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We consider the classical single locus two alleles selection model with diffusion where the fitnesses of the genotypes are density dependent. Using a theorem of Peter Brown, we show that in a bounded domain with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, the allele frequency and population density converge to a constant equilibrium lying on the zero population mean fitness curve. The results agree with the case without diffusion obtained by Selgrade and Namkoong. Frequency and density dependent selection is also considered.Research partially supported by NSF grant DMS-8601585  相似文献   

This paper describes the dynamics of a continuously reproducing diploid population with two alleles at one locus. The dependent variables are allele frequency and population density. We modify the basic density-dependent logistic growth model by inserting three possible types of frequency dependence in the fitness functions. These models are analyzed and contrasted with the purely density-dependent situation. Examples are given of periodic fluctuations in allele frequency and population density, which would be impossible for purely density-dependent fitness functions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the classical single locus, diallelic selection model with diffusion for a continuously reproducing population. The phase variables are population density and allele frequency (or allele density). The genotype fitness depend only on population density but include one-hump functions of the density variable. With mild assumptions on genotype fitnesses, we study the geometry of the nullclines and the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the selection model without diffusion. For the diffusion model with zero Neumann boundary conditions, we use this geometric information to show that if the initial data satisfy certain conditions then the corresponding solution to the reaction-diffusion equation converges to the spatially constant stable equilibrium which is closest to the initial data.Research partially supported by NSF grant DMS-8920597Research supported by funds provided by the USDA-Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Pioneering (Population Genetics of Forest Trees) Research Unit, Raleigh, North Carolina  相似文献   

This paper studies a four dimensional system of time-autonomous ordinary differential equations which models the interaction of two diploid, diallelic populations with overlapping generations. The variables are two population densities and an allele frequency in each of the populations. For single species models, the existence of periodic solutions requires that the genotype fitness functions be both frequency and density dependent. But, for two species exhibiting a predator-prey interaction, two examples are presented where there exists asymptotically stable cycles with fitness functions only density dependent. In the first example, the Hopf bifurcation theorem is used on a two parameter, polynomial vector field. The second example has a Michaelis-Menten or Holling term for the interaction between predator and prey; and, for this example, the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles for a wide range of parameter values has been established in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamical behavior of classical 2-dimensional models of continuously and discretely reproducing diploid populations with two alleles at one locus. The phase variables are allele frequency and population density. The genotype fitnesses are not assumed to be monotonically decreasing functions of density. Hence the mean fitness curve is more complicated than in the monotonic case. If genotype fitnesses are only density dependent, results concerning equilibrium stability are obtained similar to those for the monotonic case, and periodic solutions are precluded in the differential equation model. An example with one-hump genotype fitnesses is presented and analyzed.Research supported by funds provided by the USDA-Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Pioneering (Population Genetics of Forest Trees) Research Unit, Raleigh, North Carolina  相似文献   

Cherry JL 《Genetics》2004,166(2):1105-1114
In a subdivided population, the interaction between natural selection and stochastic change in allele frequency is affected by the occurrence of local extinction and subsequent recolonization. The relative importance of selection can be diminished by this additional source of stochastic change in allele frequency. Results are presented for subdivided populations with extinction and recolonization where there is more than one founding allele after extinction, where these may tend to come from the same source deme, where the number of founding alleles is variable or the founders make unequal contributions, and where there is dominance for fitness or local frequency dependence. The behavior of a selected allele in a subdivided population is in all these situations approximately the same as that of an allele with different selection parameters in an unstructured population with a different size. The magnitude of the quantity N(e)s(e), which determines fixation probability in the case of genic selection, is always decreased by extinction and recolonization, so that deleterious alleles are more likely to fix and advantageous alleles less likely to do so. The importance of dominance or frequency dependence is also altered by extinction and recolonization. Computer simulations confirm that the theoretical predictions of both fixation probabilities and mean times to fixation are good approximations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In addition to selection, the process of evolution is accompanied by stochastic effects, such as changing environmental conditions, genetic drift and mutations. Commonly it is believed that without genetic drift, advantageous mutations quickly fixate in a halpoid population due to strong selection and lead to a continuous increase of the average fitness. This conclusion is based on the assumption of constant fitness. However, for frequency dependent fitness, where the fitness of an individual depends on the interactions with other individuals in the population, this does not hold. RESULTS: We propose a mathematical model that allows to understand the consequences of random frequency dependent mutations on the dynamics of an infinite large population. The frequencies of different types change according to the replicator equations and the fitness of a mutant is random and frequency dependent. To capture the interactions of different types, we employ a payoff matrix of variable size and thus are able to accommodate an arbitrary number of mutations. We assume that at most one mutant type arises at a time. The payoff entries to describe the mutant type are random variables obeying a probability distribution which is related to the fitness of the parent type. CONCLUSIONS: We show that a random mutant can decrease the average fitness under frequency dependent selection, based on analytical results for two types, and on simulations for n types. Interestingly, in the case of at most two types the probabilities to increase or decrease the average fitness are independent of the concrete probability density function. Instead, they only depend on the probability that the payoff entries of the mutant are larger than the payoff entries of the parent type.  相似文献   

