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李林川  瞿礼嘉 《植物学报》2006,23(5):459-465
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官, 在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程: 叶原基的起始, 叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素, 尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用, 试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

生长素对拟南芥叶片发育调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程:叶原基的起始,叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素,尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用,试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

Analysis of the Auxin Control of Bean Leaf Abscission   总被引:4,自引:17,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

We report the effects of abscisic acid and auxin (α-naphthalene acetic acid) on regulation of enzyme synthesis during senescence of leaf sections of Rhoeo discolor Hance. Abscisic acid always accelerates the onset of and enhances the magnitude of the increase in activity of acid phosphatase; this is followed by an acceleration of the onset of a rapid increase in free space.  相似文献   

Auxin Transport in Leaf Epinasty   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Lyon CJ 《Plant physiology》1963,38(5):567-574

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Gexin No. 1) leaf slices were cultured in MS medium with different concentrations of auxin polar transport inhibitors (2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), trans-cinnamic acid (CA), and 9-hydooxyflurence-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA)) and their effects on bud formation were observed. Although the effective concentrations vary with different inhibitors, all of them induced the formation of trumpet-shaped leaves. The frequencies of trumpet-shaped leaves were increased with the concentrations of inhibitors in media, and it was up to 82.1% when cultured in the medium containing 7.5 mg/L TIBA. The trumpet-shaped leaves were formed in different sites of the adventitious buds. These results indicated that inhibition of auxin polar transport could affect the morphogenesis of leaves, so the polar transport of auxin is essential for the bilateral symmetry of leaf growth.  相似文献   

Auxin and Monocot Development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monocots are known to respond differently to auxinic herbicides; hence, certain herbicides kill broadleaf (i.e., dicot) weeds while leaving lawns (i.e., monocot grasses) intact. In addition, the characters that distinguish monocots from dicots involve structures whose development is controlled by auxin. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling auxin biosynthesis, homeostasis, transport, and signal transduction appear, so far, to be conserved between monocots and dicots, although there are differences in gene copy number and expression leading to diversification in function. This article provides an update on the conservation and diversification of the roles of genes controlling auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signal transduction in root, shoot, and reproductive development in rice and maize.Auxinic herbicides have been used for decades to control dicot weeds in domestic lawns (Fig. 1A), commercial golf courses, and acres of corn, wheat, and barley, yet it is not understand how auxinic herbicides selectively kill dicots and spare monocots (Grossmann 2000; Kelley and Reichers 2007). Monocots, in particular grasses, must perceive or respond differently to exogenous synthetic auxin than dicots. It has been proposed that this selectivity is because of either limited translocation or rapid degradation of exogenous auxin (Gauvrit and Gaillardon 1991; Monaco et al. 2002), altered vascular anatomy (Monaco et al. 2002), or altered perception of auxin in monocots (Kelley and Reichers 2007). To explain these differences, there is a need to further understand the molecular basis of auxin metabolism, transport, and signaling in monocots.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Differences between monocots and dicots. (A) A dicot weed in a lawn of grasses. Note the difference in morphology of the leaves. (B) Germinating dicot (bean) seedling. Dicots have two cotyledons (cot). Reticulate venation is apparent in the leaves. The stem below the cotyledons is called the hypocotyl (hyp). (C) Germinating monocot (maize) seedling. Monocots have a single cotyledon called the coleoptile (col) in grasses. Parallel venation is apparent in the leaves. The stem below the coleoptile is called the mesocotyl (mes).Auxin, as we have seen in previous articles, plays a major role in vegetative, reproductive, and root development in the model dicot, Arabidopsis. However, monocots have a very different anatomy from dicots (Raven et al. 2005). Many of the characters that distinguish monocots and dicots involve structures whose development is controlled by auxin: (1) As the name implies, monocots have single cotyledons, whereas dicots have two cotyledons (Fig. 1B,C). Auxin transport during embryogenesis may play a role in this difference as cotyledon number defects are often seen in auxin transport mutants (reviewed in Chandler 2008). (2) The vasculature in leaves of dicots is reticulate, whereas the vasculature in monocots is parallel (Fig. 1). Auxin functions in vascular development because many mutants defective in auxin transport, biosynthesis, or signaling have vasculature defects (Scarpella and Meijer 2004). (3) Dicots often produce a primary tap root that produces lateral roots, whereas, in monocots, especially grasses, shoot-borne adventitious roots are the most prominent component of the root system leading to the characteristic fibrous root system (Fig. 2). Auxin induces lateral-root formation in dicots and adventitious root formation in grasses (Hochholdinger and Zimmermann 2008).Open in a separate windowFigure 2.The root system in monocots. (A) Maize seedling showing the primary root (1yR), which has many lateral roots (LR). The seminal roots (SR) are a type of adventitious root produced during embryonic development. Crown roots (CR) are produced from stem tissue. (B) The base of a maize plant showing prop roots (PR), which are adventitious roots produced from basal nodes of the stem later in development.It is not yet clear if auxin controls the differences in morphology seen in dicots versus monocots. However, both conservation and diversification of mechanisms of auxin biosynthesis, homeostasis, transport, and signal transduction have been discovered so far. This article highlights the similarities and the differences in the role of auxin in monocots compared with dicots. First, the genes in each of the pathways are introduced (Part I, Table I) and then the function of these genes in development is discussed with examples from the monocot grasses, maize, and rice (Part II).  相似文献   

