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Thrombospondin related anonymous protein (TRAP) of Plasmodium falciparum contains an amino acid motif based around the sequence WSPCSVTCG which is also found in region II of the circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of different species of Plasmodium. This amino acid motif confers on the CS protein the ability to bind specifically to sulfated glycoconjugates and to hepatocytes. This suggests that the interaction of CS protein with sulfated glycoconjugates on the surface of the hepatocytes may represent the first molecular event of sporozoite invasion of liver cells. Experimental evidence indicates that TRAP is localized both on the micronemes and on the surface of P. falciparum sporozoites implying that TRAP with its putative sulfated glycoconjugate binding motif may also be involved in recognition and/or entry of hepatocytes by the sporozoite. We show here that different TRAP constructs expressed in Escherichia coli bind to sulfogalactosyl-cerebrosides (sulfatides) and to the surface of HepG2 cells. These interactions are dependent on the presence of the conserved amino acid motif WSPCSVTCG within the sequences of the constructs and are completely inhibited by several sulfated glycoconjugates as well as by suramin, a polysulfonated drug with anti-protozoan activity. Moreover, sporozoite invasion of HepG2 cells is inhibited by antisera raised against these different TRAP constructs and by the presence of low concentrations of suramin. We concluded that TRAP may be one of the parasite encoded molecules in the host-parasite interaction that results in sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

We analyzed 22 clinical isolates of Plasmodium vivax from Thailand and 17 from Brazil to investigate the extent of sequence variation in the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein of Plasmodium vivax (PvTRAP), a homologue of P. falciparum TRAP (PfTRAP) which has been considered to be a promising vaccine candidate. In total 54 haplotypes were identified from 73 distinct gene clones. Coexistence of different PvTRAP in circulation occurred in 10 and 13 isolates from Thailand and Brazil, respectively. Forty out of 48 substituted nucleotides are non-synonymous changes. Most of the substituted residues reside in the von Willebrand factor type A-domain (region II), a sulfated glycosaminoglycan-binding domain (region III) and a proline-rich region (region IV). All nucleotide substitutions are dimorphic. Two haplotypes from Thailand contain an inserted sequence encoding aspartic acid-serine-proline in the proline-rich region. Sequence analysis has revealed that nucleotide diversity in PvTRAP is low although Brazilian isolates display a higher degree of variation than those from Thailand. Phylogenetic construction using the neighbor joining method has shown that most of the Thai and the Brazilian isolates appear to be mainly clustered into distinct groups. Significantly greater than expected values of the mean number of non-synonymous (d(n)) than synonymous (d(s)) nucleotide substitutions per site were observed in regions II and III of PvTRAP. Analysis of the published PfTRAP sequences has shown a similar finding in regions II and IV suggesting that positive selection operates on the regions. Hence, different regions in PvTRAP and PfTRAP could be under different pressures in terms of immune selection, structural and/or functional constraints.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface protein 2 (Pf SSP2), also called thrombospondin related anonymous protein (TRAP), is involved in the process of sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes. Pf SSP2/TRAP possesses two different adhesion domains sharing sequences and structural homology with von Willebrand factor A-domains and human repeat I thrombospondin (TSP). Pf SSP2/TRAP has also been implicated in sporozoite mobility and in mosquito salivary gland invasion processes. We tested 15-mer long synthetic peptides having five overlapping residues covering the complete protein Pf SSP2 sequence in binding assays to Hep G2 cells. In these 57 peptides, 21 high-activity binding peptides (HABPs) were identified; five were in the adhesion domains already described and 16 were in two regions toward the protein's carboxy and middle terminal part. Six HABPs showed conserved amino acid sequences: 3243 (21FLVNGRDVQNNIVDE35), 3279 (201FLVGCHPSDGKCNLY215), 3287 (241TASCGVWDEWSPCSV255), 3289 (251SPCSVTCGKGTRSRK265), 3327 (441ERKQSDPQSQDNNGNY455) and 3329 (451DNNGNRHVPNSEDREY465). The HABPs show saturable binding and dissociation constants between 140 and 900 nm with 40 000-855 000 binding sites per cell. The 3279 (201FLVGCHPSDGKCNLY215), 3323 (421NDKSDRYIPYSPLSP435) and 3331 (461SEDRETRPHGRNNENY475) HABPs have B epitopes in their sequences; these have previously been recognized by antibodies partially inhibiting hepatocyte invasion and development of the hepatic state. The 3287 (241TASCGVWDEWSPCSV255) and 3289 (251SPCSVTCGKGTRSRK265) HABPs share common sequences with the Pf SSP2/TRAP region II plus, which is present in a great number of adhesion proteins. Based on this information, six new peptides covering the high binding regions identified previously were synthesized and, using a competition assay, the amino acid involved in the binding were determined.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum normocyte binding protein-1 (PfNBP-1), a Plasmodium vivax RBP-1 orthologue is expressed in the apical merozoite area. PfNBP-1 binds directly to human erythrocyte membrane in a sialic acid-dependent but trypsin-resistant way. Erythrocyte binding assays were done with synthetic peptides covering the sequence reported as PfNBP-1. Two specific erythrocyte high activity binding peptides were found: 101VFINDLDTYQYEYFYEWNQ(120), peptide 26332, and 181NTKETYLKELNKKKMLQNKK(200), peptide 26336. These two peptides' binding was saturable and presenting nanomolar affinity constants. The critical binding residues (those residues underlined and highlighted in bold) were determined by competition assays with glycine-scan analogue peptides. These peptides were able to block merozoite in vitro invasion of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum contains two conserved motifs (regions I and II) that have been proposed to interact with mosquito and vertebrate host molecules in the process of sporozoite invasion of salivary glands and hepatocytes, respectively. To study the function of this protein we have replaced the endogenous circumsporozoite protein gene of Plasmodium berghei with that of P. falciparum and with versions lacking either region I or region II. We show here that P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein functions in rodent parasite and that P. berghei sporozoites carrying the P. falciparum CS gene develop normally, are motile, invade mosquito salivary glands, and infect the vertebrate host. Region I-deficient sporozoites showed no impairment of motility or infectivity in either vector or vertebrate host. Disruption of region II abolished sporozoite motility and dramatically impaired their ability to invade mosquito salivary glands and infect the vertebrate host. These data shed new light on the role of the CS protein in sporozoite motility and infectivity.  相似文献   

