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Unlike lower termites, xylophagous higher termites thrive on wood without the aid of symbiotic protists. In the higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis, both endogenous endo-β-1,4-glucanase and β-glucosidase genes are expressed in the midgut, which is believed to be the main site of cellulose digestion. To further explore the detailed cellulolytic system in the midgut of N. takasagoensis, we performed immunohistochemistry and digital light microscopy to determine distributions of cellulolytic enzymes in the salivary glands and the midgut as well as the total cellulolytic activity in the midgut. Although cellulolytic enzymes were uniformly produced in the midgut epithelium, the concentration of endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity and luminal volume in the midgut were comparable to those of the wood-feeding lower termite Coptotermes formosanus, which digests cellulose with the aid of hindgut protists. However, the size of ingested wood particles was considerably larger in N. takasagoensis than that in C. formosanus. Nevertheless, it is possible that the cellulolytic system in the midgut of N. takasagoensis hydrolyzes highly crystalline cellulose to a certain extent. The glucose produced did not accumulate in the midgut lumen. Therefore, the present study suggests that the midgut of the higher termite provides the necessary conditions for cellulolysis.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and the distribution of symbiotic bacteria in the mixed segment of the wood-eating termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis (Shiraki) were studied. Bacterial 16S rRNA genes (rDNA) were amplified from the mixed segment of the gut by PCR, and two kinds of sequences were identified. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods to identify symbionts harbored in the mixed segment. They are classified as low-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria and are most closely related to the genus Clostridium. The distribution of these bacteria throughout the whole gut was examined by PCR using specific primers, which suggested that they are confined to the mixed segment despite the presence of bacteria throughout the gut. In situ hybridization indicated that the symbiotic bacteria were localized to the ectoperitrophic space between the midgut wall and the peritrophic membrane in the mixed segment. Electron microscopy revealed the close association between these bacteria and the mesenteric epithelium, suggesting that they have some interactions with the gut tissue of termites.  相似文献   

The influence of carbon sources on bacterial community structure in the gut of the wood-feeding higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis was investigated. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses revealed that the bacterial community structure changed markedly depending on feed components at the phylum level. Spirochaetes was predominant in the clone libraries from wood- and wood powder-fed termites, whereas Bacteroidetes was the largest group in the libraries from xylan-, cellobiose-, and glucose-fed termites, and Firmicutes was predominant in the library from xylose-fed termites. In addition, clones belonging to the phylum Termite Group I (TG1) were found in the library from xylose-fed termites. Our results indicate that the symbiotic relationship between termite and gut microorganisms is not very strong or stable over a short time, and that termite gut microbial community structures vary depending on components of the feeds.  相似文献   

Function, structure and regulation of the vacuolar (H+)-ATPases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vacuolar ATPases (or V-ATPases) are ATP-driven proton pumps that function to both acidify intracellular compartments and to transport protons across the plasma membrane. Intracellular V-ATPases function in such normal cellular processes as receptor-mediated endocytosis, intracellular membrane traffic, prohormone processing, protein degradation and neurotransmitter uptake, as well as in disease processes, including infection by influenza and other viruses and killing of cells by anthrax and diphtheria toxin. Plasma membrane V-ATPases are important in such physiological processes as urinary acidification, bone resorption and sperm maturation as well as in human diseases, including osteopetrosis, renal tubular acidosis and tumor metastasis. V-ATPases are large multi-subunit complexes composed of a peripheral domain (V1) responsible for hydrolysis of ATP and an integral domain (V0) that carries out proton transport. Proton transport is coupled to ATP hydrolysis by a rotary mechanism. V-ATPase activity is regulated in vivo using a number of mechanisms, including reversible dissociation of the V1 and V0 domains, changes in coupling efficiency of proton transport and ATP hydrolysis and changes in pump density through reversible fusion of V-ATPase containing vesicles. V-ATPases are emerging as potential drug targets in treating a number of human diseases including osteoporosis and cancer.  相似文献   