Plants start their life as a single cell, which, during the process of embryogenesis, is transformed into a mature embryo with all organs necessary to support further growth and development. Therefore, each basic cell type is first specified in the early embryo, making this stage of development excellently suited to study mechanisms of coordinated cell specification—pattern formation. In recent years, it has emerged that the plant hormone auxin plays a prominent role in embryo development. Most pattern formation steps in the early Arabidopsis embryo depend on auxin biosynthesis, transport, and response. In this article, we describe those embryo patterning steps that involve auxin activity, and we review recent data that shed light on the molecular mechanisms of auxin action during this phase of plant development.  相似文献   

张宏  金洁  王剑峰 《西北植物学报》2018,38(7):1369-1374
很多微生物通过分泌生长素和生长素前体与植物建立了有益的关系并改变植物根系的形态结构,此外,微生物分泌的其他代谢产物也能改变植物生长素信号通路。因此,生长素和生长素信号通路在微生物调控植物根系发育的过程中起着至关重要的作用。该文从生长素合成、生长素信号和生长素极性运输3个方面总结了生长素在微生物调控植物根系发育过程中的作用,主要包括微生物增加了植物内源生长素的含量、增强了生长素的信号和调控PIN蛋白的表达水平,进而如何调控植物生理和分子水平来适应微生物对其根系的改变,为进一步开展该方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Plants differ from most animals in their ability to initiate new cycles of growth and development, which relies on the establishment and activity of branch meristems harboring new stem cell niches. In seed plants, this is achieved by axillary meristems, which are established in the axil of each leaf base and develop into lateral branches. Here, we describe the initial processes of Arabidopsis thaliana axillary meristem initiation. Using reporter gene expression analysis, we find that axillary meristems initiate from leaf axil cells with low auxin through stereotypical stages. Consistent with this, ectopic overproduction of auxin in the leaf axil efficiently inhibits axillary meristem initiation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that auxin efflux is required for the leaf axil auxin minimum and axillary meristem initiation. After lowering of auxin levels, a subsequent cytokinin signaling pulse is observed prior to axillary meristem initiation. Genetic analysis suggests that cytokinin perception and signaling are both required for axillary meristem initiation. Finally, we show that cytokinin overproduction in the leaf axil partially rescue axillary meristem initiation-deficient mutants. These results define a mechanistic framework for understanding axillary meristem initiation.  相似文献   