Selection in which fitnesses vary with the changing genetic composition of the population may facilitate the maintenance of genetic diversity in a wide range of organisms. Here, a detailed theoretical investigation is made of a frequency-dependent selection model, in which fitnesses are based on pairwise interactions between the two phenotypes at a diploid, diallelic, autosomal locus with complete dominance. The allele frequency dynamics are fully delimited analytically, along with all possible shapes of the mean fitness function in terms of where it increases or decreases as a function of the current allele frequency in the population. These results in turn allow possibly the first complete characterization of the dynamical behavior by the mean fitness through time under frequency-dependent selection. Here the mean fitness (i) monotonically increases, (ii) monotonically decreases, (iii) initially increases and then decreases, or (iv) initially decreases and then increases as equilibrium is approached. We analytically derive the exact initial and fitness conditions that produce each dynamic and how often each arises. Computer simulations with random initial conditions and fitnesses reveal that the potential decline in mean fitness is not negligible; on average a net decrease occurs 20% of the time and reduces the mean fitness by >17%.  相似文献   

For a single locus with two alleles we study the expected extinction and fixation times of the alleles under the influence of selection and genetic drift. Using a diffusion model we derive asymptotic approximations for these expected exit times for large populations. We consider the case where the fitness of the heterozygote is in between the fitnesses of the homozygotes (incomplete dominance). The asymptotic analysis not only yields new quantitative results but also reveals interesting features that remain hidden in the exact solution. Some of the outcomes are extensions of results known in the literature. The asymptotic approximations also apply to the expected first arrival time of an allele at a specified frequency and to the expected age of an allele.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of a pair of competing behavioural alleles in a structured population when there are non-additive or ‘synergistic’ fitness effects. Under a form of weak selection and with a simple symmetry condition between a pair of competing alleles, Tarnita et al. provide a surprisingly simple condition for one allele to dominate the other. Their condition can be obtained from an analysis of a corresponding simpler model in which fitness effects are additive. Their result uses an average measure of selective advantage where the average is taken over the long-term—that is, over all possible allele frequencies—and this precludes consideration of any frequency dependence the allelic fitness might exhibit. However, in a considerable body of work with non-additive fitness effects—for example, hawk–dove and prisoner''s dilemma games—frequency dependence plays an essential role in the establishment of conditions for a stable allele-frequency equilibrium. Here, we present a frequency-dependent generalization of their result that provides an expression for allelic fitness at any given allele frequency p. We use an inclusive fitness approach and provide two examples for an infinite structured population. We illustrate our results with an analysis of the hawk–dove game.  相似文献   

