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Ras and Rho GTPases: a family reunion   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
Bar-Sagi D  Hall A 《Cell》2000,103(2):227-238

Regulation of ion channels by heterotrimeric guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), activated by heptathelical membrane receptors, has been the focus of several recent reviews. In comparison, regulation of ion channels by small monomeric G proteins, activated by cytoplasmic guanine nucleotide exchange factors, has been less well reviewed. Small G proteins, molecular switches that control the activity of cellular and membrane proteins, regulate a wide variety of cell functions. Many upstream regulators and downstream effectors of small G proteins now have been isolated. Their modes of activation and action are understood. Recently, ion channels were recognized as physiologically important effectors of small GTPases. Recent advances in understanding how small G proteins regulate the intracellular trafficking and activity of ion channels are discussed here. We aim to provide critical insight into physiological control of ion channel function and the biological consequences of regulation of these important proteins by small, monomeric G proteins.  相似文献   

Targeting Ras and Rho GTPases as opportunities for cancer therapeutics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Ras and Rho GTPases contribute to the initiation and progression of cancer by subverting the normal regulation of specific intracellular signalling pathways. As a result, Ras and Rho play significant roles in the development of numerous aspects of the malignant phenotype by promoting cell cycle progression, resistance to apoptotic stimuli, neo-vascularisation and tumour cell motility, invasiveness and metastasis. With these GTPases contributing at so many levels, they are appealing targets for the development of cancer chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-epsilon (PLC-epsilon) is a highly elaborated PLC required for a diverse set of signaling pathways. Here we use a combination of cellular assays and studies with purified proteins to show that activated RhoA and Ras isoforms directly engage distinct regions of PLC-epsilon to stimulate its phospholipase activity. Purified PLC-epsilon was activated in a guanine nucleotide- and concentration-dependent fashion by purified lipidated K-Ras reconstituted in PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles. Whereas mutation of two critical lysine residues within the second Ras-association domain of PLC-epsilon prevented K-Ras-dependent activation of the purified enzyme, guanine nucleotide-dependent activation by RhoA was retained. Deletion of a loop unique to PLC-epsilon eliminated its activation by RhoA but not H-Ras. In contrast, removal of the autoinhibitory X/Y-linker region of the catalytic core of PLC-epsilon markedly activates the enzyme (Hicks, S. N., Jezyk, M. R., Gershburg, S., Seifert, J. P., Harden, T. K., and Sondek, J. (2008) Mol. Cell, 31, 383-394), but PLC-epsilon lacking this regulatory region retained activation by both Rho and Ras GTPases. Additive activation of PLC-epsilon by RhoA and K- or H-Ras was observed in intact cell studies, and this additivity was recapitulated in experiments in which activation of purified PLC-epsilon was quantified with PtdIns(4,5)P(2)-containing phospholipid vesicles reconstituted with purified, isoprenylated GTPases. A maximally effective concentration of activated RhoA also increased the sensitivity of purified PLC-epsilon to activation by K-Ras. These results indicate that PLC-epsilon can be directly and concomitantly activated by both RhoA and individual Ras GTPases resulting in diverse upstream control of signaling cascades downstream of PLC-epsilon.  相似文献   

