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1. Valuable insights into mechanisms of community responses to environmental change can be gained by analysing in tandem the variation in functional and taxonomic composition along environmental gradients. 2. We assess the changes in species and functional trait composition (i.e. dominant traits and functional diversity) of diverse bee communities in contrasting fire-driven systems in two climatic regions: Mediterranean (scrub habitats in Israel) and temperate (chestnut forests in southern Switzerland). 3. In both climatic regions, there were shifts in species diversity and composition related to post-fire age. In the temperate region, functional composition responded markedly to fire; however, in the Mediterranean, the taxonomic response to fire was not matched by functional replacement. 4. These results suggest that greater functional stability to fire in the Mediterranean is achieved by replacement of functionally similar species (i.e. functional redundancy) which dominate under different environmental conditions in the heterogeneous landscapes of the region. In contrast, the greater functional response in the temperate region was attributed to a more rapid post-fire vegetation recovery and shorter time-window when favourable habitat was available relative to the Mediterranean. 5. Bee traits can be used to predict the functional responses of bee communities to environmental changes in habitats of conservation importance in different regions with distinct disturbance regimes. However, predictions cannot be generalized from one climatic region to another where distinct habitat configurations occur.  相似文献   

Diversity has two basic components: richness, or number of species in a given area, and evenness, or how relative abundance or biomass is distributed among species. Previously, we found that richness and evenness can be negatively related across plant communities and that evenness can account for more variation in Shannon’s diversity index (H′) than richness, which suggests that relationships among diversity components can be complex. Non-positive relationships between evenness and richness could arise due to the effects of migration rate or local species interactions, and relationships could vary depending on how these two processes structure local communities. Here we test whether diversity components are equally or differentially affected over time by changes in seed density (and associated effects on established plant density and competition) in greenhouse communities during the very early stages of community establishment. In our greenhouse experiment, we seeded prairie microcosms filled with bare field soil at three densities with draws from a mix of 22 grass and forb species to test if increased competition intensity or seedling density would affect the relationships among diversity components during early community establishment. Increased seed density treatments caused diversity components to respond in a different manner and to have different relationships with time. Richness increased linearly with seed density early in the experiment when seedling emergence was high, but was unrelated to density later in the experiment. Evenness decreased log-linearly with seed densities on all sampling dates due to a greater dominance by Rudbeckia hirta with higher densities. Early in the experiment, diversity indices weakly reflected differences in richness, but later, after the competitive effects of Rudbeckia hirta became more intense, diversity indices more strongly reflected differences in evenness. This suggests that species evenness and diversity indices do not always positively covary with richness. Based on these results, we suggest that evenness and richness can be influenced by different processes, with richness being more influenced by the number of emerging seedlings and evenness more by species interactions like competition. These results suggest that both diversity components should be measured in plant diversity studies whenever it is possible.  相似文献   

For many taxa, diversity, often measured as species richness, decreases with latitude. In this report patterns of diversity (species richness, species diversity, and evenness) in groundfish assemblages were investigated in relation to depth (200–1200 m) and latitude (33–47°N) on the continental slope of the U.S. Pacific coast. The data originated from the 1999–2002 upper continental slope groundfish surveys conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service. When the data were pooled across depths, species density and evenness were found to decline with latitude. All three diversity measures declined with depth, with the lowest overall diversity in the 600- to 900-m depth range where longspine thornyhead Sebastolobus altivelis constituted close to 70% of the catch. When latitudinal gradients were examined within four depth zones (200–300 m, 400–500 m, 600–900 m, and 1000–1200 m) more complex patterns emerged. At depth species richness and evenness were inversely correlated with latitude as longspine thornyhead dominated catches to the north. However, in shallower areas of the slope, species richness and evenness were positively correlated with latitude. Latitudinal patterns of diversity in the deeper zones and when pooled across depths were positively correlated with temperature and broadly consistent with the Ambient Energy hypothesis discussed by Willig et al. [Annu Rev Ecol System 34:273–309 (2003)].  相似文献   

