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Structural information on membrane proteins lags far behind that on soluble proteins, in large part due to difficulties producing homogeneous, stable, structurally relevant samples in a membrane-like environment. In this study 25 membrane mimetics were screened using 2D (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single quantum correlation NMR experiments to establish sample homogeneity and predict fitness for structure determination. A single detergent, 1-palmitoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-RAC-(1-glycerol)] (LPPG), yielded high quality NMR spectra with sample lifetimes greater than one month for the five proteins tested - R. sphaeroides LH1 alpha and beta subunits, E. coli and B. pseudofirmus OF4 ATP synthase c subunits, and S. aureus small multidrug resistance transporter - with 1, 2, or 4 membrane spanning alpha-helices, respectively. Site-specific spin labeling established interhelical distances in the drug transporter and genetically fused dimers of c subunits in LPPG consistent with in vivo distances. Optical spectroscopy showed that LH1 beta subunits form native-like complexes with bacteriochlorophyll a in LPPG. All the protein/micelle complexes were estimated to exceed 100 kDaltons by translational diffusion measurements. However, analysis of (15)N transverse, longitudinal and (15)N[(1)H] nuclear Overhauser effect relaxation measurements yielded overall rotational correlation times of 8 to 12 nsec, similar to a 15-20 kDalton protein tumbling isotropically in solution, and consistent with the high quality NMR data observed.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(17):3263-3270
Development of a robust, uniform, and magnetically orientable lipid mimetic will undoubtedly advance solid-state NMR of macroscopically aligned membrane proteins. Here, we report on a novel lipid membrane mimetic based on peptoid belts. The peptoids, composed of 15 residues, were synthesized by alternating N-(2-phenethyl)glycine with N-(2-carboxyethyl)glycine residues at a 2:1 molar ratio. The chemically synthesized peptoids possess a much lower degree of polydispersity versus styrene-maleic acid polymers, thus yielding uniform discs. Moreover, the peptoid oligomers are more flexible and do not require a specific folding, unlike lipoproteins, in order to wrap around the hydrophobic membrane core. The NMR spectra measured for the membrane-bound form of Pf1 coat protein incorporated in this new lipid mimetics demonstrate a higher order parameter and uniform linewidths compared with the conventional bicelles and peptide-based macrodiscs. Importantly, unlike bicelles, the peptoid-based macrodiscs are detergent free.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are essential in providing the stability of membrane proteins in a functional state. Functionally stable homogeneous sample is required for biophysical electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of membrane proteins for obtaining pertinent structural dynamics of the protein. Significant progresses have been made for the optimization of the suitable membrane environments required for biophysical EPR measurements. However, no universal membrane mimetic system is available that can solubilize all membrane proteins suitable for biophysical EPR studies while maintaining the functional integrity. Great efforts are needed to optimize the sample condition to obtain better EPR data quality of membrane proteins that can provide meaningful information on structural dynamics. In this mini-review, we will discuss important aspects of membrane mimetics for biophysical EPR measurements and current progress with some of the recent examples.  相似文献   

We here adapted the GRecon method used in electron microscopy studies for membrane protein reconstitution to the needs of solid-state NMR sample preparation. We followed in detail the reconstitution of the ABC transporter BmrA by dialysis as a reference, and established optimal reconstitution conditions using the combined sucrose/cyclodextrin/lipid gradient characterizing GRecon. We established conditions under which quantitative reconstitution of active protein at low lipid-to-protein ratios can be obtained, and also how to upscale these conditions in order to produce adequate amounts for NMR. NMR spectra recorded on a sample produced by GRecon showed a highly similar fingerprint as those recorded previously on samples reconstituted by dialysis. GRecon sample preparation presents a gain in time of nearly an order of magnitude for reconstitution, and shall represent a valuable alternative in solid-state NMR membrane protein sample preparation.  相似文献   

