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We have determined the genomic structure of an integrin β-subunit gene from the coral, Acropora millepora. The coding region of the gene contains 26 introns, spaced relatively uniformly, and this is significantly more than have been found in any integrin β-subunit genes from higher animals. Twenty-five of the 26 coral introns are also found in a β-subunit gene from at least one other phylum, indicating that the coral introns are ancestral. While there are some suggestions of intron gain or sliding, the predominant theme seen in the homologues from higher animals is extensive intron loss. The coral baseline allows one to infer that a number of introns found in only one phylum of higher animals result from frequent intron loss, as opposed to the seemingly more parsimonious alternative of isolated intron gain. The patterns of intron loss confirm results from protein sequences that most of the vertebrate genes, with the exception of β4, belong to one of two β subunit families. The similarity of the patterns within each of the β1,2,7 and β3,5,6,8 groups indicates that these gene structures have been very stable since early vertebrate evolution. Intron loss has been more extensive in the invertebrate genes, and obvious patterns have yet to emerge in this more limited data set. Received: 5 March 2001 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

Nonrandomness in the intron and exon phase distributions in a sample of 305 human genes has been found and analyzed. It was shown that exon duplications had a significant effect on the exon phase nonrandomness. All of the nonrandomness is probably due to both the processes of exon duplication and shuffling. A quantitative estimation of exon duplications in the human genome and their influence on the intron and exon phase distributions has been analyzed. According to our estimation, the proportion of duplicated exons in the human genome constitutes at least 6% of the total. Generalizing the particular case of exon duplication to the more common event of exon shuffling, we modeled and analyzed the influence of exon shuffling on intron phase distribution. Received: 28 March 1997 / Accepted: 9 July 1997  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the evolutionary rates of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes of primates and other mammals. Five primate genes were sequenced, and this information was combined with published data from other species. The sequences from simian primates show approximately twofold increases in their nonsynonymous substitution rate compared to those from other primates and other mammals. The species range and the overall magnitude of this rate increase are similar to those previously identified for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II and cytochrome b genes. Received: 22 July 1999 / Accepted: 21 February 2000  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence that males serve as the major generators of mutations, due to the larger number of cell divisions involved in sperm compared to egg production. In mammals, this hypothesis (referred to as ``male-driven evolution') has been tested by comparison of nucleotide substitution rates on the X and Y sex chromosomes in a limited number of taxa, predominantly primates and rodents. This study asks whether male-driven evolution is a more general phenomenon among mammals, by comparison of paralogous ZFX and ZFY intron sequences in sheep and goat species (the tribe Caprini). The male-to-female mutation ratio, αm, was estimated to be between 2.93 (95% CI, 1.51–8.61) and 3.94 (95% CI, 1.25–32.29) when calculated using pairwise distance and branch length, respectively, suggesting that the Caprini are subject to weak, male-driven evolution. Comparison to published values for primates, felids, and rodents implies that there may be some correlation with reproductive life span. However, this is difficult to test with current data because confidence intervals are large and overlapping. Nonindependent evolution of paralogous sequences and/or the presence of selective constraints could lead to inaccurate estimates of αm. No evidence for gene conversion between the ZFX and the ZFY introns was found, and this suggests that they have evolved independently during the radiation of the Caprini. Finally, there was no apparent evidence that these introns are subject to selective constraints, although low levels of intraspecific polymorphism reduce the power of neutrality tests. Received: 13 February 2001 / Accepted: 23 May 2001  相似文献   

Large dsDNA-containing chlorella viruses encode a pyrimidine dimer-specific glycosylase (PDG) that initiates repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers. The PDG enzyme is a homologue of the bacteriophage T4-encoded endonuclease V. The pdg gene was cloned and sequenced from 42 chlorella viruses isolated over a 12-year period from diverse geographic regions. Surprisingly, the pdg gene from 15 of these 42 viruses contain a 98-nucleotide intron that is 100% conserved among the viruses and another 4 viruses contain an 81-nucleotide intron, in the same position, that is nearly 100% identical (one virus differed by one base). In contrast, the nucleotides in the pdg coding regions (exons) from the intron-containing viruses are 84 to 100% identical. The introns in the pdg gene have 5′-AG/GTATGT and 3′-TTGCAG/AA splice site sequences which are characteristic of nuclear-located, spliceosomal processed pre-mRNA introns. The 100% identity of the 98-nucleotide intron sequence in the 15 viruses and the near-perfect identity of an 81-nucleotide intron sequence in another 4 viruses imply strong selective pressure to maintain the DNA sequence of the intron when it is in the pdg gene. However, the ability of intron-plus and intron-minus viruses to repair UV-damaged DNA in the dark was nearly identical. These findings contradict the widely accepted dogma that intron sequences are more variable than exon sequences. Received: 13 May 1999 / Accepted: 20 August 1999  相似文献   