1. Species abundance, biomass, and identity are the main factors that influence ecosystem functioning. Previous studies have shown that community attributes and species identity help to maintain natural ecosystem functioning. 2. This study examined how species identity, biomass, and abundance in dung pats (i.e. density) of dung beetles affect multiple ecological functions: dung removal, seed dispersal, and germination. Specifically, two species of tunnellers were targeted: Onthophagus illyricus (Scopoli, 1763) and Copris lunaris (Linnaeus, 1758). In accordance with their natural abundance, densities ranging from 10 to 80 individuals were considered for O. illyricus, and those from two to eight were considered for C. lunaris, spanning the total biomass per treatment from 0.22 to 1.76 g. 3. Results showed that, even at higher abundance, O. illyricus is not as efficient as C. lunaris. These results show that species identity, biomass, and density are crucial factors for maintaining ecosystem functioning. The combined effect of species identity and density/biomass facilitated dung removal and seed dispersal. Conversely, species identity is the only relevant factor for germination. Moreover, relationships among functions depend on the species investigated: C. lunaris showed a positive correlation between dung removal and seed dispersal, whereas O. illyricus showed a positive correlation between germination and dung removal. 4. In conclusion, optimal ecosystem functioning depends on multiple factors, such as density and species identity, and thus also on body size, nesting strategies and ecological functions investigated. Moreover, the loss of larger and efficient species cannot be compensated by higher abundances of small species.  相似文献   

1. Scant information is available on leaf breakdown in streams of arid and semiarid regions, including the Mediterranean, where environmental heterogeneity can be high and the relationship between stream characteristics and leaf breakdown is poorly known. We tested the hypotheses that differences in leaf breakdown metrics would be substantially higher between mountain and lowland Mediterranean streams than among streams within each subregion and that variability among streams would be substantially higher in the lowlands, because permanent reaches in the semiarid lowland streams are rare and isolated. 2. We compared leaf breakdown and associated dynamics of nutrients, fungi and invertebrates in low‐order Mediterranean streams draining sub‐humid forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and nearby semiarid lowlands of south‐eastern Spain. Streams differed between the two subregions mainly in water ion content, temperature and riparian tree cover. We detected higher environmental heterogeneity among streams within the lowlands compared to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. In the lowlands, breakdown coefficients (k) of alder leaves spanned almost the entire range reported for this species from temperate streams, overlapping with less variable breakdown coefficients in the Sierra Nevada. 3. The high variability of k values among the lowland sites appeared to be caused primarily by variability in the composition and abundance of a few leaf‐consuming invertebrate taxa, particularly the snail Melanopsis praemorsa. Fungal and nutrient dynamics were less variable among sites within each subregion. 4. These results indicate that the critical condition for stream functional assessment of well‐constrained breakdown rates, or related metrics, could be met at reference sites within homogenous bio‐geo‐climatic regions such as the Sierra Nevada. By contrast, in heterogeneous areas such as the semiarid lowland streams, natural variability of breakdown rates can greatly exceed the magnitude of effects expected in response to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   



Semi-natural grasslands (SNG) are important for maintaining biodiversity and ecological processes in farmland. Current pasture-based livestock production mainly occurs on intensified grasslands (IG) that have been agronomically improved. Although it is documented that SNG and IG differ in terms of plant diversity, their ability to provide ecosystem services (ES) in farmland is less explored. Here, we review the role of SNG and IG in delivering ES, illustrate their trade-offs and synergies, and examine how ES can be assessed by using plant traits and functional richness.


We found that SNG generate a wider range of ES than IG. Trade-offs exist between ES that appear more pronounced in IG between high biomass production and other ES. SNG are good in providing habitat for biodiversity, supporting pollination and cultural services. SNG also have a significantly wider range of plant functional traits and a higher functional richness, suggesting that the potential to supply ES in SNG is partly driven by higher number of species and their functional diversity.


