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Dengue disease is an increasing global health problem that threatens one-third of the world's population. Despite decades of efforts, no licensed vaccine against dengue is available. With the aim to develop an affordable vaccine that could be used in young populations living in tropical areas, we evaluated a new strategy based on the expression of a minimal dengue antigen by a vector derived from pediatric live-attenuated Schwarz measles vaccine (MV). As a proof-of-concept, we inserted into the MV vector a sequence encoding a minimal combined dengue antigen composed of the envelope domain III (EDIII) fused to the ectodomain of the membrane protein (ectoM) from DV serotype-1. Immunization of mice susceptible to MV resulted in a long-term production of DV1 serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies. The presence of ectoM was critical to the immunogenicity of inserted EDIII. The adjuvant capacity of ectoM correlated with its ability to promote the maturation of dendritic cells and the secretion of proinflammatory and antiviral cytokines and chemokines involved in adaptive immunity. The protective efficacy of this vaccine should be studied in non-human primates. A combined measles-dengue vaccine might provide a one-shot approach to immunize children against both diseases where they co-exist.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, The rapid emergence and persistence of the pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) has had enormous impacts on global health and the economy.Effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are urgently needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic,and multiple vaccines have been found to be efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19(Polack et al.,2020;Wu et al.,2020;Jones and Roy,2021).We have developed a traditional beta-propiolactone-inacti-vated aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted whole-virion SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV),which elicited protective immune responses in clinical trials (Wang et al.,2020;Xia et al.,2021).The vaccine has been granted conditional approvals or emergency use authorizations (EUAs) in China and other countries.  相似文献   

Marburg virus (MARV) has been associated with sporadic episodes of hemorrhagic fever, including a recent highly publicized outbreak in Angola that produced severe disease and significant mortality in infected patients. MARV is also considered to have potential as a biological weapon. Recently, we reported the development of a promising attenuated, replication-competent vaccine against MARV based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the glycoprotein of the Musoke strain of MARV (VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke). We used this vaccine to demonstrate complete protection of cynomolgus monkeys against a homologous MARV challenge. While these results are highly encouraging, an effective vaccine would need to confer protection against all relevant strains of MARV. Here, we evaluated the protective efficacy of the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vaccine against two heterologous MARV strains, the seemingly more pathogenic Angola strain and the more distantly related Ravn strain. In this study, seven cynomolgus monkeys were vaccinated with the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vector. Three of these animals were challenged with the Angola strain, three with the Ravn strain, and a single animal with the Musoke strain of MARV. Two animals served as controls and were each injected with a nonspecific VSV vector; these controls were challenged with the Angola and Ravn strains, respectively. Both controls succumbed to challenge by day 8. However, none of the specifically vaccinated animals showed any evidence of illness either from the vaccination or from the MARV challenges and all of these animals survived. These data suggest that the VSVDeltaG/MARVGP-Musoke vaccine should be sufficient to protect against all known MARV strains.  相似文献   

An attenuated strain of Akabane virus: a candidate for live virus vaccine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An attempt was made to attenuate the high virulent OBE-1 strain of Akabane virus by adaptation to low temperature. In it the virus was subjected to passage through HmLu-1 cell cultures at 30 degrees C. Cloning was carried out on the virus which had undergone 20 passages through these cultures to select a strain adapted to low temperature. Finally, ten clones were obtained. As a result, nine strains of clone in which virus replication was poor in HmLu-1 cell cultures at 40 degrees C were obtained. Of them, five strains of clone produced uniform plaques. Of these strains, one, or the TS-C2 strain, was selected. It was considerably lower both in peripheral infectivity to suckling mice and in intracerebral infectivity to 3-week-old mice than the OBE-1 strain. Calves and pregnant cows inoculated with the TS-C2 strain by the intracerebral, intravenous, or subcutaneous route were free from pyrexia, leukopenia, and viremia. Virus recovery was negative from various organs and fetuses. All the animals inoculated, however, were found to have neutralizing antibody produced. The results mentioned above suggested that the TS-C2 strain might have been so attenuated as to be available as a candidate strain for a live virus vaccine.  相似文献   

