nesting females. Three haplotypes were identified: CC-A4, CC-A24 and CC × LO. The last one was recorded for specimens considered hybrids because they represent L. olivacea’s mtDNA, but had the external morphology of C. caretta or of a mixture of both species. Based on the two types of hybrids, it was hypothesized that at least two hybridization events had occurred: a more ancient hybridization event, accompanied by introgression (F2 or later backcrosses), and a recent one (F1), both of which involving the same L. olivacea haplotype. The incidence of L. olivacea mitochondrial genome introgression into the C. caretta rookeries was only observed in Sergipe, which could be related to the large numbers of L. olivacea in this region and an overlap of reproduction periods and distribution areas of both species. This may also be associated to global warming since it might alter the sex ratio of sea turtles, thus facilitating interspecific mating. Awareness of gene flow between these species will significantly influence the development and implementation of adequate management strategies.  相似文献   

The Cape Verde Islands harbour the second largest nesting aggregation of the globally endangered loggerhead sea turtle in the Atlantic. To characterize the unknown genetic structure, connectivity, and demographic history of this population, we sequenced a segment of the mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region (380 bp, n = 186) and genotyped 12 microsatellite loci (n = 128) in females nesting at three islands of Cape Verde. No genetic differentiation in either haplotype or allele frequencies was found among the islands (mtDNA F ST = 0.001, P > 0.02; nDNA F ST = 0.001, P > 0.126). However, population pairwise comparisons of the mtDNA data revealed significant differences between Cape Verde and all previously sequenced Atlantic and Mediterranean rookeries (F ST = 0.745; P < 0.000). Results of a mixed stock analysis of mtDNA data from 10 published oceanic feeding grounds showed that feeding grounds of the Madeira, Azores, and the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean, and Gimnesies, Pitiüses, and Andalusia, in the Mediterranean sea, are feeding grounds used by turtles born in Cape Verde, but that about 43% (±19%) of Cape Verde juveniles disperse to unknown areas. In a subset of samples (n = 145) we evaluated the utility of a longer segment (~760 bp) amplified by recently designed mtDNA control region primers for assessing the genetic structure of Atlantic loggerhead turtles. The analysis of the longer fragment revealed more variants overall than in the shorter segments. The genetic data presented here are likely to improve assignment and population genetic analyses, with significant conservation and research applications.  相似文献   

This study investigates genetic structure of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) for conservation purposes using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. To evaluate overall genetic structure of C. caretta at the Turkish nesting beaches and to compare it with previously published data from other nesting sites of the Mediterranean Sea, we have studied 256 hatchlings from 18 different nesting beaches. Seven distinct haplotypes were detected, of which three have previously been reported from the Mediterranean and one from the Atlantic. The remaining three haplotypes are described for the first time for C. caretta in the present study. Distribution of these haplotypes among the nesting sites showed a significant genetic structuring, indicating that females are philopatric and that gene flow among populations is restricted. Both mtDNA and microsatellite analyses determined genetic structuring (mtDNA: γst = 0.214, p < 0.01; nDNA Fst = 0.0004 p < 0.05) among nesting aggregates of C. caretta throughout the study area and enabled the detection of the different haplotypes to inform conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic analysis distinguished twelve primary retinal targets in the diencephalon and the mesencephalon of the Atlantic loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. While the majority of fibers terminate contralaterally, sparse labelling is seen over ipsilateral thalamic nuclei. The dorsal optic nucleus is the most expansive retinal target in the dorsal thalamus. Four nuclei ventral and one dorsal, to the dorsal optic nucleus, receive retinal input. Before terminating in the optic tectum, labelled fibers pass through the pretectum terminating in four nuclei. Within the superficial zone of the optic tectum, three terminal zones are recognized. A distinct accessory tegmental tract separates from the main optic tract terminating in the basal optic nucleus.While such a multiplicity of retinal targets occurs among other reptiles, birds and mammals, it is presently impossible to accurately recognize visual homologies among amniotic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Complex population structure can result from either sex-biased gene flow or population overlap during migrations. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have both traits, providing an instructive case history for wildlife management. Based on surveys of maternally inherited mtDNA, pelagic post-hatchlings show no population structure across the northern Atlantic (phi(ST) < 0.001, P = 0.919), subadults in coastal habitat show low structure among locations (phi(ST) = 0.01, P < 0.005), and nesting colonies along the southeastern coast of the United States have strong structure (phi(ST) = 0.42, P < 0.001). Thus the level of population structure increases through progressive life history stages. In contrast, a survey of biparentally inherited microsatellite DNA shows no significant population structure: R(ST) < 0.001; F(ST) = 0.002 (P > 0.05) across the same nesting colonies. These results indicate that loggerhead females home faithfully to their natal nesting colony, but males provide an avenue of gene flow between regional nesting colonies, probably via opportunistic mating in migratory corridors. As a result, all breeding populations in the southeastern United States have similar levels of microsatellite diversity (H(E) = 0.70-0.89), whereas mtDNA haplotype diversity varies dramatically (h = 0.00-0.66). Under a conventional interpretation of the nuclear DNA data, the entire southeastern United States would be regarded as a single management unit, yet the mtDNA data indicate multiple isolated populations. This complex population structure mandates a different management strategy at each life stage. Perturbations to pelagic juveniles will have a diffuse impact on Atlantic nesting colonies, mortality of subadults will have a more focused impact on nearby breeding populations, and disturbances to adults will have pinpoint impact on corresponding breeding populations. These findings demonstrate that surveys of multiple life stages are desirable to resolve management units in migratory marine species.  相似文献   

