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The evolution of sociality represented a major transition point in biological history. The most advanced societies, such as those displayed by social insects, consist of reproductive and nonreproductive castes. The caste system fundamentally affects the way natural selection operates. Specifically, selection acts directly on reproductive castes, such as queens, but only indirectly through the process of kin selection on nonreproductive castes, such as workers. In this study, we present theoretical analyses to determine the rate of substitution at loci expressed exclusively in the queen or worker castes. We show that the rate of substitution is the same for queen- and worker-selected loci when the queen is singly mated. In contrast, when a queen is multiply mated, queen-selected loci show higher rates of substitution for adaptive alleles and lower rates of substitution for deleterious alleles than worker-selected loci. We compare our theoretical expectations to previously obtained genomic data from the honeybee, Apis mellifera, where queens mate multiply and the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where queens mate singly and find that rates of evolution of queen- and worker-selected loci are consistent with our predictions. Overall, our research tests theoretical expectations using empirically obtained genomic data to better understand the evolution of advanced societies.  相似文献   

The effect of sib-sib inbreeding on the evolution of eusocial altruism in Hymenoptera by kin selection is examined by computer simulations. Inbreeding has minor effects on the ratio of relatedness to siblings: relatedness to offspring, but this ratio remains approximately one no matter what the degree of inbreeding. This implies that although inbreeding increases relatedness to siblings, relatedness to offspring increases to the same degree. Hence, inbreeding does not make the evolution of altruism more likely. If all the brothers of (non-mating) altruists outbreed, thereby increasing the frequency of altruism alleles in the outbred fraction of the population especially at low gene frequency, then altruism can be promoted by inbreeding. However, this is an indirect advantage, not attributable to inbreeding per se.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of parasite virulence are analysed in an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model. Increased host mortality caused by disease (virulence) reduces a parasite's fitness by damaging its food supply. The fitness costs of high virulence may be offset by the benefits of increased transmission or ability to withstand the host's defences. It has been suggested that multiple infections lead to higher virulence because of competition among parasite strains within a host. A quantitative prediction is given for the ESS virulence rate as a function of the coefficient of relatedness among co-infecting strains. The prediction depends on the quantitative relation between the costs of virulence and the benefits of transmission or avoidance of host defences. The particular mechanisms by which parasites can increase their transmission or avoid host defences also have a key role in the evolution of virulence when there are multiple infections.  相似文献   

All evidence currently available indicates that obligatory sterile eusocial castes only arose via the association of lifetime monogamous parents and offspring. This is consistent with Hamilton''s rule (brs > roc), but implies that relatedness cancels out of the equation because average relatedness to siblings (rs) and offspring (ro) are both predictably 0.5. This equality implies that any infinitesimally small benefit of helping at the maternal nest (b), relative to the cost in personal reproduction (c) that persists throughout the lifespan of entire cohorts of helpers suffices to establish permanent eusociality, so that group benefits can increase gradually during, but mostly after the transition. The monogamy window can be conceptualized as a singularity comparable with the single zygote commitment of gametes in eukaryotes. The increase of colony size in ants, bees, wasps and termites is thus analogous to the evolution of multicellularity. Focusing on lifetime monogamy as a universal precondition for the evolution of obligate eusociality simplifies the theory and may help to resolve controversies about levels of selection and targets of adaptation. The monogamy window underlines that cooperative breeding and eusociality are different domains of social evolution, characterized by different sectors of parameter space for Hamilton''s rule.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Certain arguments concerning the evolution of eusociality form a classic example of the application of the principles of kin selection. These arguments center on the different degrees of relatedness of potential beneficiaries of an individual's efforts, for example a female's higher relatedness to her sisters than to her daughters in a haplodiploid system. This type of reasoning is insufficient to account for the evolution and maintainence of sexual reproduction, because parthenogenic females produce offspring that are more closely related to them than are offspring produced sexually. Among the forces invoked to explain sexual reproduction is deleterious mutation. This factor can be shown to favor eusociality as well, because siblings produced by helping carry fewer deleterious alleles on average than would offspring. The strength of this effect depends on the genomewide deleterious mutation rate, U, and on the selection coefficient, s, associated with deleterious alleles. For small s, the effect depends approximately on the product Us. This phenomenon illustrates that an assumption implicit in some analyses–that the relatedness of an individual to an actor is all that matters to its value to that actor–can fail for the evolution of eusociality as it does for the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