A fish vaccine candidate, live attenuated Vibrio anguillarum, which can protect fish from vibriosis, was established in our laboratory. In this study, the protective immunological mechanism of live attenuated V. anguillarum was investigated in zebrafish as a model animal. After bath-vaccinated with the live attenuated strain, zebrafish were challenged with wild pathogenic strain to test the immunoprotection of the live attenuated strain. As the results, specific antibody response of fish against V. anguillarum was found to gradually increase during 28 days post-vaccination, and remarkable protection was showed with a high relative protection survival (RPS) of about 90%. Moreover, the vaccination changed the expressions of several immune-related genes in the spleens and livers of zebrafish. Among them, the expressions of pro-inflammatory factors such as IL-1 and IL-8 were tenderly up-regulated with about 3-4 fold in 1-7 days post-vaccination, while MHC II rose to a peak level of 4-fold in 7th day post-vaccination. These results gave some important messages about the mechanism of specific protection induced by live attenuated V. anguillarum and showed the availability of zebrafish model in the evaluation of the vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

Attenuation markers of the candidate dengue 2 (D2) PDK-53 vaccine virus are encoded by mutations that reside outside of the structural gene region of the genome. We engineered nine dengue virus chimeras containing the premembrane (prM) and envelope (E) genes of wild-type D1 16007, D3 16562, or D4 1036 virus within the genetic backgrounds of wild-type D2 16681 virus and the two genetic variants (PDK53-E and PDK53-V) of the D2 PDK-53 vaccine virus. Expression of the heterologous prM-E genes in the genetic backgrounds of the two D2 PDK-53 variants, but not that of wild-type D2 16681 virus, resulted in chimeric viruses that retained PDK-53 characteristic phenotypic markers of attenuation, including small plaque size and temperature sensitivity in LLC-MK(2) cells, limited replication in C6/36 cells, and lack of neurovirulence in newborn ICR mice. Chimeric D2/1, D2/3, and D2/4 viruses replicated efficiently in Vero cells and were immunogenic in AG129 mice. Chimeric D2/1 viruses protected adult AG129 mice against lethal D1 virus challenge. Two tetravalent virus formulations, comprised of either PDK53-E- or PDK53-V-vectored viruses, elicited neutralizing antibody titers in mice against all four dengue serotypes. These antibody titers were similar to the titers elicited by monovalent immunizations, suggesting that viral interference did not occur in recipients of the tetravalent formulations. The results of this study demonstrate that the unique attenuation loci of D2 PDK-53 virus make it an attractive vector for the development of live attenuated flavivirus vaccines.  相似文献   

A new live attenuated mumps vaccine was developed in human diploid cells. The S-12 virus was isolated from a 10-year-old girl showing typical symptoms of mumps infection, the diagnosis was confirmed by a pediatrician. The virus was isolated in green monkey kidney cells, without passage in chick embryo cavity or chick embryo fibroblasts. Attenuation of the wild virus was performed by serial passages in human diploid cells (MRC-5). The attenuated virus was characterized by identity tests, as well as by a reduction in plaque size, as marker tests. The virus was free from adventitious agents and safe for laboratory animals as well as for monkeys. The reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the S-12 virus for man was investigated by administration of a monovalent vaccine to 20 seronegative adult male volunteers and 30 children aged 1 to 5 years without history of mumps infection or vaccination. Seroconversion was obtained in 95% of the vaccinees. The new vaccine has the advantage of not requiring specific pathogen-free eggs, and being free from avian proteins and therefore can be used in sensitized patients.  相似文献   

Development of a live attenuated varicella vaccine.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Oka strain of varicella virus, isolated in our labolatory, was serially cultivated in guinea-pig embryo cultures (GPEC), and a considerable amount of cell-free virus was obtained from infected cell. GPEC passage virus at the 6th passage level was used in a small scale field trial. Susceptible children of 1 to 10 years old were injected subcutaneously with 100 to 1,000 PFU of virus. No clinical reactions due to the vaccination were observed in any children, and a high rate of antibody response was obtained with viral doses of more than 200 PFU. Attenuated virus obtained by passage in GPEC was propagated in human diploid (WI-38) cells, and it was also effective in inducing an immune response without clinical reactions. The results show that the Oka strain of varicella virus passaged in GPEC and human diploid (WI-38) cells may be used safely and effectively as a live attenuated vaccine.  相似文献   