We obtained 16 nucleotide sequences (∼1400 bp each) of the first intron of the mitochondrial (mt) gene for NADH subunit 4 (nad4) from 10 species of Brassicaceae. Using these new sequences and five published sequences from GenBank, we constructed a phylogenetic tree of the Brassicaceae species under study and showed that the rate of nucleotide substitution in the first intron of nad4 is very low, about 0.16–0.23 × 10−9 substitution per site per year, which is about half of the silent rate in exons of nad4. The ratios of substitution rates in this intron, ITS, and IGS are approximately 1:23:73, where ITS is the nuclear intergenic spacer between 18S and 25S rRNA genes and IGS is the intergenic spacer of 5S rRNA genes. A segment (335 bp) in the first intron of nad4 in Brassicaceae species that is absent in wheat was considered as a nonfunctional sequence and used to estimate the neutral rate (the rate of mutation) in mtDNA to be 0.5–0.7 × 10−9 substitution per site per year, which is about three times higher than the substitution rate in the rest of the first intron of nad4. We estimated that the dates of divergence are 170–235 million years (Myr) for the monocot–dicot split, 112–156 Myr for the Brassicaceae–Lettuce split, 14.5–20.4 Myr for the Brassica–Arabidopsis split, and 14.5–20.4 Myr for the Arabidopsis–Arabideae split. Received: 14 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 October 1998  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the 18S rDNA coding gene in the ascomycetes parasitic fungus Isaria japonica contains a group I intron with a length of 379 nucleotides. The identification of the DNA sequence as a group I intron is based on its sequence homology to other fungal group I introns. Its group I intron contained the highly conserved sequence elements P, Q, R, and S found in other group I introns. Surprisingly, the intron sequence of I. japonica is more similar to that of Ustilago maydis than to the one found in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. This is in contrast to the sequence identity found on the neighboring rDNA. This is an interesting finding and suggests a horizontal transfer of group I intron sequences. Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1998  相似文献   

Because avian females are heterogametic, the reverse of mammals, avian sex chromosomes undergo significantly different patterns and numbers of DNA replications than do those in mammals. This makes the W (female-specific) and the Z chromosomes an excellent model system for the study of the replicative division hypothesis, which purports that DNA substitution rate is determined by the number of germline replications. The sex-specific chromosome in birds (the W) is predicted to change at the slowest rate of all avian chromosomes because it undergoes the fewest rounds of replication per unit of evolutionary time. Using published data on gametogenesis from a variety of sources, we estimated the ratio of male-to-female germline replications (c) in galliforms and anseriforms to be approximately 4.4. The value of c should predict the value of the ratio of male-to-female mutation rates (αm) if the replicative division hypothesis is true. Homologous DNA sequences including an intron and parts of two exons of the CHD gene were obtained from the W and the Z chromosomes in ostrich, sage grouse, canvasback duck, tundra swan, and snow goose. The exons show significantly different nucleotide composition from the introns, and the W-linked exons show evidence of relaxed constraint. The Z-linked intron is diverging ≈ 3.1 times faster than the W-linked intron. From this, αm was calculated to be approximately 4.1, with a confidence interval of 3.1 to 5.1. The data support the idea that the number of replicative divisions is a major determinant of substitution rate in the Eoavian genome. Received: 19 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 June 1999  相似文献   

