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  1. A population of a salamander, Hynobius nebulosus tokyoensisTago was studied at Habu, Hinodemachi, in Tokyo during the breeding seasons from 1976 to 1978. Adults appeared in the pond were captured and marked individually by toe-clipping. Egg sacks were counted and tagged with vinyl tapes for the marking.
  2. The annual egg production of this population was found to be constant, about 6500 eggs, and total number of breeding adults appeared in the pond also varied little during three years.
  3. The appearance of breeding adults in the pond and oviposition seemed to be influenced by the rise of temperature and rainfall.
  4. Males appeared earlier in the pond and stayed there for approximately 10 to 20 days. On the other hand, females appeared later in the pond and left there soon after laying eggs.
  5. Mean clutch size and body length of breeding adults appeared in the pond showed a tendency to decrease as time proceeded, which seemed to show that the smaller and younger the salamander was, the later it appeared in the pond.
  6. Owing to low temperature, the eggs laid earlier took more time to hatch than those laid later.
  7. The survival rate of eggs was 67.2% in 1976, 86.4% in 1977 and 81.2% in 1978. The loss rate of eggs laid in the early and late periods of oviposition was higher than that of eggs laid in the middle period.

The relationships between age and size at reproduction and lifetime reproductive output of male Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux were estimated by a mark-recapture study. Although all males were physiologically capable of breeding at age 2 years, age at first successful reproduction varied amongst individuals. Males with delayed reproduction had lower net reproductive rate than males that bred at age 2 years on average suggesting that age at first reproduction was a conditional strategy. Males that delayed reproduction were significantly smaller at age 1 and 2 years than males that bred at age 2 years. Despite no significant difference in body size of hatched yolk-sac larvae between the early and late phase of the breeding season, by May of the first year of life, progeny from nests in the early phase had hatched earlier and were larger than those from the nests in the late phase. The results suggested an important effect of timing of reproduction of parents on the growth and subsequent age at first reproduction of their progeny.  相似文献   

The evolution of mating systems and that of life history have usually been modeled separately. However, they may be to some extent coupled in natural situations because they rely on the same phenotypic traits. Here, we focus on one of these traits, the age at first reproduction, in a species able to self- and cross-fertilize. When inbreeding depression is strong, self-fertile species preferentially cross-fertilize. However, outcrossing is not always possible when the availability of sexual partners is limited. The optimal reproductive strategy in this case would be to wait for a sexual partner for a certain period of time (the waiting time) and then switch to selfing if no mates have been encountered (reproductive assurance strategy). We predict the evolution of an optimal waiting time depending on the efficiency of resource reallocation to late fecundity, on the inbreeding depression, and on the instantaneous probability of encountering a partner versus dying. As a consequence of reduced mate availability, intermediate selfing rates can be generated in preferentially outcrossing populations, but they are lowered by the existence of a waiting time. Our model may thus explain low selfing rates observed in natural populations of many self-fertile, preferentially outcrossing plants or animal species.  相似文献   

Trade-offs are central to life-history theory but difficult to document. Patterns of phenotypic and genetic correlations in rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta—a long-lived, slow-reproducing primate—are used to test for a trade-off between female age of first reproduction and adult survival. A strong positive genetic correlation indicates that female macaques suffer reduced adult survival when they mature relatively early and implies primate senescence can be explained, in part, by antagonistic pleiotropy. Contrasts with a similar human study implicate the extension of parental effects to later ages as a potential mechanism for circumventing female life-history trade-offs in human evolution.  相似文献   

In the laboratory we examined the effect of pH (5–10 with one interval) on survival, reproduction, egg viability and growth rate (intrinsic growth rate—r m and population growth rate—r) of five Brachionus rotifer species (Bcalyciflorus, Bquadridentatus, Burceolaris, B. patulus and Bangularis). The pH was shown to exert a major influence on egg viability and growth rate (r m and r) for each species. The age-specific survivorship curves within a species were not significantly different at pH 6–10. The optimal pH for each species is near-neutral pH (pH 6–8), and the fecundity decreased as the pH deviated from these values. For each Brachionus species, there was no significant difference between age-specific fecundity curves at pH 7 and 8. At acid pH (pH 5 or 6) higher egg mortality was observed for each species. The r m and population r of the five Brachionus species incubated at different pHs were significantly influenced by pH. The pH supporting the highest r m or r was obtained at pH 6–8, but varied due to species. In this study Burceolaris and Bpatulus could tolerate a broad range of pH, while the populations of Bcalyciflorus, Bquadridentatus and Bangulari declined at acid conditions.  相似文献   

