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The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is required to block sister chromatid separation until all chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic apparatus. The SAC prevents cells from entering anaphase by inhibiting the ubiquitylation of cyclin B1 and securin by the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase. The target of the SAC is the essential APC/C activator Cdc20. It is unclear how the SAC inactivates Cdc20 but most current models suggest that Cdc20 forms a stable complex with the Mad2 checkpoint protein. Here we show that most Cdc20 is not in a complex with Mad2; instead Mad2 is required for Cdc20 to form a complex with another checkpoint protein, BubR1. We further show that during the SAC, the APC/C ubiquitylates Cdc20 to target it for degradation. Thus, ubiquitylation of human Cdc20 is not required to release it from the checkpoint complex, but to degrade it to maintain mitotic arrest.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of pds1 mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The initial pds1-1 allele was identified by its inviability after transient exposure to microtubule inhibitors and its precocious dissociation of sister chromatids in the presence of these microtubule inhibitors. These findings suggest that pds1 mutants might be defective in anaphase arrest that normally is imposed by a spindle-damage checkpoint. To further examine a role for Pds1p in anaphase arrest, we compared the cell cycle arrest of pds1 mutants and PDS1 cells after: (a) the inactivation of Cdc16p or Cdc23p, two proteins that are required for the degradation of mitotic cyclins and are putative components of the yeast anaphase promoting complex (APC); (b) the inactivation of Cdc20p, another protein implicated in the degradation of mitotic cyclins; and (c) the inactivation of Cdc13 protein or gamma irradiation, two circumstances that induce a DNA- damage checkpoint. Under all these conditions, anaphase is inhibited in PDS1 cells but not in pds1 mutants. From these results we suggest that Pds1 protein is an anaphase inhibitor in PDS1 cells but not in pds1 mutants. From these results we suggest that Pds1 protein is an anaphase inhibitor that plays a critical role in the control of anaphase by both APC and checkpoints. We also show that pds1 mutants exit mitosis and initiate new rounds of cell division after gamma irradiation and Cdc13p inactivation but no after nocodazole-treatment or inactivation of Cdc16p, Cdc20p or Cdc23p function. Therefore, in the DNA-damage checkpoint, Pds1p is required for the inhibition of cytokinesis and DNA replication as well as anaphase. The role of Pds1 protein in anaphase inhibition and general cell cycle regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

In most eukaryotic cells, DNA replication is confined to S phase of the cell cycle [1]. During this interval, S-phase checkpoint controls restrain mitosis until replication is complete [2]. In budding yeast, the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p has been associated with the checkpoint arrest of mitosis when DNA is damaged or when mitotic spindles have formed aberrantly [3] [4], but not when DNA replication is blocked with hydroxyurea (HU). Previous studies have implicated the protein kinase Mec1p in S-phase checkpoint control [5]. Unlike mec1 mutants, pds1 mutants efficiently inhibit anaphase when replication is blocked. This does not, however, exclude an essential S-phase checkpoint function of Pds1 beyond the early S-phase arrest point of a HU block. Here, we show that Pds1p is an essential component of a previously unsuspected checkpoint control system that couples the completion of S phase with mitosis. Further, the S-phase checkpoint comprises at least two distinct pathways. A Mec1p-dependent pathway operates early in S phase, but a Pds1p-dependent pathway becomes essential part way through S phase.  相似文献   