Employing a set of 43 othologous mouse and rat genes, Hughes and Yeager (J. Mol. Evol. 45:125–130, 1997) reported (1) no correlation between synonymous and nonsynonymous rates of nucleotide substitution, (2) a positive correlation between intronic GC contents (GC i) and intronic substitution rates (K i), (3) that the average K i value was very similar to the average K s value, and (4) that the compositional correlation between the rat and the mouse genes is stronger at the third codon position (GC3) than at the first and second codon positions (GC12). We have examined the robustness of these results to alterations in substitution rate estimation protocol, alignment protocol, and statistical procedure. We find that a significant correlation between K a and K s is observed either if a rank correlation statistic is used instead of regression analysis, if one outlier is excluded from the analysis, or if a regression weighted by gene size is employed. The correlation between K i and GC i we find to be sensitive to changes in alignment protocol and disappears on the use of weighted means. The finding that K s and K i are approximately the same is dependent on the method for estimating K s values. Finally, the variance around the regression line of rat GC3 versus mouse GC3 we find to be significantly higher than that in GC12. The source of the discrepancy between this and Hughes and Yeager's result is unclear. The variance around the line for GC4 is higher still, as might be expected. Using a methodology that may be considered preferable to that of Hughes and Yeager, we find that all four of their results are contradicted. More importantly this analysis reinforces the need for caution in assembling and analyzing data sets, as the degree of sensitivity to what many might consider minor methodological alterations is unexpected. Received: 2 February 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

In viruses an increased coding ability is provided by overlapping genes, in which two alternative open reading frames (ORFs) may be translated to yield two distinct proteins. The identification of signature sequences in overlapping genes is a topic of particular interest, since additional out-of-frame coding regions can be nested within known genes. In this work, a novel feature peculiar to overlapping coding regions is presented. It was detected by analysis of a sample set of 21 virus genomic sequences and consisted in the repeated occurrence of a cluster of basic amino acid residues, encoded by a frame, combined to a stretch of acidic residues, encoded by the corresponding overlapping frame. A computer scan of an additional set of virus sequences demonstrated that this feature is common to several other known overlapping ORFs and led to prediction of a novel overlapping gene in hepatitis G virus (HGV). The occurrence of a bifunctional coding region in HGV was also supported by its extremely lower rate of synonymous nucleotide substitutions compared to that observed in the other gene regions of the HGV genome. Analysis of the amino acid sequence that was deduced from the putative overlapping gene revealed a high content of basic residues and the presence of a nuclear targeting signal; these characteristics suggest that a core-like protein may be expressed by this novel ORF. Received: 21 July 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

Identifying the G + C difference between closely related bacterial species or between different strains of the same species is one of the first steps in understanding the evolutionary mechanisms accounting for the differences observed among bacterial species. The G + C content can be one of the most important factors in the evolution of genomic structures. In this paper, we describe a new method for detecting an initial stage of differentiation of the G + C content at the third codon base position between two strains of the same bacterial species. We apply this method to the two strains of Helicobacter pylori. A group of genes is detected with large variations of G + C in the third positions—apparently genes of early response to pressures of changing G + C. We discuss our findings from the viewpoint of genomic evolution. Received: 26 February 2001 / Accepted: 16 May 2001  相似文献   

The ubiquitous glyoxalase system, which is composed of two enzymes, removes cellular cytotoxic methylglyoxal (MG). In an effort to identify critical residues conserved in the evolution of the first enzyme in this system, glyoxalase I (GlxI), as well as the structural implications of sequence alterations in this enzyme, a search of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database of unfinished genomes was undertaken. Eleven putative GlxI sequences from pathogenic organisms were identified and analyses of these sequences in relation to the known and previously identified GlxI enzymes were performed. Several of these sequences show a very high similarity to the Escherichia coli GlxI sequence, most notably the 79% identity of the sequence identified from Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague. In addition to the conservation of residues critical to binding the catalytic metal in all of the proposed GlxI enzymes, four regions in the Homo sapiens GlxI enzyme are absent in all of the bacterial GlxI sequences, with the exception of Pseudomonas putida. Removal of these regions may alter the active-site conformation of the bacterial enzymes in relation to that of the H. sapiens. These differences may be targeted for the development of inhibitors selective to the bacterial enzymes. Received: 13 October 1999 / Accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

