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Dysregulated epithelial cell kinetics associated with mucosal barrier dysfunction may be involved in certain intestinal disorders. We previously showed that chronic psychological stress, in the form of repetitive sessions of water avoidance stress (WAS), has a major detrimental impact on ileal barrier function. We hypothesized that these changes were related to a disturbance in enterocyte kinetics. Rats were submitted to WAS (1 h/day) for 5 or 10 days. As previously shown, permeability to macromolecules was enhanced in rats stressed for 5 and 10 days compared with controls. WAS induced a decrease in crypt depth at day 5 associated with an increased number of apoptotic cells. Cell proliferation was significantly increased at days 5 and 10. Villus height and the specific activity of sucrase were significantly reduced at day 10. We concluded that WAS induces a disturbance of epithelial cell kinetics, with the pattern depending on the duration of the stress period. These findings help to explain the mechanism underlying altered epithelial barrier function resulting from exposure to chronic psychological stress.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic transfer is an assisted reproductive technique that involves the infusion of ooplasm from a donor oocyte into a recipient oocyte of inferior developmental competence. Although this technique has shown some success for couples with recurrent in vitro fertilization failure, it results in mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the offspring, defined as the presence of two different mitochondrial genomes in the same individual. Because the long-term health consequences of mitochondrial heteroplasmy are unknown, there is a need for appropriate animal models to evaluate any physiological changes of dual mtDNA genotypes. This longitudinal study was designed as a preliminary screen of basic physiological functions for heteroplasmic mice (NZB mtDNA on a BALB/cByJ background). The mice were tested for cardiovascular and metabolic function, hematological parameters, body mass analysis, ovarian reserve, and tissue histologic abnormalities over a period of 15 mo. Heteroplasmic mice developed systemic hypertension that corrected over time and was accompanied by cardiac changes consistent with pulmonary hypertension. In addition, heteroplasmic animals had increased body mass and fat mass compared with controls at all ages. Finally, these animals had abnormalities in electrolytes and hematological parameters. Our findings suggest that there are significant physiological differences between heteroplasmic and control mice. Because ooplasm transfer appears to be consistently associated with mitochondrial heteroplasmy, children conceived through ooplasm transfer should be closely followed to determine if they are at risk for any health problems.  相似文献   

Transferrin overexpression alters testicular function in aged mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many studies have shown a correlation between transferrin (Tf) concentration and sperm yield in several mammalian species. We have used transgenic mice expressing human Tf (hTf) to investigate if overexpression of Tf increases the efficiency of mouse spermatogenesis. We demonstrated that a 36% increase of Tf does not ameliorate the efficiency of mouse spermatogenesis but on the contrary resulted in a 36% decrease of testis sperm reserves. Tf overexpression had no effect on testicular determination and development, however testicular function of these transgenic mice was affected in an age-dependent manner. At 16 months of age, testicular and epididymal weights were significantly reduced. While spermatogenesis was qualitatively normal, testicular functions were perturbed. In fact, testosterone rate after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation was lower in Tf overexpressing mice. Intratesticular concentration of estradiol-17beta was increased and fluid accumulation after ligation of rete testis was more abundant in these transgenic mice. Surprisingly, we found that endogenous Tf levels were also increased in Tf overexpressing mice and we demonstrated for the first time that Tf may serve to upregulate its own expression in testis. Collectively, our data show that Tf overexpression has negative effects on testicular function and that Tf levels require strict regulation in the testis.  相似文献   

Although acetylcholinesterase (AChE) knockout mice survive, they have abnormal neuromuscular function. We analysed further the effects of the mutation on hind limb muscle contractile properties. Tibialis anterior muscle from AChE KO mice is unable to maintain tension during a short period of repetitive nerve stimulation (tetanic fade) and has an increased twitch tension in response to a single nerve electric stimulation. In response to direct muscle stimulation, we found that maximal velocity of shortening of soleus muscle is increased and maximum tetanic force is decreased in AchE KO mice versus control animals. As the contractile properties of the soleus muscle were altered by AChE ablation, our results suggest cellular and molecular changes in AChE ablated muscle containing both fast and slow muscle fibres.  相似文献   

We examined structure, composition, and endothelial function in cerebral arterioles after 4 wk of chronic renal failure (CRF) in a well-defined murine model (C57BL/6J and apolipoprotein E knockout female mice). We also determined quantitative expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), phosphorylated eNOS (on serine 1177 and threonine 495), and caveolin-1; quantitative expression of markers of vascular inflammation or oxidative stress [Rock-1, Rock-2, VCAM-1, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ)]; and the plasma concentration of L-arginine and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). Our hypothesis was that endothelial function would be impaired in cerebral arterioles during CRF following either a decrease in NO production (through alteration of eNOS expression or regulation) or an increase in NO degradation (due to oxidative stress or vascular inflammation). Endothelium-dependent relaxation was impaired during CRF, but endothelium-independent relaxation was not. CRF had no effect on cerebral arteriolar structure and composition. Quantitative expressions of eNOS, eNOS phosphorylated on serine 1177, caveolin-1, Rock-1, Rock-2, and VCAM-1 were similar in CRF and non-CRF mice. In contrast, quantitative expression of PPARγ (which exercises a protective role on blood vessels) was significantly lower in CRF mice, whereas quantitative expression of eNOS phosphorylated on the threonine 495 (the inactive form of eNOS) was significantly higher. Lastly, the plasma concentration of ADMA (a uremic toxin and an endogenous inhibitor of eNOS) was elevated and plasma concentration of L-arginine was low in CRF. In conclusion, endothelial function is impaired in a mouse model of early stage CRF. These alterations may be related (at least in part) to a decrease in NO production.  相似文献   

