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Pathways of glutamine metabolism in resting and proliferating rat thymocytes were evaluated by in vitro incubations of freshly prepared or 60-h cultured cells for 1-2 h with [U14C]glutamine. Complete recovery of glutamine carbons utilized in products allowed quantification of the pathways of glutamine metabolism under the experimental conditions. Partial oxidation of glutamine via 2-oxoglutarate in a truncated citric acid cycle to CO2 and oxaloacetate, which then was converted to aspartate, accounted for 76 and 69%, respectively, of the glutamine metabolized beyond the stage of glutamate by resting and proliferating thymocytes. Complete oxidation to CO2 in the citric acid cycle via 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase accounted for 25 and 7%, respectively. In proliferating cells a substantial amount of glutamine carbons was also recovered in pyruvate, alanine, and especially lactate. The main route of glutamine and glutamate entrance into the citric acid cycle via 2-oxoglutarate in both cells is transamination by aspartate aminotransferase rather than oxidative deamination by glutamate dehydrogenase. In the presence of glucose as second substrate, glutamine utilization and aspartate formation markedly decreased, but complete oxidation of glutamine carbons to CO2 increased to 37 and 23%, respectively, in resting and proliferating cells. The dipeptide, glycyl-L-glutamine, which is more stable than free glutamine, can substitute for glutamine in thymocyte cultures at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Metabolism of glutamine (Gln, 2 mM) and glucose (5 mM) was studied in vitro in isolated resident peritoneal macrophages from both normal (BBn) and spontaneously diabetic BB (BBd) rats. The major products from Gln were ammonia, glutamate, CO2 and to a lesser extent aspartate. Glucose decreased (P less than 0.01) the production of ammonia, CO2 and aspartate from Gln by 34-60%, but had no effect on the amount of glutamate accumulated. The major products from glucose were lactate and to a much lesser extent pyruvate and CO2. Gln decreased (P less than 0.01) 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose by 19-28%, increased (P less than 0.01) pyruvate production by 35-49%, but had no effect on lactate production. The fraction of glucose metabolized via the pentose phosphate pathway (PC) was less than 5%. There were no significant differences in Gln metabolism between BBn and BBd macrophages. The production of lactate and pyruvate and the flux from glucose into the PC were increased (P less than 0.01) by 2.4, 1.8 and 1.5-fold, respectively, in BBd cells. Increased macrophage glucose metabolism was also observed in diabetes-prone BB (BBdp) rats at 75-80 days but not at 50 days of age. In the presence of both Gln and glucose, potential ATP production from glucose was 2- and 4-times that from Gln, respectively, in BBn and BBd cells. Lactate production was the major pathway for glucose-derived ATP generation. These results demonstrate (a) glycolysis and flux from glucose through the pentose phosphate pathway are enhanced with no alteration in glutaminolysis in BBd macrophages; and (b) glucose may be a more important fuel than Gln for macrophages, particularly in BBd rats. The increased glucose metabolism may be associated with functional activation of the macrophages that have been proposed to be involved in beta-cell destruction and the development of diabetes.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by means of which phenylephrine stimulates glutamine metabolism were studied in isolated rat hepatocytes. In the first 2 min after phenylephrine addition there was a rapid fall in the concentrations of intracellular 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate, presumably owing to activation of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. This was followed 2-3 min later by activation of glutaminase and by increases in glutamate and 2-oxoglutarate. Activation of glutaminase by phenylephrine was due to direct stimulation of the enzyme rather than to reversal of inhibition by the decrease in 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate. The stimulation of glutaminase by phenylephrine is partly due to an increase in the affinity of the enzyme for ammonia, its essential activator. It is concluded that stimulation of steady-state flux through the pathway from glutamine to glucose and urea can only be achieved by stimulation of glutaminase, the first enzyme in the pathway.  相似文献   

S K Orme  G A Kelly 《Life sciences》1977,20(4):597-608
