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The degradation and fragmentation of the northern Ethiopian highlands has resulted in frequent encounters of large carnivores with humans and their livestock. We interviewed 500 randomly selected households to estimate economic impact of livestock predation by spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta), leopard (Panthera pardus) and jackal (Canis aureus aureus) in the highlands of northern Ethiopia. The annual mean economic loss per household was approximately U.S.$ 20.2, about 7% of the average annual income of households in the area. Households surveyed reported losses of a total of 3122 livestock to hyaena, leopard and jackal predation over the past 5 years. This loss equated to a total financial loss of U.S.$ 50,381 . Livestock predation incidents of spotted hyaena, leopard and jackal demonstrated that spotted hyaena had a preference for dog, donkey, goat and sheep; leopard for goat, dog and sheep; and jackal for goat and sheep. Livestock predation of spotted hyaena and leopard were mainly during the night. We conclude that assessing depredation problems is important to develop actions for management of either livestock practices or wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

Sommers et al. (2010) reported that recolonizing predators increased bovine calf mortality rates in the Upper Green River Cattle Allotment in western Wyoming. However, Sommers et al. (2010) failed to consider multiple competing hypotheses explaining calf loss rates, increasing the likelihood that their results are actually spurious. I reanalyzed their data using a multiple competing hypotheses framework that considered effects of livestock density, summer precipitation, bias in reporting rates, and whether mortality by different predator species was compensatory. I found support for a confounded web of factors influencing calf losses. Calf losses increased with livestock density (which increased during the study), but also during drier summers and with increasing rancher reporting rates. Although both wolves (Canis lupus) and grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) did increase calf losses, the presence of just grizzly bears alone did not significantly increase calf losses. Unconditional estimates of the effects of wolves and grizzly bears on calf losses were only 2.0% (95% CI 0.53–3.81), compared to 3.6% reported by Sommers et al. (2010). Most importantly, however, I report bias in favor of livestock producers in the authors' assumptions that cast further doubt on the rigor of their results. In conclusion, I recommend managers not consider the spurious predator compensation factors reported by Sommers et al. (2010) to be reliable. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Effective management of overabundant animal populations is a difficult challenge for wildlife managers around the globe. Translocation is often considered a viable management tool, whereby individual animals are removed from areas of high population density and released in areas where densities are lower. Typically, the success of a translocation program is measured at the population source, with little attention given to the fate of translocated individuals. Here we use a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) translocation program from southeastern Australia as a case study to investigate the effects of translocation on individual animals. The koala is an iconic species that occurs at high densities in some parts of its southern range, leading to numerous conservation and animal welfare issues. Between 1997 and 2007 over 3,000 koalas from a high-density island population were captured, surgically sterilized, and translocated to the mainland. Annual post-translocation surveys at release sites revealed densities of ≤0.4 koalas/ha, despite release densities of 1.0 koala/ha. Radiotracking studies indicate that low densities were because of both mortality and high dispersal of translocated individuals. We observed a mortality rate of 37.5% for translocated koalas in the first 12 months post-release. No deaths occurred among animals that were not sterilized and translocated. Translocated koalas moved greater distances than non-translocated animals. Monitoring of translocated individuals should be performed routinely during translocation programs for overabundant species. Due consideration must be given to what is an acceptable level of mortality for translocated individuals. Although often considered an ethically acceptable management technique (especially for iconic and charismatic species), translocation may not always be the best option from an animal welfare perspective. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We made a quantitative analysis of the responses of urban and rural residents in Sweden to arguments supporting and opposing conservation of large carnivores. The most important arguments in favour of conservation were: “I want them [the large carnivores] to exist in Sweden, even if I will never see any of them”, “Sweden should share the responsibility of conserving the large carnivores” and “We owe it [conservation of large carnivores] to future generations”. We found only small differences between rural and urban residents. For arguments opposing conservation, the difference between rural and urban areas was slightly greater. The most important arguments opposing conservation of large carnivores were: “They may have serious negative impact on livestock farming”, “They may have serious negative impact on reindeer husbandry” and “May inflict suffering on injured livestock”. We conclude that there seems to be less support for direct use values such as hunting, ecotourism or just experiencing large carnivores, this may imply that the minimum viable population size can be used as a long-term management goal for large carnivore populations, possibly with an exception for bears. We also conclude that a separate conservation or management plan is needed for each species, since the conflicts with human interests vary greatly between the different carnivore species.  相似文献   