Light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed the lungs of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), hatchlings to be multichambered with several separate open chambers communicating with a cartilage-reinforced central intrapulmonary bronchus. This central bronchus is structurally analogous to an oversized mammalian respiratory bronchiole. The subsequent branching airways, chambers and niches, are in many ways structurally and functionally similar to mammalian alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs, respectively. The airways are lined by a pseudostratified, columnar epithelium comprised of ciliated, nonciliated secretory, and basal cells. Histochemically, the epithelium is found to contain cells secreting both sialomucins and sulfomucins, as well as a neutral serous secretion. Small granule cells, a type of neuroendocrine cell similar to those seen in mammals, are scattered among the other airway cells. The gas-exchange areas, termed ediculae, are lined by the respiratory type I and type II pneumocytes, as in mammals. Abundant smooth muscle is seen in the trabeculae and interedicular septa of the lung tissue. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of pelagic-stage loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, is still poorly known. Here, we describe the helminth-component community of healthy, free-ranging juvenile loggerhead sea turtles captured in the waters around Madeira Island, Portugal. Fifty-seven were used in this study. The esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, trachea, bronchi, urinary bladder, heart, left and right aortas, and coelomic cavity were macroscopically inspected; organs and tissues were removed and washed through a sieve. A search for parasites was made using a stereoscopic microscope; recovered parasites were fixed and stored in 70% alcohol until staining and identification. Prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance values were recorded. In total, 156 parasite specimens belonging to 9 species were found: nematodes included Anisakis simplex s.l. (larvae) and an unidentified species; digenetic trematodes present were Enodiotrema megachondrus, Rhytidodes gelatinosus, Pyelosomum renicapite, and Calycodes anthos; acanthocephalans included Bolbosoma vasculosum and Rhadinorhynchus pristis; a single cestode, Nybelinia sp., was present. Parasite infections were found to have both low prevalences and intensities. Possible reasons for this include the oligotrophic conditions of the pelagic habitat around Madeira; a 'dilution effect' because of the vastness of the area; and the small size, and thus ingestion rate, of the turtles. Results are discussed in terms of the various turtle populations that may use the waters surrounding Madeira. This work provides valuable information on the parasite fauna of a poorly known stage in the life of loggerhead sea turtles, thereby filling a fundamental gap with regard to features of the parasite fauna in this species.  相似文献   

