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Highlights? Retrosynthetic biology has the potential to identify de novo circuits for therapeutics. ? Retrosynthetic biology performs a metabolic backward search to devise and optimize pathways. ? Production, sensing, and delivery circuits are essential parts of next-generation therapeutics.  相似文献   

Homologs of the mutagenic Escherichia coli DNA polymerase V (pol V) are encoded by numerous pathogens and mobile elements. We have used Rum pol (RumA′2B), from the integrative conjugative element (ICE), R391, as a model mobile element-encoded polymerase (MEPol). The highly mutagenic Rum pol is transferred horizontally into a variety of recipient cells, including many pathogens. Moving between species, it is unclear if Rum pol can function on its own or requires activation by host factors. Here, we show that Rum pol biochemical activity requires the formation of a physical mutasomal complex, Rum Mut, containing RumA′2B-RecA-ATP, with RecA being donated by each recipient bacteria. For R391, Rum Mut specific activities in vitro and mutagenesis rates in vivo depend on the phylogenetic distance of host-cell RecA from E. coli RecA. Rum pol is a highly conserved and effective mobile catalyst of rapid evolution, with the potential to generate a broad mutational landscape that could serve to ensure bacterial adaptation in antibiotic-rich environments leading to the establishment of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

The aggregation, deposition, and dysfunction of alpha-synuclein (aSyn) are common events in neurodegenerative disorders known as synucleinopathies. These include Parkinson''s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy. A growing body of knowledge on the biology of aSyn is emerging and enabling novel hypotheses to be tested. In particular, the hypothesis that aSyn is secreted from neurons, thus contributing to the spreading of pathology not only in the brain but also in other organs, is gaining momentum. Nevertheless, the precise mechanism(s) of secretion, as well as the consequences of extracellular aSyn species for neighboring cells are still unclear. Here, we review the current literature and integrate existing data in order to propose possible mechanisms of secretion, cell dysfunction, and death. Ultimately, the complete understanding of these processes might open novel avenues for the development of new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

植物中的反转录转座子及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈志伟  吴为人 《遗传》2004,26(1):122-126
反转录转座子是植物中最不稳定的遗传元件之一,它们对基因组的大小、结构、功能和进化都有重要作用。本文综述了近年来对植物反转录转座子类型和结构、在基因组中表达、调控、转座活动、进化等方面的研究进展,讨论了它们在遗传研究中的应用前景。 Abstract:Retrotransposons are one of the most unstable genetic elements in the plant kingdom,they have the potential to dramatically affect gene function and host genome structure.The current status of their types and structure,expression regulation,transposition,and evolution are reviewed.Their potential as genetic tools are also discussed.  相似文献   

程旭东  凌宏清 《遗传》2006,28(6):731-736
反转录转座子是基因组进化的推动者之一。分为LTR和非LTR两种类型。前者是真核基因组的主要组分,结构和转座方式与逆转录病毒类似。后者是最初发现于动物基因组新近发现在植物基因组中也广泛存在的新型重复序列,包括LINEs(long interspersed nuclear elements)和SINEs(short interspersed nuclear elements)两个亚型。它们大多因自身或受宿主基因组的调控而失去转座活性。其转座机理目前还不十分清楚,推测LINEs可以自主转座,SINEs依赖其他转座子被动转座。种系分析认为LINEs可能是最古老的反转录转座子,SINEs的起源未知。文章对以上内容进行了归纳和讨论。  相似文献   

Goodier JL  Kazazian HH 《Cell》2008,135(1):23-35
Retrotransposons, mainly LINEs, SINEs, and endogenous retroviruses, make up roughly 40% of the mammalian genome and have played an important role in genome evolution. Their prevalence in genomes reflects a delicate balance between their further expansion and the restraint imposed by the host. In any human genome only a small number of LINE1s (L1s) are active, moving their own and SINE sequences into new genomic locations and occasionally causing disease. Recent insights and new technologies promise answers to fundamental questions about the biology of transposable elements.  相似文献   