Burrowing animals such as warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) and aardvark (Orycteropus afer) are able to compromise the integrity of fenced‐in farmlands by digging holes under game fences. These holes provide access for predators to enter the farm where they can kill livestock or captive game animals. Data collected from the use of swing gates (n = 263) installed along a 23.93 km game fence in the Otjozondjupa region of Namibia was analysed to determine the factors that influenced their efficacy at reducing hole creation along the fence by digging animals. Statistical analyses revealed that soil substrate, grass height, vegetation density, distance to the nearest permanent water source and season influenced digging activity along the fence line. The number of holes created and reopened decreased over time from the start of the study period, probably demonstrating that burrowing animals had learnt to use the swing gates rather than dig holes under the fence. These factors can inform the correct future usage of swing gates as a large predator exclusion method to ensure that they do not enter game farms, which will reduce the need to lethally control carnivores and burrowing animals.  相似文献   

Vulture restaurants are used worldwide as a conservation tool to provide threatened vultures with a source of supplementary carrion free from anthropogenic contaminants such as poisons and veterinary drugs. While the impacts of supplementary feeding sites on ecosystem and scavenging community dynamics have been investigated in Europe, no information is currently available for southern Africa. This study presents evidence that providing supplementary carrion for vultures stimulated an increase in local abundance of two species of mammalian carnivores, the brown hyaena (Hyaena brunnea) and the black‐backed jackal (Canis mesomelas). These findings require that the wider impacts of providing supplementary carrion for conserving threatened species are fully investigated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Lethal control alone has not proven entirely effective in reducing gray wolf (Canis lupus) depredations in chronic problem areas. Opponents of lethal control argue that more emphasis should be placed on integrating nonlethal strategies into current management. However, few evaluations have tested the effectiveness of nonlethal options. We compared behavior patterns in terms of frequency and duration of bait station visits for 5 wolves fitted with shock collars to 5 control animals inhabiting wolf pack territories in northern Wisconsin during summers of 2003 and 2004. Shock collared wolves spent less time and made fewer visits to bait station zones than did control animals. During and after shocking, wolves shifted 0.7 km away from the bait station zone. Although active shocking did restrict wolf access, which could be useful in controlling wolf depredations during a limited time period, conditioning was not clearly demonstrated once shocking ceased. The effect of shock collar design and operation on long-term conditioning and shock-conditioned wolves on pack behavior needs further study. If long-term conditioning is possible, shock collars could be used by wildlife managers as a nonlethal wolf management method in chronic problem areas where lethal control has proven ineffective.  相似文献   

This study analyses the role of riparian woodland in the conservation of five common carnivore species as compared with other non-riparian habitats according to woodland cover on the landscape scale (>60, 20–35 and <15% on 20 × 20-km surface area). I hypothesised that the importance of riparian woodlands in carnivore conservation on the regional scale would be greater in landscapes with low forest cover than in those with intermediate or high forest cover. To test this hypothesis, in each landscape type I sampled five riparian forests and 10–15 non-riparian habitats and recorded species richness and frequency of occurrence (number of sampled sites with species presence/total sampled sites) in both habitat types. The presence of (or use by) species at each particular sampling site was recorded using sign-surveys (search for scats and badger dens). The relative importance of riparian and non-riparian habitats in each landscape type was analysed by comparing species richness and frequency of occurrence for each species. Comparison of species richness and frequency of occurrence between landscape types indicate that riparian woodlands are important habitats in all landscape contexts. However, in accordance with the initial hypothesis, riparian woodlands are essential for carnivore conservation in the most deforested areas. Any agricultural or development policy should take into account the need to maintain and preserve riparian woodlands in landscapes, especially in intensively cultivated landscapes.  相似文献   