The fungal kingdom is extremely diverse – comprised of over 1.5 million species including yeasts, molds and mushrooms. Essentially, all fungi have cell walls that contain chitin and the cells of most fungi grow as tube-like filaments called hyphae. These filamentous fungi, such as the mold Neurospora crassa, develop branched radial networks of hyphae referred to as mycelium. In contrast, non-filamentous fungi do not form radial mycelia, but grow as single cells, which reproduce by either budding or fission such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Schizosaccharomyces pombe, respectively. Finally, there are fungi that are capable of switching between single cell, yeast form growth and filamentous growth such as Candida albicans. The switch from yeast to filamentous growth in these so-called dimorphic fungi is a virulence trait in many human and plant pathogens. Highly conserved master regulators of all three fungal growth modes – filamentous, non-filamentous and dimorphic – are the Ras and Rho small GTPases, which spatially and temporally control cell polarity establishment and maintenance. This review summarizes the key roles of the Ras and Rho GTPases during hyphal morphogenesis in a range of fungi.  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins assemble on mRNAs to control every single step of their life cycle, from nuclear splicing to cytoplasmic localization, stabilization or translation. Consistent with an essential role of RNA binding proteins in neuronal maturation and function, mutations in this class of proteins, in particular in members of the hnRNP family, have been associated with neurological diseases. To date, however, the physiological function of hnRNPs during in vivo neuronal development has remained poorly explored. Here, we have investigated the role of Drosophila Hrp48, a fly homologue of mammalian hnRNP A2/B1, during central nervous system development. Using a combination of mutant conditions, we showed that hrp48 is required for the formation, growth and guidance of axonal branches in Mushroom Body neurons. Furthermore, our results revealed that hrp48 inactivation induces an overextension of Mushroom Body dorsal axonal branches, with a significantly higher penetrance in females than in males. Finally, as demonstrated by immunolocalization studies, Hrp48 is confined to Mushroom Body neuron cell bodies, where it accumulates in the cytoplasm from larval stages to adulthood. Altogether, our data provide evidence for a crucial in vivo role of the hnRNP Hrp48 in multiple aspects of axon guidance and branching during nervous system development. They also indicate cryptic sex differences in the development of sexually non-dimorphic neuronal structures.  相似文献   

Pioneer axons in insect legs are experimentally accessible model systems for the molecular identification and cellular localization of guidance cues regulating the path of axon growth. A detailed study of the Fe2 pioneer axons in the legs of the cockroach was performed to examine the diversity of guidance mechanisms. A detailed microscopic analysis of the axons at various points in their trajectory indicates that the Fe2 axons grow on a mesodermal substratum which contains the cues guiding their growth along a stereotyped path. An identified pair of muscle pioneer cells (MPC) are likely to play an important role in enabling the Fe2 growth cones to respond to mesodermal guidance cues. The addition of heparan sulfate, heparitinase, and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C to the medium perturbs thein situpath of growth of the Fe2 axons and the location of the MPC in cultured embryos. This indicates a role for heparan sulfate proteoglycans and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in axon guidance. When these results are compared to those of similar experiments performed on the well-characterized Ti1 axons, they indicate significant differences in the mechanisms that are used for axon guidance. The Fe2 neurons are a good model for elucidating the mechanisms used to guide axon growth on nonmuscle mesodermal substrates often encountered in the periphery of vertebrate embryos.  相似文献   

Yang HW  Shin MG  Lee S  Kim JR  Park WS  Cho KH  Meyer T  Do Heo W 《Molecular cell》2012,47(2):281-290
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) and Ras and Rho family small GTPases are key regulators of cell polarization, motility, and chemotaxis. They influence each other's activities by direct and indirect feedback processes that are only partially understood. Here, we show that 21 small GTPase homologs activate PI3K. Using a microscopy-based binding assay, we show that K-Ras, H-Ras, and five homologous Ras family small GTPases function upstream of PI3K by directly binding the PI3K catalytic subunit, p110. In contrast, several Rho family small GTPases activated PI3K by an indirect cooperative positive feedback that required a combination of Rac, CDC42, and RhoG small GTPase activities. Thus, a distributed network of Ras and Rho family small GTPases induces and reinforces PI3K activity, explaining past challenges to elucidate the specific relevance of different small GTPases in regulating PI3K and controlling cell polarization and chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases, such as Rho, Rac and Cdc42, are known to regulate many cellular processes including cell movement and cell adhesion. While the cellular events of germ cell movement are crucial to spermatogenesis since developing germ cells must migrate progressively from the basal to the adluminal compartment but remain attached to the seminiferous epithelium, the physiological significance of Rho GTPases in spermatogenesis remains largely unexplored. This paper reviews some recent findings on Rho GTPases in the field with emphasis on the studies in the testis, upon which future studies can be designed to delineate the role of Rho GTPases in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases和细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡军  易静 《生命科学》2004,16(3):160-164
细胞凋亡涉及细胞骨架的形态学改变,Rho GTPases在细胞骨架改变中起着至关重要的作用。近年来的研究揭示了Rho蛋白家族在肌动蛋白(actin)聚合、解聚及actin-myosin的分子调节机制。同时越来越多的研究表明,Rho GTPases在巨噬细胞吞噬凋亡小体中也发挥了关键作用。本综述就Rho GTPases信号途径在细胞凋亡中细胞骨架的结构改变及凋亡小体被吞噬过程中的作用进行具体讨论。  相似文献   