We had previously cloned and characterized a gene for a novel asparagine-rich protein from P. falciparum (PfARP), a target of natural human immune response. The antibodies to PfARP were localized to the surface of parasitized red blood cells and reacted with intracellular components in all erythrocytic asexual and sexual stages of the parasite. We here describe reactivity of antibodies against this novel PfARP on the surface of mosquito stage sporozoite of P. falciparum by indirect immunofluorescence assay and immunoelectron microscopy, the latter revealing a highly periodic punctate pattern of distribution of PfARP on the surface of sporozoite. These results suggest a possibility that PfARP might represent yet another sporozoite surface protein.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum: Sporozoite boosting of immunity due to a T-cell epitope on a sporozoite vaccine. Experimental Parasitology 64, 64-70. The impact of a malaria sporozoite vaccine may be enhanced if protective immunity elicited by the vaccine is boosted by natural exposure to sporozoites. For this to occur, a helper T lymphocyte epitope present on the vaccine must be shared by sporozoites. These studies show that T cells from mice immunized with R32tet32, the Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite vaccine candidate, recognize an epitope of less than or equal to 7 amino acids derived from the circumsporozoite protein repeat region of R32tet32, as well as an epitope on the tet32 fusion protein tail of R32tet32. Exposure of R32tet32 immunized animals to P. falciparum sporozoites elicits a significant secondary antibody response which suggests that humans who are immunized and respond to this vaccine may be boosted by field exposure to sporozoite infected mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides from the liver stage antigen-1 (LSA-1) antigen sequence were used in HepG2 cell and erythrocyte binding assays to identify regions that could be involved in parasite invasion. LSA-1 protein peptides 20630 ((21)INGKIIKNSEKDEIIKSNLRY(40)), 20637 ((157)KEKLQGQQSDSEQERRAY(173)), 20638 ((174)KEKLQEQQSDLEQERLAY(190)) and 20639 (191KEKLQEQQSDLEQERRAY(207)) had high binding activity in HepG2 assays. Were located in immunogenic regions; peptide cell binding was saturable. Peptide 20630 bound specifically to 48kDa HepG2 membrane surface protein. LSA-1 peptides 20630 ((21)INGKIIKNSEKDEIIKSNLRY(40)) and 20633 ((81)DKELTMSNVKNVSQTNFKSLY(100)) showed specific erythrocyte binding activity and inhibited merozoite invasion of erythrocytes in vitro. A monkey serum prepared against LSA-1 20630 peptide analog (CGINGKNIKNAEKPMIIKSNLRGC) inhibited merozoite invasion in vitro. The data suggest LSA-1 "High Activity Binding Peptides" could play a possible role in hepatic cell invasion as well as merozoite invasion of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Artemisinin derivatives are endoperoxide antimalarials widely used to treat falciparum malaria in areas where drug resistance is common. In Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes, radiolabeled artemisinin derivatives have been shown to react with malarial proteins, one of which is the Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP). The P. falciparum TCTP was found by immunofluorescence to be located in both the cytoplasm and food vacuoles. Immunoelectron microscopy shows that it is present in the parasite cytoplasm as well as in its food vacuolar and limiting membranes. Like other TCTPs, the P. falciparum protein binds to calcium. Further studies on the physiological role of TCTP may aid in understanding the mechanism of action of endoperoxide antimalarials.  相似文献   

