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Androgens, for example testosterone, are major hormones that affect male courtship activity, territorial activity, sexual dimorphism, and reproductive tactics; they reach, and are maintained at, a sufficient level to express such sexual traits at the appropriate time for reproductive success. This study examined the effects of androgen levels (testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone) on male brood cycling with two distinct reproductive phases (i.e. courtship and parental phases) of a paternal brooding blenny Rhabdoblennius nitidus. Our study showed that time spent on courtship behaviour and androgen levels decreased with progress of brood cycling. In addition, time spent on courtship behaviour of males administered cyproterone acetate, an anti-androgen, was shorter than that of control males. These results indicate that the brood cycling is affected by the change in androgen levels. The study also showed that androgen levels decreased after acquisition of the eggs, irrespective of available spawning space in the nests. This result suggests that the presence of eggs themselves may be a trigger for the shift from the courtship phase to parental phase.  相似文献   

Pheromones play a central role in coordinating the events leading up to copulation in snakes. We report here a novel pheromone system in the brown tree snake in which females release a pheromone that inhibits male courtship behaviour. In a previous study, we made observations of female brown tree snakes releasing cloacal secretions (CS) during courtship that appeared to cause courting males to cease courtship. All snakes have glands that release CS through ducts located along the cloacal orifice. Although CS have been studied for many years, their function in the mediation of snake behaviour has not been experimentally well determined. We examined the role of CS in the reproductive behaviour of male and female brown tree snakes. We conducted four experiments to test the effect of both male and female CS on brown tree snake behaviour under two behavioural contexts, courtship and male-male ritualized combat. Within each experiment, we compared the effects of CS to a control. Female CS caused a decrease in the time that males spent courting females and a decrease in the intensity of courtship compared with the control treatment. Male CS did not, however, affect the time that males spent displaying courtship or the intensity of that courtship. Neither male nor female CS had significant effects on male ritualized combat behaviour, including time that males spent in combat or the intensity of combat behaviours displayed. Furthermore, neither female nor male CS had an effect on female courtship versus controls. The inhibition of brown tree snake reproductive behaviours is specific to female CS inhibiting male courtship behaviour. This pheromone acts in concert with the female sex pheromone to regulate the events leading to copulation.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

In lek mating systems, females choose mates through indicators of quality, which males may exhibit by their performance of courtship displays. In temperate regions, displaying seasons are brief (one to two months), whereas in the tropics courtship seasons may be prolonged. Moreover, in temperate-breeding animals lekking behaviour can be energetically demanding, but little is known about the energy costs of lekking in tropical animals. Daily, over the course of a nearly seven-month-long breeding season, male golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) of Panamanian rainforests perform acrobatic courtship displays that markedly elevate heart rates, suggesting that they require high energy investment. Typically, animals of tropical lowland forests (such as manakins) exhibit a ‘slow pace of life’ metabolic strategy. We investigated whether male manakin courtship is indeed metabolically costly or whether the birds retain a low daily energy expenditure (DEE), as seen in other tropical species. To assess these questions, we calibrated manakin heart rate against metabolic rate, examined daily lek activity and, using telemetry, obtained heart rates of individual wild, lekking male manakins. Although metabolic rates peak during courtship displays, we found that males actually invest minimal time (only approx. 5 min d−1) performing displays. As a consequence, the DEE of approximately 39 kJ d−1 for male manakins is comparable to other lowland tropical species. The short, intense bursts of courtship by these birds make up only approximately 1.2% of their total DEE. Presumably, this cost is negligible, enabling them to perform daily at their arenas for months on end.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used to control Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), but its effectiveness is limited by low sexual competitiveness of mass‐reared males. This study investigated whether wild and mass‐reared [from a temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) genetic sexing strain] females display similar mate preferences and thus exert similar selective forces on the evolution of male courtship behaviour. Wild females preferred wild males over tsl males, whereas tsl females mated indiscriminately. The probability that mounting resulted in copulation was related to the duration of pre‐mount courtship for wild females, and wild males performed longer courtships than tsl males. Copulation occurred independently of courtship duration in tsl females. Counter to the aim of the SIT, female choice by tsl females appears to promote the evolution of male behaviour disfavoured by wild females.  相似文献   