Life-history theoretical models show that a typical evolutionarily optimal response of a juvenile organism to high mortality risk is to reach reproductive maturity earlier. Experimental studies in a range of species suggest the existence of adaptive flexibility in reproductive scheduling to maximize fitness just as life-history theory predicts. In humans, supportive evidence has come from studies comparing neighbourhoods with different mortality rates, historical and cross-cultural data. Here, the prediction is tested in a novel way in a large (n = 9099), longitudinal sample using data comparing age at first reproduction in individuals with and without life-expectancy-reducing chronic disease diagnosed during childhood. Diseases selected for inclusion as chronic illnesses were those unlikely to be significantly affected by shifting allocation of effort away from reproduction towards survival; those which have comparatively large effects on mortality and life expectancy; and those which are not profoundly disabling. The results confirmed the prediction that chronic disease would associate with early age at first reproduction: individuals growing up with a serious chronic disease were 1.6 times more likely to have had a first child by age 30. Analysis of control variables also confirmed past research findings on links between being raised father-absent and early pubertal development and reproduction.  相似文献   

In Sweden the deciduous forest perennial Sanicula europaea L. (Apiaceae) is frequently subjected to leaf loss due to cattle grazing and trampling. In a two-season field experiment, the effects of the extent, timing and repetition of leaf removal on survival, growth and reproduction in S. europaea were examined. Removal of vegetative tissue in S. europaea reduced future survival, growth and flowering probabilities. The magnitude of these effects depended both on the extent and the timing of the season of the leaf losses, as greater leaf losses had more negative effects than moderate and early removals had more negative consequences than late. Moreover, the probability of an individual to regrow the same season after severe losses was higher when losses occurred early in the season than when they occurred late. And, those defoliated early that did regrow, did so to a larger extent than those defoliated later. Experimental responses were more pronounced after a second year of leaf removals, indicating that repeated herbivory exhausts resources. Thus, herbivory causing losses in vegetative tissue will affect the performance of S. europaea. However, the impact depends on the extent and timing of the leaf losses. This should be considered in managing policies and cattle should, if possible, not be introduced early in the growing season.  相似文献   

The way an organism spreads its reproduction over time is defined as a life‐history trait, and selection is expected to favour life‐history traits associated with the highest fitness return. We use a long‐term dataset of 277 life histories to investigate the shape and strength of selection acting on the age at first reproduction and at last reproduction in the long‐lived Alpine Swift. Both traits were under strong directional selection, but in opposite directions, with selection favouring birds starting their reproductive career early and being able to reproduce for longer. There was also evidence for stabilising selection acting on both traits, suggesting that individuals should nonetheless refrain from reproducing in their first 2 years of life (i.e. when inexperienced), and that reproducing after 7 years of age had little effect on lifetime fitness, probably due to senescence.  相似文献   

Herd health and production records of 1161 Holstein-Friesian heifers from 22 Michigan dairy herds were utilized to study the effect of age at first calving upon reproductive efficiency, milk production and the incidence of disease in the first lactation. Age at first calving was not significantly related to either milk production or reproductive efficiency. Heifers displaying dystocia were significantly older at calving than those that calved without problems. Additionally, the incidence of ketosis was associated with a significantly greater age at first calving. Heifers with diarrhea and those that aborted were significantly younger at calving than their herdmates. Incidence of 12 other common dairy diseases was not related to age at first calving. It would, therefore, appear that the dairy producers we studied could inseminate their heifers at an earlier age, and thereby increase production per day of life, without suffering serious detrimental effects in lactational milk production, reproductive efficiency or overall disease incidence.  相似文献   

The reproductive patterns of two different age classes of Leptocarabus kumagaii adults, i.e. young beetles which were in the first year of adult stage and old ones which survived for more than two years, were studied in the field. The numbers of eggs laid were compared between young and old females and the effects of food quality and quantity were studied on egg production and maintenance in the laboratory.
  1. Both of the young and old beetles reproduced in the field population. The number of eggs laid did not significantly differ between the two.
  2. The number of eggs laid by female increased with an increase in the amount of miced beef eaten. Plant materials were ineffective for egg production but sufficient for the survival of both male and female beetles.
  3. The two life historical aspects, i.e. repeated reproduction and polyphagy were discussed in relation to environmental fluctuation and limitation of food resources.