The Apicomplexan parasite responsible for the most virulent form of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum , invades human erythrocytes through multiple ligand–receptor interactions. The P.  falciparum reticulocyte-binding protein homologue (PfRh or PfRBL) family have been implicated in the invasion process but their exact role is unknown. PfRh1 and PfRh4, members of this protein family, bind to red blood cells and function in merozoite invasion during which they undergo a series of proteolytic cleavage events before and during entry into the host cell. The ectodomain of PfRh1 and PfRh4 are processed to produce fragments consistent with cleavage in the transmembrane domain and released into the supernatant, at about the time of invasion, in a manner consistent with rhomboid protease cleavage. Processing of both PfRh1 and PfRh4, and by extrapolation all membrane-bound members of this protein family, is important for function and release of these proteins on the merozoite surface and they along with EBA-175 are important components of the tight junction, the transient structure that links the erythrocyte via receptor–ligand interactions to the actin–myosin motor in the invading merozoite.  相似文献   

Deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase), a ubiquitous enzyme preventing a deleterious incorporation of uracil into DNA, has been thought of as a novel target for anticancer and antiviral drug design. The interaction of Plasmodium falciparum dUTPase (PfdUTPase) with deoxyuridine derivatives (dU, dUMP, dUDP and dUpNHpp) has been studied thermodynamically by both isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry. ITC shows no cooperativity for the binding of these derivatives. Dependencies in the binding thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy changes) with the number of phosphate groups in the nucleotide are obtained, and from the heat capacity changes no significant conformational changes upon binding are inferred. DSC shows PfdUTPase trimer is very stable but denatures irreversibly, with a more complex denaturation profile than other homologous trimeric dUTPases. The presence of magnesium ions does not influence the denaturation profile, while the presence of deoxyuridine derivatives increases the stability. The increase depends upon nucleotide concentration and type, with dUDP having the greater effect.  相似文献   

The in vitro antimalarial activity of sodium selenite (NaSe) was investigated and the mechanism of its action was studied. NaSe had antimalarial activity against both the chloroquine-susceptible strain FCR-3 and chloroquine-resistant strain K-1 of Plasmodium falciparum. The shrunken cytoplasm of the parasite was observed in a smear 12 h after treatment with NaSe. Co-treatment with copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) in culture did not affect the antimalarial activity of NaSe, but NaSe cytotoxicity against the mammalian cell line Alexander was decreased significantly. The intracellular reduced glutathione level of parasitized red blood cells was decreased significantly by treatment with NaSe, and the decrease was consistent with their mortality. Treatment with NaSe had a strong inhibitory effect on plasmodial development, and NaSe cytotoxicity to human cells was decreased by co-treatment with CuSO(4). These results suggest that co-treatment with NaSe and CuSO(4) may be useful as a new antimalarial therapy.  相似文献   

