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SCF is a ubiquitin ligase and is composed of Skp1, Cul1, F-box protein, and Roc1. The catalytic site of the SCF is the Cul1/Roc1 complex and RING-finger protein Roc1. It was shown earlier that when Cul1 was co-expressed with Roc1 in Sf-9 cells in a baculovirus protein expression system, Cul1 was highly neddylated in the cell, suggesting that Roc1 may function as a Nedd8-E3 ligase. However, there is no direct evidence that Roc1 is a Nedd8-E3 in an in vitro enzyme system. Here we have shown that Roc1 binds to Ubc12, E2 for Nedd8, but not to Ubc9, E2 for SUMO-1 and Roc1 RING-finger mutant, H77A, did not bind to Ubc12. In in vitro neddylation system using purified Cul1/Roc1 complex expressed in bacteria, Roc1 promotes neddylation of Cul1. These results demonstrate that Roc1 functions as a Nedd8-E3 ligase toward Cul1. Furthermore, Roc1 and Cul1 were ubiquitinylated in a manner dependent on the neddylation of Cul1 in vitro. In addition, Cul1 was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and a non-neddylated mutant Cul1, K720R, was more stable than wild-type in intact cells. Thus, neddylation of Cul1 might regulate SCF function negatively via degradation of Cul1/Roc1 complex.  相似文献   

The conjugation of proteins with the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 is an essential cellular process and an important anti-cancer therapeutic target. The major known role of Nedd8 is the attachment to and activation of Cullin RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRL). The attachment of Nedd8 to its substrates occurs via a process analogous to ubiquitin transfer, involving a Nedd8 E1 activating enzyme and a Nedd8 E2 conjugating enzyme, Ubc12, which transfers Nedd8 onto lysine residues of target proteins. In this study, we utilize dominant-negative Ubc12 (dnUbc12) and the Nedd8 E1 inhibitor MLN4924 to inhibit cellular neddylation. We demonstrate that dnUbc12 functions by depleting cellular Nedd8 concentrations. Inhibition of cellular neddylation leads to rapid accumulation of CRL substrates and an enlarged and flattened morphology in HEK293 cells. Inhibiting Nedd8 conjugation also causes abnormalities in the actin cytoskeleton. This is likely at least partially mediated via accumulation of the small GTPase RhoA, a recently identified CRL substrate. We indeed found that siRNA mediated knockdown of RhoA can reverse the morphological changes observed upon inhibition of cellular neddylation. In conclusion, the Nedd8 pathway plays an important role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton and cellular morphology. Dysfunction of the actin cytoskeleton may contribute to the anti-cancer effect of Nedd8 inhibition.  相似文献   

Nedd8, a ubiquitin-like modifier, is covalently attached to various proteins. Although Nedd8 has higher sequence identity (57%) with ubiquitin, its conserved K48 residue cannot form covalent linkage with ubiquitin. To decipher the reason why Nedd8 cannot be an effective ubiquitin-acceptor, we compared the non-covalent interaction between Nedd8 and ubiquitin for various E2s using cross-saturation NMR technique. However, both Nedd8 and ubiquitin displayed almost identical non-covalent E2-binding properties. The K60 of Nedd8 was not present at the E2-binding surface, but its mutation to Asn converted Nedd8 into a ubiquitin-acceptor. The N60 ubiquitin mutants also displayed a decreased ubiquitin-accepting activity. These results suggest the presence of an uncharacterized determinant for the K48 ubiquitin-linkage that is not related to non-covalent E2-bindings.

Structured summary

MINT-7263328: NEDD8 (uniprotkb:Q15843) and Ubiquitin (uniprotkb:P62988) physically interact (MI:0914) by enzymatic studies (MI:0415)  相似文献   

Four Plasmodium species cause malaria in humans, Plasmodium falciparum being the most widely studied to date. All Plasmodium species have paired club-shaped organelles towards their apical extreme named rhoptries that contain many lipids and proteins which are released during target cell invasion. P. falciparum RhopH3 is a rhoptry protein triggering important immune responses in patients from endemic regions. It has also been shown that anti-RhopH3 antibodies inhibit in vitro invasion of erythrocytes. Recent immunisation studies in mice with the Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei RhopH3 P. falciparum homologue proteins found that they are able to induce protection in murine models. This study described identifying and characterising RhopH3 protein in Plasmodium vivax; it is encoded by a seven exon gene and expressed during the parasite's asexual stage. PvRhopH3 has similar processing to its homologue in P. falciparum and presents a cellular immunolocalisation pattern characteristic of rhoptry proteins.  相似文献   