Although hypothermic whole organ perfusion is widely used in attempts to preserve organs for transplantation and to preserve the myocardium during cardiac surgery, little is known about substrate metabolism during hypothermia. A knowledge of metabolism utilization during hypothermic whole organ perfusion might allow optimal substrate choice for preservation of energy stores and functional capacity. Separate groups of hearts from fed rats were perfused 30 minutes with Krebs Henseleit bicarbonate buffer containing 5mM glucose-U-14C, at 37°, 25°, 20°, 15° and 10°C. From 37° to 15°C, heart rate decreased 90% and coronary flow decreased 25%. Glucose uptake decreased 5 fold from 37° to 10°C while 14CO2 and lactate production decreased 50 fold and 28 fold, respectively. Myocardial glycogen was stable until 10°C at which point increased glycogenolysis occured. The incorporation of 14C in glycogen was stable at 37°, 30° and 25° but decreased progressively with lower temperatures. The percent recovery of glucose as 14CO2, lactate and 14C in glycogen decreased from 73% at 37° at 10°C. Our studies indicate that metabolism of glucose is greatly reduced but significant above 15°C.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism in the developing rat. Studies in vivo   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  
1. The specific radioactivity of plasma d-glucose and the incorporation of (14)C into plasma l-lactate, liver glycogen and skeletal-muscle glycogen was measured as a function of time after the intraperitoneal injection of d-[6-(14)C]glucose and d-[6-(3)H]glucose into newborn, 2-, 10- and 30-day-old rats. 2. The log of the specific radioactivity of both plasma d-[6-(14)C]- and d-[6-(3)H]-glucose of the 2-, 10- and 30-day-old rats decreased linearly with time for at least 60min after injection of labelled glucose. The specific radioactivity of both plasma d-[6-(14)C]- and d-[6-(3)H]-glucose of the newborn rat remained constant for at least 75min after injection. 3. The glucose turnover rate of the 30-day-old rat was significantly greater than (approximately twice) that of the 2- and 10-day-old rats. The relative size of both the glucose pool and the glucose space decreased with age. Less than 10% of the glucose utilized in the 2-, 10- and 30-day-old rats was recycled via the Cori cycle. 4. The results are discussed in relationship to the availability of dietary glucose and other factors that may influence glucose metabolism in the developing rat.  相似文献   

The antibody-secreting murine hybridoma, CC9C10, was grown in batch culture in a medium containing 20 mM glucose and 2 mM glutamine. After 2 days of exponential growth, the glutamine content of the medium was completely depleted, whereas the glucose content was reduced to 60% of the original concentration. The glucose and glutamine metabolism was analyzed at midexponential phase by use of radioactively labelled substrates. Glycolysis accounted for the metabolism of most of the glucose utilized (> 96%) with flux through the pentose phosphate pathway (3.6%) and the TCA cycle (0.6%) accounting for the remainder. Glutamine was partially oxidised via glutaminolysis to alanine (55%), aspartate (3%), glutamate (4%), lactate (9%), and CO2 (22%). Calculation of the theoretical ATP production from these pathways indicated that glucose could provide 59% and glutamine 41% of the energy requirement of the cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influence of ConA on the energy metabolism of quiescent rat thymocytes was investigated by measuring the effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis, proteolysis, RNA/DNA synthesis, Na+K+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase and mitochondrial ATP synthesis on respiration. Only about 50% of the coupled oxygen consumption of quiescent thymocytes could be assigned to specific processes using two different media. Under these conditions the oxygen is mainly used to drive mitochondrial proton leak and to provide ATP for protein synthesis and cation transport, whereas oxygen consumption to provide ATP for RNA/DNA synthesis and ATP-dependent proteolysis was not measurable. The mitogen ConA produced a persistent increase in oxygen consumption by about 30% within seconds. After stimulation more than 80% of respiration could be assigned to specific processes. The major oxygen consuming processes of ConA-stimulated thymocytes are mitochondrial proton leak, protein synthesis and Na+K+-ATPase with about 20% each of total oxygen consumption, while Ca2+-ATPase and RNA/DNA synthesis contribute about 10% each. Quiescent thymocytes resemble resting hepatocytes in that most of the oxygen consumption remains unexplained. In contrast, the pattern of energy metabolism in stimulated thymocytes is similar to that described for Ehrlich Ascites tumour cells and splenocytes, which may also be in an activated state. Most of the oxygen consumption is accounted for, so the unexplained process(es) in unstimulated cells shut(s) off on stimulation.  相似文献   