The dynamical behavior of multi-allele, one-locus systems is analyzed under population regulation. Weak selection is assumed. It is shown that for sufficiently large times, t, the nth time derivative of the population number N(t) is of order n}+1 in the selection coefficients. These order relations imply there is an asymptotic “quasi-equilibrium” in which population size and mean fitness change slowly relative to changes in gene frequencies. Consistent with the results of other authors, in quasi-equilibrium the mean fitness is second-order in the selection coefficients. In an effort to understand dynamic behavior beyond the immediate neighborhood of equilibrium, the topology of mean fitness surfaces is explored. In general, population regulation leads to regions of decreasing mean fitness in which there are important changes in gene frequencies. To illustrate this and other related phenomena, I analyze models in which there is logarithmic population control, and in which genotypic fitnesses Wi(x) are linear in the allele frequencies x. Exact solutions for mean fitness W(x) are obtained for two- and three-allele systems with symmetric fertilities and mortalities.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of density dependence and immigration on local adaptation in a "black-hole sink" habitat, i.e., a habitat in which isolated populations of a species would tend to extinction but where a population is demographically maintained by recurrent one-way migration from a separate source habitat in which the species persists. Using a diploid, one-locus model of a discrete-generation sink population maintained by immigration from a fixed source population, we show that a locally favored allele will spread when rare in the sink if the absolute fitness (or, in some cases, the geometric-mean absolute fitness) of heterozygotes with the favored allele is above one in the sink habitat. With density dependence, the criterion for spread can depend on the rate of immigration, because immigration affects local densities and, hence, absolute fitness. Given the successful establishment of a locally favored allele, it will be maintained by a migration-selection balance and the resulting polymorphic population will be sustained deterministically with either stable or unstable dynamics. The densities of stable polymorphic populations tend to exceed densities that would be maintained in the absence of the favored allele. With strong density regulation, spread of the favored allele may destabilize population dynamics. Our analyses show that polymorphic populations which form subsequent to the establishment of favorable alleles have the capacity to persist deterministically without immigration. Finally, we examined the probabilistic rate at which new favored alleles arise and become established in a sink population. Our results suggest that favored alleles are established most readily at intermediate levels of immigration.  相似文献   

We use population genetic models to investigate the cooperative and conflicting synergistic fitness effects between genes from the nucleus and the mitochondrion. By varying fitness parameters, we examine the scope for conflict relative to cooperation among genomes and the utility of the “gene's eye view” analytical approach, which is based on the marginal average fitness of specific alleles. Because sexual conflict can maintain polymorphism of mitochondrial haplotypes, we can explore two types of evolutionary conflict (genomic and sexual) with one epistatic model. We find that the nuclear genetic architecture (autosomal, X‐linked, or Z‐linked) and the mating system change the regions of parameter space corresponding to the evolution by sexual and genomic conflict. For all models, regardless of conflict or cooperation, we find that population mean fitness increases monotonically as evolution proceeds. Moreover, we find that the process of gene frequency change with positive, synergistic fitnesses is self‐accelerating, as the success of an allele in one genome or in one sex increases the frequency of the interacting allele upon which its success depends. This results in runaway evolutionary dynamics caused by the positive intergenomic associations generated by selection. An inbreeding mating system tends to further accelerate these runaway dynamics because it maintains favorable host–symbiont or male–female gene combinations. In contrast, where conflict predominates, the success of an allele in one genome or in one sex diminishes the frequency of the corresponding allele in the other, resulting in considerably slower evolutionary dynamics. The rate of change of mean fitness is also much faster with positive, synergistic fitnesses and much slower where conflict is predominant. Consequently, selection rapidly fixes cooperative gene combinations, while leaving behind a slowing evolving residue of conflicting gene combinations at mutation–selection balance. We discuss how an emphasis on marginal fitness averages may obscure the interdependence of allelic fitness across genomes, making the evolutionary trajectories appear independent of one another when they are not.  相似文献   

Reed FA 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1923-1929
An example is provided where, with antagonistic selection and epistatic interaction of alleles at two loci, an autosomal allele can rise in frequency, persist in the population, and even continue to fixation, despite having an apparently lower average fitness than the alternative allele, in a process similar to Parrondo's paradox.  相似文献   

We extend the one-locus two allele Moran model of fixation in a haploid population to the case where the total size of the population is not fixed. The model is defined as a two-dimensional birth-and-death process for allele number. Changes in allele number occur through density-independent death events and birth events whose per capita rate decreases linearly with the total population density. Uniquely for models of this type, the latter is determined by these same birth-and-death events. This provides a framework for investigating both the effects of fluctuation in total population number through demographic stochasticity, and deterministic density-dependent changes in mean density, on allele fixation. We analyze this model using a combination of asymptotic analytic approximations supported by numerics. We find that for advantageous mutants demographic stochasticity of the resident population does not affect the fixation probability, but that deterministic changes in total density do. In contrast, for deleterious mutants, the fixation probability increases with increasing resident population fluctuation size, but is relatively insensitive to initial density. These phenomena cannot be described by simply using a harmonic mean effective population size.  相似文献   