A cornerstone result of sociobiology states that limited dispersal can induce kin competition to offset the kin selected benefits of altruism. Several mechanisms have been proposed to circumvent this dilemma but all assume that actors and recipients of altruism interact during the same time period. Here, this assumption is relaxed and a model is developed where individuals express an altruistic act, which results in posthumously helping relatives living in the future. The analysis of this model suggests that kin selected benefits can then feedback on the evolution of the trait in a way that promotes altruistic helping at high rates under limited dispersal. The decoupling of kin competition and kin selected benefits results from the fact that by helping relatives living in the future, an actor is helping individuals that are not in direct competition with itself. A direct consequence is that behaviours which actors gain by reducing the common good of present and future generations can be opposed by kin selection. The present model integrates niche-constructing traits with kin selection theory and delineates demographic and ecological conditions under which altruism can be selected for; and conditions where the 'tragedy of the commons' can be reduced.  相似文献   

General models of the evolution of cooperation, altruism and other social behaviours have focused almost entirely on single traits, whereas it is clear that social traits commonly interact. We develop a general kin-selection framework for the evolution of social behaviours in multiple dimensions. We show that whenever there are interactions among social traits new behaviours can emerge that are not predicted by one-dimensional analyses. For example, a prohibitively costly cooperative trait can ultimately be favoured owing to initial evolution in other (cheaper) social traits that in turn change the cost–benefit ratio of the original trait. To understand these behaviours, we use a two-dimensional stability criterion that can be viewed as an extension of Hamilton''s rule. Our principal example is the social dilemma posed by, first, the construction and, second, the exploitation of a shared public good. We find that, contrary to the separate one-dimensional analyses, evolutionary feedback between the two traits can cause an increase in the equilibrium level of selfish exploitation with increasing relatedness, while both social (production plus exploitation) and asocial (neither) strategies can be locally stable. Our results demonstrate the importance of emergent stability properties of multidimensional social dilemmas, as one-dimensional stability in all component dimensions can conceal multidimensional instability.  相似文献   

Simple models are constructed to describe the rate of mating in insect populations. The models are based on the assumption of random mate-searching in a closed habitat, including four parameters, i.e., population size, sex ratio, searching efficiency and male's capacity on mating frequency. The modes of effects of these parameters on the rate of mating are analyzed and some principles deduced are discussed in relation to the mating process in natural populations.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in resolving the curious disconnect between the fields of kin selection and sexual selection. Rankin's (2011, J. Evol. Biol. 24 , 71–81) theoretical study of the impact of kin selection on the evolution of sexual conflict in viscous populations has been particularly valuable in stimulating empirical research in this area. An important goal of that study was to understand the impact of sex‐specific rates of dispersal upon the coevolution of male‐harm and female‐resistance behaviours. But the fitness functions derived in Rankin's study do not flow from his model's assumptions and, in particular, are not consistent with sex‐biased dispersal. Here, we develop new fitness functions that do logically flow from the model's assumptions, to determine the impact of sex‐specific patterns of dispersal on the evolution of sexual conflict. Although Rankin's study suggested that increasing male dispersal always promotes the evolution of male harm and that increasing female dispersal always inhibits the evolution of male harm, we find that the opposite can also be true, depending upon parameter values.  相似文献   

澄清植物种类是植物分类学研究的基础,也是开展iFlora编研的前提,而植物物种调查则为其提供了最为基础和重要的研究素材。传统的植物物种调查,或以植物区系调查为目的,或是专类植物资源搜集.往往较为忽视种群层面的调查。iFlora计划中,基于地方种群的植物物种调查应予以重视和贯彻实施。系统的植物物种调查将以“个体(标本)一(地方繁育)种群一物种”为核心展开,其中地方繁育种群是调查的中心环节。调查内容将兼顾种群的形态学、生态学和遗传学三方面的学科需求,以期获得全面详实的物种数据,并藉此建立一套完整规范的物种“档案”。在整个植物物种调查中,“模式产地种群”是关注的重点,需制定缜密的调查方案并优先实施。由于模式标本的残缺、原始描述的简略,在未来的物种分类研究中,植物分类学者必须认真考虑“产地模式标本”和“模式产地种群”所扮演的重要角色。作为自然界中客观存在的群体,“模式产地种群”不仅仅是模式标本的注脚和补充,它犹如地质学上的“金钉子”.将为研究者提供最为权威和充分的形态学、生态学和遗传学等研究信息,从而真正将物种分类研究从“故纸堆”的困境中解放出来。  相似文献   

