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Hyphal walls of Aspergillus awamori containing increased amount of the alpha-glucan, nigeran, became correspondingly more opaque when viewed in the electron microscope as shadowed preparations. However, increased polymer deposition was not accompanied by any significant change in wall thickness. The nigeran of both A. awamori and Aspergillus niger occurred in situ in a crystalline conformation identical to that of single crystals prepared with pure polysaccharide. Furthermore, this polymer was the dominant crystalline material in the hyphae whether or not they were enriched in nigeran. Enzymic digestion of nigeran in A. niger and A. awamori revealed that the bulk of the polymer was exposed to the cell's exterior. However, a certain fraction was accessible to enzymic attack only after the wall was treated with boiling water. A third portion, detectable only by x-ray diffraction, was associated with other components and could not be extracted, even with prolonged boiling. It was removed by hot, dilute alkali and was associated in the wall with another glucan fraction. Dry heating of A. niger walls altered their susceptibility to enzymic digestion of nigeran in situ. It is proposed that this treatment introduces interstices in the crystal surface that facilitate attack.  相似文献   

Oxalate accumulation of up to 8 g/liter was induced in Aspergillus niger by shifting the pH from 6 to 8. This required the presence of Pi and a nitrogen source and was inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Exogenously added 14CO2 was not incorporated into oxalate, but was incorporated into acetate and malate, thus indicating the biosynthesis of oxalate by hydrolytic cleavage of oxaloacetate. Inhibition of mitochondrial citrate metabolism by fluorocitrate did not significantly decrease the oxalate yield. The putative enzyme that was responsible for this was oxaloacetate hydrolase (EC, which was induced de novo during the pH shift. Subcellular fractionation of oxalic acid-forming mycelia of A. niger showed that this enzyme is located in the cytoplasm of A. niger. The results are consistent with a cytoplasmic pathway of oxalate formation which does not involve the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

Pyruvate carboxylase has been found in the mitochondrial fraction of two strains of Aspergillus niger along with the marker enzymes of citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase. The location of pyruvate carboxylase in A. nidulans was, however, confirmed to be in the cytosolic fraction. The enzyme from the former sources was dependent upon the presence of acetyl-CoA for full activity; the enzyme from A. nidulans was unaffected by the presence or absence of acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins in fungi are found at the cell surface, either as plasma membrane proteins (GPI-PMPs) or attached by a remnant of the GPI-anchor to the cell wall (GPI-CWPs). GPI-CWPs can be extracted from the cell wall by treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF), which cleaves the phosphodiester bond that is present in the remnant of the GPI-anchor. The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger contains at least seven HF-extractable cell wall mannoproteins. One gene encoding an HF-extractable cell wall mannoprotein, cwpA, was cloned and further characterised. The protein sequence of CwpA indicated the presence of two hydrophobic signal sequences both at the N-terminus and C-terminus of the protein, for entering the ER and the addition of a GPI-anchor, respectively. A CwpA-specific antiserum was raised and in combination with fractionation experiments, we show that this protein was abundantly present as an HF-extractable protein in the cell wall of A. niger.  相似文献   

The identification of suitable targets is crucial for the discovery and development of new antifungals. Since the fungal cell wall is an essential organelle, the identification of genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis is expected to help discover new antifungal targets. From our previously obtained collection of cell wall mutants with a constitutively active cell wall stress response pathway, we selected a thermosensitive, osmotic-remediable mutant with decreased resistance to SDS for complementation analysis. The phenotypes of this mutant were complemented by a gene encoding a protein with high sequence similarity to subunit d of the eukaryotic Vacuolar-H(+)-ATPase (VmaD). Genetic analysis of this thermosensitive mutant revealed that the conditional mutant allele encodes a protein that lacks 12 amino acids at the C-terminus due to a point mutation that introduces a stop codon. Deletion of the entire gene resulted in very poor growth. The conditional mutant displayed several phenotypes that are typical for V-ATPase mutants, including increased sensitivity to zinc ions and reduced acidification of the vacuole as observed by quinacrine staining. Treatment of Aspergillus niger with the V-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycinB(1) induced the expression of agsA and other cell wall related genes. Furthermore genes involved in cell wall reassembly like fksA, agsA and phiA were clearly up-regulated in the conditional mutant. Our results indicate that the ATP-driven transport of protons and acidification of the vacuole is crucial for the strength of the fungal cell wall and that reduced activity of the V-ATPase induces the cell wall stress response pathway.  相似文献   