Ras plays a key role in regulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, and transformation. Raf is the major effector of Ras in the Ras > Raf > Mek > extracellular signal-activated kinase (ERK) cascade. A second effector is phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase (PI 3-kinase), which, in turn, activates the small G protein Rac. Rac also has multiple effectors, one of which is the serine threonine kinase Pak (p65(Pak)). Here we show that Ras, but not Raf, activates Pak1 in cotransfection assays of Rat-1 cells but not NIH 3T3 cells. We tested agents that activate or block specific components downstream of Ras and demonstrate a Ras > PI 3-kinase > Rac/Cdc42 > Pak signal. Although these studies suggest that the signal from Ras through PI 3-kinase is sufficient to activate Pak, additional studies suggested that other effectors contribute to Pak activation. RasV12S35 and RasV12G37, two effector mutant proteins which fail to activate PI 3-kinase, did not activate Pak when tested alone but activated Pak when they were cotransfected. Similarly, RacV12H40, an effector mutant that does not bind Pak, and Rho both cooperated with Raf to activate Pak. A dominant negative Rho mutant also inhibited Ras activation of Pak. All combinations of Rac/Raf and Ras/Raf and Rho/Raf effector mutants that transform cells cooperatively stimulated ERK. Cooperation was Pak dependent, since all combinations were inhibited by kinase-deficient Pak mutants in both transformation assays and ERK activation assays. These data suggest that other Ras effectors can collaborate with PI 3-kinase and with each other to activate Pak. Furthermore, the strong correlation between Pak activation and cooperative transformation suggests that Pak activation is necessary, although not sufficient, for cooperative transformation of Rat-1 fibroblasts by Ras, Rac, and Rho.  相似文献   

The CAAX motif at the C terminus of most monomeric GTPases is required for membrane targeting because it signals for a series of three posttranslational modifications that include isoprenylation, endoproteolytic release of the C-terminal- AAX amino acids, and carboxyl methylation of the newly exposed isoprenylcysteine. The individual contributions of these modifications to protein trafficking and function are unknown. To address this issue, we performed a series of experiments with mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking Rce1 (responsible for removal of the -AAX sequence) or Icmt (responsible for carboxyl methylation of the isoprenylcysteine). In MEFs lacking Rce1 or Icmt, farnesylated Ras proteins were mislocalized. In contrast, the intracellular localizations of geranylgeranylated Rho GTPases were not perturbed. Consistent with the latter finding, RhoGDI binding and actin remodeling were normal in Rce1- and Icmt-deficient cells. Swapping geranylgeranylation for farnesylation on Ras proteins or vice versa on Rho proteins reversed the differential sensitivities to Rce1 and Icmt deficiency. These results suggest that postprenylation CAAX processing is required for proper localization of farnesylated Ras but not geranygeranylated Rho proteins.  相似文献   

