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To study the effects of the phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) on the thermodynamic parameters governing the transfer of phospholipids (PL) from single bilayer vesicles (SBV) to high density lipoprotein (HDL), we performed transfer measurements at various temperatures between 4 and 65 degrees C, using a pyrenylphosphatidylcholine (Pyr-PC) as probe. The proportion of excimer (E) to monomer (M) fluorescence of a pyrenyl moiety constitutes a direct measure of its local concentration. The transfers of Pyr-PC were monitored by following the decrease of E/M. The data were used to calculate the rate constants K(+1) for the transfer from SBV to HDL and to generate the corresponding Arrhenius plots. The equilibrium constants, K(eq), for the same reactions were also determined and used to generate Van't Hoff plots. From these data, we calculated the thermodynamic parameters for both the whole transfer reaction and the transition state. Both K(+1) and K(eq) values clearly varied with temperature. PLTP induced very similar decreases in the free energy for the whole reaction (DeltaG) and in that for the transition state (DeltaG(#)). At 37 degrees C, the decreases were of 0.37 and 0.29 kcal/mol, respectively. We studied the thermal denaturation of PLTP between 37 and 65 degrees C, and the effects of denatured PLTP samples on the PL transfer reaction were then determined. In all cases, the changes of DeltaG remained comparable to those of DeltaG(#). Thus the essential action of PLTP is to facilitate the first step of the reaction, which can be considered as the desorption of PL molecules from the surface of donor particles.  相似文献   

Phospholipid transfer protein catalyzes the transfer of phospholipids between bilayer membranes. A general model is developed for describing the kinetics of this process. While previous models derive detailed expressions only for the initial rate of transfer from donor to acceptor membranes, this model takes into account donor-to-donor, acceptor-to-acceptor, and acceptor-to-donor transfers, in addition to the usual donor-to-acceptor transfer. The apparent rate of transfer along any of these specific routes is given as the product of the total rate of transfer (the sum of the rates of transfer along all four routes) and a probability function uniquely defined for each route. The model explains adequately the effects of membrane concentration on phospholipid transfer activity as well as the consequences of varying membrane surface charge and size. Using bovine liver phosphatidylcholine transfer protein, the model is applied to the kinetic analysis of phosphatidylcholine transfer between two populations of small unilamellar vesicles. Rates of protein-catalyzed phosphatidylcholine transfer between vesicles with identical phosphatidic acid content (2 or 6 mol%) are determined experimentally as a function of total vesicle concentration to calculate apparent dissociation constants and maximum rates of transfer; apparent rates of transfer between various combinations of vesicles containing 2 or 6 mol% phosphatidic acid are then deduced from the derived velocity expression. Reasonably good agreement is seen between theoretical apparent rate-vesicle concentration relationships and those measured experimentally. The results support the general treatment of the kinetics of protein-mediated phospholipid transfer and permit an estimation of useful kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

Previous studies have provided evidence for axon-to-myelin transfer of intact lipids and lipid precursors for reutilization by myelin enzymes. Several of the lipid constituents of myelin showed significant contralateral/ipsilateral ratios of incorporated radioactivity, indicative of axonal origin, whereas proteins and certain other lipids did not participate in this transfer-reutilization process. The present study will examine the labeling of myelin phosphoinositides by this pathway. Both 32PO4 and [3H]inositol were injected monocularly into 7-9-wk-old rabbits and myelin was isolated 7 or 21 days later from pooled optic tracts and superior colliculi. In total lipids 32P counts of the isolated myelin samples showed significant contralateral/ipsilateral ratios as well as increasing magnitude of contralateral-ipsilateral differences during the time interval. Thin-layer chromatographic isolation of the myelin phosphoinositides revealed significant 32P-labeling of these species, with PIP and PIP2 showing time-related increases. This resembled the labeling pattern of the major phospholipids from rabbit optic system myelin in a previous study and suggested incorporation of axon-derived phosphate by myelin-associated enzymes. The 32P label in PI, on the other hand, remained constant between 7 and 21 days, suggesting transfer of intact lipid. This was supported by the labeling pattern with [3H]inositol, which also showed no increase over time for PI. These results suggest axon-myelin transfer of intact PI followed by myelin-localized incorporation of axon-derived phosphate groups into PIP and PIP2. The general topic of axon-myelin transfer of phospholipids and phospholipid precursors is reviewed.  相似文献   