Myocardial physiology in the aftermath of myocardial infarction (MI) before remodeling is an under-explored area of investigation. Here, we describe the effects of MI on the cardiac sarcomere with focus on the possible contributions of reactive oxygen species. We surgically induced MI in 6-7-month-old female CD1 mice by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Data were collected 3-4 days after MI or sham (SH) surgery. MI hearts demonstrated ventricular dilatation and systolic dysfunction upon echo cardiographic analysis. Sub-maximum Ca-activated tension in detergent-extracted fiber bundles from papillary muscles increased significantly in the preparations from MI hearts. Ca(2+) sensitivity increased after MI, whereas cooperativity of activation decreased. To assess myosin enzymatic integrity we measured splitting of Ca-ATP in myofibrillar preparations, which demonstrated a decline in Ca-ATPase activity of myofilament myosin. Biochemical analysis demonstrated post-translational modification of sarcomeric proteins. Phosphorylation of cardiac troponin I and myosin light chain 2 was reduced after MI in papillary samples, as measured using a phospho-specific stain. Tropomyosin was oxidized after MI, forming disulfide products detectable by diagonal non-reducing-reducing SDS-PAGE. Our analysis of myocardial protein oxidation post-MI also demonstrated increased S-glutathionylation. We functionally linked protein oxidation with sarcomere function by treating skinned fibers with the sulfhydryl reducing agent dithiothreitol, which reduced Ca(2+) sensitivity in MI, but not SH, samples. Our data indicate important structural and functional alterations to the cardiac sarcomere after MI, and the contribution of protein oxidation to this process.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that human beta(2)-microglobulin (h-beta(2)m) blocks the association between the NK cell inhibitory receptor Ly49C and H-2K(b). Given this finding, we therefore sought to assess the immunobiology of NK cells derived from C57BL/6 (H-2(b)) mice expressing exclusively h-beta(2)m. Initial analysis revealed that the Ly49C expression profile of NK cells from h-beta(2)m(+) mice was modified, despite the fact that H-2K(b) expression was normal in these mice. Moreover, the NK cells were not anergic in that IL-2 treatment of h-beta(2)m(+) NK cells in vitro enabled efficient lysis of prototypic tumor cell lines as well as of syngeneic h-beta(2)m(+) lymphoblasts. This loss of self-tolerance appeared to correlate with the activation status of h-beta(2)m(+) NK cells because quiescent h-beta(2)m(+) transplant recipients maintained h-beta(2)m(+) grafts but polyinosine:polycytidylic acid-treated recipients acutely rejected h-beta(2)m(+) grafts. NK cell reactivity toward h-beta(2)m(+) targets was attributed to defective Ly49C interactions with h-beta(2)m:H-2K(b) molecules. With regard to NK cell regulatory mechanisms, we observed that h-beta(2)m:H-2K(b) complexes in the cis-configuration were inefficient at regulating Ly49C and, furthermore, that receptor-mediated uptake of h-beta(2)m:H-2K(b) by Ly49C was impaired compared with uptake of mouse beta(2)m:H-2K(b). Thus, we conclude that transgenic expression of h-beta(2)m alters self-MHC class I in such a way that it modulates the NK cell phenotype and interferes with regulatory mechanisms, which in turn causes in vitro-expanded and polyinosine:polycytidylic acid-activated NK cells to be partially self-reactive similar to what is seen with NK cells derived from MHC class I-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells of the digestive tracts of most animals are short-lived, and are constantly replenished by the progeny of long-lived, resident intestinal stem cells. Proper regulation of intestinal stem cell maintenance, proliferation and differentiation is critical for maintaining gut homeostasis. Here we review recent genetic studies of stem cell-mediated homeostatic growth in the Drosophila midgut and the mouse small intestine, highlighting similarities and differences in the mechanisms that control stem cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus-X protein (HBx) regulates fundamental aspects of mitochondrial physiology. We show that HBx down-regulates mitochondrial enzymes involved in electron transport in oxidative phosphorylation (complexes I, III, IV, and V) and sensitizes the mitochondrial membrane potential in a hepatoma cell line. HBx also increases the level of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxide production. HBx does not activate apoptotic signaling, although it sensitizes hepatoma cells to apoptotic signaling, which is dependent on reactive oxygen species. Increased intrahepatic lipid peroxidation in HBx transgenic mice demonstrated that oxidative injury occurs as a direct result of HBx expression. Therefore, we conclude that mitochondrial dysfunction is a crucial pathophysiological factor in HBx-expressing hepatoma cells and provides an experimental rationale in the investigation of mitochondrial function in rapidly renewed tissues, as in hepatocellular carcinomas.  相似文献   