The influence of ConA on the energy metabolism of quiescent rat thymocytes was investigated by measuring the effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis, proteolysis, RNA/DNA synthesis, Na+K+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase and mitochondrial ATP synthesis on respiration. Only about 50% of the coupled oxygen consumption of quiescent thymocytes could be assigned to specific processes using two different media. Under these conditions the oxygen is mainly used to drive mitochondrial proton leak and to provide ATP for protein synthesis and cation transport, whereas oxygen consumption to provide ATP for RNA/DNA synthesis and ATP-dependent proteolysis was not measurable. The mitogen ConA produced a persistent increase in oxygen consumption by about 30% within seconds. After stimulation more than 80% of respiration could be assigned to specific processes. The major oxygen consuming processes of ConA-stimulated thymocytes are mitochondrial proton leak, protein synthesis and Na+K+-ATPase with about 20% each of total oxygen consumption, while Ca2+-ATPase and RNA/DNA synthesis contribute about 10% each. Quiescent thymocytes resemble resting hepatocytes in that most of the oxygen consumption remains unexplained. In constrast, the pattern of energy metabolism in stimulated thymocytes is similar to that described for Ehrlich Ascites tumour cells and splenocytes, which may also be in an activated state. Most of the oxygen consumption is accounted for, so the unexplained process(es) in unstimulated cells shut(s) off on stimulation.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of glucagon and insulin in the incorporation of (15)N derived from (15)N-labeled glutamine into aspartate, citrulline and, thereby, [(15)N]urea isotopomers. Rat livers were perfused, in the nonrecirculating mode, with 0.3 mM NH(4)Cl and either 2-(15)N- or 5-(15)N-labeled glutamine (1 mM). The isotopic enrichment of the two nitrogenous precursor pools (ammonia and aspartate) involved in urea synthesis as well as the production of [(15)N]urea isotopomers were determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This information was used to examine the hypothesis that 5-N of glutamine is directly channeled to carbamyl phosphate (CP) synthesis. The results indicate that the predominant metabolic fate of [2-(15)N] and [5-(15)N]glutamine is incorporation into urea. Glucagon significantly stimulated the uptake of (15)N-labeled glutamine and its metabolism via phosphate-dependent glutaminase (PDG) to form U(m+1) and U(m+2) (urea containing one or two atoms of (15)N). However, insulin had little effect compared with control. The [5-(15)N]glutamine primarily entered into urea via ammonia incorporation into CP, whereas the [2-(15)N]glutamine was predominantly incorporated via aspartate. This is evident from the relative enrichments of aspartate and of citrulline generated from each substrate. Furthermore, the data indicate that the (15)NH(3) that was generated in the mitochondria by either PDG (from 5-(15)N) or glutamate dehydrogenase (from 2-(15)N) enjoys the same partition between incorporation into CP or exit from the mitochondria. Thus, there is no evidence for preferential access for ammonia that arises by the action of PDG to carbamyl-phosphate synthetase. To the contrary, we provide strong evidence that such ammonia is metabolized without any such metabolic channeling. The glucagon-induced increase in [(15)N]urea synthesis was associated with a significant elevation in hepatic N-acetylglutamate concentration. Therefore, the hormonal regulation of [(15)N]urea isotopomer production depends upon the coordinate action of the mitochondrial PDG pathway and the synthesis of N-acetylglutamate (an obligatory activator of CP). The current study may provide the theoretical and methodological foundations for in vivo investigations of the relationship between the hepatic urea cycle enzyme activities, the flux of (15)N-labeled glutamine into the urea cycle, and the production of urea isotopomers.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism in the newborn rat. Hormonal effects in vivo   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The concentrations of liver glycogen and plasma d-glucose were measured in caesarian-delivered newborn rats at time-intervals up to 3h after delivery after treatment of the neonatal rats with glucagon, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, cortisol or cortisol+dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Glycogenolysis was promoted by glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP in the third hour after birth but not at earlier times. Cortisol and dibutyryl cyclic AMP together (but neither agent alone) promoted glycogenolysis in the second hour after birth, but no hormone combination was effective in the first postnatal hour. 2. The specific radioactivity of plasma d-glucose was measured as a function of time for up to 75 min after the intraperitoneal injection of d-[6-(14)C]glucose and d-[6-(3)H]glucose into newborn rats at delivery and after treatment with glucagon or actinomycin D. Glucagon-mediated hyperglycaemia at this time was due to an increased rate of glucose formation and a decreased rate of glucose utilization. Actinomycin D prevented glucose formation and accelerated the rate of postnatal hypoglycaemia. 