The two main functions of phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) are the transfer of phospholipids between plasma lipoproteins and the conversion of high density lipoprotein (HDL), where prebeta-HDL particles are generated. HDL is considered an anti-atherogenic lipoprotein due to its function in the reverse cholesterol transport, where prebeta-HDL accepts cellular membrane cholesterol from peripheral tissues. However, the anti-atherogenic properties of native HDL may be abolished by oxidation/modification. Hypochlorous acid/hypochlorite (HOCl/OCl-)-a potent oxidant generated in vivo only by the myeloperoxidase-H2O2-chloride system of activated phagocytes-alters the physiological properties of HDL by generating a pro-atherogenic lipoprotein particle. Therefore, we have studied the effect of HOCl on the function of HDL subclass 3 (HDL3) and triglyceride-enriched HDL3 (TG-HDL3) in PLTP-mediated processes in vitro. Modification of HDL3 and TG-HDL3 with increasing HOCl concentrations (oxidant:lipoprotein molar ratio between 25:1 and 200:1) decreased the capacity of the corresponding lipoprotein particles to accept phospholipids. Although binding of PLTP to unmodified and HOCl-modified lipoprotein particles was similar, the degree of PLTP-mediated HDL conversion was decreased upon HOCl oxidation. PLTP released apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) from HOCl-modified HDL3, but the particles formed displayed no prebeta-mobility. Based on these findings, we conclude that the substrate properties of HOCl-modified HDL3 and TG-HDL3 in PLTP-mediated processes are impaired, which indicates that the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL are impaired.  相似文献   

The glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP)-mediated movement of galactosylceramide from model membrane donor vesicles to acceptor vesicles is sensitive to the membrane environment surrounding the glycolipid. GLTP can catalyze the transfer of a fluorescently labeled GSL, anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide (AV-GalCer), from vesicles composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine matrices, but not from vesicles prepared from N-palmitoylsphingomyelin, regardless of the cholesterol content of the vesicles. In this study, we have examined the structural features of sphingomyelin (SM) that are responsible for its inhibition of the rate of GLTP-catalyzed transfer of AV-GalCer. The rate of glycolipid transfer was enhanced when the N-palmitoyl chain of SM was replaced with an N-oleoyl chain. Analogs of N-palmitoyl-SM in which the 4,5-double bond of the long-chain base is reduced or the 3-hydroxy group is removed did not inhibit GLTP-catalyzed transfer of AV-GalCer. When the donor vesicles were prepared with phosphatidylcholines or ether-linked phosphatidylcholine analogs, the transfer rates of AV-GalCer increased with increasing degree of unsaturation. The rate of AV-GalCer transfer was strongly dependent on the unsaturation degree of the acyl and/or alkyl chains. For ester-linked PCs, the transfer rate increased in the order DPPC < POPC < DOPC, which have 0, 1, and 2 cis double bonds, respectively.  相似文献   

The glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP)-mediated movement of galactosylceramide from model membrane donor vesicles to acceptor vesicles is sensitive to the membrane environment surrounding the glycolipid. GLTP can catalyze the transfer of a fluorescently labeled GSL, anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide (AV-GalCer), from vesicles composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine matrices, but not from vesicles prepared from N-palmitoylsphingomyelin, regardless of the cholesterol content of the vesicles. In this study, we have examined the structural features of sphingomyelin (SM) that are responsible for its inhibition of the rate of GLTP-catalyzed transfer of AV-GalCer. The rate of glycolipid transfer was enhanced when the N-palmitoyl chain of SM was replaced with an N-oleoyl chain. Analogs of N-palmitoyl-SM in which the 4,5-double bond of the long-chain base is reduced or the 3-hydroxy group is removed did not inhibit GLTP-catalyzed transfer of AV-GalCer. When the donor vesicles were prepared with phosphatidylcholines or ether-linked phosphatidylcholine analogs, the transfer rates of AV-GalCer increased with increasing degree of unsaturation. The rate of AV-GalCer transfer was strongly dependent on the unsaturation degree of the acyl and/or alkyl chains. For ester-linked PCs, the transfer rate increased in the order DPPC相似文献   

