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Inguinal hernias are usually caused by a congenital defect, which occurs as a weakness of the inguinal canal. Porcine β-glucuronidase gene (GUSB) was chosen as functional candidate gene because of its involvement in degradation of hyaluronan within gubernacular tissue during descent of testes. Since a genome-wide linkage analysis approach has shown evidence that two regions on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC 3) are involved in the inheritance of hernia inguinalis/scrotalis in German pig breeds, GUSB also attained status as a positional candidate gene by its localization within a hernia-associated chromosomal region.


A contig spanning 17,157 bp, which contains the entire GUSB, was assembled. Comparative sequence analyses were conducted for the GUSB gene locus. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the coding region of GUSB were genotyped in 512 animals. Results of transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) for two out of a total of five detected SNPs gave no significant association with the outcome of hernia in pigs.


On the basis of our studies we are able to exclude the two analyzed SNPs within the porcine GUSB gene as causative for the transmission of inguinal hernia.  相似文献   

The study of antibiotic resistance has in the past focused on organisms that are pathogenic to humans or animals. However, the development of resistance in commensal organisms is of concern because of possible transfer of resistance genes to zoonotic pathogens. Conjugative plasmids are genetic elements capable of such transfer and are traditionally thought to engender a fitness burden on host bacteria. In this study, conjugative apramycin resistance plasmids isolated from newborn calves were characterized. Calves were raised on a farm that had not used apramycin or related aminoglycoside antibiotics for at least 20 months prior to sampling. Of three apramycin resistance plasmids, one was capable of transfer at very high rates and two were found to confer fitness advantages on new Escherichia coli hosts. This is the first identification of natural plasmids isolated from commensal organisms that are able to confer a fitness advantage on a new host. This work indicates that reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes in commensal organisms might not decrease if antibiotic usage is halted.  相似文献   

One hundred broiler chickens were divided into four groups. Group A was untreated and challenged with E. coli 02:KH6; group B was infected and treated with bacteriocin in their drinking water; group C was infected and treated by administration of Lactobacillus plantarum F1 culture in skimmed milk, and group D acted as a control. Their weight, feed intake, clinical signs, microscopic lesions, E. coli re-isolation and serum biochemistry were compared. Groups B and C showed fewer symptoms and gross lesions than those from group A, while body weight and feed intakes were similar to the control group. E. coli 02:KH6 was re-isolated in 60% of the livers from group A, compared to 8 and 12% of the livers from group B and C respectively. There was significant increase in the levels of total protein (3.78 ± 0.05 g/100 ml) and globulins (2.53 ± 0.03 g/100 ml) in group A compared to groups B and C. The cholesterol levels in group A (112.56 ± 0.15 mg/100 ml) were significantly reduced compared to those of groups B and C which had 127.25 ± 0.14 and 128.73 ± 0.13 mg/100 ml respectively. The study provides evidence of the potential therapeutic efficacy of bacteriocin in the control of an experimental E. coli infection in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains isolated from commercial broilers and an experimental flock of chickens were screened to determine phenotypic expression of antimicrobial resistance and carriage of drug resistance determinants. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of oxytetracycline, sarafloxacin, and enrofloxacin administration on the distribution of resistance determinants and strain types among intestinal commensal E. coli strains isolated from broiler chickens. We detected a high prevalence of resistance to drugs such as tetracycline (36 to 97%), sulfonamides (50 to 100%), and streptomycin (53 to 100%) in E. coli isolates from treated and untreated flocks. These isolates also had a high prevalence of class 1 integron carriage, and most of them possessed the streptomycin resistance cassette, aadA1. In order to investigate the contribution of E. coli strain distribution to the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and the resistance determinants, isolates from each flock were DNA fingerprinted by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence (ERIC) PCR. Although very diverse E. coli strain types were detected, four ERIC strain types were present on all of the commercial broiler farms, and two of the strains were also found in the experimental flocks. Each E. coli strain consisted of both susceptible and antimicrobial agent-resistant isolates. In some instances, isolates of the same E. coli strain expressed the same drug resistance patterns although they harbored different tet determinants or streptomycin resistance genes. Therefore, drug resistance patterns could not be explained solely by strain prevalence, indicating that mobile elements contributed significantly to the prevalence of resistance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize antimicrobial resistance and virulence determinants of Escherichia coli from soil amended with litter from 36-day-old broiler chickens ( Gallus gallus domesticus ) fed with diets supplemented with a variety of antimicrobial agents. Soil samples were collected from plots before and periodically after litter application in August to measure E. coli numbers. A total of 295 E.?coli were isolated from fertilized soil samples between August and March. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by Sensititre, and polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect the presence of resistance and virulence genes. The results confirmed that E.?coli survived and could be quantified by direct plate count for at least 7 months in soil following litter application in August. The effects of feed supplementation were observed on E.?coli numbers in November and January. Among the 295 E.?coli, the highest antibiotic resistance level was observed against tetracycline and β-lactams associated mainly with the resistance genes tetB and bla(CMY-2), respectively. Significant treatment effects were observed for phylogenetic groups, antibiotic resistance profiles, and virulence gene frequencies. Serotyping, phylogenetic grouping, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed that multiple-antibiotic-resistant and potentially pathogenic E.?coli can survive in soil fertilized with litter for several months regardless of antimicrobials used in the feed.  相似文献   