Clearer trade-offs were found in IG compared with SNG, supported both by the literature and the functional richness. This suggests that functional knowledge could be a good complement to understand the mechanisms behind ES generation and could help with tailoring grassland management to sustain biodiversity, ecological functions and ES. Although both IG and SNG are likely needed for the long-term sustainability of food production, both could aim for a more balanced generation of ES, increasing biodiversity and functional redundancy at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Neil  John V. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,419(1):161-180
Work on intraspecific variation in ornate ostracods over the last 30 years is reviewed. Polymorphism (discontinuous variation) due to environmental and genetic factors (and combinations thereof) is discussed. Specimens of the ornate marine genera Cletocythereis, Hermanites, Notocarinovalva, Neobuntonia, Chapmanella, Actinocythereis, Spinobradleya and Loxoconcha, from Tertiary deposits of southeastern Australia, are examined for examples of significant intraspecific morphological variation. Variations in the degree of spinosity, the nature of spines, the degree and type of aggradation (celation), the occurrence of microreticulation, the shape of fossae, the form of eye tubercles and subcentral tubercles, combinations of reticulation and nodules, and the relationships between punctation, reticulation and spinosity, are described and illustrated. These variations are considered in relation to location, time, facies, inferred palaeoenvironment and assemblage. It is shown that the complex of factors connecting these variations with their expression by the phenotype does not allow their unqualified use in establishing palaeoecological parameters, especially where strict polymorphism is not established, or where the timescale of the variations may be several orders of magnitude out of step with the palaeoecological changes inferred from them. The necessity of high magnification illustrations is stressed. The entire range of research into intraspecific variation must be accessed if robust palaeoecological inferences are to be drawn.  相似文献   

Diversification rate is one of the most important metrics in macroecological and macroevolutionary studies. Here I demonstrate that diversification analyses can be misleading when researchers assume that diversity increases unbounded through time, as is typical in molecular phylogenetic studies. If clade diversity is regulated by ecological factors, then species richness may be independent of clade age and it may not be possible to infer the rate at which diversity arose. This has substantial consequences for the interpretation of many studies that have contrasted rates of diversification among clades and regions. Often, it is possible to estimate the total diversification experienced by a clade but not diversification rate itself. I show that the evidence for ecological limits on diversity in higher taxa is widespread. Finally, I explore the implications of ecological limits for a variety of ecological and evolutionary questions that involve inferences about speciation and extinction rates from phylogenetic data.  相似文献   

Egg size is considered to be a major maternal effect for offspring in oviparous organisms. It has profound consequences on fitness, and differences in egg size are viewed as plastic responses to environmental variability. However, it is difficult to identify the effect of egg size per se because egg size can covary with genetic features of the mother and with other nongenetic factors. We analysed the relationship between offspring starting size (i.e. a proxy of egg size) and larval survival in the frog Rana latastei . We analysed this relationship: (1) among five populations at different altitudes; (2) among clutches laid from different females; and (3) among siblings within clutches, to evaluate the effect of starting size. We observed differences among populations for offspring size, but starting size was not related to altitude or genetic diversity. Mortality was higher in populations and families with small average starting size; however, among siblings, the relationship between starting size and mortality was not verified. The relationship observed among clutches may therefore be caused by covariation between egg size and other effects. This suggests that the covariation between egg size and other effects can result in apparent relationships between egg size and fitness-related traits. Proximate and ultimate factors can cause the phenotypic variation of hatchlings in the wild, and key traits can be related to this variation, but the underlying causes require further investigation.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 845–853.  相似文献   



The soil seed bank is a key component of the biodiversity of plant communities, but various aspects of its functioning in temperate forest ecosystems are still unknown. We here adopted a trait-based approach to investigate the effects of macro- and microclimatic gradients on the juvenile plant communities from the realized seed bank of two types of European temperate forest.


Oak-dominated forests in Italy and Belgium.


We analysed the variation of key functional traits (plant height, leaf area, leaf dry weight, specific leaf area and leaf number) of juvenile plants from the realised soil seed bank in relation to elevation (from 0 to 800 m a.s.l.), forest type (thinned and unthinned forest) and distance to the forest edge. We translocated soil samples from the forest core to the edge (and vice versa) and from high- to low-elevation forests to test the effects of edge and warming respectively.