目的建立并验证MMRV联合减毒活疫苗病毒滴定方法。方法滴定MMRV疫苗中的每种病毒时,首先用特异性抗血清有选择地中和其他病毒成分,再根据每种抗血清与相应病毒的完全中和能力,确定各抗病毒血清的使用浓度。分别用CCID50法(麻、腮、风病毒)和蚀斑法(水痘病毒)检测MMRV疫苗中各病毒的滴度。结果使用该方法对MMRV联合减毒活疫苗进行滴定的实测值与理论值无显著差异,经验证其准确性和可重复性均显示良好。结论建立的MMRV联合减毒活疫苗病毒滴定方法可行。  相似文献   

In 2002, West Nile virus (WNV) infection with clinical neurologic disease and encephalomyelitis was described in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). The susceptibility of reindeer to WNV prompted questions concerning vaccination of reindeer to prevent WNV infection. Between January and April 2003, eleven 2-4-yr-old, castrated male reindeer, some of which had antibody titers suggestive of prior exposure to WNV, were vaccinated three times at 4-wk intervals with a commercially available vaccine approved for use in horses. No adverse reactions to vaccination were noted. All vaccinated reindeer developed high neutralizing antibody titers to WNV, as determined by the plaque reduction neutralization test. Reindeer without antibody titers from previous natural exposure to WNV required a primary vaccination and one or two booster vaccinations for development of neutralizing antibody to WNV. Protective efficacy of vaccination was not evaluated. Vaccination of reindeer for WNV may be warranted in certain circumstances combined with management practices to limit exposure to potential vectors.  相似文献   

A dengue vaccine must induce protective immunity against the four serotypes of the virus. Our group has developed chimeric proteins consisting of the protein P64k from Neisseria meningitidis and the domain III from the four viral envelope proteins. In this study, the immunogenicity of a tetravalent vaccine formulation using aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant was evaluated in mice. After three doses, neutralizing antibody titers were detected against the four viral serotypes, the lowest seroconversion rate being against dengue virus serotype 4. One month after the last dose, immunized animals were challenged with infective virus, and partial but statistically significant protection was found to have been achieved. Based on these results, further studies in mice and non‐human primates using this tetravalent formulation in a prime‐boost strategy with attenuated viruses are strongly recommended.  相似文献   

The Delta30 deletion mutation, which was originally created in dengue virus type 4 (DEN4) by the removal of nucleotides 172 to 143 from the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR), was introduced into a homologous region of wild-type (wt) dengue virus type 1 (DEN1). The resulting virus, rDEN1Delta30, was attenuated in rhesus monkeys to a level similar to that of the rDEN4Delta30 vaccine candidate. rDEN1Delta30 was more attenuated in rhesus monkeys than the previously described vaccine candidate, rDEN1mutF, which also contains mutations in the 3' UTR, and both vaccines were highly protective against challenge with wt DEN1. Both rDEN1Delta30 and rDEN1mutF were also attenuated in HuH-7-SCID mice. However, neither rDEN1Delta30 nor rDEN1mutF showed restricted replication following intrathoracic inoculation in the mosquito Toxorhynchites splendens. The ability of the Delta30 mutation to attenuate both DEN1 and DEN4 viruses suggests that a tetravalent DEN vaccine could be generated by introduction of the Delta30 mutation into wt DEN viruses belonging to each of the four serotypes.  相似文献   