Oxalate accumulation of up to 8 g/liter was induced in Aspergillus niger by shifting the pH from 6 to 8. This required the presence of Pi and a nitrogen source and was inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Exogenously added 14CO2 was not incorporated into oxalate, but was incorporated into acetate and malate, thus indicating the biosynthesis of oxalate by hydrolytic cleavage of oxaloacetate. Inhibition of mitochondrial citrate metabolism by fluorocitrate did not significantly decrease the oxalate yield. The putative enzyme that was responsible for this was oxaloacetate hydrolase (EC, which was induced de novo during the pH shift. Subcellular fractionation of oxalic acid-forming mycelia of A. niger showed that this enzyme is located in the cytoplasm of A. niger. The results are consistent with a cytoplasmic pathway of oxalate formation which does not involve the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

K R Thomas  B Davis  J Mills 《Microbios》1979,25(100):111-123
The effects of beta-glucuronidase and chitinase have been tested on the hydrolysis of the cell walls of the economically important fungi, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigatus. The extent of wall hydrolysis was measured by assaying for total reducing sugars, N-acetyl sugars and protoplast production. Maximum reducing sugar release was attained after 40 min incubation, both with beta-glucuronidase supplemented with chitinase and beta-glucuronidase alone, whereas N-acetyl sugar release reached a maximum at 80 min incubation. beta-Glucuronidase was effective in releasing protoplasts from both species of Aspergillus. This release was enhanced by adding chitinase to the incubation medium at 0 and 20 min, but with addition at 60, 80 and 100 min increase in protoplast yield was much reduced. The results of re-incubation experiments with chitinase suggest that this enzyme may in some way be inhibited during the later stages of incubation. Pronase used in combination with beta-glucuronidase slightly enhanced protoplast release.  相似文献   

To identify cell wall biosynthetic genes in filamentous fungi and thus potential targets for the discovery of new antifungals, we developed a novel screening method for cell wall mutants. It is based on our earlier observation that the Aspergillus niger agsA gene, which encodes a putative alpha-glucan synthase, is strongly induced in response to cell wall stress. By placing the agsA promoter region in front of a selectable marker, the acetamidase (amdS) gene of A. nidulans, we reasoned that cell wall mutants with a constitutively active cell wall stress response pathway could be identified by selecting mutants for growth on acetamide as the sole nitrogen source. For the genetic screen, a strain was constructed that contained two reporter genes controlled by the same promoter: the metabolic reporter gene PagsA-amdS and PagsA-H2B-GFP, which encodes a GFP-tagged nuclear protein. The primary screen yielded 161 mutants that were subjected to various cell wall-related secondary screens. Four calcofluor white-hypersensitive, osmotic-remediable thermosensitive mutants were selected for complementation analysis. Three mutants were complemented by the same gene, which encoded a protein with high sequence identity with eukaryotic UDP-galactopyranose mutases (UgmA). Our results indicate that galactofuranose formation is important for fungal cell wall biosynthesis and represents an attractive target for the development of antifungals.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution and maximal activities of nine enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of citric acid in Aspergillus niger were determined under conditions of growth and of citric acid production. Under these conditions the intracellular location of the enzymes in most cases resembled that described for other filamentous fungi. Pyruvate carboxylase was found predominantly or exclusively in the cytosol. A single isoenzyme of NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase was present, which appeared to be localised in the mitochondrion. No significant differences in maximal enzyme activities were observed except for NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, which showed decreased activity in production-phase mycelia. The results obtained support the scheme proposed by C.P. Kubicek for the intracellular organisation of citric acid formation but provide little evidence that this process is controlled at the level of the biosynthesis of any of the enzymes examined here.  相似文献   