We analysed the intestinal helminth community of 70 loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta with a curved carapace length ranging from 25 to 85.4 cm, recovered dead in neritic foraging habitats in the Adriatic Sea in 1995 to 2004. The overall prevalence of infection was high (70.0%), with a mean abundance of 36.8 helminth parasites per turtle. Helminth fauna comprised 5 trematodes (Calycodes anthos, Enodiotrema megachondrus, Orchidasma amphiorchis, Pachypsolus irroratus, Rhytidodes gelatinosus) and 3 nematodes (Sulcascaris sulcata, Anisakis spp., Hysterothylacium sp.), with 6 taxa specific for marine turtles. In terms of infection intensity and parasite abundance, O. amphiorchis was the dominant species (mean intensity: 49.8; mean abundance: 12.8), followed by R. gelatinosus (30.5 and 8.3, respectively) and P. irroratus (23.5 and 7.0, respectively), while larval Anisakis spp. exhibited the highest prevalence (34.3%). The intensity of helminth infection ranged from 1 to 302 (mean: 52.6 ± 69.1) and was not correlated with the size of turtles; this relationship held for all species, except R. gelatinosus (rS = 0.556, p < 0.05). In comparison to other marine habitats, the helminth community of Adriatic loggerheads is characterised by higher species diversity (Shannon-Wiener H' = 1.58) and evenness (E = 0.76), and lower dominance values (Berger-Parker d = 0.35), which can be attributed to the life history and feeding ecology of sea turtles in recruited neritic grounds and the diversity of their benthic prey.  相似文献   

In the absence of existing farm stocks to draw on, a pioneer farm must obtain its foundation material from the wild, but with as little disturbance to wild populations as possible.
This paper describes the collection in 1971–73, with the approval of the appropriate authorities, of 188,568 eggs of the Green sea turtle from beaches on Ascension Island, Guyana, Surinam and Costa Rica for hatching at the Mariculture Ltd farm on Grand Cayman Island, BWI. Almost all of these eggs came from nests doomed by tidal washout or volcanic sand so that the loss of hatchlings to the wild was small in comparison with the number of eggs collected.  相似文献   

The continual development of ecological models and availability of high-resolution gridded climate surfaces have stimulated studies that link climate variables to functional traits of organisms. A primary constraint of these studies is the ability to reliably predict the microclimate that an organism experiences using macroscale climate inputs. This is particularly important in regions where access to empirical information is limited. Here, we contrast correlative models based on both ambient and sea surface temperatures to mechanistic modelling approaches to predict beach sand temperatures at depths relevant to sea turtle nesting. We show that mechanistic models are congruent with correlative models at predicting sand temperatures. We used these predictions to explore thermal variation across 46 mainland and island beaches that span the geographical range of sea turtle nesting in Western Australia. Using high resolution gridded climate surfaces and site-specific soil reflectance, we predict almost 9 °C variation in average annual temperatures between beaches, and nearly 10 °C variation in average temperatures during turtle nesting seasons. Validation of models demonstrated that predictions were typically within 2 °C of observations and, although most sites had high correlations (r2 > 0.7), predictive capacity varied between sites. An advantage of the mechanistic model demonstrated here is that it can be used to explore the impacts of climate change on sea turtle nesting beach temperatures as, unlike correlative models, it can be forced with novel combinations of environmental variables.  相似文献   

The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a federally threatened species and listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions to amplify 11 novel tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the loggerhead sea turtle. We tested primers using samples from 22 females that nested at Melbourne Beach, Florida (USA). Primer pairs yielded an average of 11.2 alleles per locus (range of 4–24), an average observed heterozygosity of 0.83 (range 0.59–0.96), and an average polymorphic information content of 0.80 (range 0.62–0.94). We also demonstrate the utility of these primers, in addition to primers for 15 loci previously described, for amplifying microsatellite loci in four additional species representing the two extant marine turtle families: olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea).  相似文献   

  • 1 Despite the vast literature on genetic variation in the domestic pig Sus scrofa, little is known about genetic differentiation in wild boar populations.
  • 2 Here we present an up‐to‐date review of published data on the past and recent history of the European wild boar, its genetic diversity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation throughout the continent.
  • 3 The phylogeography of the species seems to be shaped mostly by past large‐scale events (like postglacial recolonization) rather than by more recent human manipulation. Genetic differentiation is observed both on a continental and a regional scale, and non‐intuitive barriers to gene flow occur.
  • 4 From an indirect estimate, hybridization between wild boar and domestic pigs is seemingly a minor source of genetic variation for wild boar populations, yet risks are still linked to the release of captive hybrids in some areas.
  • 5 Finally, we present future perspectives concerning the development of powerful molecular tools and their possible application to the study and management of this species.