Ten different bacteriophages were isolated from untreated city sewage water. These phages were stable at 57 degrees C for 40 min. A modified agar layer technique was used to obtain high titre phages. Ninety-four of a stock of 101 cultures of Escherichia coli, which were isolated from inflamed portions of intestines of chickens, were lysed by one or more of these phages. The E. coli of a known serological grouping were phage typed.  相似文献   

The influence of the administration of a mixed probiotic on zootechnical performances and the microbial composition of the feces of young broilers, up 42 days old, was investigated. In a six weeks trial the feed was supplemented with 1(w/w)% of a mixture of five potentially probiotic strains belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Enterococcus. No effect on the weight of the broilers was observed. Plate counting of fecal samples showed a decrease in the Clostridium population with more than 4 10log units after 5 days and 2 10log units after 14 days of treatment. The DGGE pattern obtained after nested PCR, revealed a significant shift in the Lactobacillus population. This study shows that the application of probiotics in the feed of broiler chickens considerably lowers the Clostridium population in broilers, hereby also lowering the risk of spreading in the housing through fecal contamination.  相似文献   

Currently, there are limited published data for the population dynamics of antimicrobial-resistant commensal bacteria. This study was designed to evaluate both the proportions of the Escherichia coli populations that are resistant to ampicillin at the level of the individual chicken on commercial broiler farms and the feasibility of obtaining repeated measures of fecal E. coli concentrations. Short-term temporal variation in the concentration of fecal E. coli was investigated, and a preliminary assessment was made of potential factors involved in the shedding of high numbers of ampicillin-resistant E. coli by growing birds in the absence of the use of antimicrobial drugs. Multilevel linear regression modeling revealed that the largest component of random variation in log-transformed fecal E. coli concentrations was seen between sampling occasions for individual birds. The incorporation of fixed effects into the model demonstrated that the older, heavier birds in the study were significantly more likely (P = 0.0003) to shed higher numbers of ampicillin-resistant E. coli. This association between increasing weight and high shedding was not seen for the total fecal E. coli population (P = 0.71). This implies that, in the absence of the administration of antimicrobial drugs, the proportion of fecal E. coli that was resistant to ampicillin increased as the birds grew. This study has shown that it is possible to collect quantitative microbiological data on broiler farms and that such data could make valuable contributions to risk assessments concerning the transfer of resistant bacteria between animal and human populations.  相似文献   