The intra‐erythrocyte stage of P. falciparum relies primarily on glycolysis to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the energy required to support growth and reproduction. Lactic acid, a metabolic byproduct of glycolysis, is potentially toxic as it lowers the pH inside the parasite. Plasmodium falciparum formate–nitrite transporter (PfFNT), a 34‐kDa transmembrane protein, has been identified as a novel drug target as it exports lactate from inside the parasite to the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole within the erythrocyte cytosol. The structure and detailed molecular mechanism of this membrane protein are not yet available. Here we present structures of PfFNT in the absence and presence of the functional inhibitor MMV007839 at resolutions of 2.56 Å and 2.78 Å using single‐particle cryo‐electron microscopy. Genetic analysis and transport assay indicate that PfFNT is able to transfer lactate across the membrane. Combined, our data suggest a stepwise displacement mechanism for substrate transport. The PfFNT membrane protein is capable of picking up lactate ions from the parasite’s cytosol, converting them to lactic acids and then exporting these acids into the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Nedd4-2 is an archetypal HECT ubiquitin E3 ligase that disposes target proteins for degradation. Because of the proven roles of Nedd4-2 in degradation of membrane proteins, such as epithelial Na+ channel, we examined the effect of Nedd4-2 on the apical Ca2+ channel TRPV6, which is involved in transcellular Ca2+ transport in the intestine using the Xenopus laevis oocyte system. We demonstrated that a significant amount of Nedd4-2 protein was distributed to the absorptive epithelial cells in ileum, cecum, and colon along with TRPV6. When co-expressed in oocytes, Nedd4-2 and, to a lesser extent, Nedd4 down-regulated the protein abundance and Ca2+ influx of TRPV6 and TRPV5, respectively. TRPV6 ubiquitination was increased, and its stability was decreased by Nedd4-2. The Nedd4-2 inhibitory effects on TRPV6 were partially blocked by proteasome inhibitor MG132 but not by the lysosome inhibitor chloroquine. The rate of TRPV6 internalization was not significantly altered by Nedd4-2. The HECT domain was essential to the inhibitory effect of Nedd4-2 on TRPV6 and to their association. The WW1 and WW2 domains interacted with TRPV6 terminal regions, and a disruption of the interactions by D204H and D376H mutations in the WW1 and WW2 domains increased TRPV6 ubiquitination and degradation. Thus, WW1 and WW2 may serve as a molecular switch to limit the ubiquitination of TRPV6 by the HECT domain. In conclusion, Nedd4-2 may regulate TRPV6 protein abundance in intestinal epithelia by controlling TRPV6 ubiquitination.  相似文献   

The Nedd8 conjugation pathway is conserved from yeast to humans and is essential in many organisms. Nedd8 is conjugated to cullin proteins in a process that alters SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, and it is presumed that Nedd8 deconjugation would reverse these effects. We now report the X-ray structures of the human Nedd8-specific protease, Den1, in a complex with the inhibitor Nedd8 aldehyde, thus revealing a model for the tetrahedral transition state intermediate generated during proteolysis. Although Den1 is closely related to the SUMO-specific protease family (Ulp/Senp family), structural analysis of the interface suggests determinants involved in Nedd8 selectivity by Den1 over other ubiquitin-like family members and suggests how the Ulp/Senp architecture has been modified to interact with different ubiquitin-like modifiers.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is an essential post-translational modification that mediates diverse cellular functions. SMAD-specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 (SMURF1) belongs to the Nedd4 family of HECT ubiquitin ligases that directly catalyzes ubiquitin conjugation onto diverse substrates. As a result, SMURF1 regulates a great variety of cellular physiologies including bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, cell migration, and planar cell polarity. Structurally, SMURF1 consists of a C2 domain, two WW domain repeats, and a catalytic HECT domain essential for its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. This modular architecture allows for interactions with other proteins, which are either substrates or adaptors of SMURF1. Despite the increasing number of SMURF1 substrates identified, current knowledge regarding regulatory proteins and their modes of action on controlling SMURF1 activity is still limited. In this study, we employed quantitative mass spectrometry to analyze SMURF1-associated cellular complexes, and identified the deubiquitinase FAM/USP9X as a novel interacting protein for SMURF1. Through domain mapping study, we found the second WW domain of SMURF1 and the carboxyl terminus of USP9X critical for this interaction. SMURF1 is autoubiquitinated through its intrinsic HECT E3 ligase activity, and is degraded by the proteasome. USP9X association antagonizes this activity, resulting in deubiquitination and stabilization of SMURF1. In MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, SMURF1 expression is elevated and is required for cellular motility. USP9X stabilizes endogenous SMURF1 in MDA-MB-231 cells. Depletion of USP9X led to down-regulation of SMURF1 and significantly impaired cellular migration. Taken together, our data reveal USP9X as an important regulatory protein of SMURF1 and suggest that the association between deubiquitinase and E3 ligase may serve as a common strategy to control the cellular protein dynamics through modulating E3 ligase stability.  相似文献   