We analysed 120 white‐tailed sea eagles Haliaeetus albicilla from eastern (Poland and Estonia) and southeastern (Serbian Danube population) Europe for genetic variability and structuring at the mitochondrial control region and seven nuclear microsatellite loci. We combined this new dataset with sequence and genotype data from previous analyses covering Greenland and Eurasia (total sample sizes of 420 and 186 individuals for mtDNA and microsatellites, respectively) to address the following questions: 1) does the large eastern population in Europe add significantly to the species‘ overall genetic diversity? 2) Do the new sequence data match the clinal distribution pattern (west to east) of the two major mtDNA lineages? 3) Does the preliminary hypothesis of two nuclear genetic clusters recently found in this species hold for the whole of Europe, and do these clusters show a geographic pattern? Our results confirmed Europe as a stronghold of genetic diversity in white‐tailed sea eagles, and the east of the continent contributed disproportionately to this, the reason being the admixture of eagles with different genetic background. As hypothesised, both mitochondrial lineages were recovered also in eastern Europe, but the globally more eastern lineage was dominant. The presence of two microsatellite clusters was also confirmed, and these groups, too, show a non‐random geographic distribution, with, except for Poland, a high proportion of ‘eastern‐type’ eagles in the populations of east–central and eastern Europe.  相似文献   

In order to determine a suitable procedure for isolating peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), blood was collected using three different anticoagulants (sodium heparin, sodium citrate or potassium EDTA) and separated using a single step commercially-prepared arabinogalactan gradient of 1.077 g/ml density or multiple step Percoll gradients between 1.053 and 1.076 g/ml density (40-60% stock isotonic Percoll suspension). Heparinized blood centrifuged over a two-step 45/55% (1.059/1.070 g/ml) Percoll gradient yielded 99 to 100% mononuclear cells at the 45/55% interface. Mononuclear cell viability ranged from 85 to 97% with cell yields up to 9.2 x 10(6) cells/mL. An unexpected finding was a population of low density granulocytes migrating to 40% (1.053 g/ml) and 45% Percoll layers in the multiple step gradients. These granulocytes could be eliminated from the PBMC preparation by use of the two-step 45/55% Percoll gradient. Isolated PBMCs can be used for cellular immunology and toxicology studies on these threatened marine organisms for which other tissues can usually be obtained only sporadically from post-mortem specimens.  相似文献   

Aims: Comparison of biochemical vs molecular methods for identification of microbial populations associated with failed loggerhead turtle eggs. Methods and Results: Two biochemical (API and Microgen) and one molecular methods (16s rRNA analysis) were compared in the areas of cost, identification, corroboration of data with other methods, ease of use, resources and software. The molecular method was costly and identified only 66% of the isolates tested compared with 74% for API. A 74% discrepancy in identifications occurred between API and 16s rRNA analysis. The two biochemical methods were comparable in cost, but Microgen was easier to use and yielded the lowest discrepancy among identifications (29%) when compared with both API 20 enteric (API 20E) and API 20 nonenteric (API 20NE) combined. A comparison of API 20E and API 20NE indicated an 83% discrepancy between the two methods. Conclusions: The Microgen identification system appears to be better suited than API or 16s rRNA analysis for identification of environmental isolates associated with failed loggerhead eggs. Significance and Impact of the Study: Most identification methods are not intended for use with environmental isolates. A comparison of identification systems would provide better options for identifying environmental bacteria for ecological studies.  相似文献   