Nineteen cohorts of Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) reared at various temperaturelight regimes were exposed to attack by Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) at different ages of their development. Irrespective of host age at the initial parasitization and rearing conditions, the rates of reproduction, development and survival were unaffected until the parasites within had completed approximately 30, 40 and 55% of their total development respectively. As a result, aphids parasitized in the first or early second instar failed to reach maturity. Thereafter, the numbers of young produced by parasitized aphids increased rapidly as the age of the hosts at initial parasitization increased, and aphids parasitized 3 days after the final moult or later showed similar potential to contribute to future population increase.In comparison with the effects on host moulting, those on wing development of the potentially alatiform nymphs appeared much sooner after the beginning of parasitization, but again with the time lags being more or less independent of host age at the initial parasite attack. Consequently, the extent of wing development depended entirely on the age of the hosts when attacked.These results showed that the age of the host at the initial parasite attack is crucial in determining the consequences of parasitization on the host.
Résumé Dix-neuf cohortes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae), élevées dans différentes conditions de lumière et de température, ont été exposées à différents moments de leur développement aux attaques d'Aphidius sonchi Marsh. (Hym. Aphidiidae). Quels que soient les conditions d'élevage et l'âge des pucerons quand ils ont été parasités, la survie, le développement et la reproduction n'ont été affectés que lorsque les parasites avaient accompli 30, 40 et 55% de leur développement total. Ainsi, les pucerons parasités au premier stade ou au début du second ne parvenaient pas à atteindre la maturité. Par la suite, le nombre de jeunes produits par les pucerons parasités a cru rapidement au fur et à mesure que l'âge de ces derniers au moment où ils avaient été parasités la dernière mue ou plus tard présentaient la même potentialité pour contribuer à l'accroissement ultérieur de la population.Comparés aux effets sur la mue, les effets sur le développement alaire des larves potentiellement ailées apparaissent beaucoup plus tôt après le moment où le puceron a été parasité, mais là aussi avec des délais plus ou moins indépendants de l'âge de l'hôte lors de la première attaque du parasite. Par conséquent, le degré de développement des ailes dépendait totalement de l'âge du puceron lorsqu'ila été parasité.Ces résultats ont montré que l'âge du puceron lors de la première attaque détermine les conséquences du parasitisme de l'hôte.

Growth, survival and condition of redfish larvae Sebastes spp., reared in the laboratory (0, 500 1500 and 4500 prey l-1) were highest in the 1500 prey l-1 treatment. Significantly lower larval growth and survival in the 4500 prey l-1 treatment corresponded with lower prey bite: orient ratios in later weeks, suggesting that larvae were unable to forage efficiently at high prey densities. While these prey densities are higher than those reported in the field, naturally co-occurring Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae require higher prey densities when reared under similar conditions in the laboratory. These data suggest that prey availability may not be as limiting to redfish as for other commercially important marine species.  相似文献   

Increase in oxidative damage and decrease in cellular maintenance is often associated with aging, but, in marine ectotherms, both processes are also strongly influenced by somatic growth, maturation and reproduction. In this study, we used a single cohort of the short-lived catarina scallop Argopecten ventricosus, to investigate the effects of somatic growth, reproduction and aging on oxidative damage parameters (protein carbonyls, TBARS and lipofuscin) and cellular maintenance mechanisms (antioxidant activity and apoptosis) in scallops, caged in their natural environment. The concentrations of protein carbonyls and TBARS increased steeply during the early period of fast growth and during reproduction in one-year-old scallops. However, oxidative damage was transient, and apoptotic cell death played a pivotal role in eliminating damage in gill, mantle and muscle tissues of young scallops. Animals were able to reproduce again in the second year, but the reduced intensity of apoptosis impaired subsequent removal of damaged cells. In late survivors low antioxidant capacity and apoptotic activity together with a fast accumulation of the age pigment lipofuscin was observed. Rates of oxygen consumption and oxidative stress markers were strongly dependent on somatic growth and reproductive state but not on temperature. Compared to longer-lived bivalves, A. ventricosus seems more susceptible to oxidative stress with higher tissue-specific protein carbonyl levels and fast accumulation of lipofuscin in animals surviving the second spawning. Superoxide dismutase activity and apoptotic cell death intensity were however higher in this short-lived scallop than in longer-lived bivalves. The life strategy of this short-lived and intensely predated scallop supports rapid somatic growth and fitness as well as early maturation at young age at the cost of fast cellular degradation in second year scallops.  相似文献   

The seasonal decline of avian clutch size may result from the conflict between the advantage of early breeding (greater offspring value) and the advantage of a delay in lay date (improved body condition and hence clutch size). We tested predictions of a condition-dependent individual optimization model based on this trade-off (Rowe et al. 1994) in a long-distance migrant, the greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlantica), using data on condition, migration, and reproductive decisions of individuals. We closely tracked radio-marked females at their main spring staging area and on their breeding grounds. Our results were consistent with predictions of the model. Early-arriving females had a longer prelaying period and initiated their nests earlier than late arrivals. After controlling statistically for arrival date, we determined that females with high premigration condition had an earlier lay date than those in low condition. After controlling for the seasonal decline (i.e., lay date), we observed that clutch size was not related to premigration condition. Moreover, we took advantage of an unplanned manipulation of the prebreeding condition that occurred during our long-term study. We found that a reduction in condition caused a delay in lay date. However, after controlling for the seasonal decline, it did not affect clutch size. Our study indicates that geese simultaneously adjust their lay date and clutch size according to their premigration condition and migratory behavior as predicted by the condition-dependent optimization model.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of late spring and summer water temperatures on brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, growth and age structure was evaluated from 1984 to 1991 in the Ford River, Michigan. Temperature was monitored and brook charr sampled for vital statistics from late May through September using fyke nets and weirs at four locations within a 25.8 km section of stream. Scale analysis was used to determine captured brook charr age, past length at age and relative annual growth rates. Late spring and summer water temperature patterns varied between years with the greatest variability occurring in May and June. Age and size structure also varied between years and was significantly related to temperature. Years with cooler late spring and summer temperature patterns were dominated by older (age 2 and 3), larger brook charr, while years with warmer spring and summer temperature patterns were dominated by younger (age 1), smaller brook charr. Spring and summer temperature did not appear to have a significant effect on the growth of age 0 or age 1 brook charr. However, temperature was negatively related to brook charr growth from age 2 on. As spring and summer water temperatures are critical to brook charr growth and survival, it is important that a streams thermal regime be considered when establishing management goals for this species.  相似文献   