Compounds based on the 3-Br-isoxazoline scaffold fully inhibit glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum by selectively alkylating all four catalytic cysteines of the tetramer. Here, we show that, under the same experimental conditions that led to a fast and complete inhibition of the protozoan enzyme, the human ortholog was only 25% inhibited, with the alkylation of a single catalytic cysteine within the tetramer. The partial alkylation seems to produce a slow conformational rearrangement that severely limits the accessibility of the remaining active sites to bulky 3-Br-isoxazoline derivatives, but not to the substrate or smaller alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Small ubiquitin-related modifiers (SUMOs) are post-translationally conjugated to other proteins and are thereby essential regulators of a wide range of cellular processes. Sumoylation, and enzymes of the sumoylation pathway, are conserved in the malaria causing parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. However, the specific functions of sumoylation in P. falciparum, and the degree of functional conservation between enzymes of the human and P. falciparum sumoylation pathways, have not been characterized. Here, we demonstrate that sumoylation levels peak during midstages of the intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, concomitant with hemoglobin consumption and elevated oxidative stress. In vitro studies revealed that P. falciparum E1- and E2-conjugating enzymes interact effectively to recognize and modify RanGAP1, a model mammalian SUMO substrate. However, in heterologous reactions, P. falciparum E1 and E2 enzymes failed to interact with cognate human E2 and E1 partners, respectively, to modify RanGAP1. Structural analysis, binding studies, and functional assays revealed divergent amino acid residues within the E1-E2 binding interface that define organism-specific enzyme interactions. Our studies identify sumoylation as a potentially important regulator of oxidative stress response during the P. falciparum intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle, and define E1 and E2 interactions as a promising target for development of parasite-specific inhibitors of sumoylation and parasite replication.  相似文献   

Localization of the S-antigen of Plasmodium falciparum isolate FCQ27/PNG, from Papua New Guinea, was studied by post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy using affinity-purified rabbit antibodies raised against the repeat region of the antigen. Labelling was found in the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) space of early to late schizonts and in PV-related vesicles within the erythrocyte cytoplasm of schizont-infected cells. Other subcellular structures within the erythrocyte cytoplasm were not labelled. After breakdown of the PV membrane, label was observed around the merozoites, consistent with mixing of the PV contents and erythrocyte cytoplasm. The antigen was not found in uninfected cells, ring stages, trophozoites or associated with free merozoites. Antibodies to FCQ27/PNG S-antigen did not react with other isolates tested, whereas rabbit antibodies to the Palo Alto/Wellcome S-antigen repeat region reacted with isolates FCR3 and ItG2F6 but not with FCQ27/PNG.  相似文献   



Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived from whole-genome studies allows for rapid evaluation of genome-wide diversity, and genomic epidemiology studies of Plasmodium falciparum provide insights into parasite population structure, gene flow, drug resistance and vaccine development. In areas with adequate cold chain facilities, large volumes of leukocyte-depleted patient blood can be frozen for use in parasite genomic analyses. In more remote endemic areas smaller volumes of infected blood are taken by finger prick, and dried and stored on filter paper. These dried blood spots do not generally yield enough concentrated parasite DNA for whole-genome sequencing.


A DNA microarray was designed for use on field samples to type a genome-wide set of SNPs which prior sequencing had shown to be variable in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea. An algorithm was designed to call SNPs in samples with low parasite DNA. With this new algorithm SNP-calling accuracy of 98% was measured by hybridizing purified DNA from malaria lab strains and comparing calls with SNPs called from full genome sequences. An average accuracy of >98% was likewise obtained for DNA extracted from malaria field samples collected in studies in Southeast Asia, with an average call rate of > 82%.