Experiments with male bowl-and-doily spiders (Frontinella communis) on methanol-washed and unwashed female webs indicate that the courtship of males is chemically released. Parallel experiments on the webs of females of another linyphiid species and on immature F. communis webs indicate that the releaser pheromone is species specific and that it is produced only by mature females. The pheromone that releases male courtship also functions as an attractant, changing the male's orientation from negatively to positively geotactic. The presence or absence of a female on the test web has only a slight effect on the male's behaviour.  相似文献   

Courtship turning of the male German cockroach, Blattella germanica, was analysed with respect to rotational and translational movements. Three different sources of orientation information are postulated for the control of this behaviour: external sensory information (perception of sex pheromone) releases courtship, proprioception from the legs is required to curtail turning when the specified turn angle is reached, and internally stored information determines the sign of turning and patterns the courtship actions.  相似文献   

Calopteryx maculata and C. dimidiata damselfly females respond to male courtship with specific displays which signal differences in their receptivity. These include a rejection (wing spreading) and an invitation (wing-flipping) display, as well as a neutral (sit still) response. There are interspecific differences in the likelihood of each female display and in male responses to these displays. C. maculata males persist in courtship irrespective of female response, while C. dimidiata males generally stop courting when the female's response is rejection or neutrality. I suggest that these differences result from interspecific differences in oviposition behaviour. Female C. maculata oviposit at the water surface, which exposes them to disturbance by males attempting to mate. Females are therefore likely to remate to secure postcopulatory guarding when changing oviposition sites and males are expected to be persistent in courtship. Female C. dimidiata submerge to oviposit, which frees them from male disturbance and means that males have less control over female access to oviposition sites. Males therefore have less influence on mating by females and are expected not to persist in courtship of non-receptive females.  相似文献   

Testosterone control of male courtship in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sequence of behaviours which we call courtship initiates reproduction in a large number of species. In vertebrates, as a component of male sexual behaviour courtship is strongly influenced by testicular androgen. Here I will review some salient issues about the regulation of courtship by testosterone in birds. The first section will briefly summarize the first 100 years of research on this topic. The specific role of testosterone or its oestrogenic metabolites in the control of different components of courtship will be the subject of the second section. Then, I will discuss how behavioural patterns can be recruited into courtship and modified in their structure by testosterone action. In the following section, the role of sexual selection and female choice in shaping the link between testosterone and courtship will be addressed. The problematic nature of the quantitative relationships between testosterone and behaviour will be topic of the fifth section. Finally, I will discuss how courtship traits that are activated by testosterone can be apparently independent of hormone blood concentrations. These issues will be examined in an evolutionary perspective, in an attempt to understand how natural and sexual selection have shaped the links between the hormone and the behaviour.  相似文献   

Territorial male threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, were presented simultaneously with two gravid female stickleback dummies that differed only in degree of abdominal distention. Males directed most (approximately 60%) of their courtship behaviour (zigzags and leads) to the more distended dummy. However, when presented with the same two dummies consecutively, males directed similar amounts of courtship to each. Males probably prefer the more distended females because distention indicates greater fecundity or spawning readiness.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals can encode crucial information about species identity and individual quality. We recorded and compared male courtship drum sounds of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus and the painted goby P. pictus and examined if they can function in species recognition within sympatric populations. We also examined which acoustic features are related to male quality and the factors that affect female courtship in the sand goby, to determine whether vocalisations potentially play a role in mate assessment. Drums produced by the painted goby showed significantly higher dominant frequencies, higher sound pulse repetition rates and longer intervals between sounds than those of the sand goby. In the sand goby, male quality was predicted by visual and acoustic courtship signals. Regression analyses showed that sound amplitude was a good predictor of male length, whereas the duration of nest behaviour and active calling rate (i.e. excluding silent periods) were good predictors of male condition factor and fat reserves respectively. In addition, the level of female courtship was predicted by male nest behaviour. The results suggest that the frequency and temporal patterns of sounds can encode species identity, whereas sound amplitude and calling activity reflects male size and fat reserves. Visual courtship duration (nest-related behaviour) also seems relevant to mate choice, since it reflects male condition and is related to female courtship. Our work suggests that acoustic communication can contribute to mate choice in the sand goby group, and invites further study.  相似文献   