Taller communities developed at the forest edge due to higher light availability and warmer temperatures. The translocation from the core to the edge did not significantly modify mean trait values. Instead, the shadier and cooler microclimate of the forest core reduced the mean leaf area, mean dry weight, height and leaf number in the communities realised from the edge soil. The translocation from high- to lowland forests led to increased values for all traits (except specific leaf area). Edge vs core trait variation was more driven by intraspecific variability, whereas the translocation from high- to low-elevation forests caused trait changes mostly due to species turnover.


Global warming might result in a functional shift of the understorey due to both an early filtering effect on the seedlings from soil seed banks and their adaptive trait adjustments to temperature increase. Furthermore, our study underpins the importance of edge vs core microclimate in driving the functional composition of the realised soil seed bank.  相似文献   

徐慧秋  黄银华  吴志峰  程炯  李铖 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3283-3289
以广州市为例,基于2005年641个农业表层(0~20 cm)土壤样点数据和土地利用数据,采用单因子污染指数、Pearson/Spearman相关分析和偏冗余分析方法,探讨土壤As和Cd污染及其与3种网格尺度(2 km×2 km、5 km×5 km和10 km×10 km)景观异质性的定量关系,识别特定尺度起决定作用的景观异质因子.结果表明: 土壤As和Cd均存在不同程度的污染,超标率为5.3%和7.2%; 3个尺度上,土壤As和Cd污染普遍与成土母质构成、河流/道路密度和特定土地利用类型的景观格局呈显著相关,成土母质、污水灌溉和人类活动(如工业交通活动、农药化肥施用等)可能是农业重金属输入的主要途径;3组景观异质因子(即成土母质、距离-密度变量和景观格局)可解释土壤As和Cd污染变异的12.7%~42.9%,解释力度随网格尺度递增,并且在特定尺度上起决定作用的景观异质因子因尺度而异.成土母质对土壤污染变异的贡献在2和10 km网格尺度较大,而景观格局和距离-密度变量的贡献整体随网格由小到大递增.调整农用地分布和优化景观格局是减少局部尺度上土壤重金属输入的重要途径,应引起城市规划和决策者的足够重视.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid products added to reaction mixtures have no effect on HMG-CoA reductase activity. However, in vivo treatment with stigmasterol, cholesterol, ubiquinone or 4-hydroxybenzoic acid inhibits activity in etiolated tissues. The hormones abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) have opposite effects: ABA inhibits, and GA has little effect alone but in combined treatments completely overcomes inhibition by ABA or sterol. The results indicate that hormonal modulation contributes to the regulation of cytosolic HMG-CoA reductase activity.  相似文献   

The vegetation of wetlands show strong zonation patterns, but the mechanisms determining these patterns are not fully understood. In the present study, growth and morphological responses to a water level gradient (–20 cm (i.e. water level 20 cm below soil surface), –10 cm, 0 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm) were compared between a higher elevation plant (Imperata cylindrica) and a lower elevation plant (Carex brevicuspis) in the Dongting Lake wetlands of China. For both species, the aboveground, belowground, and total biomass were greater at –10 cm than at any other water level.. However, when the water level increased from –10 cm to 0 cm, there was a greater decrease in the biomass of I. cylindrica than in that of C. brevicuspis. Plant height, tiller number, leaf length, leaf width and leaf area showed greater variation along the water level gradient in I. cylindrica than in C. brevicuspis. Generally, with increasing water level, root length, rhizome number, and adventitious root biomass and number all decreased in I. cylindrica. However, in C. brevicuspis, neither the rhizome number nor the primary adventitious root biomass differed significantly among the five water levels. These results indicate that I. cylindrica have a lower tolerance for flooding and higher water sensitivity than C. brevicuspis and these differences may explain why I. cylindrica is found at relatively higher elevations that are not prone to flooding, while C. brevicuspis is found at comparatively lower elevations in the Dongting Lake wetlands.  相似文献   

