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痘病毒载体的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简单介绍痘病毒载体的实际应用。其原理是通过同源重组将外源DNA插入到痘病毒基因组的非实质区域,表达的外源蛋白能正确地进行修饰,并有较高的表达效率,可刺激机体产生免疫应答。痘病毒载体作为基因工程中的重要工具,其应用极其广泛,已成功地表达了来源于植物、动物,乃至人类的许多基因。  相似文献   

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can reduce human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viremia to clinically undetectable levels. Despite this dramatic reduction, some virus is present in the blood. In addition, a long-lived latent reservoir for HIV-1 exists in resting memory CD4+ T cells. This reservoir is believed to be a source of the residual viremia and is the focus of eradication efforts. Here, we use two measures of population structure—analysis of molecular variance and the Slatkin-Maddison test—to demonstrate that the residual viremia is genetically distinct from proviruses in resting CD4+ T cells but that proviruses in resting and activated CD4+ T cells belong to a single population. Residual viremia is genetically distinct from proviruses in activated CD4+ T cells, monocytes, and unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The finding that some of the residual viremia in patients on HAART stems from an unidentified cellular source other than CD4+ T cells has implications for eradication efforts.Successful treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) reduces free virus in the blood to levels undetectable by the most sensitive clinical assays (18, 36). However, HIV-1 persists as a latent provirus in resting, memory CD4+ T lymphocytes (6, 9, 12, 16, 48) and perhaps in other cell types (45, 52). The latent reservoir in resting CD4+ T cells represents a barrier to eradication because of its long half-life (15, 37, 40-42) and because specifically targeting and purging this reservoir is inherently difficult (8, 25, 27).In addition to the latent reservoir in resting CD4+ T cells, patients on HAART also have a low amount of free virus in the plasma, typically at levels below the limit of detection of current clinical assays (13, 19, 35, 37). Because free virus has a short half-life (20, 47), residual viremia is indicative of active virus production. The continued presence of free virus in the plasma of patients on HAART indicates either ongoing replication (10, 13, 17, 19), release of virus after reactivation of latently infected CD4+ T cells (22, 24, 31, 50), release from other cellular reservoirs (7, 45, 52), or some combination of these mechanisms. Finding the cellular source of residual viremia is important because it will identify the cells that are still capable of producing virus in patients on HAART, cells that must be targeted in any eradication effort.Detailed analysis of this residual viremia has been hindered by technical challenges involved in working with very low concentrations of virus (13, 19, 35). Recently, new insights into the nature of residual viremia have been obtained through intensive patient sampling and enhanced ultrasensitive sequencing methods (1). In a subset of patients, most of the residual viremia consisted of a small number of viral clones (1, 46) produced by a cell type severely underrepresented in the peripheral circulation (1). These unique viral clones, termed predominant plasma clones (PPCs), persist unchanged for extended periods of time (1). The persistence of PPCs indicates that in some patients there may be another major cellular source of residual viremia (1). However, PPCs were observed in a small group of patients who started HAART with very low CD4 counts, and it has been unclear whether the PPC phenomenon extends beyond this group of patients. More importantly, it has been unclear whether the residual viremia generally consists of distinct virus populations produced by different cell types.Since the HIV-1 infection in most patients is initially established by a single viral clone (23, 51), with subsequent diversification (29), the presence of genetically distinct populations of virus in a single individual can reflect entry of viruses into compartments where replication occurs with limited subsequent intercompartmental mixing (32). Sophisticated genetic tests can detect such population structure in a sample of viral sequences (4, 39, 49). Using two complementary tests of population structure (14, 43), we analyzed viral sequences from multiple sources within individual patients in order to determine whether a source other than circulating resting CD4+ T cells contributes to residual viremia and viral persistence. Our results have important clinical implications for understanding HIV-1 persistence and treatment failure and for improving eradication strategies, which are currently focusing only on the latent CD4+ T-cell reservoir.  相似文献   