The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has been used to suppress or eradicate populations of the melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett), a pest of various fruits and vegetables throughout Asia, Africa, and South Pacific Islands. The success of the SIT depends largely on the ability of released, sterile males to compete successfully with wild males for copulations with wild females. Unfortunately, both the sterilization process (via gamma irradiation) and artificial selection under mass-rearing conditions generally reduce the biological competence, including the mating competitiveness, of the released males. However, previous data on Z. cucurbitae show that irradiation has minimal adverse effects and prolonged mass-rearing may or may not result in decreased mating ability. The present study first confirms that neither irradiation nor mass-rearing had deleterious effects on male mating ability of males from a pupal-color, genetic sexing strain (termed T1). Then, the influence of male lures (cue-lure and its natural analogue raspberry ketone) on the mating success of sterile T1 males was measured as a potential pre-release procedure to improve the effectiveness of SIT. Feeding on cue-lure enhanced male mating success, but the effect was short-lived (1 d but not 3 d post-feeding). Feeding on raspberry ketone boosted mating success over a longer time, i.e., at least 5 d but not 10 d post-feeding. However, mixing raspberry ketone into the adult diet had no detectable effect on male mating performance. The implications of these results for SIT against Z. cucurbitae are discussed.  相似文献   

The 17-ethyl-methyl-sulphonate (EMS) induced female sterile alleles of the ovarian tumour (otu) locus show a wide spectrum of phenotypes and affect various processes of Drosophila oogenesis. These phenotypes have been previously studied in detail, but the exact molecular function of the otu locus in the different processes of oogenesis is only poorly known. To date, no effect of otu mutations have been reported in the males. However, separate species of otu mRNAs are expressed in the testes and the thorax of the adult male, but their role is not known. In this study we analysed the effects of EMS-induced otu mutations on male fertility. We observed that the proportion of totally sterile males is significantly higher in most of the tested otu strains as compared to the wild type. There was a strong correlation between male sterility and severity of impairment in the female phenotype. Spermatogenesis of these semi-sterile strains was analysed by phase contrast microscopy, Hoechst 33258 and Feulgen stain, and by in situ hybridisation with testis-specific probes. No changes which could account for the induction of sterility were recorded and normal amounts of motile sperm were observed in all strains. Sterility turned out to be a consequence of a failure in mating behaviour. The wild type females refused to react to the courtship attempts of the mutant males. We propose two alternative explanations for this. Either the otu locus may play some important role in male somatic tissue, or some germ line function is necessary for correct mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the male German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with contact sex pheromone releases courtship behaviour and then area-restricted local search. Servosphere-recorded search patterns, compared to pre-stimulus pathways, are characterised by increased looping and path crossing and a relatively high rate of turning. Search behaviour can be performed in the absence of visual cues, including information relative to the site of stimulation. Information controlling search motor patterns is at least in part genetic; certain pattern components are generally similar from trial to trial, whereas specific pattern components vary widely.  相似文献   