Three tetravalent vaccine (TV) formulations of previously described monovalent dengue (DEN) virus vaccine candidates were compared to a tetravalent formulation of wild-type DEN viruses (T-wt) for replication in SCID mice transplanted with human liver cells (SCID-HuH-7) or for replication and immunogenicity in rhesus monkeys. TV-1 consists of recombinant DEN1, -2, -3, and -4, each with a 30-nucleotide deletion in the 3' untranslated region (Delta30). TV-2 consists of rDEN1Delta30, rDEN4Delta30, and two antigenic chimeric viruses, rDEN2/4Delta30 and rDEN3/4Delta30, both also bearing the Delta30 mutation. TV-3 consists of rDEN1Delta30, rDEN2Delta30, rDEN4Delta30, and a 10-fold higher dose of rDEN3/4Delta30. TV-1 and TV-2 were attenuated in SCID-HuH-7 mice with minimal interference in replication among the virus components. TV-1, -2, and -3 were attenuated in rhesus monkeys as measured by duration and peak of viremia. Each monkey immunized with TV-1 and TV-3 seroconverted to the four DEN components by day 28 with neutralization titers ranging from 1:52 to 1:273 and 1:59 to 1:144 for TV-1 and TV-3, respectively. TV-2 induced low antibody titers to DEN2 and DEN3, but a booster immunization after 4 months increased the neutralizing antibody titers to greater than 1:100 against each serotype and elicited broad neutralizing activity against 19 of 20 DEN subtypes. A single dose of TV-2 induced protection against wild-type DEN1, DEN3, and DEN4 challenge, but not DEN2. However, two doses of TV-2 or TV-3 induced protection against DEN2 challenge. Two tetravalent formulations, TV-2 and TV-3, possess properties of a successful DEN vaccine and can be considered for evaluation in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Nearly a third of the human population is at risk of infection with the four serotypes of dengue viruses, and it is estimated that more than 100 million infections occur each year. A licensed vaccine for dengue viruses has become a global health priority. A major challenge to developing a dengue vaccine is the necessity to produce fairly uniform protective immune responses to all four dengue virus serotypes. We have developed two bivalent dengue virus vaccines, using a complex adenovirus vector, by incorporating the genes expressing premembrane (prM) and envelope (E) proteins of dengue virus types 1 and 2 (dengue-1 and -2, respectively) (CAdVax-Den12) or dengue-3 and -4 (CAdVax-Den34). Rhesus macaques were vaccinated by intramuscular inoculation of a tetravalent dengue vaccine formulated by combining the two bivalent vaccine constructs. Vaccinated animals produced high-titer antibodies that neutralized all four serotypes of dengue viruses in vitro. The ability of the vaccine to induce rapid, as well as sustained, protective immune responses was examined with two separate live-virus challenges administered at 4 and 24 weeks after the final vaccination. For both of these virus challenge studies, significant protection from viremia was demonstrated for all four dengue virus serotypes in vaccinated animals. Viremia from dengue-1 and dengue-3 challenges was completely blocked, whereas viremia from dengue-2 and dengue-4 was significantly reduced, as well as delayed, compared to that of control-vaccinated animals. These results demonstrate that the tetravalent dengue vaccine formulation provides significant protection in rhesus macaques against challenge with all four dengue virus serotypes.  相似文献   

We constructed chimeric dengue type 2/type 1 (DEN-2/DEN-1) viruses containing the nonstructural genes of DEN-2 16681 virus or its vaccine derivative, strain PDK-53, and the structural genes (encoding capsid protein, premembrane protein, and envelope glycoprotein) of DEN-1 16007 virus or its vaccine derivative, strain PDK-13. We previously reported that attenuation markers of DEN-2 PDK-53 virus were encoded by genetic loci located outside the structural gene region of the PDK-53 virus genome. Chimeric viruses containing the nonstructural genes of DEN-2 PDK-53 virus and the structural genes of the parental DEN-1 16007 virus retained the attenuation markers of small plaque size and temperature sensitivity in LLC-MK(2) cells, less efficient replication in C6/36 cells, and attenuation for mice. These chimeric viruses elicited higher mouse neutralizing antibody titers against DEN-1 virus than did the candidate DEN-1 PDK-13 vaccine virus or chimeric DEN-2/DEN-1 viruses containing the structural genes of the PDK-13 virus. Mutations in the envelope protein of DEN-1 PDK-13 virus affected in vitro phenotype and immunogenicity in mice. The current PDK-13 vaccine is the least efficient of the four Mahidol candidate DEN virus vaccines in human trials. The chimeric DEN-2/DEN-1 virus might be a potential DEN-1 virus vaccine candidate. This study indicated that the infectious clones derived from the candidate DEN-2 PDK-53 vaccine are promising attenuated vectors for development of chimeric flavivirus vaccines.  相似文献   

Live, attenuated immunodeficiency virus vaccines, such as nef deletion mutants, are the most effective vaccines tested in the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) macaque model. In two independent studies designed to determine the breadth of protection induced by live, attenuated SIV vaccines, we noticed that three of the vaccinated macaques developed higher set point viral load levels than unvaccinated control monkeys. Two of these vaccinated monkeys developed AIDS, while the control monkeys infected in parallel remained asymptomatic. Concomitant with an increase in viral load, a recombinant of the vaccine virus and the challenge virus could be detected. Therefore, the emergence of more-virulent recombinants of live, attenuated immunodeficiency viruses and less-aggressive wild-type viruses seems to be an additional risk of live, attenuated immunodeficiency virus vaccines.  相似文献   

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