The larval cuticle protein genes (Lcps) represent a multigene family located at the right arm of the metacentric autosome 2 (2R) in Drosophila melanogaster. Due to a chromosome fusion the Lcp locus of Drosophila miranda is situated on a pair of secondary sex chromosomes, the X2 and neo-Y chromosome. Comparing the DNA sequences from D. miranda and D. melanogaster organization and the gene arrangement of Lcp1–Lcp4 are similar, although the intergene distances vary considerably. The greatest difference between Lcp1 and Lcp2 is due to the occurrence of a pseudogene in D. melanogaster which is not present in D. miranda. Thus the cluster of the four Lcp genes existed already before the separation of the melanogaster and obscura group. Intraspecific homogenizations of different cluster units must have occurred repeatedly between the Lcp1/Lcp2 and Lcp3/Lcp4 sequence types. The most obvious example is exon 2 of the Lcp3 gene in D. miranda, which has been substituted by the corresponding section of the Lcp4 gene rather recently. The homogenization must have occurred before the translocation which generated the neo-Y chromosome. Lcp3 of D. melanogaster has therefore no orthologous partner in D. miranda. Rearrangements in the promoter regions of the D. miranda Lcp genes have generated new, potentially functional CAAT-box motifs. Since three of the Lcp alleles on the neo-Y are not expressed and Lcp3 is expressed only at a reduced level, it is suggestive to speculate that the rearrangements might be involved as cis-regulatory elements in the up-regulation of the X2-chromosomal Lcp alleles, in Drosophila an essential process for dosage compensation. The Lcp genes on the neo-Y chromosome have accumulated more base substitutions than the corresponding alleles on the X2. Received: 27 December 1995 / Accepted: 30 April 1996  相似文献   

We analyzed the phylogenetic relationship between the species of Lordiphosa and other Drosophilidae using alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene sequences. The phylogenetic trees consistently show that the four species Drosophila kurokawai, D. collinella, D. stackelbergi, and D. clarofinis, which include three species groups of Lordiphosa, form a monophyletic clade. This clade is placed as a sister group to the willistoni and saltans groups of Sophophora. On the other hand, three species of Lordiphosa, D. tenuicauda, D. pseudotenuicauda, and D. acutissima, all of which belong to the tenuicauda group, are not shown to be related to the major Lordiphosa lineage. In the phylogenetic trees, these species are included into the clade comprised of Drosophila and Hirtodrosophila, although it remains uncertain whether the tenuicauda group is a monophyletic group or not. These results indicate that Lordiphosa is polyphyletic and that most of the members of the subgenus have a close relationship to the neotropical groups of Sophophora. The above conclusion is compatible with the hypothesis of Okada (Mushi [1963] 37:79–100) and Lastovka and Máca (Acta Ent Bohemoslov [1978] 75:404–420) that Lordiphosa is most closely related to Sophophora; in contrast, our results contradict the hypothesis of Grimaldi (Bull Am Mus Nat Hist [1990] 197:1–139) that Lordiphosa is a sister group to the genus Scaptomyza. Received: 12 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

To study the evolution of mtDNA and the intergeneric relationships of New World Jays (Aves: Corvidae), we sequenced the entire mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) from 21 species representing all genera of New World jays, an Old World jay, crows, and a magpie. Using maximum likelihood methods, we found that both the transition/transversion ratio (κ) and among site rate variation (α) were higher in flanking domains I and II than in the conserved central domain and that the frequency of indels was highest in domain II. Estimates of κ and α were much more influenced by the density of taxon sampling than by alternative optimal tree topologies. We implemented a successive approximation method incorporating these parameters into phylogenetic analysis. In addition we compared our study in detail to a previous study using cytochrome b and morphology to examine the effect of taxon sampling, evolutionary rates of genes, and combined data on tree resolution. We found that the particular weighting scheme used had no effect on tree topology and little effect on tree robustness. Taxon sampling had a significant effect on tree robustness but little effect on the topology of the best tree. The CR data set differed nonsignificantly from the tree derived from the cytochrome b/morphological data set primarily in the placement of the genus Gymnorhinus, which is near the base of the CR tree. However, contrary to conventional taxonomy, the CR data set suggested that blue and black jays (Cyanocorax sensu lato) might be paraphyletic and that the brown jay Psilorhinus (=Cyanocorax) morio is the sister group to magpie jays (Calocitta), a phylogenetic hypothesis that is likely as parsimonious with regard to nonmolecular characters as monophyly of Cyanocorax. The CR tree also suggests that the common ancestor of NWJs was likely a cooperative breeder. Consistent with recent systematic theory, our data suggest that DNA sequences with high substitution rates such as the CR may nonetheless be useful in reconstructing relatively deep phylogenetic nodes in avian groups. Received: 10 November 1999 / Accepted: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Bush babies have had a long history of nocturnal life and it would be interesting to know whether their color vision genes have become degenerate. Therefore, we used PCR techniques to sequence the X-linked pigment gene of two of these nocturnal prosimians: Galago senegalensis and Otolemur garnettii. Southern hybridization of genomic DNA of G. senegalensis showed a single X-linked pigment gene. Interestingly, the deduced pigment sequences of the two bush babies are identical. By comparing the X-linked pigments of bush baby, human, squirrel monkey, and marmoset, 38 variable positions were identified. At those positions that may cause a spectral shift, the bush baby pigment has identical or biochemically similar residues to those of the marmoset cone pigment with a spectral peak of 543 nm. This result is consistent with the estimate of 544–545 nm for the spectral peak of the X-linked pigment of Otolemur crassicaudatus, which is closely related to Otolemur garnettii. The neighbor-joining tree of mammalian X-linked pigments showed a significantly shorter branch in the bush baby lineage than in other primate lineages. A relative rate test showed that the nonsynonymous substitution rate of the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is about three times slower than that of the human red pigment gene, though the synonymous substitution rates of the two genes are similar. The slower nonsynonymous rate in the bush baby lineage suggests that the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is under functional constraints, in spite of its nocturnal life. Two radical changes at positions in the intradiskal surface next to the sixth transmembrane domain were observed in the X-linked cone pigment of bush babies but not in other primates. They are changes from Ala to Ser and from Asn to His, which are similar in function to the corresponding residues in rhodopsins. These two changes may be of importance for dim light sensitivity, which is consistent with our proposal that the evolution of the bush baby X-linked pigment gene is under selective pressure. In addition, the 2.5% divergence in introns 2 and 5 of the X-linked pigment gene between the two bush babies supports their classification into two separate genera. Received: 30 November 1996 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