Male sterile cytoplasm plays an important role in hybrid wheat, and three-line system including male sterile (A line), its maintainer (B line) and restoring (R line) has played a major role in wheat hybrid production. It is well known that DNA methylation plays an important role in gene expression regulation during biological development in wheat. However, no reports are available on DNA methylation affected by different male sterile cytoplasms in hybrid wheat. We employed a methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism technique to characterize nuclear DNA methylation in three male sterile cytoplasms. A and B lines share the same nucleus, but have different cytoplasms which is male sterile for the A and fertile for the B. The results revealed a relationship of DNA methylation at these sites specifically with male sterile cytoplasms, as well as male sterility, since the only difference between the A lines and B line was the cytoplasm. The DNA methylation was markedly affected by male sterile cytoplasms. K-type cytoplasm affected the methylation to a much greater degree than T-type and S-type cytoplasms, as indicated by the ratio of methylated sites, ratio of fully methylated sites, and polymorphism between A lines and B line for these cytoplasms. The genetic distance between the cytoplasm and nucleus for the K-type is much greater than for the T- and S-types because the former is between Aegilops genus and Triticum genus and the latter is within Triticum genus between Triticum spelta and Triticum timopheevii species. Thus, this difference in genetic distance may be responsible for the variation in methylation that we observed.  相似文献   

The blackspotted stickleback Gasterosteus wheatlandi and the widely studied threespine stickleback G. aculeatus are sympatric throughout the former’s range and share many aspects of life history and reproductive behaviour. These two species differ significantly in size, with G. wheatlandi of both sexes measured at approximately 60% of the standard length of their G. aculeatus counterparts. This study concentrated on G. wheatlandi courtship behaviour and investigated its role in the maintenance of reproductive isolation with G. aculeatus. Specifically, the roles that (1) female body size plays in influencing male courtship preferences and (2) male body size and behaviour play in female courtship preferences were investigated through dummy and live conspecific and heterospecific stimulus presentations. Male G. wheatlandi courtship preferences are consistent with previously described patterns for G. aculeatus. Males of both species preferentially approach and court the larger of two simultaneously presented live or dummy females. Thus, the smaller G. wheatlandi males are indiscriminate with respect to assortative mate choice; not only preferring to approach and court more fecund conspecific females but, more significantly, G. aculeatus‐sized females. In contrast, females of both species demonstrate strong assortative courtship preferences. When presented with pairs of flask‐enclosed males, females of both species preferentially orient and court the conspecific male over the heterospecific. Similarly, when presented with a conspecific male and a heterospecific male presented singly, females prefer to enter the nest of the conspecific. Systematic analysis of the interactions between these pairs of fish (one male, one female) demonstrates that the breakdown of courtship in heterospecific courtship occurs late in the courtship sequence when the widely differing forms of male leading behaviour results in drastically differing female responses. I suggest that, as previously described in G. aculeatus, the supernormality effect plays a significant role in mediating adaptive mate choice behaviour in G. wheatlandi. However, the added element of a larger sympatric species introduces a possible cost in time and energy devoted to courting heterospecific, and sympatric, females that the larger G. aculeatus do not likely incur. There is substantial evidence from many sympatric G. aculeatus species pairs that there is assortative mate choice based on size and/or courtship behaviour. Courtship trials suggest a more pervasive role for females in assortative mate choice. Whether it is male body size per se, or in combination with behaviour, morphology or other cues, is unresolved in the present study.  相似文献   

Mating-induced reductions in female receptivity are common in insects. These responses are of interest because of their utility in insect pest control. In addition, the control of receptivity is likely to be the subject of sexual conflict over remating frequency. We investigated the specific effect of male sterility on female receptivity in an important pest species, the Mediterranean fruitfly (medfly), in which sterile males are often used for population suppression. Sterile males performed less courtship, obtained significantly fewer first and second matings than fertile males, and reduced female receptivity significantly less effectively than did fertile males. We modelled the likelihood of fertile matings and show that the low mating success of sterile males represents a significant problem for medfly sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes.  相似文献   

