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The nucleotide sequence of a part of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene of eight western Palearctic water frog species was analysed. The results are consistent with the species status of Rana bedriagae, Rana bergeri, Rana epeirotica, Rana lessonae, Rana perezi, Rana ridibunda, Rana saharica and Rana shqiperica . The obtained DNA data suggest that lake frogs from Greece and Yugoslavia on the one hand and lake frogs from Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on the other hand represent two distinct species. However, it is not yet clear whether lake frogs from Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan belong to R. ridibunda or represent a new species. The very high similarity between the analysed 12S rDNA segments of German R. ridibunda and R. lessonae confirm the finding that mtDNA of R. lessonae was transmitted into the mitochondrial gene pool of R. ridibunda probably as a result of backcrosses with the hybridogenetic hybrid R. kl. esculenta . The results of parsimony analyses speak in favour of very close phylogenetic relations between R. perezi and R. saharica ; with a high probability these species represent an adelphotaxon. Furthermore, the clades ( R. lessonae + R. shqiperica + R. bergeri ) and ( R. ridibunda + R. bedriagae ) are considered to be sister groups. According to the mt 12S rDNA data R. epeirotica seems to be more closely related to the supraspecific taxon ( R. ridibunda + R. bedriagae ) than to ( R. lessonae + R. shqiperica + R. bergeri ). Thus, it can be excluded that R. shqiperica and R. epeirotica represent sister species.  相似文献   

Patterns of advertisement call were investigated in two genetically distinct water frog lineages ( Rana kl esculenta, Rana. kl grafi ), which were identified by starch gel electrophoresis – the aim being to determinate the role of vocalization in the hybridogenetic process. Both hybrids displayed major modifications from the basic structure of the Rana ridibunda call. In Rana kl grafi , the call structure tended to correspond to that of Rana perezi in most of the studied parameters (frequency, duration, number of pulses) whereas the call of Rana kl esculenta tended to resemble that of Rana lessonae . The ascendant hierarchical classification clearly revealed such a convergence toward parental species and accounted for a divergence between hybrids. Changes in call patterns might result from both the expression of the non- ridibunda genome and the sexual selective pressure through female mate choice. Only few non- ridibunda females exhibited a preference for hybrid calls which, however, allowed some hybridogenetic males to obtain successful mates. Thus, hybridogenesis induced character convergence in courtship signal with the non- ridibunda species in hybrid zones. In any case, these changes in the courtship signal favoured the particular hybridogenetic process, which constitutes a quasi-parasitism of the non- ridibunda genome.  相似文献   

Differentiation and development of long bones were studied in European water frogs: Rana lessonae, R. ridibunda, and R. esculenta. The study included premetamorphic larvae (Gosner Stage 40) to frogs that were 5 years old. Femora, metatarsal bones, and proximal phalanges of the hindlimb exhibit the same pattern of periosteal bone differentiation and the same pattern of growth. Longitudinal and radial growth of these bones was studied by examination of the diaphyses and epiphyses, particularly where the edge of periosteal bone is inserted into the epiphysis. The periosteum seems to be responsible for both longitudinal and radial growth. Investigation of the formation, length, and arrangement of lines of arrested growth reveals that the first line is present only in the middle 25-35% of the length of the diaphysis of an adult bone; therefore, only the central portion of the diaphysis should be used for age estimation in skeletochronological studies. Comparison of the shapes and histological structures of epiphyses in the femur, metatarsal bones, and phalanges revealed that epiphyseal cartilages are composed of an inner and outer part. The inner metaphyseal cartilage has distinct zones and plugs the end of the periosteal bone cylinder; its role in longitudinal growth is questioned. The outer epiphyseal cartilage is composed of articular cartilages proper, in addition to lateral articular cartilages. Differences in the symmetry of the lateral articular cartilages of distal epiphyses of the femur and toes may reflect adaptations to different kinds of movements at the knee and in the foot.  相似文献   

According to the results of a bioacoustic analysis of the mating calls recorded at the northern end of Lake Skutari, Yugoslavia, this region is inhabited by three water frog phenotypes: Rana ridibunda, R. lessonae and hybrids of these two species. The mating call of R. ridibunda consists of an average of 3.55 pulse groups at all water temperatures. Other parameters of the call, however, are greatly influenced by temperature. The conclusion that the second phenotype is the species R. lessonae was based on the characteristics of the mating call. At a water temperature of 20°C, a call consists of 29 pulse groups repeated at a rate of 24 Hz. Analysis revealed almost complete agreement between this mating call and those of Central and Eastern European R. lessonae. The systematic implications of this finding are discussed. The mating calls of the hybrids of R. ridibunda and R. lessonae are intermediate between those of the parents.  相似文献   

Coexistence of sperm‐dependent asexual hybrids with their sexual progenitors depends on genetic and ecological interactions between sexual and asexual forms. In this study, we investigate genotypic composition, modes of hybridogenetic gametogenesis and habitat preferences of European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) in a region of sympatric occurrence. Pelophylax esculentus complex comprises parental species P. ridibundus and P. lessonae, whose primary hybridization leads to hybridogenetic lineages of P. esculentus. Hybrids clonally transmit one parental genome and mate with the other parental species, forming a new generation of hybrids. In the region of western Slovakia, we found syntopic occurrence of diploid and triploid hybrids with P. lessonae, syntopic occurrence of all three taxa as well as the existence of pure P. ridibundus populations. All triploid hybrids were exclusively male possessing one ridibundus and two different lessonae genomes (RLL). Sex ratio in diploid hybrids was substantially female‐biased. Irrespective of the population composition, diploid hybrids excluded the lessonae genome from their germ line and produced ridibundus gametes. Contrarily, RLL males unequivocally eliminated the ridibundus genome and produced diploid lessonae sperms. Perpetuation of RLL males in studied populations is most likely achieved by their mating with diploid hybrid females. The composition of water frog populations is also shaped by taxon‐specific habitat preferences. While P. ridibundus preferred larger water bodies (gravelpits, fishery ponds, dead river arms), P. lessonae was most frequently found in marshes and smaller sandpits. Pelophylax esculentus occupied predominately similar habitats as its sexual host P. lessonae.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and fluorochrome staining with DAPI were used to study the spermatozoa of Colostethus marchesianus from the type locality and Colostethus sp. (aff. marchesianus) from a different locality. The sperm cell of these species resembles those of most neobatrachian species, except for the presence of two complete flagella, a character previously described only for four unrelated anuran species belonging to the families Leptodactylidae, Rhacophoridae and Dendrobatidae. Although very similar, the spermatozoa described here showed slight differences in the length of their nucleus, in the extent of the subacrosomal cone over the nucleus, and in the curvature of the axial fiber seen in cross section. The absence of a juxtaxonemal fiber and the presence of a comma shaped axial fiber seem to be common characteristics of dendrobatid spermatozoa. The minor differences found in our study may indicate that the taxa studied here are distinct species. The evolutionary significance of spermatozoa biflagellarity is still unclear, although the presence of this trait in unrelated groups suggests independent origins.  相似文献   

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