CV-1 cells were inoculated with simian virus 40 virus within the nucleus or cytoplasm by microinjection. Virions were uncoated with great efficiency within the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

CV-1 cells infected with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) virus incorporated uridine-(3)H into at least four virus-specific RNA components in the presence of actinomycin D. The component sedimenting fastest had a sedimentation coefficient of 50s corresponding to a molecular weight of 6 x 10(6). The other three RNA components have sedimentation constants of 35s, 22s, and 18s corresponding to molecular weights of 2.5 x 10(6), 1.0 x 10(6), and 0.75 x 10(6), respectively. The base composition of the 50s RNA is distinct from that of cellular RNA and comparable with base compositions of viral RNAs of other paramyxoviruses. The base composition of the 18s RNA shows approximate complementarity with the 50s RNA. RNA-RNA annealing experiments using unlabeled 50s SSPE RNA with labeled 18s RNA from cells infected with SSPE virus or measles virus show 100% annealing with 18s SSPE RNA but only 60% annealing with 18s measles RNA. These experiments suggest some differences between the 18s RNAs of SSPE virus-infected cells and measles virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

为研究兔出血症病毒(RHDV)的复制机制、病毒与宿主之间的相互作用以及致病机制等,创建一个安全、有效的技术平台,在前期构建的RHDV侵染性克隆基础上,将病毒的衣壳蛋白编码区删除,保留了RHDV复制必需的所有蛋白酶基因和两端的非编码区,构建了RHDV复制子。试验结果证明,将该复制子RNA导入RK13细胞中后,能够进行高水平的复制和表达。  相似文献   

A live rubella virus vaccine, HPV-77 (High Passage Virus - 77 tissue culture passages) was administered subcutaneously to eight rubella-susceptible children housed in an isolation ward. One blood specimen, taken on the tenth day after vaccination, from one of the eight vaccines, yielded a rubella virus. This virus had laboratory markers which were “vaccine-like.” To our knowledge, this represents the first isolation of rubella virus from the blood of a recipient of HPV-77 vaccine. However, the consistent antibody responses among vaccinees and the regular presence of rubella virus in their pharynges argue that viremia occurs in almost every susceptible recipient. The most logical explanation for the failure to document viremia in other recipients of HPV-77 vaccine is that the viremia is ordinarily low grade or transient or both.  相似文献   

鲤春病毒血症病毒(SVCV)是水生动物病毒中重要的病原体,常引起鲤科鱼类疾病暴发。近些年研究发现,维甲酸诱导基因I样受体家族(RLRs)信号通路在SVCV免疫过程中起到重要的作用。主要功能是在识别病原体相关模式,激活下游信号分子,诱导天然免疫的产生,以及控制病毒的早期复制。当病毒进入机体时会形成病毒-RLRs-IFN互联反馈回路,RLRs相关基因识别SVCV的RNA,最终引起Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN-I)表达量升高,并且RLRs族内成员相互作用增强抗病毒作用。RLRs不仅可以活化天然免疫信号通路,还可增强适应性免疫效应,在控制病毒感染过程中发挥重要作用。介绍RLRs家族,RLRs抗病毒信号调控因子,干扰素诱导的鱼类Mx (myxovirus resistant)蛋白对鲤春病毒血症病毒的抑制作用。  相似文献   