叶发育的遗传调控机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶是植物进行光合作用的主要器官。高等植物叶原基起始于顶端分生组织的周边区,在一系列基因精确调控下,叶原基建立近一远轴、基一顶轴和中.侧轴极性,引导原基细胞朝着特定的方向分裂和分化,最终发育戍一定形态和大小的叶片。近年来分子遗传学研究结果表明,数个转录因子家族基因、小分子RNA和细胞增殖相关因子组成一个复杂的遗传控制网络,调节叶片极性建成过程。此外,复叶的形态建成还受到另外一些转录因子的调控。本文对近年来叶发育遗传调控机理研究的新进展做简要介绍。  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin plays a critical role in plant development. Central to its function is its distribution in plant tissues, which is, in turn, largely shaped by intercellular polar transport processes. Auxin transport relies on diffusive uptake as well as carrier-mediated transport via influx and efflux carriers. Mathematical models have been used to both refine our theoretical understanding of these processes and to test new hypotheses regarding the localization of efflux carriers to understand auxin patterning at the tissue level. Here we review models for auxin transport and how they have been applied to patterning processes, including the elaboration of plant vasculature and primordium positioning. Second, we investigate the possible role of auxin influx carriers such as AUX1 in patterning auxin in the shoot meristem. We find that AUX1 and its relatives are likely to play a crucial role in maintaining high auxin levels in the meristem epidermis. We also show that auxin influx carriers may play an important role in stabilizing auxin distribution patterns generated by auxin-gradient type models for phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

Water Transport in Impaired Leaf Vein Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: The subject of our investigation was the water regime of broad bean leaves ( Vicia faba L.), especially after having mechanically severed parts of the leaf blade and the leaf venation. Under moderate conditions, 18 - 22 °C temperature and 50 - 70 % relative humidity, the leaves remained viable even after extensive damage. Only if more than 90 % of the xylem cross sectional area of a leaf was severed, the leaf wilted. Lesser damage to the xylem cross-sectional area only resulted in a reduced rate of transpiration and assimilation, compared to intact leaves. The cuts in larger veins were bypassed into small or even very small veins, as shown by xylem transport of dyes. In intact leaves, small veins have a negligible task in long-distance transport. Here, however, transport velocity in small veins was severalfold increased compared to the measurement of transport velocity in veins of the same size in intact leaves. Thereby, water transport to leaf areas distal from the cut was ensured.  相似文献   