Proteolysis mediated by the anaphase promoting complex (APC) has a crucial role in regulating the passage of cells through anaphase. Destruction of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p is necessary for separation of sister chromatids, whereas destruction of the mitotic cyclin Clb2p is important for disassembly of the mitotic spindle, cytokinesis and re-replication of the genome. Pds1p proteolysis precedes that of Clb2p by at least 15 min, which helps to ensure that cells never re-replicate their genome before they have separated sister chromatids at the previous mitosis. What triggers Pds1p proteolysis and why does it not also trigger that of Clb2p? Apart from sharing a dependence on the APC, these two proteolytic events differ in their dependence on other cofactors. Pds1p proteolysis depends on a WD-repeat protein called Cdc20p, whereas Clb2p proteolysis depends on another, related WD protein called Hct1/Cdh1p. On the other hand, destruction of Clb2p, but not that of Pds1p, depends on the Polo-like kinase, Cdc5p. Cdc20p is essential for separation of sister chromatids, whereas Cdc5p is not. We show that both Cdc5p and Cdc20p are unstable proteins whose proteolysis is regulated by the APC. Both proteins accumulate during late G2/M phase and disappear at a late stage of anaphase. Accumulation of Cdc20p contributes to activation of Pds1p proteolysis in metaphase, whereas accumulation of Cdc5p facilitates the activation of Clb2p proteolysis.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a highly specialized cell division that requires significant reorganization of the canonical cell-cycle machinery and the use of meiosis-specific cell-cycle regulators. The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and a conserved APC adaptor, Cdc20 (also known as Fzy), are required for anaphase progression in mitotic cells. The APC has also been implicated in meiosis, although it is not yet understood how it mediates these non-canonical divisions. Cortex (Cort) is a diverged Fzy homologue that is expressed in the female germline of Drosophila, where it functions with the Cdk1-interacting protein Cks30A to drive anaphase in meiosis II. Here, we show that Cort functions together with the canonical mitotic APC adaptor Fzy to target the three mitotic cyclins (A, B and B3) for destruction in the egg and drive anaphase progression in both meiotic divisions. In addition to controlling cyclin destruction globally in the egg, Cort and Fzy appear to both be required for the local destruction of cyclin B on spindles. We find that cyclin B associates with spindle microtubules throughout meiosis I and meiosis II, and dissociates from the meiotic spindle in anaphase II. Fzy and Cort are required for this loss of cyclin B from the meiotic spindle. Our results lead to a model in which the germline-specific APC(Cort) cooperates with the more general APC(Fzy), both locally on the meiotic spindle and globally in the egg cytoplasm, to target cyclins for destruction and drive progression through the two meiotic divisions.  相似文献   

The metaphase to anaphase transition: a case of productive destruction.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metaphase to anaphase transition is a point of no return; the duplicated sister chromatids segregate to the future daughter cells, and any mistake in this process may be deleterious to both progeny. At the heart of this process lies the anaphase inhibitor, which must be degraded in order for this transition to take place. The degradation of the anaphase inhibitor occurs via the ubiquitin-degradation pathway, and it involves the activity of the cyclosome/anaphase promoting complex (APC). The fidelity of the metaphase to anaphase transition is ensured by several different regulatory mechanisms that modulate the activity of the cyclosome/APC. Great advancements have been made in this field in the past few years, but many questions still remain to be answered.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint ensures accurate chromosome segregation by sending a signal from an unattached kinetochore to inhibit anaphase onset. Numerous studies have described the role of Bub3 in checkpoint activation, but less is known about its functions apart from the spindle checkpoint. In this paper, we demonstrate that Bub3 has an unexpected role promoting metaphase progression in budding yeast. Loss of Bub3 resulted in a metaphase delay that was not a consequence of aneuploidy or the activation of a checkpoint. Instead, bub3Δ cells had impaired binding of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) with its activator Cdc20, and the delay could be rescued by Cdc20 overexpression. Kinetochore localization of Bub3 was required for normal mitotic progression, and Bub3 and Cdc20 colocalized at the kinetochore. Although Bub1 binds Bub3 at the kinetochore, bub1Δ cells did not have compromised APC/C and Cdc20 binding. The results demonstrate that Bub3 has a previously unknown function at the kinetochore in activating APC/C-Cdc20 for normal mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Properly regulated cyclin proteolysis is critical for normal cell cycle progression. A nine-amino acid peptide motif called the destruction box (D box) is present at the N terminus of the yeast mitotic cyclins. This short sequence is required for cyclin ubiquitination and subsequent proteolysis. The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a multisubunit E3 required for cyclin ubiquitination. We have tested the D box of five mitotic cyclins for interaction with six APC/C subunits. The APC/C subunit Cdc23, but not five other subunits tested, interacted by two-hybrid analysis with the N terminus of wild-type Clb2. None of these subunits interacted with the N termini of the cyclins Clb1, Clb3, or Clb5. Mutations in the D box sequences of Clb2 inhibited interaction with Cdc23 both in vivo and in vitro. Our results provide the first evidence for a direct interaction between an APC/C substrate (Clb2) and an APC/C subunit (Cdc23).  相似文献   