The sporozoite threonine-asparagine-rich protein (STARP) of Plasmodium falciparum is an attractive target for a pre-erythrocytic stage malaria vaccine because both naturally acquired and experimentally induced anti-STARP antibodies can block sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes. To explore the extent of sequence variation, we surveyed nucleotide polymorphism across the entire gene, encompassing 2 exons and an intron, of 124 P. falciparum-infected blood samples from Thailand and 10 from 4 other endemic areas. In total 24 haplotypes were identified despite low-level nucleotide diversity at this locus. The mean number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site (d(N)) significantly exceeded that of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (d(S)), suggesting that the STARP gene has evolved under positive selection, probably from host immune pressure. The preponderance of conservative amino acid exchanges and a strongly biased T-nucleotide toward the third position of codons in repeat arrays have reflected simultaneous constraints on this molecule, probably from its respective unknown function and nucleotide composition. Sequence conservation in the STARP locus among clinical isolates from different disease endemic areas would not compromise vaccine incorporation.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis, caused by coccidian parasites of the genus Cryptosporidium, is a major cause of human gastrointestinal infections and poses a significant health risk especially to immunocompromised patients. Despite intensive efforts for more than 20 years, there is currently no effective drug treatment against these protozoa. This study examined the zoonotic species Cryptosporidium parvum at two important stages of its life cycle: the non-excysted (transmissive) and excysted (infective) forms. To increase our understanding of the molecular basis of sporozoite excystation, LC-MS/MS coupling with a stable isotope N-terminal labeling strategy using iTRAQ reagents was used on soluble fractions of both non-excysted and excysted sporozoites, i.e. sporozoites both inside and outside oocysts were examined. Sporozoites are the infective stage that penetrates small intestinal enterocytes. Also to increase our knowledge of the C. parvum proteome, shotgun sequencing was performed on insoluble fractions from both non-excysted and excysted sporozoites. In total 303 C. parvum proteins were identified, 56 of which, hitherto described as being only hypothetical proteins, are expressed in both excysted and non-excysted sporozoites. Importantly we demonstrated that the expression of 26 proteins increases significantly during excystation. These excystation-induced proteins included ribosomal proteins, metabolic enzymes, and heat shock proteins. Interestingly three Apicomplexa-specific proteins and five Cryptosporidium-specific proteins augmented in excysted invasive sporozoites. These eight proteins represent promising targets for developing vaccines or chemotherapies that could block parasite entry into host cells.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) is expressed during both the sporozoite and merozoite stage of the parasite's life cycle. The role placed by AMA-1 during sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes has not been made sufficiently clear to date. Identifying the sequences involved in binding to hepatocytes is an important step towards understanding the structural basis for sporozoite-hepatocyte interaction. Binding assays between P. falciparum AMA-1 peptides and HepG2 cell were performed in this study to identify possible AMA-1 functional regions. Four AMA-1 high activity binding peptides (HABPs) bound specifically to hepatocytes: 4310 ((74)QHAYPIDHEGAEPAPQEQNL(93)), 4316 ((194)TLDEMRHFYKDNKYVKNLDE(213)), 4321 ((294)VVDNWEKVCPRKNLQNAKFGY(313)) and 4332 ((514)AEVTSNNEVVVKEEYKDEYA(533)). Their binding to these cells became saturable and resistant to treatment with neuraminidase. Most of these peptides were located in AMA-1 domains I and III, these being target regions for protective antibody responses. These peptides interacted with 36 and 58 kDa proteins on the erythrocyte surface. Some of the peptides were found in exposed regions of the AMA-1 protein, thereby facilitating their interaction with host cells. It is thus probable that AMA-1 regions defined by the four peptides mentioned above are involved in sporozoite-hepatocyte interaction.  相似文献   

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