Maternal genetic effects (MGEs), where genes expressed by mothers affect the phenotype of their offspring, are important sources of phenotypic diversity in a myriad of organisms. We use a single‐locus model to examine how MGEs contribute patterns of heritable and nonheritable variation and influence evolutionary dynamics in randomly mating and inbreeding populations. We elucidate the influence of MGEs by examining the offspring genotype‐phenotype relationship, which determines how MGEs affect evolutionary dynamics in response to selection on offspring phenotypes. This approach reveals important results that are not apparent from classic quantitative genetic treatments of MGEs. We show that additive and dominance MGEs make different contributions to evolutionary dynamics and patterns of variation, which are differentially affected by inbreeding. Dominance MGEs make the offspring genotype‐phenotype relationship frequency dependent, resulting in the appearance of negative frequency‐dependent selection, while additive MGEs contribute a component of parent‐of‐origin dependent variation. Inbreeding amplifies the contribution of MGEs to the additive genetic variance and, therefore enhances their evolutionary response. Considering evolutionary dynamics of allele frequency change on an adaptive landscape, we show that this landscape differs from the mean fitness surface, and therefore, under some condition, fitness peaks can exist but not be “available” to the evolving population.  相似文献   

Olson MS  McCauley DE  Taylor D 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):49-62
Theoretical models suggest that population structure can interact with frequency dependent selection to affect fitness in such a way that adaptation is dependent not only on the genotype of an individual and the genotypes with which it co-occurs within populations (demes), but also the distribution of genotypes among populations. A canonical example is the evolution of altruistic behavior, where the costs and benefits of cooperation depend on the local frequency of other altruists, and can vary from one population to another. Here we review research on sex ratio evolution that we have conducted over the past several years on the gynodioecious herb Silene vulgaris in which we combine studies of negative frequency dependent fitness on female phenotypes with studies of the population structure of cytoplasmic genes affecting sex expression. This is presented as a contrast to a hypothetical example of selection on similar genotypes and phenotypes, but in the absence of population structure. Sex ratio evolution in Silene vulgaris provides one of the clearest examples of how selection occurs at multiple levels and how population structure, per se, can influence adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

A subpopulation D of rare alleles is considered. The subpopulation is part of a large population that evolves according to a Moran model with selection and growth. Conditional on the current frequency, q, of the rare allele, an approximation to the distribution of the genealogy of D is derived. In particular, the density of the age, T(1), of the rare allele is approximated. It is shown that time naturally is measured in units of qN(0) generations, where N(0) is the present day population size, and that the distribution of the genealogy of D depends on the compound parameters rho=rqN(0) and sigma=sqN(0) only. Here, s is the fitness per generation of heterozygote carriers of the rare allele and r is the growth rate per generation of the population. Amongst more, it is shown that for constant population size (rho=0) the distribution of D depends on sigma only through the absolute value /sigma/, not the direction of selection.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating rate is both pervasive and evolutionarily costly. For females, the lifetime reproductive fitness costs that arise through interactions with potential mates will be influenced by the frequency of such interactions, and the fitness cost of each interaction. Both of these factors are likely to be influenced by variation in operational sex ratio (OSR) and population density. Variation in OSR‐ and density‐dependent male alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) may be particularly important if the fitness costs that females experience vary with the reproductive tactics that males express. Using a simple model, we consider several examples of OSR‐ and/or density‐dependent variation in male ARTs and the frequency of male–female interactions, and find that variation in the expression of male ARTs has the potential to augment or diminish the costs of frequent male interactions for females. Accurately documenting variation in the expression of male ARTs and associated female fitness costs will benefit future work in this area.  相似文献   

Strong stability and density-dependent evolutionarily stable strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stability conditions for equilibria of the evolution of population strategies in a single species are developed by comparing frequency and density dependent fitnesses of pairs of strategies. Stability of such equilibria is shown for general haploid frequency and density dynamics. It is also shown that this stability is stronger than that of multispecies population dynamical systems. A biological interpretation of the conditions is provided in terms of the fitness of invading subpopulations.  相似文献   

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