The structural study of membrane proteins perhaps represents one of the greatest challenges of the post-genomic era. While membrane proteins comprise over 50% of current and potential drug targets, their structural characterization lags far behind that of soluble proteins. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) offers great potential not only with respect to structural characterization of integral membrane proteins but may also provide the ability to study the details of small ligand interactions. However, the size limitations of solution NMR have restricted comprehensive structural characterization of membrane protein NMR structures to the relatively small β-barrel proteins or helical proteins of relatively simple topology. In an effort to escape the barriers presented by slow molecular reorientation of large integral membrane proteins solubilized by detergent micelles in water, we have adapted the reverse micelle encapsulation strategy originally developed for the study of large soluble proteins by solution NMR methods. Here we review a novel approach to the solubilization of large integral membrane proteins in reverse micelle surfactants dissolved in low viscosity alkane solvents. The procedure is illustrated with a 54 kDa construct of the homotetrameric KcsA potassium channel.  相似文献   

Tate CG 《FEBS letters》2001,504(3):94-98
Recent successes in the determination of atomic resolution structures of integral membrane proteins have relied on purifying the proteins from abundant natural sources. In contrast, the majority of mammalian receptors, ion channels and transporters need to be overexpressed to obtain sufficient material for structural studies. This has often proved to be very difficult. Overexpression studies on a wide range of mammalian membrane proteins have shown that a few can be expressed functionally in bacteria, but many others require an insect or mammalian cell host for activity or high level expression. The serotonin transporter, which has been expressed in all the major hosts available, is a good example that has given insights into the problem of overexpressing mammalian membrane proteins for structural studies.  相似文献   


The number of structures of integral membrane proteins from higher eukaryotes is steadily increasing due to a number of innovative protein engineering and crystallization strategies devised over the last few years. However, it is sobering to reflect that these structures represent only a tiny proportion of the total number of membrane proteins encoded by a mammalian genome. In addition, the structures determined to date are of the most tractable membrane proteins, i.e., those that are expressed functionally and to high levels in yeast or in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. However, some membrane proteins that are expressed inefficiently in these systems can be produced at sufficiently high levels in mammalian cells to allow structure determination. Mammalian expression systems are an under-used resource in structural biology and represent an effective way to produce fully functional membrane proteins for structural studies. This review will discuss examples of vertebrate membrane protein overexpression in mammalian cells using a variety of viral, constitutive or inducible expression systems.  相似文献   

Translational diffusion coefficients and catalytic activities were measured for the integral membrane protein diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) in a variety of types of detergent micelles. Despite the structural diversity of the detergents examined, the translational diffusion coefficients observed for DAGK spanned a fairly limited range of values: 2.7 to 4.7 (× 10-7cm2/s). No general correlation was observed between the diffusion coefficients for the detergent-DAGK aggregates and the sizes of the corresponding protein-free micelles. These results indicate that the effective molecular weights of the DAGK-detergent aggregates were determined more by the structural properties of the protein than by the properties of the detergents. The catalytic activity of DAGK in detergents having medium-length alkyl chains such as dodecylphosphocholine or decylmaltoside was usually observed to be substantially higher than in short-chain detergents such as octylphosphocholine or octylglucoside. Taken together, the diffusion and activity results indicate that medium-chain detergents are generally preferred for use in NMR studies of complex membrane proteins because they are no worse than short-chained detergents in terms of increasing the effective molecular weight of the protein of interest while they are considerably better at maintaining native-like protein conformation. Among the 10 detergents examined, only sodium dodecylsulfate was observed to be unable to support DAGK activity under any conditions examined, suggesting that this well-known protein denaturant should be used with care in studies of complex membrane proteins.  相似文献   



Structural studies of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) are often hampered by difficulties in producing stable homogenous samples for crystallization. To overcome this hurdle it has become common practice to screen large numbers of target proteins to find suitable candidates for crystallization. For such an approach to be effective, an efficient screening strategy is imperative. To this end, strategies have been developed that involve the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs. However, these approaches suffer from two drawbacks; proteins with a translocated C-terminus cannot be tested and scale-up from analytical to preparative purification is often non-trivial and may require re-cloning.


Here we present a screening approach that prioritizes IMP targets based on three criteria: expression level, detergent solubilization yield and homogeneity as determined by high-throughput small-scale immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) and automated size-exclusion chromatography (SEC).


To validate the strategy, we screened 48 prokaryotic IMPs in two different vectors and two Escherichia coli strains. A set of 11 proteins passed all preset quality control checkpoints and was subjected to crystallization trials. Four of these crystallized directly in initial sparse matrix screens, highlighting the robustness of the strategy.