This comprehensive survey studied the actinobacterial community structure and putative representative members associated with the gut of the wood-feeding termite, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky), using nested PCR-DGGE and 16S rDNA sequences analyses. The closest relatives of the actinobacteria inhabiting the gut of Nasutitermes corniger were in five families, regardless of the geographical origin of the termite colony: Propionibacteriaceae, Streptomycetaceae, Cellulomonodaceae, Corynebacteriaceae and Rubrobacteraceae. Feeding termites on beech wood did not result in substantial changes in the actinobacterial community structure as revealed by DGGE banding patterns. Most of the 16S rDNA sequences obtained after excision and sequencing of DGGE bands clustered with those previously retrieved in termite guts. These results confirm the presence of gut-specific actinobacteria. Except for the 16S rDNA sequences affiliated to Streptomycetaceae and Cellulomonodaceae, no sequence had more than 97% similarity with the closest isolated strains, indicating the presence of microorganisms that have not yet been cultivated. These results suggest that members of the Actinomycetales order account for the largest proportion of the Actinobacteria phylum inhabiting the gut of the termite N. corniger.  相似文献   

The multi-subunit vacuolar-type H+-ATPase consists of a V1 domain (A–H subunits) catalyzing ATP hydrolysis and a V0 domain (a, c, c', c", d, e) responsible for H+ translocation. The mammalian V0 d subunit is one of the least-well characterized, and its function and position within the pump are still unclear. It has two different forms encoded by separate genes, d1 being ubiquitous while d2 is predominantly expressed at the cell surface in kidney and osteoclast. To determine whether it forms part of the pump’s central stalk as suggested by bacterial A-ATPase studies, or is peripheral as hypothesized from a yeast model, we investigated both human d subunit isoforms. In silico structural modelling demonstrated that human d1 and d2 are structural orthologues of bacterial subunit C, despite poor sequence identity. Expression studies of d1 and d2 showed that each can pull down the central stalk’s D and F subunits from human kidney membrane, and in vitro studies using D and F further showed that the interactions between these proteins and the d subunit is direct. These data indicate that the d subunit in man is centrally located within the pump and is thus important in its rotary mechanism.  相似文献   

Colonies of the termite Nasutitermes corniger often contain multiple reproductive queens and kings. We used double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to determine the probable origins of co-occurring reproductives. Colonies differed in queen and king number, in the number of nests containing reproductives, and in the genetic relationships among reproductives. Most of the 44 colonies contained a single pair of maternally unrelated reproductives. In the two single-nest colonies with a pair of queens, the two queens differed in mtDNA haplotype, suggesting nest-founding by unrelated queens. In the seven single-nest colonies with larger numbers of reproductives (11–49), all reproductives shared the same haplotype, a pattern consistent with replacement of a single pair by several offspring. As predicted by theory, the number of coexisting queens was greater for replacement reproductives than for co-foundresses. Several complex colonies contained multiple queens of two or more haplotypes distributed among several interconnected nests. This indicates that several matrilines can persist within a colony through one or more generations of budding and replacement, a hypothesis confirmed by orphaning experiments. The various modes of termite colony formation rival the diversity seen in ant species and demonstrate the remarkable convergence of behaviours between the two groups.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis, i.e., new blood vessel formation, is required in normal and pathological states. A dysfunction in the microvascular endothelium occurs in diabetes, leading to decreased blood flow and limb amputation. In cancer, angiogenesis is increased to allow for growth, invasion, and metastasis of tumor cells. Better understanding of the molecular events that cause or are associated with either of these diseases is needed to develop therapies. The tumor and angiogenic cells micro-environment is acidic and not permissive for growth. We have shown that to survive this environment, highly metastatic and angiogenic cells employ vacuolar H+-ATPase at their plasma membranes (pmV-ATPases) to maintain an alkaline pHcyt. However, in lowly metastatic and in microvascular endothelial cells from diabetic model, the density of pmV-ATPase and the cell invasiveness are decreased. Therefore, the overexpression of the pmV-ATPase is important for cell invasion, and essential for tumor progression, angiogenesis and metastasis. Both, cancer and diabetes are heterogenous diseases that involve many different proteins and signaling pathways. Changes in pHcyt have been associated with the regulation of a myriad of proteins, signaling molecules and pathways affecting many if not all cellular functions. Since changes in pHcyt are pleiotropic, we hypothesize that alteration in a single protein, pmV-ATPase, that can regulate pHcyt may explain the dysfunction of many proteins and cellular pathways in diabetes and cancer. Our long term goal is to determine the molecular mechanisms by which pmV-ATPase expression regulates tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. Such knowledge would be useful to identify targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Structure,molecular genetics,and evolution of vacuolar H+-ATPases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proton-ATPases can be divided into three classes denoted as P-, F-, and V-ATPases. The P-ATPases are evolutionarily distinct from the F- and V-type ATPases which have been shown to be related, probably evolved from a common ancestral enzyme. Like F-ATPases, V-ATPases are composed of two distinct structures: a catalytic sector that is hydrophilic in nature and a hydrophobic membrane sector which functions in proton conduction. Recent studies on the molecular biology of vacuolar H+-ATPases revealed surprising findings about the evolution of pronon pumps as well as important clues for the evolution of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