It is difficult to imagine how warning colours evolve in unpalatable prey. Firstly, novel warningly coloured variants gain no protection from their colours, since predators have not previously encountered and learnt their colour patterns. This leads to a frequency-dependent disadvantage of a rare variant within a species. Secondly, novel warningly coloured variants may be more conspicuous than non-aposematic prey.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that many palatable butterflies have bright colours used in intraspecific communication and in duping predators. Other palatable butterflies are already warningly coloured. Should such butterflies evolve unpalatability, perhaps because of a host-plant shift, these bright colours would be preadapted to a warning role. Warning colours could then continue to evolve by enhancement of memorable characteristics of these patterns, or by mimicry.
Even within lineages of warningly coloured, unpalatable butterflies, colour patterns have continued to evolve rapidly. This diversity of warning colour patterns could have evolved in a number of ways, including individual and kin selection, and by the shifting balance. Evidence for these mechanisms is discussed, as are the similarities between the evolution of warning colours and more general evolutionary processes, including sexual selection and speciation.  相似文献   

We develop a formal framework for the optimal allocation of limited resources that includes and clarifies the interplay between individual optimization and the resulting effects at the population level. As an example, in regard to the evolution of sexual recombination, the paradox of the twofold cost of sex is avoided by distinguishing between the evolution of recombination and the subsequent emergence and stability of different mating types as a result of individual optimization within a population that benefits from recombination.
John PepperEmail:

We have formulated a very general mathematical model to analyze the evolution of transposable genetic elements in prokaryotic populations. Transposable genetic elements are DNA sequences able to replicate and insert copies of themselves at new locations in the genome. This work characterizes the equilibrium distribution of copy number under the influence of copy number-dependent selection, transposition and deletion. Our principal results concern the equilibrium distribution of copy number in response to various selective regimes. For particular transposition patterns (e.g. unregulated transposition or copy number-dependent transposition), equilibrium distributions are calculated numerically for a variety of specific selection patterns. Selection is quantified through specification of the expected number of offspring for individuals of each type, which is generally a non-increasing function of copy number, in accord with the usual evolutionary speculations.  相似文献   

We investigated the endangered status and taxonomic status of the freshwater crayfish Procambarus ferrugineus, a crayfish species considered for the candidate list of the Endangered Species Act. This species has a narrow distribution from central Arkansas, USA and is codistributed with its presumed sister species, Procambarus liberorum. We sampled extensively throughout the ranges of both primary burrowing species and collected mitochondrial DNA from a hypervariable fragment of the 16S gene from 109 individuals across 22 sites. We also collected data from a variable region of the 12S gene from a subset of the resulting 16S haplotypes. Due to our inability to sample what we considered P. ferrugineus in the field, we included museum specimens from the United States Natural History Museum of both P. ferrugineus and P. liberorum. Analyses of the resulting data suggested that these two species are indeed the same and we therefore synonymize them under the name of priority—P. liberorum. Additionally, our sampling discovered three new cryptic species from southwestern Arkansas all from the genus Procambarus. Nested clade phylogeographic analysis coupled with population genetic analyses suggested that P. liberorum has had three rounds of range expansion throughout the inferred evolutionary history. Using IUCN Red List criteria for conservation assessment, we conclude that the species P. liberorum should be considered stable, but with special concern because of habitat fragmentation and urbanization, small restricted range, and a moderate level of genetic diversity. Procambarus reimeri should be considered endangered due to its limited geographic range and the potential for a decline in suitable habitat. The three potentially newly discovered species should be considered data deficient until more information is obtained on their distributional limits and habitat requirements. Our study highlights the importance of thorough geographic and taxonomic sampling coupled with the utility of collecting data from museum specimens to reach robust taxonomic and conservation conclusions for endangered species.  相似文献   