Three trials were conducted using ewe lambs to determine the effects of accelerated growth during rearing on reproduction and lactation. Data were obtained on 113 ewes. Early weaned ewe lambs were randomly assigned to the following prebreeding treatments: (1) thin (T, moderate gain) and (2) fat (F, accelerated gain). They were bred to lamb at 13 to 15 months of age. After breeding, one half of the ewes on the T and F treatments were switched to the other treatment so that postbreeding treatments were TT, TF, FF and FT. Prebreeding treatment did not affect conception rate (T, 95%; F, 96%), but lambing rates were 43, 28 and 27% higher (P<0.05) for F than T ewes in trials 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Daily milk production was higher in T ewes than F ewes for each trial, but the differences were significant only in trial 3. Estimated daily milk yields over the 60-day period were: T ewes, 1482, 1571, 1614 g; F ewes, 1183, 1373, 1321 g for trials 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Number of alveoli also favored T ewes. Switching ewes to the alternate treatment after breeding did not affect reproduction or milk production. Correlations between weight to height ratio and milk yield were negative in trials 1 and 3 but were positive in trial 2. There was no indication that serum T(4) levels affected milk production or reproduction. The results of this study show that accelerated growth during rearing increased lambing rate but may impair milk production. These effects appeared to be fixed by the time the ewes were bred.  相似文献   

Two experiments on the nymphal predation of Podisus maculiventris were conducted using Spodoptera litura larvae as prey. First experiment: The predator nymphs divided into three groups were reared individually from second instar to adult in a small vessel. Each nymph in the groups 1, 2 and 3 was allowed to attack the serially growing larvae (these were supplied at the rate of one per day) from 3-, 5- and 7-day old after hatching, respectively. The first prey used for the group 1 was so small that it was not only insufficient to satiate the predator but also was difficult to be searched out. But these disadvantages were soon recuperated due to the rapid growth of the prey and all nymphs could survive to adults. The survival rate of third and fourth instar nymphs in the group 3 was severely affected by vigorous counterattack of older prey larvae. Second experiment: The predator nymphs were individually reared either in a small vessel or in a large one at various rates of food supply (the prey larvae of 7-day old were used). The functional response curves obtained for each instar of the predator took a saturation type within a certain range of the prey density. The saturation level specific to each instar was generally higher for the predator reared in the large vessel than in the small one. The functional response of fourth and fifth instar nymphs was accelerated at a high prey density, viz. 16 larvae per vessel. Even at the low rate of food supply, viz. one larva per day per predator, the predator nymphs could survive to adults, but the size of resultant adults were abnormally small.  相似文献   

The mean age of a population of agile frogs (Rana dalmatina) from the Iberian Peninsula was estimated using mark and recapture and skeletochronology. Life-history parameters, including growth rate, body length, age and size at maturity, sexual dimorphism and longevity, were studied. The regression between age and snout-vent length (SVL) was highly significant in both sexes. Males reached sexual maturity at two years of age, although sometimes they can reach it at only one year of age. The average SVL at maturity was 51.75 mm (standard error (SE) = 0.71; n = 45). Females reached sexual maturity at two years of age with an average SVL of 62.14 mm (SE = 2.20; n = 14). A subset of the female population reached sexual maturity at three years of age. Growth was rapid until sexual maturity was reached. There was an overlap of SVL between different age classes. Growth was continuous, fulfilling the conditions of Von Bertalanffy's model. The growth coefficient (K) was 0.840 in males and 0.625 in females. The maximum SVL was greater in females (73.00 mm) than in males (59.50 mm). Sexual dimorphism was significantly biased towards females in all age classes. The maximum longevity observed was 6 years in females and 8 years in males. Management strategies for agile frogs should take into account factors such as these life-history characteristics.  相似文献   

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