Leaf vein density (LVD) has garnered considerable attention of late, with numerous studies linking it to the physiology, ecology, and evolution of land plants. Despite this increased attention, little consideration has been given to the effects of measurement methods on estimation of LVD. Here, we focus on the relationship between measurement methods and estimates of LVD. We examine the dependence of LVD on magnification, field of view (FOV), and image resolution. We first show that estimates of LVD increase with increasing image magnification and resolution. We then demonstrate that estimates of LVD are higher with higher variance at small FOV, approaching asymptotic values as the FOV increases. We demonstrate that these effects arise due to three primary factors: (1) the tradeoff between FOV and magnification; (2) geometric effects of lattices at small scales; and; (3) the hierarchical nature of leaf vein networks. Our results help to explain differences in previously published studies and highlight the importance of using consistent magnification and scale, when possible, when comparing LVD and other quantitative measures of venation structure across leaves.Leaf vein density (LVD), defined as the total length of veins per unit area, has been linked to rates of photosynthesis (Brodribb et al., 2007), plant and leaf hydraulic conductance (Sack and Frole, 2006; Sack and Holbrook, 2006), leaf size and conductance (Scoffoni et al., 2011), and leaf allometry (Price et al., 2012; Sack et al., 2012). Vein density affects the distance that water has to travel through the mesophyll space, thereby providing a mechanism to influence whole-leaf physiological rates (Raven, 1994; Sack and Frole, 2006; Brodribb et al., 2007). Long distances (low vein density) are associated with longer travel times and thus slower physiological rates; conversely, shorter distances (high vein density) are associated with faster rates. It has been suggested that an increase in vein density contributed to the phylogenetic radiation and rise to ecological dominance of the angiosperms. This idea is supported by comparing vein density across basal and more derived angiosperm lineages and also by comparing vein density in fossils spanning the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation (Boyce et al., 2009; Brodribb et al., 2010; Feild et al., 2011). For a recent review of the importance of LVD, see Sack and Scoffoni (2013).While there has been considerable discussion regarding the physiological, ecological, and evolutionary implications of LVD, there has been almost no discussion of methodological issues associated with its estimation. Most studies use magnified images of cleared leaves to estimate LVD. Image magnification levels reported are variable, from 20× (Boyce et al., 2009) to 25× (Blonder et al., 2011) to 40× (Sack and Frole, 2006), or cover a range of 5× to 40× (Sack et al., 2012). Similarly, the area of each leaf sampled varies, such as 1.5 to 1.9 mm2 in Sack et al. (2012) or 5 to 12 mm2 in Feild et al. (2011). Variation in sample area and magnification corresponds to measurements that cover a variable total number of areoles and total length of veins. Furthermore, none of the aforementioned studies employing microscopes mentioned, or appeared to consider, the effect of microscope resolving power. The resolving power of a microscope determines the scale at which distinct features within the sample are able to be distinguished in the image. A digital camera used to acquire microscope images should have, at minimum, two pixels spanning the resolving power of the microscope. This will ensure that features able to be resolved through the microscope eyepiece will also be resolvable in the associated digital image.The length of individual veins in each image is usually determined by tracing the lengths of veins manually via widely used image-analysis programs such as ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012). Recently, several semiautomated approaches have also been utilized that employ skeletonization on binary representations of cleared images (Blonder et al., 2011; Price et al., 2011, 2012; Dhondt et al., 2012). The use of semiautomated software has enabled estimates of vein density at the scale of entire leaves (Price et al., 2012), leading to questions and criticisms regarding differences between studies (Sack et al., 2012).The tradeoff between field of view (FOV; i.e. the physical size of the object studied) and the resolution of measurement underlies image analysis in fields ranging from cosmology to biology (Lindeberg, 1998). In the case of microscopes, this tradeoff is expressed fundamentally by the metric known as the space-bandwidth product (Lohmann et al., 1996). In particular, the space-bandwidth product reveals the maximum total number of resolvable pixels that an imaging system can acquire, which is of the same order for nearly all typical light microscopes, such as the one employed in this study. Generally, a microscope will achieve its space-bandwidth product only at its lowest magnification. This is because, for typical microscopes, the FOV is inversely proportional to both magnification and image resolution (i.e. the number of pixels per unit length), yet resolving power is independent of these quantities. Therefore, differences in imaging resolution can lead to differences in the estimation of object dimensions. In a classic example, estimates of the length of the coastline of Britain were found to depend on the scale of measurement, such that finer resolution imaging led to increases in the apparent length of the coastline (Mandelbrot, 1967). One way of overcoming the interdependence of FOV, magnification, and resolution, and to break the space-bandwidth product limit, is to mosaic several microscope images together into a single, large-FOV, high-resolution image (a technique we employ below).Here, we examine the combined effect of FOV and magnification on the estimation of LVD. We demonstrate that LVD has a strong and systematic dependence on magnification level and FOV, due to both theoretical and empirical considerations. This dependence arises due to three related phenomena arranged roughly in order of decreasing effect: (1) a tradeoff between magnification and resolution in imaging; (2) geometric effects of lattices at small FOVs; and (3) the hierarchical nature of veins, specifically that large veins contribute disproportionally to vein area. The first factor has the potential to influence vein density at all scales of measurement, the second factor will be most pronounced at small FOVs, and the third factor has the strongest effect as vein sample sizes get larger, both within an individual leaf and as leaves themselves get bigger. We show how this scale dependence of LVD has the potential to reconcile estimates of LVD previously reported by groups using magnified (Sack et al., 2012) and unmagnified (Price et al., 2012) images.  相似文献   

以朵丽蝶兰为材料,对乙烯和生长素调节的授粉后花的发育进行了研究。实验结果显示,切花和植株上的花授粉后,乙烯的产生和花的发育无明显差异;花瓣的衰老、子房发育、花粉萌发和花粉管的伸长受乙烯调节;与切花相比,植株上花的子房内无ACC合酶和ACC 氧化酶mRNA 的积累。用生长素运输抑制剂2 [(1naphthalenylamino)carbonyl] benzoicacid(NPA) 处理柱头,授粉诱导的子房发育在很大程度上受到抑制, 表明授粉后子房的发育需要转运来的生长素。  相似文献   

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