The ionophoric coccidiostat salinomycin is widely used in chicken feed. In the near future the use of ionophore coccidiostats may be banned as has been the case for other antimicrobial growth promoters. This study was conducted to examine the effect of salinomycin on Campylobacter jejuni infection and on the composition of the caecal microflora in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of resistance to apramycin of five isolates of Escherichia coli from animals were investigated. Three isolates, which were resistant to all the aminoglycosides tested, did not transfer their resistance and did not produce aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes. The fourth isolate, which was resistant to apramycin, tobramycin, gentamicin, kanamycin and neomycin but not to amikacin, owed its resistance to production of the acetyltransferase AAC(3)IV. The gene specifying this enzyme was carried on a transposon, Tn800, on a plasmid designated R1535. The fifth isolate was resistant to apramycin, neomycin and kanamycin but not to gentamicin, tobramycin or amikacin. It produced an acetyltransferase that readily acetylated only apramycin, neomycin and paromomycin, a compound that is closely related to neomycin. Synthesis of this enzyme was specified by a chromosomal gene located near pyrD at about 20 min on the map of the E. coli K12 chromosome.  相似文献   

Changes were examined in the intestinal microflora in broiler chickens fed a diet containing antibiotics to obtain fundamental information on the mechanisms of beneficial effect of the antibiotics upon livestock production. Three antibiotics (colistin, bacitracin, and enramycin) were employed as feed additives. Experiments were conducted with broiler chickens in two ways. In one way dietary antibiotics were fed continually at levels approved for use as feed additives for a long term. In the other they were fed the same antibiotics for a short term. Significant changes in microflora were observed mainly in such bacterial groups as aerobic bacteria and Lactobacillus. In the long term administration, three possible modes of variance in the bacterial flora were postulated: Changes directly related to the antibacterial spectrum of antibiotics. Antagonistic changes related to an ecological balance in the bacterial flora. Changes in quantitative balance of bacteria constituting each bacterial group. The change in the intestinal microflora during administration of the antibiotic diet was expressed as a complex form of these transition modes. In the short term administration, it was demonstrated that the effect of the antibiotic diet lingered even 7 days after administration. This suggests that antibiotics used as feed additives may possibly affect the stability of the intestinal microflora.  相似文献   

Acidified litter benefits the intestinal flora balance of broiler chickens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alterations in the balance of the normal intestinal bacterial flora of chickens exposed to acidified wood-derived litter were analyzed and compared to those of a control group exposed to nonacidified litter. A total of 1,728 broilers were divided into two groups, with six replicates in each. One group was exposed to dry wood-derived litter, and the other was exposed to dry wood-derived litter sprayed with a mixture of sodium lignosulfonate, formic acid, and propionic acid. At five different times, five chickens from each pen were killed and the intestinal contents from ileum and caeca were collected. The samples were diluted and plated onto selective media to identify coliforms, Lactobacillus spp., Clostridium perfringens, and Enterococcus spp. Covariance analysis of bacterial counts showed significantly lower counts for C. perfringens in the caeca and the ileum and for Enterococcus spp. and Lactobacillus spp. in the ileum in chickens exposed to the acidified litter. Lactobacillus spp. showed significantly higher counts in the caeca in chickens exposed to acidified litter. There was no difference between the two litters with regard to coliforms in the ileum and the caeca or to Enterococcus spp. in the caeca. The study shows that exposing the chickens to acidified litter lowers the intestinal bacterial number, especially in the ileum, without negative consequences for the chicken's health or performance. Of special interest are the lower counts of C. perfringens and Enterococcus spp. that might reduce the risk of developing clinical or subclinical necrotic enteritis and growth depression.  相似文献   

Plasmids conferring tellurite resistance were transferred at low temperature (27 degrees C) from Escherichia coli strains isolated from chicken carcasses at the time of slaughter and after storage. They belonged to group IncH, as evidenced by their large molecular weight and incompatibility with plasmid pIP233. E. coli strains contaminating chickens meat can thus represent a source of IncH plasmids in the food chain of humans.  相似文献   