3. The specific radioactivity of plasma l-lactate and the incorporation of (14)C into plasma d-glucose was measured as a function of time after the intraperitoneal injection of l-[U-(14)C]lactate into glucagon- or actinomycin D-treated rats immediately after delivery. The calculated rates of lactate formation were unchanged by either treatment, but lactate utilization was stimulated by glucagon administration. Glucagon stimulated and actinomycin D diminished (14)C incorporation into plasma d-glucose. 4. The factors involved in the initiation of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the rat immediately after birth are discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism in the newborn rat. Temporal studies in vivo   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The concentrations of plasma d-glucose, l-lactate, free fatty acids and ketone bodies and of liver glycogen were measured in caesarian-delivered newborn rats at time-intervals up to 4h after delivery. Glucose and lactate concentrations decreased markedly during the first hours after delivery, but there was a delay of 60-90min before significant glycogen mobilization occurred. 2. The specific radioactivity of plasma d-glucose was measured as a function of time for up to 75min after the intraperitoneal injection of d-[6-(14)C]glucose and d-[6-(3)H]glucose into caesarian-delivered rats at 0, 1 and 2h after delivery. Calculations revealed that there was an appreciable rate of glucose formation at all ages studied, but immediately after delivery this was exceeded by the rate of glucose utilization. Around 2h post partum the rate of glucose utilization decreased dramatically and this coincided with a reversal of the immediately postnatal hypoglycaemia. 3. The specific radioactivity of plasma l-lactate and the incorporation of (14)C into plasma d-glucose and liver glycogen was measured as a function of time after the intraperitoneal injection of l-[U-(14)C]lactate into rats immediately after delivery. The logarithm of the specific radioactivity of plasma l-[U-(14)C]lactate decreased linearly with time for at least 60min after injection and the calculated rate of lactate utilization exceeded the rate of lactate formation. 4. (14)C incorporation into plasma d-glucose was maximal from 30-60min after injection of l-[U-(14)C]lactate and the amount incorporated at 60min was 23% of that present in plasma lactate. Although (14)C was also incorporated into liver glycogen the amount was always less than 3% of that present in plasma glucose. 5. The results are discussed in relationship to the adaptation of the newly born rat to the extra-uterine environment and the possible involvement of gluconeogenesis at this time before feeding is established.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle glutamine metabolism during sepsis in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The effect of sepsis, induced by caecal ligation plus puncture (CLP) or endotoxin injection, on glutamine metabolism was studied in rat skeletal muscle. 2. The concentration of glutamine in muscle was decreased by CLP or after 24 or 48 hr after injection of endotoxin. However, the concentration was increased 3 hr after injection of endotoxin. 3. The plasma glutamine concentration was decreased by CLP, but it was unchanged after injection of endotoxin. 4. The rate of glutamine release from incubated stripped soleus muscles was increased in the muscles removed from animals subjected to CLP or from animals injected with endotoxin. 5. It is concluded that sepsis results in marked changes in skeletal muscle glutamine metabolism, which may be used as an early indicator of the septic state. During sepsis there is likely to be an increased demand for glutamine by the immune system, kidney and intestine. 6. This study provides evidence that during sepsis the rate of release of glutamine from the skeletal muscle per se is increased to a sufficient extent to satisfy this increased requirement.  相似文献   

1. The effects of fasting and fasting followed by refeeding on the activities of the oxidative pentose pathway (OPP) and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) in isolated rat colonocytes were estimated by the rate of production of 14CO2 from [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose, respectively. 2. Refeeding after a fast induced a 2-3-fold increase in glucose flux through the OPP and TCA cycle and the degree of change was similar in colonocytes from the proximal and distal colon. 3. Butyrate at a concentration of 40 mM inhibited the OPP by 20-30% (P less than 0.05) but had no effect on the activity of the TCA cycle. Glutamine at a concentration of 2 mM decreased the glucose flux through both the OPP and the TCA cycle by 30-50% (P less than 0.05). 4. Production of 14CO2 from the oxidation of butyrate or glucose indicated that the former was 5-7 times more active in colonocytes from fasted rats. After refeeding, however, butyrate utilization was similar to fasting values in the proximal colon but significantly lower (P less than 0.05) in the distal colon.  相似文献   

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