We translocated 120 Agassiz's desert tortoises to 5 sites in Nevada and Utah to evaluate the effects of translocation on tortoise survivorship, reproduction, and habitat use. Translocation sites included several elevations, and extended to sites with vegetation assemblages not typically associated with desert tortoises in order to explore the possibility of moving animals to upper elevation areas. We measured survivorship, reproduction, and movements of translocated and resident animals at each site. Survivorship was not significantly different between translocated and resident animals within and among sites, and survivorship was greater overall during non-drought years. The number of eggs produced by tortoises was similar for translocated and resident females, but differed among sites. Animals translocated to atypical habitat generally moved until they reached vegetation communities more typical of desert tortoise habitat. Even within typical tortoise habitat, tortoises tended to move greater distances in the first year after translocation than did residents, but their movements in the second or third year after translocation were indistinguishable from those of resident tortoises. Our data show that tortoises translocated into typical Mojave desert scrub habitats perform well; however, the large first-year movements of translocated tortoises have important management implications. Projects that employ translocations must consider how much area will be needed to contain translocated tortoises and whether roads need fencing to prevent the loss of animals. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Short-distance translocation (SDT) is commonly used to mitigate snake-human interactions, yet little is known about its effectiveness or its effects on behavior and welfare of snakes. Between April 2004 and October 2005, we evaluated SDT as a conservation and management tool by investigating how 500-m SDT affected spatial ecology, body condition, and behavior of western rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) surgically implanted with radiotransmitters in a field study near Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada. Of 14 rattlesnakes subjected to SDT, 12 (85.7%) returned on ≥1 occasion (range 1–7 times) to the general area they were removed from. Rattlesnakes that underwent SDT showed an increase in total distance moved over an active season compared to non-translocated snakes, but there was no evidence to suggest SDT had an effect on activity range size. There was no evidence to suggest SDT affected body condition, behavior, or mortality rates. Short-distance translocation to high-quality undisturbed habitats was unsuccessful as a long-term solution to snake-human conflict because most translocated snakes returned to conflict areas within a short time (x̄x = 19.9 ± 8.7 days). However, SDT may be an effective short-term tool to manage snake-human conflict in areas where human presence is seasonal or short-lived if careful attention is paid to species-specific biological needs, habitat quality at the release site, and the location of the release site in relation to conflict areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sea turtle embryo mortality in natural nests due to environmental and anthropogenic factors can be very high. To increase hatching success of these endangered species, nest translocation to hatcheries immediately after egg-laying is a common management tool. To test the viability of delayed translocation, we moved 50 loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests to a beach hatchery after various times (0–96 hr) after egg-laying at Boavista Island (Republic of Cabo Verde, western Africa). We transported eggs in a rigid plastic container, being careful to maintain their original vertical orientation. Delayed translocation times of 0 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 84 hours, or 96 hours after egg-laying did not have any effect on hatching success, incubation period, or hatchling size and mass. Delayed translocation slightly increased the duration of the translocation process because of extra precautions taken (e.g., maintaining axial orientation, protecting eggs from mechanical shocks). We conclude that delayed nest translocation can be done in a safe and effective way, thereby increasing the efficiency of the whole monitoring program. Finally, delayed translocation, accompanied by an evaluation of fertility, would seem to permit the removal of undeveloped eggs and to facilitate their subsequent exploitation by local communities without affecting turtle nesting success.  相似文献   

Livestock farming has recently come under close scrutiny, in response especially to environmental issues. Farmers are encouraged to redesign their livestock farming systems in depth to improve their sustainability. Assuming that modelling can be a relevant tool to address such systemic changes, we sought to answer the following question: ‘How can livestock farming systems be modelled to help farmers redesign their whole farming systems?’ To this end, we made a literature review of the models of livestock farming systems published from 2000 to mid-2009 (n = 79). We used an analysis grid based on three considerations: (i) system definition, (ii) the intended use of the model and (iii) the way in which farmers’ decision-making processes were represented and how agricultural experts and farmers were involved in the modelling processes. Consistent rationales in approaches to supporting changes in livestock farming were identified in three different groups of models, covering 83% of the whole set. These could be defined according to (i) the way in which farmers’ decisions were represented and (ii) the model's type of contribution to supporting changes. The first type gathered models that dynamically simulated the system according to different management options; the farmers’ decision-making processes are assumed to consist in choosing certain values for management factors. Such models allow long-term simulations and endorse different disciplinary viewpoints, but the farmers are weakly involved in their design. Models of the second type can indicate the best combination of farm activities under given constraints, provided the farmers’ objectives are profit maximisation. However, when used to support redesigning processes, they address neither how to implement the optimal solution nor its long-term consequences. Models of the third type enable users to dynamically simulate different options for the farming system, the management of which is assumed to be planned according to the farmers’ general objectives. Although more comprehensive, these models do not easily integrate different disciplinary viewpoints and different subsystems, which limits their usefulness as support tools for redesigning processes. Finally, we concluded about what specific requirements should be for modelling approaches if farmers were to be supported in redesigning their whole livestock farming systems using models.  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质的质子传输机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细菌视紫红质(bR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白质成分, 具有质子泵、电荷分离和光致变色功能. bR分子中的发色团视黄醛通过质子化席夫碱以共价键与Lys216相连. bR分子受可见光照射后, 视黄醛发生从全-反到13-顺式构型的异构化, 导致席夫碱的去质子化,继之以可极化基团位置的改变. 力场的变化引起包括蛋白质三级结构在内的诸多变化, 这些变化促进并保证了质子从细胞质侧向细胞外侧的定向传输.  相似文献   