A genotypic comparison using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), amplified ribosomal restriction analysis (ARDRA) as well as PCRs targeting virulence associated genes reported elsewhere in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli(APEC) was made between E. coli strains isolated from chickens with colibacillosis and those from the feces of apparently healthy chickens in Japan. The majority (67%) of clinical isolates belonged to a certain phylogenetic ARDRA but not PFGE cluster, with virulence-related genes carried by ColV plasmid being markedly prevalent. The result suggests that APEC strains originated from the same "ancestor" in the course of E. coli evolution.  相似文献   

Plasmids conferring tellurite resistance were transferred at low temperature (27 degrees C) from Escherichia coli strains isolated from chicken carcasses at the time of slaughter and after storage. They belonged to group IncH, as evidenced by their large molecular weight and incompatibility with plasmid pIP233. E. coli strains contaminating chickens meat can thus represent a source of IncH plasmids in the food chain of humans.  相似文献   



In poultry production intestinal health and function is paramount to achieving efficient feed utilisation and growth. Uncovering the localised molecular mechanisms that occur during the early and important periods of growth that allow birds to grow optimally is important for this species. The exposure of young chicks to used litter from older flocks, containing mixed microbial populations, is a widely utilised model in poultry research. It rarely causes mortality but effects an immunogenic stimulation sufficient enough to cause reduced and uneven growth that is reflective of a challenging growing environment.


A mixed microbial challenge was delivered as used litter containing Campylobacter jejuni and coccidial oocysts to 120 male Ross 308 broiler chicks, randomly divided into two groups: control and challenged. On day 12, 15, 18 and 22 (pre- and 3, 6 and 10 days post-addition of the used litter) the proximal jejunum was recovered from 6 replicates per group and differentially abundant proteins identified between groups and over time using 2D DiGE.


The abundance of cytoskeletal proteins of the chicken small intestinal proteome, particularly actin and actin associated proteins, increased over time in both challenged and control birds. Villin-1, an actin associated anti-apoptotic protein, was reduced in abundance in the challenged birds indicating that many of the changes in cytoskeletal protein abundance in the challenged birds were as a result of an increased rate of apoptosis. A number of heat shock proteins decreased in abundance over time in the intestine and this was more pronounced in the challenged birds.


The small intestinal proteome sampled from 12 to 22 days of age showed considerable developmental change, comparable to other species indicating that many of the changes in protein abundance in the small intestine are conserved among vertebrates. Identifying and distinguishing the changes in proteins abundance and molecular pathways that occur as a result of normal growth from those that occur as a result of a challenging microbial environment is important in this major food producing animal.

The effects of lipoic acid (LA) on muscle growth, metabolic response and hepatic respiration in broilers treated with or without clenbuterol (CLE) were examined. In 4-week-old chickens, dietary LA administration (100 mg x kg(-1)) enhanced the beta-adrenergic response of plasma nonesterified fatty acid with an intravenous injection of CLE (50 microg x kg(-1), estimated from the response area for 120 min (-7,860 vs. 874 micromol x L(-1) min in control and LA-treated groups, respectively; P < 0.05). When chickens received long-term oral administration of CLE (0.25 mg x kg(-1)) for 30 d, LA interfered with the repartitioning action of CLE, decreased abdominal fat weight (P < 0.05) and increased protein concentration of the breast muscle (P < 0.05), in 7-week-old chickens. In addition, the LA supplementation alone increased both plasma nonesterified fatty acid (P < 0.05) and triacylglycerol (P < 0.05), whereas these effects were not associated with CLE administration. These findings suggest that the dietary LA level used stimulates rapid lipolytic response of plasma nonesterified fatty acid to CLE injection and fatty acid turnover between adipose tissue and the liver, but does not facilitate the repartitioning action of CLE during long-term treatment in broilers.  相似文献   

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