Morphology and cell wall composition of Aspergillus niger were studied under conditions of manganese sufficient or deficient cultivation in an otherwise citric acid producing medium. Omission of Mn2+ (less than 10-7 M) from the nutrient medium of Aspergillus niger results in abnormal morphological development which is characterized by increased spore swelling, and squat, bulbeous hyphae. Fractionation and analysis of manganese deficient cell walls revealed increased chitin and reduced -glucan contents as well as reduction of galactose containing polymers, as compared to cell walls from manganese sufficient grown hyphae. Addition of copper induced the same effect as manganese deficiency, both on morphology and cell wall composition. Addition of cycloheximide also produced a very similar type of morphology with increased chitin and reduced -glucan contents of the cell wall but its effect on galactose was less pronounced.Dedicated to emer. Prof. Dr. J. Kisser on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Galactosaminogalactan from cell walls of Aspergillus niger.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A new heteropolysaccharide has been isolated by alkaline extraction of hyphal walls of Aspergillus niger NRRL 326 grown in surface culture. Its composition by weight, as determined by paper and gas chromatography and colorimetric analyses, is 70% galactose, 20% galactosamine, 6% glucose, and 1% acetyl. Two independent experiments have been used to ascertain copolymer structure: permeation chromatography in 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride, with controlled-pore glass columns of two fractionation ranges, and nitrous acid deaminative cleavage of galactosaminogalactan followed by reduction of fragments with [3H]borohydride and gel filtration chromatography. One of the tritiated fragments is tentatively identified as the disaccharide derivative galactopyranosyl 2,5-anhydrotalitol, on the basis of chromatographic properties and by kinetics of its acid hydrolysis. Smith degradation, methylation, deamination, and optical rotation studies indicate that the galactosaminogalactan consists of a linear array of hexopyranosyl units joined almost exclusively by alpha-(1 leads to 4) linkages. Hexosaminyl moieties are distributed randomly along the chains, which have an average degree of polymerization of about 100. The possible significance of this macromolecule in hyphal structure is considered.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of a gene encoding a ferulic acid esterase, faeA, from Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus tubingensis. The A. niger and A. tubingensis genes have a high degree of sequence identity and contain one conserved intron. The gene product, FAEA, was overexpressed in wild-type A. tubingensis and a protease-deficient A. niger mutant. Overexpression of both genes in wild-type A. tubingensis and an A. niger protease-deficient mutant showed that the A. tubingensis gene product is more sensitive to degradation than the equivalent gene product from A. niger. FAEA from A. niger was identical to A. niger FAE-III (C. B. Faulds and G. Williamson, Microbiology 140:779-787, 1994), as assessed by molecular mass, pH and temperature optima, pI, N-terminal sequence, and activity on methyl ferulate. The faeA gene was induced by growth on wheat arabinoxylan and sugar beet pectin, and its gene product (FAEA) released ferulic acid from wheat arabinoxylan. The rate of release was enhanced by the presence of a xylanase. FAEA also hydrolyzed smaller amounts of ferulic acid from sugar beet pectin, but the rate was hardly affected by addition of an endo-pectin lyase.  相似文献   

Exhaustive extraction of the cell walls of Aspergillus niger with 10% NaOH solution leaves an alkali-resistant residue containing chitin and glucan as the major components. The glucan in this residue comprises 58.7% of the total cell wall glucan and was characterized by permethylation, and identification of the resulting O-methyl-D-glucoses obtained after hydrolysis by gas-liquid chromagtography and mass spectrometry of the derived partially acetylated, partially methylated, [1-2H]alditols. The glucan was separated from the chitin by acetylation of the alkali-resistance material, a procedure which separates a large portion of the total glucan as a chloroformsoluble acetate, abd by treatment of the alkali-insoluble residue with nitrous acid, a procedure which was found to render the complex soluble in dimethylsulfoxide and amenable, therefore, to permethylation. The data collected suggests that the preparation is an essentially linear glucan containing 85–95% 1 → 3 linkages and 10–15% 1 → 4 linkages. An analysis of the glycosidic linkages using NMR spectroscopy indicate that both α and β linkages are present in the ratio of 4:1. An identical glucan appears to be present in the cell walls of Penicillium chrysogenum as well as the spore cell walls of both organisms, as evidenced by methylation studies.  相似文献   

Abstract The change from pentose phosphate pathway to glycolysis plays a significant role in the physiology of Aspergillus niger during the induction of citric acid accumulation. Evidence is shown for the importance of 6-phophofructo-1-kinase in this process since it is activated by phosphorylation. By incubating a purified active form of enzyme together with commercially available alkaline phosphatase, 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase activity was lost after a certain time suggesting that the enzyme was dephosphorylated. Inactive 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase could be isolated from the cells in the early stage of growth in a high citric acid yielding medium. The enzyme was 'in vitro' activated by isolated protein kinase in the presence of cAMP, ATP and Mg2+ ions. Additional evidence for covalent phosphorylation of inactive 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase was obtained by incubating both enzymes together with labelled [ γ −32P]ATP. The activating enzyme was partially purified from A. niger mycelium.  相似文献   

Summary The formation and location of glucose oxidase was studied in Aspergillus niger, which was pregrown under citric acid producing conditions. Glucose oxidase could be de novo induced by a shift in pH from 1.7 to 5.5. The induction required the intracellular presence of either glucose or glucose-6-phosphate. Glucose oxidase so produced was rapidly secreted into the medium, which was not due to autolysis.  相似文献   

Solubilisation of a cell wall bound invertase in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspergillus nidulans produces an extracellular invertase when incubated in the presence of sucrose and about half of the activity produced was found to be associated with the mycelium. Sixty percent of this mycelial invertase could be solubilised by simple mechanical disruption. Among the agents tested for solubilisation of invertase, proteinase K and dithiothreitol were the most effective.  相似文献   

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