As a group, poxviruses have been shown to infect a wide variety of animal species. However, there is individual variability in the range of species able to be productively infected. In this study, we observed that ectromelia virus (ECTV) does not replicate efficiently in cultured rabbit RK13 cells. Conversely, vaccinia virus (VACV) replicates well in these cells. Upon infection of RK13 cells, the replication cycle of ECTV is abortive in nature, resulting in a greatly reduced ability to spread among cells in culture. We observed ample levels of early gene expression but reduced detection of virus factories and severely blunted production of enveloped virus at the cell surface. This work focused on two important host range genes, named E3L and K3L, in VACV. Both VACV and ECTV express a functional protein product from the E3L gene, but only VACV contains an intact K3L gene. To better understand the discrepancy in replication capacity of these viruses, we examined the ability of ECTV to replicate in wild-type RK13 cells compared to cells that constitutively express E3 and K3 from VACV. The role these proteins play in the ability of VACV to replicate in RK13 cells was also analyzed to determine their individual contribution to viral replication and PKR activation. Since E3L and K3L are two relevant host range genes, we hypothesized that expression of one or both of them may have a positive impact on the ability of ECTV to replicate in RK13 cells. Using various methods to assess virus growth, we did not detect any significant differences with respect to the replication of ECTV between wild-type RK13 compared to versions of this cell line that stably expressed VACV E3 alone or in combination with K3. Therefore, there remain unanswered questions related to the factors that limit the host range of ECTV.  相似文献   

Avian H5N1 influenza viruses cause severe disease and high mortality in infected humans. However, tissue tropism and underlying pathogenesis of H5N1 virus infection in humans needs further investigation. The objective of this work was to study viremia, tissue tropism and disease pathogenesis of H5N1 virus infection in the susceptible ferret animal model. To evaluate the relationship of morbidity and mortality with virus loads, we performed studies in ferrets infected with the H5N1 strain A/VN/1203/04 to assess clinical signs after infection and virus load in lung, brain, ileum, nasal turbinate, nasal wash, and blood. We observed that H5N1 infection in ferrets is characterized by high virus load in the brain and and low levels in the ileum using real-time PCR. In addition, viral RNA was frequently detected in blood one or two days before death and associated with symptoms of diarrhea. Our observations further substantiate pathogenicity of H5N1 and further indicate that viremia may be a bio-marker for fatal outcomes in H5N1 infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infections cannot be completely eradicated by drug therapy, as the virus persists in reservoirs. Low-level plasma viremia has been detected in patients treated for over 7 years, but the cellular compartments that support this low-level viremia have not been identified. The decay of HIV-1 during treatment appears to occur in four phases, with the 3rd and 4th phases occurring when the virus is below the limit of detection of conventional assays. Here, we focus on the 3rd phase of decay, which has been estimated to have a half-life of 39 months. We show that follicular dendritic cells (FDC), which have been identified as an HIV reservoir, can be the main source of the low-level viremia detected during the 3rd phase of decay and contribute to viremia at even longer times. Our calculations show that the kinetics of leakage of virus from FDC is consistent with three types of available clinical data.  相似文献   



It has been suggested that low-level viremia or blips in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral treatment are related to assay variation and/or increased sensitivity of new commercial assays. The 50-copy cut-off for virologic failure is, therefore, under debate.


Treated patients with low-level viremia (persistent viral loads (VL) of 50–1000 copies/mL, group A, N = 16) or a blip (single detectable VL, group B, N = 77) were compared to a control group (consistently suppressed viremia since start therapy (<50 copies/mL), N = 79). Residual viremia (detectable viral RNA <50 copies/ml) in the year preceding the first VL above 50 copies/mL (T0) was determined using Roche Cobas-Amplicor v1.5 or CAP-CTM v2.0. Subsequent virologic failure (2 consecutive VLs>500 or 1 VL>1000 copies/mL that was not followed by a VL<50 copies/mL; median follow up 34 months) was assessed.


Significantly more patients in groups A and B had residual viremia in the year preceding T0 compared to controls (50% and 19% vs 3% respectively; p<0.001). Residual viremia was associated with development of low-level viremia or blips (OR 10.9 (95% CI 2.9–40.6)). Subsequent virologic failure was seen more often in group A (3/16) and B (2/77) than in the control group (0/79).