The polyubiquitin gene, encoding tandemly repeated multiple ubiquitins, constitutes a uniquitin gene subfamily. It has been demonstrated that polyubiquitin genes are subject to concerted evolution; namely, the individual ubiquitin coding units contained within a polyubiquitin gene are more similar to one another than they are to the ubiquitin coding units in the orthologous gene from other species. However there has been no comprehensive study on the concerted evolution of polyubiquitin genes in a wide range of species, because the relationships (orthologous or paralogous) among multiple polyubiquitin genes from different species have not been extensively analyzed yet. In this report, we present the results of analyzing the nucleotide sequence of polyubiquitin genes of mammals, available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank nucleotide sequence databases, in which we found that there are two groups of polyubiquitin genes in an orthologous relationship. Based on this result, we analyzed the concerted evolution of the polyubiquitin gene in various species and compared the frequency of concerted evolutionary events interspecifically by taking into consideration that the rate of synonymous substitution at the polyubiquitin gene locus may vary depending on species. We found that the concerted evolutionary events in polyubiquitin genes have been more frequent in rats and Chinese hamsters than those in humans, cows, and sheep. The guinea pig polyubiquitin gene was an intermediate example. The frequency of concerted evolution in the mouse gene was unexpectedly low compared to that of other rodent genes. Received: 18 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

Seven new Italian and two new British HTLV-II isolates were obtained from injecting drug users and the entire long terminal repeat (LTR) region was sequenced. Restriction analysis showed that all the Italian isolates are of the IIb subtype, whereas the British isolates are of the IIa subtype. To understand whether the further differentiation of each two principal HTLV-II subtypes in several subgroups could be statistically supported by phylogenetic analysis, the neighbor-joining, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods were used. The separation between IIa and IIb is very well supported by all three methods. At least two phylogenetic subgroups exist within the HTLV-IIa and at least three within the HTLV-IIb subtype. In the present analysis, no statistical support was obtained for additional phylogroups. Two particular subgroups seem interesting because they include all European and North American injecting drug user strains within the IIa and IIb subtypes, respectively. These data confirm that European HTLV-II infection among drug users is probably derived from North America. They also suggest that though a certain differentiation by restriction analysis in different subgroups is possible, carefully interpreted phylogenetic analyses remain necessary. Using the likelihood ratio test, a molecular clock for the drug user strains was calibrated. A fixation rate between 1.08 × 10−4 and 2.7 × 10−5 nucleotide substitutions per site per year was calculated for the IIa and IIb injecting drug user strains. This is the lowest fixation rate so far reported for RNA viruses, including for HIV, which typically range between 10−2 and 10−4.  相似文献   

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