A lipid transfer protein that facilitates the transfer of glycolipids between donor and acceptor membranes has been investigated using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay. The glycolipid transfer protein (23-24 kDa, pI 9.0) catalyzes the high specificity transfer of lipids that have sugars beta-linked to either a ceramide or a diacylglycerol backbone, such as simple glycolipids and gangliosides, but not the transfer of phospholipids, cholesterol, or cholesterol esters. In this study, we examined the effect of different charged lipids on the rate of transfer of anthrylvinyl-labeled galactosylceramide (1 mol %) from a donor to acceptor vesicle population at neutral pH. Compared to neutral donor vesicle membranes, introduction of negatively charged lipid at 5 or 10 mol % into the donor vesicles significantly decreased the transfer rate. Introduction of the same amount of negative charge into the acceptor vesicle membrane did not impede the transfer rate as effectively. Also, positive charge in the donor vesicle membrane was not as effective at slowing the transfer rate as was negative charge in the donor vesicle. Increasing the ionic strength of the buffer with NaCl significantly reversed the charge effects. At neutral pH, the transfer protein (pI congruent with 9.0) is expected to be positively charged, which may promote association with the negatively charged donor membrane. Based on these and other experiments, we conclude that the transfer process follows first-order kinetics and that the off-rate of the transfer protein from the donor vesicle surface is the rate-limiting step in the transfer process.  相似文献   

The transfer of phospholipid molecules between biological and synthetic membranes is facilitated by the presence of soluble catalytic proteins, such as those isolated from bovine brain which interacts with phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine and from bovine liver which is specific for phosphatidylcholine. A series of tertiary amine local anesthetics decreases the rates of protein-catalyzed phospholipid transfer. The potency of inhibition is dibucaine>tetracaine>lidocaine>procaine, an order which is compared with and identical to those for a wide variety of anesthetic-dependent membrane phenomena. Half-maximal inhibition of phosphatidylinositol transfer by dibucaine occurs at a concentration of 0.18 mM, significantly lower than the concentration of 1.9 mM required for half-maximal inhibition of phosphatidylcholine transfer activity of the brain protein. Comparable inhibition of liver protein phosphatidylcholine transfer activity is observed at 1.6 mM dibucaine. For activity measurements performed at different pH, dibucaine is more potent at the lower pH values which favor the equilibrium toward the charged molecular species. With membranes containing increasing molar proportions of phosphatidate, dibucaine is increasingly more potent. No effect of Ca2+ on the control transfer activity or the inhibitory action of dibucaine is noted. These results are discussed in terms of the formation of specific phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine complexes with the amphiphilic anesthetics in the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated phosphatidylserine synthase was purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bae-Lee, M., and Carman, G. M. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10857-10862) and reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles containing phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine/ phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylserine. Reconstitution was performed by removing detergent from an octyl glucoside/phospholipid/Triton X-100/enzyme mixed micelle by Sephadex G-50 super-fine chromatography. The average diameter of the vesicles was 90 nm, and the enzyme was reconstituted asymmetrically with the active site facing outward. The enzymological properties of reconstituted phosphatidylserine synthase were determined in the absence of detergent. The enzyme was reconstituted into vesicles with phospholipid compositions approximating those of wild type and mutant strains of S. cerevisiae. Reconstituted activity was modulated by the phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylserine ratio in the vesicles. The modulation of activity observed in the vesicles is enough to account for some of the fluctuations in the phosphatidylserine content in vivo.  相似文献   

In circulation the phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) facilitates the transfer of phospholipid-rich surface components from postlipolytic chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) to HDL and thereby regulates plasma HDL levels. To study the molecular mechanisms involved in PLTP-mediated lipid transfer, we studied the interfacial properties of PLTP using Langmuir phospholipid monolayers and asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) to follow the transfer of 14C-labeled phospholipids and [35S]PLTP between lipid vesicles and HDL particles. The AsFlFFF method was also used to determine the sizes of spherical and discoidal HDL particles and small unilamellar lipid vesicles. In Langmuir monolayer studies high-activity (HA) and low-activity (LA) forms of PLTP associated with fluid phosphatidylcholine monolayers spread at the air/buffer interphase. Both forms also mediated desorption of [14C]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) from the phospholipid monolayer into the buffer phase, even when it contained no physiological acceptor such as HDL. After the addition of HDL3 to the buffer, HA-PLTP caused enhanced lipid transfer to them. The particle diameter of HA-PLTP was approximately 6 nm and that of HDL3 approximately 8 nm as determined by AsFlFFF analysis. Using this method, it could be demonstrated that in the presence of HA-PLTP, but not LA-PLTP, [14C]DPPC was transferred from small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) to acceptor HDL3 molecules. Concomitantly, [35S]-HA-PLTP was transferred from the donor to acceptor, and this transfer was not observed for its low-activity counterpart. These observations suggest that HA-PLTP is capable of transferring lipids by a shuttle mechanism and that formation of a ternary complex between PLTP, acceptor, and donor particles is not necessary for phospholipid transfer.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C is activated by a 1,2-sn-diacylglycerol and phospholipid at low calcium concentrations. Of the various phospholipids studied, phosphatidylserine has been shown to be the most effective one and is usually used in assaying the enzyme (Kaibuchi, K., Takai, Y., and Nishizuka, Y. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7146-7149). It is shown here that under the conditions of the enzymatic assay, phosphatidylserine does not form typical fluid bilayer structures as seen by electron microscopy and fluorescence polarization. On the other hand, 1:4 phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles can be formed which support protein kinase C activation. They have the advantage in that they are characterizable, form physiologically relevant bilayer structures, and are readily and reproducibly formed. In addition, they do not support protein kinase C activation in the absence of added diacylglycerol, a property that makes them invaluable in studying the role of diacylglycerol structure in protein kinase C activation. It is further demonstrated that the rat brain enzyme is activated by 1,2-sn-diolein but not by 2,3-sn-diolein nor 1,3-diolein, demonstrating the high specificity of the kinase toward the glycerol backbone. 1,2-rac-Dielaidin, 1,2-rac-distearin, and 1,2-sn-dipalmitin are all active, which is consistent with the idea that the specificity of protein kinase C is not directed toward the fatty acid side chain of the diacylglycerols.  相似文献   