Genetic species identification of non-invasively collected samples has become an important tool in ecological research, management and conservation and wildlife forensics. This is especially true for carnivores, due to their elusive nature, and is crucial when several ecologically and phylogenetically close species, with similar faeces, hairs, bones and/or pelts, occur in sympatry. This is the case of the Iberian Peninsula, a region with a carnivore community of 16 species—about two-thirds of the European carnivore fauna. Here we present a simple, efficient and reliable PCR-based protocol, using a novel set of species-specific primers, for the unambiguous identification to species of non-invasively collected samples or forensic materials from Iberian carnivores. For each species, from the consensus of all cytochrome b haplotypes, found here and previously reported, we designed species-specific primer pairs for short fragments, the most likely to persist in low-quantity and degraded DNA samples. The predicted specificity of each primer pair was assessed through PCR of positive DNA extracts from the carnivore species, from an exhaustive array of potential prey and from humans. The robustness of PCR amplification for non-invasively sampled DNA was tested with scat samples. The primers did not produce false positives and correctly identified all carnivore samples to the species level. In comparison with sequencing and PCR-RFLP assays, our method is, respectively, cost- and time-effective, and is especially suited for monitoring surveys targeting multiple populations/species. It also introduces an approach that works for a whole community of carnivores living sympatrically over a large geographic area.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):665-680
Apart from humans, other predators can take part in creating bone accumulations by generating waste materials that may have been mixed with those produced by hominids and leading to the formation of palimpsests. This is discussed here in the case of Middle Paleolithic leporid assemblages, to which carnivores have frequently contributed. Level III of Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3) is a sample that can be used to address the origin of leporid assemblages in archaeological contexts. Applying an archaeozoological and taphonomical methodology has made it possible to state that the assemblage of leporids in the site has been generated by a mix of contributions, in which small mammal carnivores and nocturnal raptors seem to play an important role, together with occasional hominid inputs. The aim of this paper is to present new data about Neanderthal activities at this site and support the hypothesis related to short-term human occupations in the cave.  相似文献   

We examined the possible long-term impact of translocation and subsequent provisioning and range restriction on recruitment rates in a group of rare Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) in Anhui Province, China. We compared demographic data recorded in the group (and in its fission products) during the 6 years before and after translocation and in a group with no history of management. We also compared preliminary data related to nutritional condition, habitat characteristics, and group activities. Infant losses markedly increased following translocation and management. Estimated measures of nutritional condition varied more among adults in the managed group than among those in the never managed group, suggesting that members of the managed group may have experienced higher levels of intragroup competition. We hypothesize that increased levels of intragroup competition for provisioned food may have put infants at increased risk.  相似文献   

The mechanism whereby RNA is translocated by the single subunit viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases is not yet understood. These enzymes lack homologs of the “O-helix” structures and associated fingers domain movements thought to be responsible for translocation in many DNA-templated polymerases. The structures of multiple picornavirus polymerase elongation complexes suggest that these enzymes use a different molecular mechanism where translocation is not strongly coupled to the opening of the active site following catalysis. Here we present the 2.0- to 2.6-Å-resolution crystal structures and biochemical data for 12 poliovirus polymerase mutants that together show how proper enzyme functions and translocation activity requires conformational flexibility of a loop sequence in the palm domain B-motif. Within the loop, the Ser288-Gly289-Cys290 sequence is shown to play a major role in the catalytic cycle based on RNA binding, processive elongation activity, and single nucleotide incorporation assays. The structures show that Ser288 forms a key hydrogen bond with Asp238, the backbone flexibility of Gly289 is required for translocation competency, and Cys290 modulates the overall elongation activity of the enzyme. Some conformations of the loop represent likely intermediates on the way to forming the catalytically competent closed active site, while others are consistent with a role in promoting translocation of the nascent base pair out of the active site. The loop structure and key residues surrounding it are highly conserved, suggesting that the structural dynamics we observe in poliovirus 3Dpol are a common feature of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Giraffe populations have declined dramatically in the last three decades. Giraffe translocations are likely to increase as wildlife managers seek to augment or re-establish populations. Currently, formal practical guidance for giraffe translocations is limited. Here, we present a review of translocation guidelines emphasising planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and we review giraffe behaviour and ecology to provide recommendations specific to the translocation of giraffes. We also aim to stimulate discussion about best practices for giraffe translocations and further research into the ethical and practical considerations of moving giraffes.  相似文献   

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