Residual viremia is associated with development of blips and low-level viremia. Virologic failure occurred more often in patients with low-level viremia. These results suggest that low-level viremia results from viral production/replication rather than only assay variation.  相似文献   

Different mutants of an infectious full-length clone (p35PPV-NAT) of Plum pox virus (PPV) were constructed: three mutants with mutations of the assembly motifs RQ and DF in the coat protein gene (CP) and two CP chimeras with exchanges in the CP core region of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus and Potato virus Y. The assembly mutants were restricted to single infected cells, whereas the PPV chimeras were able to produce systemic infections in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. After passages in different transgenic N. benthamiana plants expressing the PPV CP gene with a complete (plant line 4.30.45.) or partially deleted 3'-nontranslated region (3'-NTR) (plant line 17.27. 4.), characterization of the viral progeny of all mutants revealed restoration of wild-type virus by recombination with the transgenic CP RNA only in the presence of the complete 3'-NTR (4.30.45.). Reconstitution of wild-type virus was also observed following cobombardment of different assembly-defective p35PPV-NAT together with a movement-defective plant expression vector of Potato virus X expressing the intact PPV-NAT CP gene transiently in nontransgenic N. benthamiana plants. Finally, a chimeric recombinant virus was detected after cobombardment of defective p35PPV-NAT with a plant expression vector-derived CP gene from the sour cherry isolate of PPV (PPV-SoC). This chimeric virus has been established by a double recombination event between the CP-defective PPV mutant and the intact PPV-SoC CP gene. These results demonstrate that viral sequences can be tested for recombination events without the necessity for producing transgenic plants.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of using transgenic rabbits expressing CCR5 and CD4 as a small-animal model of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) disease, we examined whether the expression of the human chemokine receptor (CCR5) and human CD4 would render a rabbit cell line (SIRC) permissive to HIV replication. Histologically, SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5 formed multinucleated cells (syncytia) upon exposure to BaL, a macrophagetropic strain of HIV that uses CCR5 for cell entry. Intracellular viral capsid p24 staining showed abundant viral gene expression in BaL-infected SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5. In contrast, neither SIRC cells expressing CD4 alone nor murine 3T3 cells expressing CCR5 and CD4 exhibited significant expression of p24. These stably transfected rabbit cells were also highly permissive for the production of virions upon infection by two other CCR5-dependent strains (JR-CSF and YU-2) but not by a CXCR4-dependent strain (NL4-3). The functional integrity of these virions was demonstrated by the successful infection of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with viral stocks prepared from these transfected rabbit cells. Furthermore, primary rabbit PBMC were found to be permissive for production of infectious virions after circumventing the cellular entry step. These results suggest that a transgenic rabbit model for the study of HIV disease may be feasible.  相似文献   

The apoptosis of RK13 cells induced by RHDV was investigated with DAPI staining,DNA ladder,Caspase 3 activity and flow cytometry,etc.The results showed that nuclear staining of infected cells with DAPI showed gradually morphological changes of the nuclei.As shown in the paper,a canonic oligonucleosome-sized DNA ladder was observed in cells harvested at 24h,48h and 72h post-infection,confirming that DNA fragmentation was induced by RHDV infection.The results of flow cytometry showed that about 63 % of cells ...  相似文献   

During replication, the physical state of a virus is controlled by assembly and disassembly processes, when particles are put together and dismantled by cellular cues, respectively. A fundamental question has been how a cell can assemble an infectious virus, and dismantle a virus entering an uninfected cell and thereby trigger a new round of infection. This apparent paradox might be explained by considering that infected and uninfected cells are functionally different, or that assembly and disassembly take place along different cellular pathways. A third possibility is that the physical properties of newly assembled viruses are different from the infection-ready viruses. Recent biophysical experiments measured the stiffness of single Influenza viruses and combined this with biochemical measurements and cell biological assays. Besides inducing the fusogenic state of hemagglutinin, low pH cues softened the virus and precluded aggregation of viral ribonucleoprotein particles with the matrix protein M1. The recent experiments suggest a two-step model for Influenza virus entry and uncoating involving low pH in early and late endosomes, respectively. I conclude with a short outlook into how combined biophysical and cell biological approaches might lead to the identification of new cellular cues controlling viral uncoating and infection.  相似文献   

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