We describe six recessive autosomal male sterile mutations inDrosophila, generated by mobilization of single P-elements, exhibiting abnormal male courtship behavior. Detailed analysis of courtship behavior elicited by virgin wild type females indicated that five of the six mutants are affected in the early steps of courtship. The sixth mutant is blocked at the step of attempted copulation which occurs later in the courtship sequence. All of the mutants have normal olfactory responses and normal locomotor activity. No defect in the visual modality has been observed for the five mutants affected in the initiation of courtship. The mutant blocked at attempted copulation lacks the ‘on’ and ‘off’ transients, but this appears to be due to genetic background rather than the mutation itself. Abnormal spermatogenesis was observed in five of the mutants. Spermatogenic defects vary and include lesions in the proliferation of the germline, in meiosis, and in the differentiation and maturation of the spermatids into motile sperm.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is an important factor to observe heterosis in Brassica rapa. Although several studies have documented the rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA and dysfunction in the mitochondria have been observed in most types of CMS, the basis of the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes and other effects on CMS remain unclear. In this study, suppression subtractive hybridization was performed in the flowers of an alloplasmic Polima CMS system from B. rapa ssp. chinensis to identify genes that are differentially expressed between fertile and sterile plants. A total of 443 clones were isolated (156 were upregulated in fertile buds, and 287 were upregulated in sterile ones). Real-time RT-PCR further demonstrated the credibility of SSH. Among these genes, many membrane protein genes (LTP12, PIP2A, and GRP14) were inhibited in the sterile male line. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) assay was then performed. Results showed that the sterile MMP was unstable and failed to create a potential difference; thus, mitochondrial dysfunction occurred. Moreover, abnormal microtubules and photosynthetic pathways were found in sterile male cells. Unstable MMP, nutritional deficiency, and abnormal microtubules were the causes of Polima CMS in Brassica campestris. H2O2, MDA, and O2–, accumulated as byproducts of energy metabolism disorder in sterile male cells.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effects of domestication and irradiation on the mating behaviour of males of Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were investigated by caging wild, laboratory-domesticated and sterile (laboratory-domesticated, gamma-irradiated) males with wild females. Mating behaviour of mass-reared males was different from that of wild males, although behaviour of wild and sterile males was similar. Mass-reared males engaged in mounting of other males much more frequently than wild and sterile males, and began calling significantly earlier before darkness. Unnatural selection pressures imposed in mass-rearing conditions may explain these changes in mass-reared male behaviour. Male calling did not appear to be associated with female choice of mating partners, although this does not exclude the possibility that calling is a cue used by females to discriminate among mating partners. Despite differences in behaviour, frequency of successful copulations and mating success were similar among wild, mass-reared and sterile males.  相似文献   

Male sterile cytoplasm plays an important role in hybrid rice, and cytoplasmic effects are sufficiently documented. However, no reports are available on DNA methylation affected by male sterile cytoplasm in hybrid rice. We used a methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism technique to characterize DNA methylation in four male sterile cytoplasms that are widely commercialized in China. In total, 12 pairs of selective primers in combinations of EcoRI and MspI/HpaII amplified 350 bands among four male sterile (A) lines and the corresponding maintainer (B) lines. Sites b1 and b3 were fully methylated only in all the B lines, while b2 was fully methylated only in all the A lines. These results implied a relationship of DNA methylation at these sites specifically with male sterile cytoplasms, as well as male sterility, since the only difference between the A and B lines was the cytoplasm. The DNA methylation was markedly affected by male sterile cytoplasms. WA-type and Yinshui-type cytoplasms affected the methylation to a much greater degree than G-type and D-type cytoplasms, as indicated by the number and degree of methylated sites, ratio of methylated sites, number of fully methylated sites, ratio of fully methylated sites, and polymorphism between A and B lines for these cytoplasms. The genetic distance between the cytoplasm and nucleus for the WA-type is much greater than for G- and D-types because the former is between wild and cultivated species and the latter is within indica subspecies between African and Asian cultivars. This difference in genetic distance may be responsible for the variation in methylation which we observed.  相似文献   

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