V-ATPases are structurally conserved and functionally versatile proton pumps found in all eukaryotes. The yeast V-ATPase has emerged as a major model system, in part because yeast mutants lacking V-ATPase subunits (vma mutants) are viable and exhibit a distinctive Vma- phenotype. Yeast vma mutants are present in ordered collections of all non-essential yeast deletion mutants, and a number of additional phenotypes of these mutants have emerged in recent years from genomic screens. This review summarizes the many phenotypes that have been associated with vma mutants through genomic screening. The results suggest that V-ATPase activity is important for an unexpectedly wide range of cellular processes. For example, vma mutants are hypersensitive to multiple forms of oxidative stress, suggesting an antioxidant role for the V-ATPase. Consistent with such a role, vma mutants display oxidative protein damage and elevated levels of reactive oxygen species, even in the absence of an exogenous oxidant. This endogenous oxidative stress does not originate at the electron transport chain, and may be extra-mitochondrial, perhaps linked to defective metal ion homeostasis in the absence of a functional V-ATPase. Taken together, genomic data indicate that the physiological reach of the V-ATPase is much longer than anticipated. Further biochemical and genetic dissection is necessary to distinguish those physiological effects arising directly from the enzyme’s core functions in proton pumping and organelle acidification from those that reflect broader requirements for cellular pH homeostasis or alternative functions of V-ATPase subunits.  相似文献   

Vacuolar H+ ATPases participate in renal hydrogen ion secretion in both the proximal and distal nephron. These plasma membrane forms of the vacuolar H+ ATPase are regulated physiologically to maintain the acid-base balance of the organism. Proton transporting renal cells have requirements for constitutive acidification of intracellular compartments for normal endocytic and secretory functions. Recent experiments have begun to reveal how the kidney regulates these proton pumps independently. Vacuolar H+ ATPases are a family of structurally similar enzyme which differ in the composition of specific subunits. Cytosolic regulatory enzymes are present in renal cells which may affect vacuolar H+ ATPases in certain membrane compartments selectively. The vacuolar H+ ATPase in the plasma membrane of intercalated cells resides in a specialized proton-transporting apparatus that translocates the enzyme between an intracellular membrane pool and the plasma membrane in response to physiologic stimuli.This review will focus on the structure, enzymology, and regulation of the vacuolar H+ ATPase in the mammalian kidney. Because of space limitations, it will cover predominantly work from our laboratory. However, a number of investigators, including Brown (Brownet al., 1987, 1988a,b, 1989), Burckhardt (Sabolicet al., 1985; Turriniet al., 1989; Simon and Burckhardt, 1990), Madsen and Tisher (Madsen and Tisher, 1985; Verlanderet al., 1987, 1989). Steinmetz (Steinmetz, 1986; Stetson and Steinmetz, 1986), Schwartz (Scwartzet al., 1985, 1988; Satlin and Schwartz, 1989), Sabatini and Kurtzman (Sabatiniet al., 1990a,b), DuBose (Diaz-Diazet al., 1986; Gurich and DuBose, 1989), Al-Awqati (Van Adelsberg and Al-Awqati, 1986), and their coworkers, and many other investigators have made important contributions to this field.  相似文献   