Curcumin is a dietary phytochemical associated with anti-tumorigenic effects, but the mechanisms by which it inhibits cancer cell growth and metastasis are not completely understood. For example, little information is available regarding the effects of curcumin on cytoskeletal organization and function. In this study, time-lapse video and immunofluorescence labeling methods were used to demonstrate that curcumin significantly alters microfilament organization and cell motility in PC-3 and LNCaP human prostate cancer cells in vitro. Curcumin rapidly arrests cell movements and subsequently alters cell shape in the highly motile PC-3 cell line, but has a less noticeable effect on the relatively immobile LNCaP cell line. Stress fibers are augmented, and the overall quantity of f-actin appears to increase in both types of cells following curcumin treatment. Cytochalasin B (CB) disrupts microfilament organization in both cell lines, and causes vigorous membrane blebbing in PC-3 cells, but not LNCaP cells. Pre-treatment of cells with curcumin suppresses changes in microfilament organization caused by CB, and blocks PC-3 membrane blebbing. At least some of the effects of curcumin appear to be mediated by protein kinase C (PKC), as treatment with the PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide inhibits the ability of curcumin to block CB-induced membrane blebbing. These findings demonstrate that curcumin exerts significant effects on the actin cytoskeleton in prostate cancer cells, including altering microfilament organization and function. This is a novel observation that may represent an important mechanism by which curcumin functions as a chemopreventative agent, and as an inhibitor of angiogenesis and metastasis.  相似文献   

We have assessed the biologic role of IL-4 by fusing its gene to an immunoglobulin promoter/enhancer and introducing it into transgenic mice. By attenuating the transgene promoter through the insertion of E. coli lac operator sequences, we have created a series of animals that constitutively express varying amounts of IL-4. Overexpression of IL-4 results in a marked increase in serum IgE levels and the appearance of an inflammatory ocular lesion (blepharitis) with characteristic histopathologic features seen in allergic reactions. In addition, expression of the IL-4 transgene in the thymus perturbs T cell maturation, reducing the population of immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and peripheral T cells while increasing the population of mature CD8+ thymocytes. These results demonstrate that deregulation of a single cytokine gene in vivo can induce a complex inflammatory reaction resembling that observed in human allergic disease.  相似文献   

Obesity is a mounting health concern in the United States and is associated with an increased risk for developing several cancers, including renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Despite this, little is known regarding the impact of obesity on antitumor immunity. Because dendritic cells (DC) are critical regulators of antitumor immunity, we examined the combined effects of obesity and tumor outgrowth on DC function. Using a diet-induced obesity (DIO) model, DC function was evaluated in mice bearing orthotopic RCC and in tumor-free controls. Tumor-free DIO mice had profoundly altered serum cytokine and chemokine profiles, with upregulation of 15 proteins, including IL-1α, IL-17, and LIF. Tumor-free DIO mice had elevated percentages of conventional splenic DC that were impaired in their ability to stimulate naive T cell expansion, although they were phenotypically similar to normal weight (NW) controls. In DIO mice, intrarenal RCC tumor challenge in the absence of therapy led to increased local infiltration by T cell-suppressive DC and accelerated early tumor outgrowth. Following administration of a DC-dependent immunotherapy, established RCC tumors regressed in normal weight mice. The same immunotherapy was ineffective in DIO mice and was characterized by an accumulation of regulatory DC in tumor-bearing kidneys, decreased local infiltration by IFN-γ-producing CD8 T cells, and progressive tumor outgrowth. Our results suggest that the presence of obesity as a comorbidity can impair the efficacy of DC-dependent antitumor immunotherapies.  相似文献   

The demands that are imposed on the liver as a result of its function as a metabolic organ that extracts nutrients and clears gut-derived microbial products from the blood are met by a unique microanatomical and immunological environment. The inherent tolerogenicity of the liver and its role in the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity are mediated by parenchymal and non-parenchymal antigen-presenting cells (APCs), cell-autonomous molecular pathways and locally produced factors. Here, we review the central role of liver APCs in the regulation of hepatic immune function and also consider how recent insights may be applied in strategies to target liver tolerance for disease therapy.  相似文献   


Disruptions to the circadian rhythm can lead to altered metabolism. Modification of thyroid function may be a reason why circadian misalignment may contribute to future metabolic disorders. We investigated whether circadian disruption through constant light (LL) can lead to variations in hormone levels associated with thyroid function. Mice were exposed to LL or a 12:12 Light:Dark (LD) cycle for 6 weeks; then glucose tolerance and thyroid hormone levels were measured at ZT 6 and ZT 18. There was day/night variation in glucose tolerance, but LL had no effect. LL reduced TSH, increased fT4, and abolished day/night variation in fT3 and leptin. These findings illustrate that LL alters thyroid-related hormones, providing evidence of a link between circadian disruption and thyroid function.  相似文献   

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