Reimann JD  Freed E  Hsu JY  Kramer ER  Peters JM  Jackson PK 《Cell》2001,105(5):645-655
We have discovered an early mitotic inhibitor, Emi1, which regulates mitosis by inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC). Emi1 is a conserved F box protein containing a zinc binding region essential for APC inhibition. Emi1 accumulates before mitosis and is ubiquitylated and destroyed in mitosis, independent of the APC. Emi1 immunodepletion from cycling Xenopus extracts strongly delays cyclin B accumulation and mitotic entry, whereas nondestructible Emi1 stabilizes APC substrates and causes a mitotic block. Emi1 binds the APC activator Cdc20, and Cdc20 can rescue an Emi1-induced block to cyclin B destruction. Our results suggest that Emi1 regulates progression through early mitosis by preventing premature APC activation, and may help explain the well-known delay between cyclin B/Cdc2 activation and cyclin B destruction.  相似文献   

Akiyoshi B  Biggins S 《Genetics》2010,186(4):1487-1491
The budding yeast Cdc14 phosphatase reverses Cdk1 phosphorylation to promote mitotic exit. Although Cdc14 activity is thought to be restricted to anaphase, we found that dephosphorylation of the Dsn1 kinetochore protein in metaphase requires Cdc14. These data suggest that there is a nonnucleolar pool of active Cdc14 prior to anaphase.  相似文献   

cdc1+ is required for cell cycle progression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cells carrying temperature-sensitive cdc1 mutants undergo cell cycle arrest when shifted to the restrictive temperature, becoming highly elongated. Here we describe the cloning and sequencing of cdc1+, which is shown to encode a 462 residue protein that displays significant sequence similarity to the small subunit of mammalian DNA polymerase delta. cdc1+ interacts genetically with pol3+, which encodes the large subunit of DNA polymerase delta in fission yeast, and the Cdc1 protein binds to Pol3 in vitro, strongly suggesting that Cdc1 is likely to be the small subunit of Pol delta. In addition, we show that cdc1+ overexpression is sufficient to rescue cells carrying temperature-sensitive cdc27 alleles and that the Cdc1 and Cdc27 proteins interact in vivo and in vitro. Deletion of either cdc1+ or cdc27+ results in cell cycle arrest with the arrested cells having a single nucleus with 2C DNA content. No evidence was obtained for a cut phenotype, indicating that neither cdc1+ nor cdc27+ is required for checkpoint function. cdc1 mutant cells are supersensitive to the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea and to the DNA damaging agent MMS, display increased frequency of mini-chromosome loss and have an extended S phase.  相似文献   

Tang Z  Shu H  Oncel D  Chen S  Yu H 《Molecular cell》2004,16(3):387-397
To ensure the fidelity of chromosome segregation, the spindle checkpoint blocks the ubiquitin ligase activity of APC/C(Cdc20) in response to a single chromatid not properly attached to the mitotic spindle. Here we show that HeLa cells depleted for Bub1 by RNA interference are defective in checkpoint signaling. Bub1 directly phosphorylates Cdc20 in vitro and inhibits the ubiquitin ligase activity of APC/C(Cdc20) catalytically. A Cdc20 mutant with all six Bub1 phosphorylation sites removed is refractory to Bub1-mediated phosphorylation and inhibition in vitro. Upon checkpoint activation, Bub1 itself is hyperphosphorylated and its kinase activity toward Cdc20 is stimulated. Ectopic expression of the nonphosphorylatable Cdc20 mutant allows HeLa cells to escape from mitosis in the presence of spindle damage. Therefore, Bub1-mediated phosphorylation of Cdc20 is required for proper checkpoint signaling. We speculate that inhibition of APC/C(Cdc20) by Bub1 in a catalytic fashion may partly account for the exquisite sensitivity of the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

The cyclosome/anaphase promoting complex (APC) is a multisubunit ubiquitin ligase that targets mitotic regulators for degradation in exit from mitosis. It is activated at the end of mitosis by phosphorylation and association with the WD-40 protein Cdc20/Fizzy and is then kept active in the G1 phase by association with Cdh1/Hct1. The mitotic checkpoint system that keeps cells with defective spindles from leaving mitosis interacts with Cdc20 and prevents its stimulatory action on the cyclosome. The activity of Cdh1 is negatively regulated by phosphorylation, while the abundance of Cdc20 is cell cycle regulated, with a peak in M-phase. Cdc20 is also phosphorylated in G2/M and in mitotically arrested cells, but the role of phosphorylation remained unknown. Here we show that phosphorylation of Cdc20 by Cdk1/cyclin B abrogates its ability to activate cyclosome/APC from mitotic HeLa cells. A nonphosphorylatable derivative of Cdc20 stimulates cyclin-ubiquitin ligation in extracts from nocodazole-arrested cells to a much greater extent than does wild-type Cdc20. It is suggested that inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc20/Fizzy may have a role in keeping the cyclosome inactive in early mitosis and under conditions of mitotic checkpoint arrest.  相似文献   