The vacuolar (H+)-ATPases (or V-ATPases) function to acidify intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells, playing an important role in such processes as receptor-mediated endocytosis, intracellular membrane traffic, protein degradation and coupled transport. V-ATPases in the plasma membrane of specialized cells also function in renal acidification, bone resorption and cytosolic pH maintenance. The V-ATPases are composed of two domains. The V1 domain is a 570-kDa peripheral complex composed of 8 subunits (subunits A–H) of molecular weight 70–13 kDa which is responsible for ATP hydrolysis. The V0 domain is a 260-kDa integral complex composed of 5 subunits (subunits a–d) which is responsible for proton translocation. The V-ATPases are structurally related to the F-ATPases which function in ATP synthesis. Biochemical and mutational studies have begun to reveal the function of individual subunits and residues in V-ATPase activity. A central question in this field is the mechanism of regulation of vacuolar acidification in vivo. Evidence has been obtained suggesting a number of possible mechanisms of regulating V-ATPase activity, including reversible dissociation of V1 and V0 domains, disulfide bond formation at the catalytic site and differential targeting of V-ATPases. Control of anion conductance may also function to regulate vacuolar pH. Because of the diversity of functions of V-ATPases, cells most likely employ multiple mechanisms for controlling their activity.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(4-6):147-159

To operate as a rotary motor, the ATP-hydrolyzing domain of the vacuolar H+-ATPase must be connected to a fixed structure in its membrane-bound proton pump domain by a mechanical stator. Although low-resolution structural data and spectroscopic analysis indicate that a filament-like subunit E/subunit G heterodimer performs this role, more detailed information about the relative arrangement of these subunits is limited. We have used a site-directed cross-linking approach to show that, in both bacterial and yeast V-type ATPases, the N-terminal α-helical segments of the G and E subunits are closely aligned over a distance of up to 40 Å. Furthermore, cross-linking coupled to mass spectrometry shows that the C-terminal end of G is anchored at the C-terminal globular domain of subunit E. These data are consistent with a stator model comprising two ~ 150 Å long parallel α-helices linked to each other at both ends, stabilized by a coiled-coil arrangement and capped by the globular C-terminal domain of E that connects the cytoplasmic end of the helical structure to the V-ATPase catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Stingl U  Brune A 《Protist》2003,154(1):147-155
SSU rRNA genes of oxymonad protists from the hindgut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes were PCR-amplified using a newly designed oxymonad-specific forward primer and a newly designed reverse primer specific for termite gut flagellates. After cloning, the clone library was sorted into four groups by RFLP analysis and nearly full-length SSU rRNA gene sequences were obtained for representative clones from each group. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that sequences of all four groups formed a monophyletic cluster with the only other existing SSU rRNA gene sequence of oxymonads. Using whole-cell hybridization with clone-specific fluorescently labeled probes, each of the four clone groups could be assigned to a specific morphotype, which were identified as Dinenympha gracilis, Dinenympha fimbriata, and so-far undescribed species of Pyrsonympha and Dinenympha. Our results demonstrate that the morphological variety of oxymonads is not caused by the presence of different developmental stages of the same organism, but that the various morphotypes represent different species.  相似文献   

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