Although the Atlantic waters of North America support hundreds of thousands of loggerhead sea turtles ( Caretta caretta ), remarkably little is known regarding their migratory ecology and habitat use. We integrate satellite tracking with remotely sensed oceanographic data to uncover two different migratory strategies used by loggerhead turtles at the northern part of their range. Most turtles travelled from the nesting beach to forage at higher latitudes in summer, before migrating south to wintering grounds in the autumn. Others moved south after nesting to forage for up to 514 days and did not make an autumn migration. Both groups utilized warm waters at the very edge of the Gulf Stream during winter: for southerly turtles obviating seasonal migration, and for northerly turtles minimizing the distance, time and energy required to reach northern areas for subsequent foraging seasons, avoiding lethally cold winter temperatures in inshore waters at the same latitude, and reducing energy costs that would be incurred within the fast-flowing Gulf Stream. Females made long resting dives of up to 7 h 24 min, effectively hibernating during the colder months. Offshore federal waters of the USA constitute a more important habitat for both foraging and wintering turtles than previously appreciated. These areas are potential hotspots for interaction with fisheries and proposed US military training activities and should receive special monitoring efforts to fully assess the extent of overlap.  相似文献   

We describe 12 new polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci and multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction conditions from the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta. Levels of polymorphism were assessed in 50 individuals from the nesting population of the Cape Verde Islands. Number of alleles ranged from 3 to 13 (average of 7.33) and the values of observed heterozygosities from 0.32 to 0.80 (average of 0.61). Cross-species amplification on three other marine turtles, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata and Dermochelys coriacea, revealed polymorphism and variability at eight, eleven and three loci, respectively.  相似文献   

Marine turtle species have a complex life history characterized by interannual variability in reproductive performance and a long life span. These ecological features in combination with the animals highly migratory nature create numerous difficulties when trying to assess population dynamics. This study attempts to couple existing information on species demographics and behavioral strategies with simple energetic rules in a theoretical framework. We study sea turtle population dynamics using an individual-based model that incorporates known behavioral-ecological characteristics of the species. Methodology used to design the model was based on the superindividual approach (Scheffer et al. Ecol Model 80:161–170, 1995). We constructed our simulation experiment on a virtual sea turtle population, which was parameterized by using recent literature reviews with emphasis on reproductive parameters of the Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle population. Switching rules describing critical processes of reproductive performances were established as theoretical functions of efficiency of energy transfer. In order to explore the significance of variable reproductive patterns upon population dynamics and persistence, a series of simulations was performed. The model was also run under fluctuated demographic variables to perform a sensitivity analysis of critical parameters and life-history stages. Based on the specific model parameterization, simulation results show that population persistence was most sensitive to fecundity and to survival at the pelagic juvenile stage. Additionally a surprising finding is the relatively high importance of egg survival in terms of both hatching and hatchling success. We conclude that enhancing the population with new individuals by increasing survival in the early life stages could compensate for additional losses in other age classes. The need for further research regarding biological and behavioral features as well as basic demographic insights into the endangered loggerhead sea turtle is also highlighted.  相似文献   

Kelp aquaculture is globally developing steadily as human food source, along with other applications. One of the newer crop species is Saccharina latissima, a northern hemisphere kelp inhabiting temperate to arctic rocky shores. To protect and document its natural genetic variation at the onset of this novel aquaculture, as well as increase knowledge on its taxonomy and phylogeography, we collected new genetic data, both nuclear and mitochondrial, and combined it with previous knowledge to estimate genetic connectivity and infer colonization history. Isolation‐with‐migration coalescent analyses demonstrate that gene flow among the sampled locations is virtually nonexistent. An updated scenario for the origin and colonization history of S. latissima is developed as follows: We propose that the species (or species complex) originated in the northwest Pacific, crossed to the northeast Pacific in the Miocene, and then crossed the Bering Strait after its opening ~5.5 Ma into the Arctic and northeast Atlantic. It subsequently crossed the Atlantic from east to west. During the Pleistocene, it was compressed in the south with evidence for northern refugia in Europe. Postglacial recolonization led to secondary contact in the Canadian Arctic. Saccharina cichorioides is shown to probably belong to the S. latissima species complex and to derive from ancestral populations in the Asian North Pacific. Our novel approach of comparing inferred gene flow based on coalescent analysis versus Wright's island model suggests that equilibrium levels of differentiation have not yet been reached in Europe and, hence, that genetic differentiation is expected to increase further if populations are left undisturbed.  相似文献   

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