SIC1 is a non-essential gene encoding a CDK inhibitor of Cdc28-Clb kinase activity. Sic1p is involved in both mitotic exit and the timing of DNA synthesis. To identify other genes involved in controlling Clb-kinase activity, we have undertaken a genetic screen for mutations which render SIC1 essential. Here we describe a gene we have identified by this means, RSI1/APC2. Temperature-sensitive rsi1/apc2 mutants arrest in metaphase and are unable to degrade Clb2p, suggesting that Rsi1p/Apc2p is associated with the anaphase promoting complex (APC). This is an E3 ubiquitin-ligase that controls anaphase initiation through degradation of Pds1p and mitotic exit via degradation of Clb cyclins. Indeed, the anaphase block in rsi1/apc2 temperature-sensitive mutants is overcome by removal of PDS1, consistent with Rsi1p/Apc2p being part of the APC. In addition, like our rsi1/apc2 mutations, cdc23-1, encoding a known APC subunit, is also lethal with sic1Delta. Thus SIC1 clearly becomes essential when APC function is compromised. Finally, we find that Rsi1p/Apc2p co-immunoprecipitates with Cdc23p. Taken together, our results suggest that RSI1/APC2 is a subunit of APC.  相似文献   

In Drosophila cells cyclin B is normally degraded in two phases: (a) destruction of the spindle-associated cyclin B initiates at centrosomes and spreads to the spindle equator; and (b) any remaining cytoplasmic cyclin B is degraded slightly later in mitosis. We show that the APC/C regulators Fizzy (Fzy)/Cdc20 and Fzy-related (Fzr)/Cdh1 bind to microtubules in vitro and associate with spindles in vivo. Fzy/Cdc20 is concentrated at kinetochores and centrosomes early in mitosis, whereas Fzr/Cdh1 is concentrated at centrosomes throughout the cell cycle. In syncytial embryos, only Fzy/Cdc20 is present, and only the spindle-associated cyclin B is degraded at the end of mitosis. A destruction box-mutated form of cyclin B (cyclin B triple-point mutant [CBTPM]-GFP) that cannot be targeted for destruction by Fzy/Cdc20, is no longer degraded on spindles in syncytial embryos. However, CBTPM-GFP can be targeted for destruction by Fzr/Cdh1. In cellularized embryos, which normally express Fzr/Cdh1, CBTPM-GFP is degraded throughout the cell but with slowed kinetics. These findings suggest that Fzy/Cdc20 is responsible for catalyzing the first phase of cyclin B destruction that occurs on the mitotic spindle, whereas Fzr/Cdh1 is responsible for catalyzing the second phase of cyclin B destruction that occurs throughout the cell. These observations have important implications for the mechanisms of the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

During the G1/S transition, p21 proteolysis is mediated by Skp2; however, p21 reaccumulates in G2 and is degraded again in prometaphase. How p21 degradation is controlled in mitosis remains unexplored. We found that Cdc20 (an activator of the ubiquitin ligase APC/C) binds p21 in cultured cells and identified a D box motif in p21 necessary for APC/C(Cdc20)-mediated ubiquitylation of p21. Overexpression of Cdc20 or Skp2 destabilized wild-type p21; however, only Skp2, but not Cdc20, was able to destabilize a p21(D box) mutant. Silencing of Cdc20 induced an accumulation of p21, increased the fraction of p21 bound to Cdk1, and inhibited Cdk1 activity in p21(+/+) prometaphase cells, but not in p21(-/-) cells. Thus, in prometaphase Cdc20 positively regulates Cdk1 by mediating the degradation of p21. We propose that the APC/C(Cdc20)-mediated degradation of p21 contributes to the full activation of Cdk1 necessary for mitotic events and prevents mitotic slippage during spindle checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

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