We have developed a rapid and cost efficient screening strategy that can be used for all IMPs regardless of topology. The analytical steps have been designed to be a good mimic of preparative purification, which greatly facilitates scale-up.

General significance

The screening approach presented here is intended and expected to help drive forward structural biology of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Both solution and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques for structural determination are advancing rapidly such that it is possible to contemplate bringing these techniques to bear upon integral membrane proteins having multiple transmembrane segments. This review outlines existing and emerging options for model membrane media for use in such studies and surveys the special considerations which must be taken into account when preparing larger membrane proteins for NMR spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

A novel method for studying membrane proteins in a native lipid bilayer environment by solid-state NMR spectroscopy is described and tested. Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) substrates with flow-through 175 nm wide and 60-mum-long nanopores were employed to form macroscopically aligned peptide-containing lipid bilayers that are fluid and highly hydrated. We demonstrate that the surfaces of both leaflets of such bilayers are fully accessible to aqueous solutes. Thus, high hydration levels as well as pH and desirable ion and/or drug concentrations could be easily maintained and modified as desired in a series of experiments with the same sample. The method allows for membrane protein NMR experiments in a broad pH range that could be extended to as low as 1 and as high as 12 units for a period of up to a few hours and temperatures as high as 70 degrees C without losing the lipid alignment or bilayers from the nanopores. We demonstrate the utility of this method by a solid-state 19.6 T (17)O NMR study of reversible binding effects of mono- and divalent ions on the chemical shift properties of the Leu(10) carbonyl oxygen of transmembrane pore-forming peptide gramicidin A (gA). We further compare the (17)O shifts induced by binding metal ions to the binding of protons in the pH range from 1 to 12 and find a significant difference. This unexpected result points to a difference in mechanisms for ion and proton conduction by the gA pore. We believe that a large number of solid-state NMR-based studies, including structure-function, drug screening, proton exchange, pH, and other titration experiments, will benefit significantly from the method described here.  相似文献   

Carney J  East JM  Lee AG 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(10):3556-3563
The transmembrane surface of a multi-helix membrane protein will be rough with cavities of various sizes between the transmembrane alpha-helices. Efficient solvation of the surface by the lipid molecules that surround the protein in a membrane requires that the lipid fatty acyl chains be able to enter the cavities. This possibility has been investigated using fluorescence quenching methods. Trp residues have been introduced into lipid-facing sites in the first transmembrane alpha-helix (M1) of the mechanosensitive channel of large-conductance MscL; lipid-facing residues at the N-terminal end of M1 are buried below the transmembrane surface of the protein. Fluorescence emission maxima for lipid-facing Trp residues in M1 vary with position in the bilayer comparably to those for Trp residues in the second transmembrane alpha-helix (M2) despite the fact that lipid-facing residues in M2 are on the surface of the protein. Fluorescence emission spectra for most Trp residues on the periplasmic sides of M1 and M2 fit well to a model proposing a trough-like variation of dielectric constant across the membrane, but the relationship between location and fluorescence emission maximum on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane is more complex. The fluorescence of Trp residues in M1 is quenched efficiently by phospholipids with bromine-containing fatty acyl chains, showing that the lipid chains must be able to enter the Trp-containing cavities on the surface of MscL, resulting in efficient solvation of the surface.  相似文献   

Park SH  Berkamp S  Cook GA  Chan MK  Viadiu H  Opella SJ 《Biochemistry》2011,50(42):8983-8985
It is challenging to find membrane mimics that stabilize the native structures, dynamics, and functions of membrane proteins. In a recent advance, nanodiscs have been shown to provide a bilayer environment compatible with solution NMR. We show that increasing the lipid to "belt" peptide ratio expands their diameter, slows their reorientation rate, and allows the protein-containing discs to be aligned in a magnetic field for oriented sample solid-state NMR. The spectroscopic properties of membrane proteins with one to seven transmembrane helices in q = 0.1 isotropic bicelles, ~10 nm diameter isotropic nanodiscs, ~30 nm diameter magnetically aligned macrodiscs, and q = 5 magnetically aligned bicelles are compared.  相似文献   

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