Global environmental change, related to climate change and the deposition of airborne N‐containing contaminants, has already resulted in shifts in plant community composition among plant functional types in Arctic and temperate alpine regions. In this paper, we review how key ecosystem processes will be altered by these transformations, the complex biological cascades and feedbacks that might result, and some of the potential broader consequences for the earth system. Firstly, we consider how patterns of growth and allocation, and nutrient uptake, will be altered by the shifts in plant dominance. The ways in which these changes may disproportionately affect the consumer communities, and rates of decomposition, are then discussed. We show that the occurrence of a broad spectrum of plant growth forms in these regions (from cryptogams to deciduous and evergreen dwarf shrubs, graminoids and forbs), together with hypothesized low functional redundancy, will mean that shifts in plant dominance result in a complex series of biotic cascades, couplings and feedbacks which are supplemental to the direct responses of ecosystem components to the primary global change drivers. The nature of these complex interactions is highlighted using the example of the climate‐driven increase in shrub cover in low‐Arctic tundra, and the contrasting transformations in plant functional composition in mid‐latitude alpine systems. Finally, the potential effects of the transformations on ecosystem properties and processes that link with the earth system are reviewed. We conclude that the effects of global change on these ecosystems, and potential climate‐change feedbacks, cannot be predicted from simple empirical relationships between processes and driving variables. Rather, the effects of changes in species distributions and dominances on key ecosystem processes and properties must also be considered, based upon best estimates of the trajectories of key transformations, their magnitude and rates of change.  相似文献   

Ming Dong 《Oecologia》1995,101(3):282-288
Morphological responses to light and effects of physiological integration on local morphological responses are examined for Hydrocotyle vulgaris and Lamiastrum galeobdolon, stoloniferous herbs from open fenlands and forest understoreys, respectively. An assessment was made of whether these clonal herbs of similar morphology but from contrasting habitats show different foraging behaviour for light. In a garden experiment, the plants wer subjected to four levels of light availability, and to a split treatment in which the primary stolons grew along the border of patches of the two intermediate light levels. In this treatment the plant parts on opposite sides of the primary stolons were in contrasting light environments. Petiole extension was more responsive to light conditions in Hydrocotyle than in Lamiastrum, while the opposite was true for leaf area. Both species showed similar responses in stolon internode length and specific leaf area (SLA). Integration did not significantly modify local responses in stolon internode length in either species. Local responses in petiole length, leaf area and SLA of Hydrocotyle ramets were not significantly affected by physiological integration, except for the SLA of ramets in high light which was evened out by integration. In contrast, in Lamiastrum, local responses in petiole length, leaf area and SLA of many ramets in the shaded and/or light patch were significantly evened out by integration. As a result, interconnected ramets in patches of different light supply developed very different morphologies in Hydrocotyle, but not in Lamiastrum. The results indicate that the species differed in ramet morphological responses to light intensity as well as in effects of integration on local morphological responses, and suggest that species from different habitats show different foraging behaviour for light.  相似文献   

The successful use of predators in classical biocontrol programmes needs several background laboratory investigations, one of which is the evaluation of predator behavioural responses to changes in the density of their prey. The impact effect of the density of two prey species [Myzus persicae Sulzer and Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] on the predation rates of third-instar Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Chrysopidae: Neuroptera) and fourth-instar Coccinella septempunctata L. and Hippodamia variegata Goeze (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) larvae was studied. Although prey species, predator species, prey density, and their interactions all had significant effects on the numbers of aphids consumed, the type of functional response did not vary, remaining a type II response in all treatments. However, the type II parameters differed among predator species on the same prey species, and for each predator species on the two prey species. Chrysoperla. carnea on M. persicae and H. variegata on A. craccivora were more voracious than other predators. In the context of functional response and biological control, the release of these predators, that show inverse density-dependent mortality, has to be started in early season to build up their population on low aphid densities and attack later high aphid populations.  相似文献   

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