Phospholipids interact on Triton X-100 solubilized GDP-fucose: asialofetuin fucosyltransferase (EC isolated from sheep brain. This enzymatic activity is modulated by charged phospholipids. In particular, phosphatidic acid and analogues markedly inhibit the transfer of fucose from GDP-[14C]fucose. Kinetic studies show that phosphatidic acid interacts as a mixed inhibitor: the velocity and affinity of fucosyltransferase for the GDP-fucose and asialofetuin substrates are strongly decreased. However, this inhibitory effect is not related to stereospecificity, and the different parameters involved in the enzymatic reaction of glycosylation are not modified. The nature of fatty acids and chemical bond (ester or ether) occurring in the carbohydrate chain does not modify the behaviour of phosphatidic acid with respect to fucosyltransferase activity. Further, the physical state of phosphatidic acid (gel phase or liquid crystalline phase) has no influence. However, as the inhibition is closely pH-dependent, these data suggest that phosphatidic acid might directly interact with the active site of the enzyme and induce a conformational change.  相似文献   

The interaction of diacylglycerols, primarily 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycerol (1,2-DLG), with egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers was studied by NMR spectroscopy and other physical techniques. In the low proportions used (less than or equal to 20 mol % with respect to total lipid), 1,2-DLG formed bilayers with PC with no hexagonal phase separation, as assessed by light, polarizing and electron microscopy, and 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The 13C-carbonyl chemical shift of 90% [13C]carbonyl 1,2-DLG was monitored in small unilamellar vesicles as a function of relative DLG content (1.5-20%) and temperature (10-55 degrees C). The chemically inequivalent sn-1 and sn-2 carbonyls gave a single, narrow resonance in vesicles, in contrast to neat 1,2-DLG and 1,2-DLG in organic solvents, whose spectra showed two well-separated carbonyl resonances. The chemical shift of 1,2-DLG in PC shows that the carbonyl groups are proximal to the aqueous interface, necessitating orientation of the DLG molecule along the normal to the bilayer. Both carbonyl groups are H-bonded to H2O, but the secondary ester (sn-2) carbonyl is relatively more hydrated than the primary ester (sn-1) carbonyl. The 13C-carbonyl chemical shift data further suggest that the interfacial conformation resembles that of crystalline and liquid crystalline lamellar 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine and certain PCs, in which the glycerol backbone is perpendicular to the bilayer plane. This conformation is different from that of crystalline 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycerol, in which the glycerol backbone is parallel to the bilayer plane. Between 1.5 and 8% DLG in vesicles, the chemical shift of the 1,2-DLG carbonyl at a given temperature was constant. However, above 8% DLG the chemical shift at each temperature increased with increasing DLG concentration, suggesting increased hydration at higher DLG content. At low temperatures 13C NMR spectra of vesicles with the highest proportions of 1,2-DLG studied (15 and 20%) showed two DLG carbonyl resonances, which most likely represent 1,2-DLG on outer and inner leaflets of the vesicle bilayer. The two peaks collapsed into a single resonance by 38 degrees C, at which temperature the two environments equilibrate with a rate constant of approximately 60 s-1 (t1/2 approximately 10 ms). Thus, transbilayer movement of DLG is extremely fast compared with phospholipids. In vesicles the 1,3-isomer of DLG exhibited a narrow carbonyl peak slightly downfield from that of 1,2-DLG. Acyl chain migration from 1,2-DLG to 1,3-DLG was monitored directly in the vesicle by time-dependent NMR measurements.  相似文献   