反转录转座子(retrotransposon)是真核生物中一类可移动因子,可分为LTR反转录转座子和非LTR反转录转座子。反转录转座子以高拷贝在植物界广泛分布,可以通过纵向和横向分别在世代之间和不同种之间进行传递,同一家族的反转录转座子具有高度的异质性. 在一些生物的和非生物的逆境条件下,反转录转座子的转录可以被激活。由于反转录转座子的特点,使其作为一种分子标记得以应用。S-SAP、IRAP、REMAP和RBIP等分子标记相继发展起来,在基因作图、生物遗传多样性与系统进化、品种鉴定等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

植物反转录转座子及其分子标记   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
反转录转座子(retrotransposon)是真核生物中一类可移动因子,可分为m反转录转座子和非LTR反转录转座子。反转录转座子以高拷贝在植物界广泛分布,可以通过纵向和横向分别在世代之间和不同种之间进行传递,同一家族的反转录转座子具有高度的异质性.在一些生物的和非生物的逆境条件下,反转录转座子的转录可以被激活。由于反转录转座子的特点,使其作为一种分子标记得以应用。SSAP、IRAP、REMAP和RBIP等分子标记相继发展起来,在基因作图、生物遗传多样性与系统进化、品种鉴定等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

New classes of repetitive DNA elements were effectively identified by isolating small fragments of the elements from the wheat genome. A wheat A genome library was constructed from Triticum monococcum by degenerate cleavage with EcoO109I, the recognition sites of which consisted of 5'-PuGGNCCPy-3'multi-sequences. Three novel repetitive sequences pTm6, pTm69 and pTm58 derived from the A genome were screened and tested for high copy number using a blotting approach. pTm6 showed identity with integrase domains of the barley Ty1-Copia-retrotransposon BARE-1 and pTm58 showed similarity to the barley Ty3-gypsy-like retrotransposon Romani. pTm69, however, constituted a tandem array with useful genomic specificities, but did not share any identity with known repetitive elements. This study also sought to isolate wheat D-genome-specific repetitive elements regardless of the level of methylation, by genomic subtraction. Total genomic DNA of Aegilops tauschii was cleaved into short fragments with a methylation-insensitive 4 bp cutter, Mbol, and then common DNA sequences between Ae. tauschii and Triticum turgidum were subtracted by annealing with excess T. turgidum genomic DNA. The D genome repetitive sequence pAt1 was isolated and used to identify an additional novel repetitive sequence family from wheat bacterial artificial chromosomes with a size range of 1 395-1 850 bp. The methods successfully led pathfinding of two unique repetitive families.  相似文献   

From times when the whole genome were not available to the present explosion of genome knowledge, the biology of non-coding RNA molecules are an unknown ocean of gems. One among them are PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) that restrict the mobility of various retrotransposons. PIWI proteins and piRNAs once thought to be germline specific was now explored to be expressed in different somatic cells. Emerging proofs of piRNAs from central nervous system has raised serious questions regarding the role of retrotransposons and its silencing mechanism. In this review, we have focused on the existing knowledge of retrotransposons and piRNAs in the central nervous system and have provided future insights. Meta-analysis of retrotransposons in various mammalian genomes and piRNA targets showcased the abundance of LINE transposon and the possibility of piRNA mediated retrotransposon expression. Thus, understanding the retrotransposons-piRNA pathway will provide a new vision for the study of development, physiology and pathology of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons of rice: their regulation and use for genome analysis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

The German medical bacteriologist Robert Koch is commonly considered one of the founding fathers of medical bacteriology. His investigations into the aetiology of tuberculosis uncovered the pathogen of this condition, the tubercle bacillus today known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in 1882. This work can be seen as a cornerstone of contemporary medical bacteriology, its technologies and methods. It has often been asked how such successful research connected to the tuberculin episode of 1890/91, when Koch produced a medicine for that disease, which spectacularly failed when applied in practice. The analysis concentrates on the path of mostly experimental investigations which Koch followed between 1882 and 1890. From Koch's laboratory notes it becomes clear that tuberculin therapy did in fact work in Koch's laboratory, even though it failed to do so almost anywhere else. The clue to this contradictory picture lies in the peculiar nature of Koch's understanding of tuberculosis as a disease e.g. his reliance an animal experiments, which essentially differed from what many of his contemporaries held as essentials of that condition.  相似文献   

All living organisms must eventually die, though in some cases their death can bring life‐giving opportunities. