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We have examined the antigenicity of plasma membrane (PM) and rough microsomal (RM) fractions from rat liver using anti-ras monoclonal antibodies 142-24EO5 and Y13-259 and immunochemistry as well as electron microscope immunocytochemistry. Proteins immunoprecipitated with monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 were separated using single-dimensional gradient-gel electrophoresis. The separated proteins were then blotted onto nitrocellulose sheets and incubated with [alpha-32P]GTP. Radioautograms of blots indicated the presence of specific 21.5- and 22-kDa labeled proteins in the PM fraction. A 23.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein was detected in immunoprecipitates of both PM and RM fractions. Monoclonal antibody Y13-259 reacted only with the 21.5-kDa [alpha-32P] GTP-binding protein in the plasma membrane fraction. When anti-ras monoclonal antibody 142-24E05 and the immunogold technique were applied to membrane fractions using a preembedding immunocytochemical method, specific labeling was observed in association with both vesicular structures and membrane sheets in the PM fraction but only with electron-dense vesicular structures in the RM fraction. Thus ras antigenicity is associated with hepatocyte plasma membranes and ras-like antigenicity is probably associated with vesicular (secretory/endocytic) elements in both plasma membrane and rough microsomal preparations.  相似文献   

We have localized and identified five rat hepatocyte plasma membrane proteins using hybridoma technology in combination with morphological and biochemical methods. Three different membrane preparations were used as immunogens: isolated hepatocytes, a preparation of plasma membrane sheets that contained all three recognizable surface domains of the intact hepatocyte (sinusoidal, lateral, and bile canalicular), and a glycoprotein subfraction of that plasma membrane preparation. We selected monoclonal IgGs that were hepatocyte specific and localized them using both immunofluorescence on 0.5-micron sections of frozen liver and immunoperoxidase at the ultrastructural level. One antigen (HA 4) was localized predominantly to the bile canalicular surface, whereas three (CE 9, HA 21, and HA 116) were localized predominantly to the lateral and sinusoidal surfaces. One antigen (HA 16) was present in all three domains. Only one antigen (HA 116) could be detected in intracellular structures both in the periphery of the cell and in the Golgi region. The antigens were all integral membrane proteins as judged by their stability to alkaline extraction and solubility in detergents. The apparent molecular weights of the antigens were established by immunoprecipitation and/or immunoblotting. In a related study (Bartles, J.R., L.T. Braiterman, and A.L. Hubbard, 1985, J. Cell. Biol., 100:1126-1138), we present biochemical confirmation of the domain-specific localizations for two of the antigens, HA 4 and CE 9, and demonstrate their suitability as endogenous domain markers for monitoring the separation of bile canalicular and sinusoidal lateral membrane on sucrose density gradients.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte plasma membrane consists of three morphologically and functionally distinct domains, the sinusoidal, the lateral and the canalicular. To study the distribution of antigenic determinants among these domains, we prepared monoclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with a crude, plasma membrane-enriched liver fraction. Four monoclonal antibodies were obtained that recognized various parts of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane when tested by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assay performed on formaldehyde-fixed liver tissue. Each antibody gave a different staining pattern when analyzed by light and electron microscopy. A59 exclusively labelled the part of the sinusoidal membrane facing the sinusoids. A39 mainly labelled the sinusoidal membrane. B1 mainly labelled the lateral membrane, while the labelling by B10 was almost completely limited to the canalicular membrane. Immunoblotting showed that the antibody B1 recognized an antigen of approximately 100 kilodaltons and that B10 recognized an antigen of approximately 125 to 130 kilodaltons. These antibodies allow us to distinguish the three domains of the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Seven integral proteins (CE 9, HA 21, HA 116, HA 16, HA 4, HA 201, and HA 301) were isolated from rat hepatocyte plasma membranes by immunoaffinity chromatography on monoclonal antibody-Sepharose. Six of the proteins (all but HA 16) exhibit domain-specific localizations (either bile canalicular or sinusoidal/lateral) about the hepatocyte surface. We identified three of these protein antigens as leucine aminopeptidase (HA 201), dipeptidyl peptidase IV (HA 301), and the asialoglycoprotein receptor (HA 116). We also developed 125I-lectin blotting procedures that, when used in conjunction with chemical and glycosidase treatments, permitted a comparison of the types of oligosaccharides present on the seven proteins. All seven are sialoglycoproteins, based upon the effects of prior neuraminidase and periodate-aniline-cyanoborohydride treatments of blots on labeling by 125I-wheat germ agglutinin. 125I-labeled Ricinus communis agglutinin I and 125I-peanut agglutinin blotting of the desialylated proteins revealed few if any conventional O-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting that the sialyl residues represent termini of N-linked complex-type oligosaccharides. Depending upon the protein, we estimated the presence of 2-26 N-linked oligosaccharides/polypeptide chain from the Mr reductions accompanying chemical or enzymatic deglycosylation. Three of these mature plasma membrane proteins (HA 21, HA 116, and HA 4) have both high mannose-type and complex-type oligosaccharides on every copy of their polypeptide chains. The labeling of these three proteins by 125I-concanavalin A was sensitive to treatment with endoglycosidase H, and each exhibited a quantitative reduction in Mr after the treatment, as assessed independently by 125I-wheat germ agglutinin blotting. At this level of analysis, we were unable to discern differences in the types of oligosaccharides present on these seven glycoproteins that correlate with their patterns of expression within the plasma membrane domains of this polarized epithelial cell.  相似文献   

The surface distribution of the plasma membrane Ca2+ (Mg2+)-ATPase (ecto-ATPase) in rat hepatocytes was determined by several methods. 1) Two polyclonal antibodies specific for the ecto-ATPase were used to examine the distribution of the enzyme in frozen sections of rat liver by immunofluorescence. Fluorescent staining was observed at the bile canalicular region of hepatocytes. 2) Plasma membranes were isolated from the canalicular and sinusoidal regions of rat liver. The specific activity of ecto-ATPase in the canalicular membranes was 22 times higher than that of sinusoidal membranes. The enrichment of the ecto-ATPase activity in the canalicular membrane is closely parallel to that of two other canalicular membrane markers, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and leucine aminopeptidase. 3) By immunoblots with polyclonal antibodies against the ecto-ATPase and the Na+,K+-ATPase, it was found that the ecto-ATPase protein was only detected in canalicular membranes and not in sinusoidal membranes, while the Na+,K+-ATPase protein was only detected in sinusoidal membranes and not in canalicular membranes. These results indicate that the ecto-ATPase is enriched in the canalicular membranes of rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of adult rat hepatocyte consists of three domains, which have been identified by the monoclonal antibodies A39 and A59 as markers of the sinusoidal domain, B1 of the lateral, and B10 of the canalicular domains (Eur J Cell Biol 39:122, 1985). These monoclonal antibodies were used to study, by indirect immunocytochemistry, formation of the hepatocyte plasma membrane domains during development, from day 15 of gestation to day 35 post partum. The antigens defined by A39, B1, and B10 were detected, from day 15, over the major part of the hepatocyte plasma membrane except for the membranes of newly formed bile canaliculi, which were not labeled by B1 and only poorly labeled, if at all, by A39 and B10. As soon as fetuses were 16 days old, B1 labeled predominantly the lateral domain, as in the adult. Labeling with B10 progressively intensified on the membranes of bile canaliculi, but localization was not exclusively canalicular until day 21 post partum. A39 intensely labeled the canalicular membranes at 19-21 days of gestation, while at 35 days post partum it exhibited the predominantly sinusoidal labeling observed in adult hepatocytes. The antigen defined by A59 was not detected before birth and was found exclusively on the sinusoidal domain, as in the adult. These results show that the patterns of antigen distribution on different plasma membrane domains establish themselves at different rates. The marked differences observed between fetal or neonatal and adult hepatocytes might be responsible for immaturity of liver functions in the neonate.  相似文献   

The presence of different isoenzymes of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase in isolated rat liver plasma membranes and their further distribution in plasma membrane domains was examined. Both wortmannin-sensitive and -insensitive PtdIns 4-kinase activities were detected in highly purified plasma membranes obtained by aqueous two-phase affinity partitioning. The wortmannin-sensitive enzyme was identified as the 230 kDa isoform by Western blotting, whereas the 92 kDa isoform was not detected in plasma membranes. The apparent molecular weights of these isoforms were 205 and 105 kDa on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, but approximately 500 and 230 kDa respectively on gel filtration, suggesting that both enzymes either are dimers or composed of heterologous subunits. Approximately 25% of the total 230 kDa isoenzyme present in liver, and only ca 5% of the wortmannin-insensitive one, was associated with the plasma membrane fraction. Plasma membrane domains were isolated by a combination of sucrose and Nycodenz gradient centrifugations. The 230 kDa isoform was identified in the blood sinusoidal domain, but not in the bile canalicular one, and was also found in lateral plasma membranes. The wortmannin-insensitive isoenzyme was present only in this latter material. The functional implications of this distribution of PtdIns 4-kinase isoenzymes in plasma membrane regions are discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of flavin compound(s) giving a yellowish-green autofluorescence in rat hepatocyte plasma membrane has recently been reported (Nokubo, M. et al. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 939, 441-448). The fluorophore can quantitatively be extracted with water at 80 degrees C from isolated plasma membranes. Gel filtration of the extract eluted with water showed two peaks, the fluorescence of which closely resembled that of riboflavin. The major peak comigrated with proteins and the minor one displayed a position identical to authentic riboflavin. When the components of the major peak were rechromatographed after acetic acid treatment and eluted with 20 mM of acetic acid, the fluorescent compound separated from the proteins and eluted at the same position as riboflavin. In paper chromatography and HPLC, the behavior of the fluorescent compound (separated by acid treatment from the proteins) was identical to that of riboflavin. SDS gel filtration of subcellular fractions of rat liver revealed that riboflavin was the dominant flavin, whereas FAD and FMN were not detectable in the plasma membrane. Microsomes and mitochondria contain predominantly FAD and FMN, and only minor quantities of riboflavin. The presence of riboflavin in the plasma membrane is a novel finding, the functional significance of which is still unclear; however, a hypothesis can be forwarded on the basis of the ability of flavins to generate superoxide anion radicals during their autoxidation.  相似文献   

CD44 is a multifunctional adhesion molecule that binds to hyaluronic acid, type I collagen, and fibronectin. We have studied the immunohistochemical localization of CD44 in bone cells by confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy in order to clarify its role in the cell-cell and/or cell-matrix interaction of bone cells. In round osteoblasts attached to bone surfaces, immunoreactivity is restricted to their cytoplasmic processes. On the other hand, osteocytes in bone matrices show intense immunoreactivity on their plasma membrane. Intense immunoreactivity for CD44 can be detected on the basolateral plasma membranes of osteoclasts. There is considerably less reactivity observed in the area of the plasma membrane that is in direct contact with bone. The pre-embedding electron-microscopical method has revealed that CD44 is mainly localized on the basolateral plasma membrane of osteoclasts. However, the ruffled border and clear zone show little immunoreactivity. A CD44-positive reaction can be detected on both plasma membranes in the contact region between osteoclasts and osteocytes. These findings suggest that: 1) cells of the osteoblast lineage express CD44 in accordance with their morphological changes from osteoblasts into osteocytes; 2) osteoclasts express CD44 on their basolateral plasma membrane; 3) CD44 in osteoclasts and osteocytes may play an important role in cell-cell and/or cell-matrix attachment via extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

The localization of the sodium-dependent alanine uptake activity in rat liver cells was studied. Fractions representative of the canalicular, the contiguous (lateral) and the blood-sinusoidal surface of the hepatocyte were isolated by means of centrifugal fractionation and density gradient centrifugation. The distribution of various marker-enzyme activities in conjunction with the occurrence of alanine transport activity was studied both in fractions obtained after zonal density gradient centrifugation, and in the subcellular fractions mentioned above.It is concluded that the sodium-dependent alanine transport activity is primarily located in the blood-sinusoidal plasma membrane of the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

The distribution of [3H]oxytocin binding sites among various subcellular fractions of rat myometrium paralleled the distribution of 5'-nucleotidase, a plasma membrane marker enzyme, but not of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase or succinate-cytochrome c reductase, which are endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial marker enzymes respectively. [3H]Oxytocin binding to the most enriched plasma membrane fraction showed the degree of selectivity with respect to hormone analogues that is expected for the oxytocin receptor. The binding of oxytocin to this fraction showed an apparent Kd of 1.98 X 10(-9) M and a capacity of 1.28 pmol mg-1. It is concluded that the oxytocin receptor is located on the plasma membrane of the smooth muscle cells of the rat uterus.  相似文献   

Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK II) have been cotransfected with plasmids expressing the human CD8 alpha glycoprotein and the bacterial gene which confers resistance to neomycin. Stable transformants have been isolated in the presence of G-418 in the culture medium and screened for CD8 alpha expression by immunofluorescence. The three clones we have characterized showed: 1) high level of synthesis and efficient surface expression of glycosylated, homodimeric CD8 alpha and 2) preferential apical deposition of CD8 alpha in confluent monolayers. This polar distribution has been measured in cells grown on a plastic substratum as well as on nitrocellulose filter by means of EM immunocytochemistry and surface radioimmunoassay. CD8 alpha was 6 to 11-fold enriched on the apical membrane whereas the 58 kDa protein, a basolateral marker in MDCK II cells, resulted about 9-fold enriched on the basolateral membrane of the three clones. We believe these permanently transformed clones could prove to be a useful tool with which to study cell polarity.  相似文献   