Because it increases relatedness between interacting individuals, population viscosity has been proposed to favour the evolution of altruistic helping. However, because it increases local competition between relatives, population viscosity may also act as a brake for the evolution of helping behaviours. In simple models, the kin selected fecundity benefits of helping are exactly cancelled out by the cost of increased competition between relatives when helping occurs after dispersal. This result has lead to the widespread view, especially among people working with social organisms, that special conditions are required for the evolution of altruism. Here, we re-examine this result by constructing a simple population genetic model where we analyse whether the evolution of a sterile worker caste (i.e. an extreme case of altruism) can be selected for by limited dispersal. We show that a sterile worker caste can be selected for even under the simplest life-cycle assumptions. This has relevant consequences for our understanding of the evolution of altruism in social organisms, as many social insects are characterized by limited dispersal and significant genetic population structure.  相似文献   

Ploidy differences can occur between and within species. To decipher the genetic structure of a species with different ploidy levels, we investigated an area of China where diploid and triploid individuals of Lycoris radiata co-occur. Twenty-six populations of L. radiata were sampled across its natural range, and SCoT markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure. Chromosome counts revealed that 10 populations were diploid and 16 were triploid, each population showed a single cytotype. SCoT analysis revealed high genetic diversity at the species level (PPB = 93.1%; H = 0.258; I = 0.396). However, compared to the triploid strains of Lycoris, the diploid strains had a relatively higher genetic diversity. One possible interpretation for these results is that the triploid strains only propagated using bulb division, while the diploid strains reproduced using sexual propagation and bulb division. Our investigation of the genetic structure, based on UPGMA and PCoA cluster analyses, revealed that populations of L. radiata are divided into three genetic groups. In addition, our results indicate that Yangtze River can affect population diffusion, which played an important role in the genetic differentiation of L. radiata. Lastly, our results suggest that the triploid sterile species of L. radiata might possess two origins.  相似文献   

This paper develops simplified mathematical models describing the mutation-selection balance for the asexual and sexual replication pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or Baker’s yeast. The simplified models are based on the single-fitness-peak approximation in quasispecies theory. We assume diploid genomes consisting of two chromosomes, and we assume that each chromosome is functional if and only if its base sequence is identical to some master sequence. The growth and replication of the yeast cells is modeled as a first-order process, with first-order growth rate constants that are determined by whether a given genome consists of zero, one, or two functional chromosomes. In the asexual pathway, we assume that a given diploid cell divides into two diploids. For the sake of generality, our model allows for mitotic recombination and asymmetric chromosome segregation. In the sexual pathway, we assume that a given diploid cell divides into two diploids, each of which then divide into two haploids. The resulting four haploids enter a haploid pool, where they grow and replicate until they meet another haploid with which to fuse. In the sexual pathway, we consider two mating strategies: (1) a selective strategy, where only haploids with functional chromosomes can fuse with one another; (2) a random strategy, where haploids randomly fuse with one another. When the cost for sex is low, we find that the selective mating strategy leads to the highest mean fitness of the population, when compared to all of the other strategies. When the cost for sex is low, sexual replication with random mating also has a higher mean fitness than asexual replication without mitotic recombination or asymmetric chromosome segregation. We also show that, at low replication fidelities, sexual replication with random mating has a higher mean fitness than asexual replication, as long as the cost for sex is low. If the fitness penalty for having a defective chromosome is sufficiently high and the cost for sex sufficiently low, then at low replication fidelities the random mating strategy has a mean fitness that is a factor of larger than the asexual mean fitness. We argue that for yeast, the selective mating strategy is the one that is closer to reality, which if true suggests that sex may provide a selective advantage under considerably more relaxed conditions than previous research has indicated. The results of this paper also suggest that S. cerevisiae switches from asexual to sexual replication when stressed, because stressful growth conditions provide an opportunity for the yeast to clear out deleterious mutations from their genomes. That being said, our model does not contradict theories for the evolution of sex that argue that sex evolved because it allows a population to more easily adapt to changing conditions.  相似文献   

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