The Rho family of small GTPases act as intracellular molecular switches that transduce signals from extracellular stimuli to the actin cytoskeleton and the nucleus. Recent evidence implicates Rho GTPases in the regulation of neuronal morphogenesis, including migration, polarity, axon growth and guidance, dendrite elaboration and plasticity, and synapse formation. Signalling pathways from membrane receptors to Rho GTPases and from Rho GTPases to the actin cytoskeleton are beginning to be discovered. Mutations in these signalling pathways have been reported in human neurological diseases, which underscores their importance in the development and function of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are molecular switches that modulate multiple intracellular signaling processes by means of various effector proteins. As a result, Rho GTPase activities are tightly spatiotemporally regulated in order to ensure homeostasis within the cell. Though the roles of Rho GTPases during neural development have been well documented, their participation during neurodegeneration has been far less characterized. Herein we discuss our current knowledge of the role and function of Rho GTPases and regulators during neurodegeneration, and highlight their potential as targets for therapeutic intervention in common neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are major regulators of signal transduction pathways and play key roles in processes including actin dynamics, cell cycle progression, cell survival and gene expression, whose deregulation may lead to tumorigenesis. A growing number of in vitro and in vivo studies using tumor-derived cell lines, primary tumors and animal cancer models strongly suggest that altered Rho GTPase signaling plays an important role in the initiation as well as in the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the deadliest human cancers in the world. These alterations can occur at the level of the GTPases themselves or of one of their regulators or effectors. The participation into the tumorigenic process can occur either through the over-expression of one of these components which presents an oncogenic activity as illustrated with RhoA and C or through the attenuation of the expression of a component presenting tumor suppressor activity as for Cdc42 or the RhoGAP, DLC-1. Consequently, these observations reflect the heterogeneity and the complexity of liver carcinogenesis. Recently, pharmacological approaches targeting Rho GTPase signaling have been used in HCC-derived models with relative success but remain to be validated in more physiologically relevant systems. Therefore, therapeutic approaches targeting Rho GTPase signaling may provide a novel alternative for anti-HCC therapy.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases: signaling, migration, and invasion   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Ras and Rho GTPases have been examined in a wide variety of eukaryotes and play varied and often overlapping roles in cell polarization and development. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian cells have defined some of the central activities of these GTPases. However, these paradigms do not explain the role of these proteins in all eukaryotes. Unlike yeast, but like more complex eukaryotes, filamentous fungi have Rac-like proteins in addition to Ras and Cdc42. To investigate the unique functions of these proteins and determine how they interact to co-ordinately regulate morphogenesis during growth and development we undertook a genetic analysis of GTPase function by generating double mutants of the Rho GTPases cflA and cflB and the newly isolated Ras GTPase rasA from the dimorphic pathogenic fungus, Penicillium marneffei. P. marneffei growth at 25 degrees C is as multinucleate, septate, branched hyphae which are capable of undergoing asexual development (conidiation), while at 37 degrees C, uninucleate pathogenic yeast cells which divide by fission are produced. Here we show that RasA (Ras) acts upstream of CflA (Cdc42) to regulate germination of spores and polarized growth of both hyphal and yeast cells, while also exhibiting CflA-independent activities. CflA (Cdc42) and CflB (Rac) co-ordinately control hyphal cell polarization despite also having unique roles in regulating conidial germination and polarized growth of yeast cells (CflA) and polarized growth of conidiophore cell types and hyphal branching (CflB).  相似文献   

Rho GTPases, dendritic structure, and mental retardation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A consistent feature of neurons in patients with mental retardation is abnormal dendritic structure and/or alterations in dendritic spine morphology. Deficits in the regulation of the dendritic cytoskeleton affect both the structure and function of dendrites and synapses and are believed to underlie mental retardation in some instances. In support of this, there is good evidence that alterations in signaling pathways involving the Rho family of small GTPases, key regulators of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, contribute to both syndromic and nonsyndromic mental retardation disorders. Because the Rho GTPases have been shown to play increasingly well-defined roles in determining dendrite and dendritic spine development and morphology, Rho signaling has been suggested to be important for normal cognition. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent data on the Rho GTPases pertaining to dendrite and dendritic spine morphogenesis, as well as to highlight their involvement in mental retardation resulting from a variety of genetic mutations within regulators and effectors of these molecules.  相似文献   

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