This new high-density microarray provided high quality SNP calls from a wide range of parasite DNA quantities, and represents a robust tool for genome-wide analysis of malaria parasites in diverse settings.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax malaria is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in Asia and Latin-America. The difficulty of maintaining this parasite culture in vitro has hampered identifying and characterising proteins implied in merozoite invasion of red blood cells. We have been able to identify an open reading frame in P. vivax encoding the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 10 homologous protein using the partial sequences from this parasite's genome reported during 2004. This new protein contains 479 amino-acids, two epidermal growth factor-like domains, hydrophobic regions at the N- and C-termini, being compatible with a signal peptide and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor site, respectively. The protein is expressed during the parasite's asexual stage and is recognised by polyclonal sera in parasite lysate using Western blot. P. vivax-infected patients' sera highly recognised recombinant protein by ELISA.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells adhere to endothelial cells, thereby obstructing the microvasculature. Erythrocyte adherence is directly associated with severe malaria and increased disease lethality, and it is mediated by the PfEMP1 family. PfEMP1 clustering in knob-like protrusions on the erythrocyte membrane is critical for cytoadherence, however the molecular mechanisms behind this system remain elusive. Here, we show that the intracellular domains of the PfEMP1 family (ATS) share a unique molecular architecture, which comprises a minimal folded core and extensive flexible elements. A conserved flexible segment at the ATS center is minimally restrained by the folded core. Yeast-two-hybrid data and a novel sequence analysis method suggest that this central segment contains a conserved protein interaction epitope. Interestingly, ATS in solution fails to bind the parasite knob-associated histidine-rich protein (KAHRP), an essential cytoadherence component. Instead, we demonstrate that ATS associates with PFI1780w, a member of the Plasmodium helical interspersed sub-telomeric (PHIST) family. PHIST domains are widespread in exported parasite proteins, however this is the first specific molecular function assigned to any variant of this family. We propose that PHIST domains facilitate protein interactions, and that the conserved ATS epitope may be targeted to disrupt the parasite cytoadherence system.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the genetic diversity of iron-containing superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) from Plasmodium falciparum, a potential anti-malarial therapeutic target, we cloned and sequenced Plasmodium FeSOD from 26 blood samples from non-infected patients. Fifteen clones had the same nucleotide sequence as that of the FeSOD gene of the P. falciparum strain HB3 cultivated in vitro. The other 11 clones presented mutations responsible for punctual amino acid changes which did not modify key residues for the function or the structure of the enzyme. The high sequence conservation between FeSOD from the isolates confirms that this enzyme could represent a therapeutic target.  相似文献   

The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is absolutely dependent on the acquisition of host pantothenate for its development within human erythrocytes. Although the biochemical properties of this transport have been characterized, the molecular identity of the parasite-encoded pantothenate transporter remains unknown. Here we report the identification and functional characterization of the first protozoan pantothenate transporter, PfPAT, from P. falciparum. We show using cell biological, biochemical, and genetic analyses that this transporter is localized to the parasite plasma membrane and plays an essential role in parasite intraerythrocytic development. We have targeted PfPAT to the yeast plasma membrane and showed that the transporter complements the growth defect of the yeast fen2Δ pantothenate transporter-deficient mutant and mediates the entry of the fungicide drug, fenpropimorph. Our studies in P. falciparum revealed that fenpropimorph inhibits the intraerythrocytic development of both chloroquine- and pyrimethamine-resistant P. falciparum strains with potency equal or better than that of currently available pantothenate analogs. The essential function of PfPAT and its ability to deliver both pantothenate and fenpropimorph makes it an attractive target for the development and delivery of new classes of antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Molecular interactions between the VAR2CSA protein, expressed on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes, and placental chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) are primarily responsible for pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM). Interrupting these interactions may prevent or ameliorate the severity of PAM. Several of the Duffy binding-like (DBL) domains of VAR2CSA, including the DBL3x domain, have been shown to bind CSA in vitro, but a more detailed understanding of how DBL domains bind CSA is needed. In this study, we demonstrate that subdomain 3 (S3), one of the three subdomains of VAR2CSA DBL3x by itself, is the major contributor toward CSA binding. NMR spectroscopy and flow cytometry analyses show that S3 and the intact DBL3x domain bind CSA similarly. Mutations within the S3 portion of DBL3x markedly affect CSA binding. Both recombinant molecules, S3 and DBL3x, are recognized by antibodies in the plasma of previously pregnant women living in malaria-endemic regions of Mali, but much less so by plasma from men of the same regions. As the S3 sequence is highly conserved in all known VAR2CSA proteins expressed by different parasite isolates obtained from various malaria endemic areas of the world, the identification of S3 as an independent CSA-binding region provides a compelling molecular basis for designing interventions against PAM.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome possesses two distinct deubiquitinating activities. The ubiquitin (Ub) chain amputation activity removes the entire polyUb chain from the substrates. The Ub chain trimming activity progressively cleaves a polyUb chain from the distal end. The Ub chain amputation activity mediates degradation-coupled deubiquitination. The Ub chain trimming activity can play a supportive or an inhibitory role in degradation, likely depending on features of the substrates. How Ub chain trimming assists degradation is not clear. We find that inhibition of the chain trimming activity of the 26 S proteasome with Ub aldehyde significantly inhibits degradation of Ub4 (Lys-48)-UbcH10 and causes accumulation of free Ub4 (generated from chain amputation) that can be retained on the proteasome. Also, a non-trimmable Lys-48-mimic Ub4 efficiently targets UbcH10 to the 26 S proteasome, but it cannot support efficient degradation of UbcH10 compared with regular Lys-48 Ub4. These results indicate that polyUb chain trimming promotes proteasomal degradation of Lys-48-linked substrates. Mechanistically, we propose that Ub chain trimming cleaves the proteasome-bound Lys-48-linked polyUb chains, which vacates the Ub binding sites of the 26 S proteasome, thus allowing continuous substrate loading.  相似文献   

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