Modulation of inositol phospholipid metabolism by polyamines.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
At low concentrations of Mg2+, incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) in plasma membranes isolated from human polymorphonuclear leucocytes was enhanced 2-4-fold by the polyamines spermidine and spermine. Polyamines had no effects on inositol phospholipid phosphorylation at high concentrations of Mg2+. At 1 mM-Mg2+, [32P]PIP2 synthesis was maximally enhanced by 2 mM-spermine and 5 mM-spermidine, whereas putrescine only slightly enhanced synthesis. Spermine decreased the EC50 (concn. for half-maximal activity) for Mg2+ in [32P]PIP2 synthesis from 5 mM to 0.5 mM. Spermine did not modulate the Km for ATP for [32P]PIP or [32P]PIP2 synthesis. Spermine also decreased the EC50 for PI in [32P]PIP synthesis. In contrast, spermine elevated the apparent Vmax, without affecting the EC50 for PIP, for [32P]PIP2 synthesis. Spermine and spermidine also inhibited the hydrolysis of [32P]PIP2 by phosphomonoesterase activity. Therefore polyamines appear to activate inositol phospholipid kinases by eliminating the requirements for super-physiological concentrations of Mg2+. Polyamine-mediated inhibition of polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis would serve to potentiate further their abilities to promote the accumulation of polyphosphoinositides in biological systems.  相似文献   

The mucosal surface of the digestive tract is a critical barrier between a broad spectrum of noxious and immunogenic substances present in the gastrointestinal lumen and the underlying mucosal immune system. Its preservation following various forms of injury or physiological damage is essential to prevent the invasion of harmful luminal factors into the host, which subsequently may lead to inflammation, uncontrolled immune response, and a disequilibrium of the homeostasis of the host. The preservation of this barrier following injuries is regulated by a broad spectrum of structurally distinct regulatory molecules, including phospholipids. Phospholipids play a pivotal role in the modulation of intestinal inflammation. They have been demonstrated to both promote and inhibit inflammation, and their overall impact in an individual setting seems to be dependent on several factors, including the level of immune cell activation and the presence of other mediators. Modulation of lipid mediators through administration of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) or lisofylline (LSF), inhibitors of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) biosynthesis or monoclonal antibodies against thromboxane (TBX) or platelet-activating factor (PAF) as a therapeutic approach have been used in several models of inflammation; however, beneficial effects were not always convincing and further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Glycolipid-phospholipid vesicles containing phosphatidate and phosphatidylethanolamine were found to undergo proton-induced fusion upon acidification of the suspending medium from pH 7.4 to pH 6.5 or lower, as determined by an assay for lipid intermixing based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Lectinmediated contact between the vesicles was required for fusion. Incorporation of phosphatidylcholine in the vesicles inhibited proton-induced fusion. Vesicles in which phosphatidate was replaced by phosphatidylserine underwent fusion only when pH was reduced below 4.5, while no significant fusion occured (pH ? 3.5) when the anionic phospholipid was phosphatidylinositol. It is suggested that partial protonation of the polar headgroup of phosphatidate and phosphatidylserine, respectively, causes a sufficient reduction in the polarity and hydration of the vesicle surface to trigger fusion at sites of intermembrane contact.  相似文献   

Fusarium solani pisi cutinase hydrolyses triglycerides of different lengths. Here we show that micelle-forming short-chain (C6-C9) phospholipids significantly reduce cutinase stability (both below and above the critical micelle concentration cmc) and rates of folding (only above cmc), trapping cutinase in an inactive state which only regains activity over hours to days, rather than the few seconds required for refolding in the absence of detergent. Destabilization decreases with increasing chain length, and increases with cmc, indicating that monomers and micelles cooperate in destabilizing cutinase. Detergents have little effect on enzymatic activity and confer no changes in secondary structure. Some changes in chemical shift occur around the enzyme active site, although distant regions are also affected. To our knowledge, this is the first example of marked destabilization of a water-soluble protein by zwitterionic detergents, highlighting the multitude of different detergent interactions with enzymes that target amphiphilic substrates and providing means of trapping a protein in a metastable state. We propose a model for destabilization where monomers via various binding sites on the native state prime it for interacting with micelles in a destabilizing fashion, whereas only micelles halt refolding due to the absence of these monomer-binding sites in the denatured state.  相似文献   

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