We have utilized antibodies against five domain-specific integral proteins of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane to examine the fates of the plasma membrane domains during hepatocyte division in the regenerating rat liver. The proteins were quantified on immunoblots of liver homogenates prepared during the peak of hepatocyte mitotic activity, 28-30 hr after two-thirds hepatectomy. Two sinusoidal/lateral proteins, CE 9 and the asialoglycoprotein receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, dipeptidylpeptidase IV, were not changed significantly in amount; whereas one sinusoidal/lateral protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, HA 4, were reduced to less than or equal to 50% of control levels. Light microscopic examination of plastic sections of regenerating liver tissue revealed that the mitotic hepatocytes generally appeared to retain normal contacts with neighboring interphase hepatocytes. Immunofluorescence was used to localize the domain-specific proteins on mitotic hepatocytes identified in 0.5-micron frozen sections of 28- to 30-hr regenerating liver tissue. Independent of mitotic stage, the hepatocytes retained mutually exclusive bile canalicular and sinusoidal/lateral domains, as defined at the molecular level by the distributions of specific proteins, such as HA 4 and CE 9, respectively.  相似文献   

Human CD38 is a multifunctional protein involved in diverse functions. As an enzyme, it is responsible for the synthesis of two Ca2+ messengers, cADPR and NAADP; as an antigen, it is involved in regulating cell adhesion, differentiation, and proliferation. Besides, CD38 is a marker of progression of HIV-1 infection and a negative prognostic marker of B-CLL. We have determined the crystal structure of the soluble extracellular domain of human CD38 to 1.9 A resolution. The enzyme's overall topology is similar to the related proteins CD157 and the Aplysia ADP-ribosyl cyclase, except with large structural changes at the two termini. The extended positively charged N terminus has lateral associations with the other CD38 molecule in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The analysis of the CD38 substrate binding models revealed two key residues that may be critical in controlling CD38's multifunctionality of NAD hydrolysis, ADP-ribosyl cyclase, and cADPR hydrolysis activities.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the analysis and purification of the blood-sinusoidal domains of rat liver plasma membranes using a combination of sucrose and Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. Use has been made of 125I-labelled wheat-germ agglutinin and hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase to identify the blood sinusoidal fraction, which may be resolved from Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum markers on Ficoll gradients.  相似文献   

A N Hegde  M R Das 《FEBS letters》1987,217(1):74-80
Phosphorylation of a 38 kDa protein (p38) present in rat liver plasma membrane has been shown for the first time to be enhanced by ras proteins. This increase in phosphorylation is about 3-16-fold depending on the incubation time and the type of ras protein used. Acid treatment removes phosphate from this protein suggesting that the phosphorylation involves phosphoramidate derivatives of basic amino acids. Experiments carried out in the presence of diethylpyrocarbonate suggest that the phosphorylation occurs on (a) histidine residue(s). It is probable that the function of p38 in the cell is modulated by ras proteins through phosphorylation. The significance of phosphorylation of p38 in terms of malignant transformation is presently known.  相似文献   

Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) is an integral membrane glycoprotein localized to the apical membrane domain of intestinal and kidney epithelial cells. By indirect immunofluorescence, we have shown that antibodies raised against rat intestinal LAP recognized a similar protein concentrated in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte in situ (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:1548-1558). We have extended this localization to the ultrastructural level. When a saponin-permeabilized, agarose-embedded plasma membrane (PM) fraction was incubated with affinity-purified anti-LAP, 85% of the protein A-gold particles associated with the three recognizable PM domains were present in the BC. The levels of labeling on the other two domains (sinusoidal and lateral) did not exceed that observed with nonimmune controls. The concentration of LAP in the BC domain in isolated PM sheets prompted us to use this antigen for the affinity isolation of BC membrane (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1497-1504, companion paper).  相似文献   

Many members of the TRP superfamily oligomerize in the ER before trafficking to the plasma membrane. For membrane localization of the non-selective cation channel TRPV4 specific domains in the N-terminus are required, but the role of the C-terminus in the oligomerization and trafficking process has been not determined until now. Therefore, the localization of recombinant TRPV4 in two cell models was analyzed: HaCaT keratinocytes that express TRPV4 endogenously were compared to CHO cells that are devoid of endogenous TRPV4. When deletions were introduced in the C-terminal domain three states of TRPV4 localization were defined: a truncated TRPV4 protein of 855 amino acids was exported to the plasma membrane like the full-length channel (871 aa) and was also functional. Mutants with a length of 828 to 844 amino acids remained in the ER of CHO cells, but in HaCaT cells plasma membrane localization was partially rescued by oligomerization with endogenous TRPV4. This was confirmed by coexpression of recombinant full-length TRPV4 together with these deletion mutants, which resulted in an almost complete plasma membrane localization of both proteins and significant FRET in the plasma membrane and the ER. All deletions upstream of amino acid 828 resulted in total ER retention that could not rescued by coexpression with the full-length protein. However, these deletion mutants did not impair export of full-length TRPV4, implying that no oligomerization took place. These data indicate that the C-terminus of TRPV4 is required for oligomerization, which takes place in the ER and precedes plasma membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

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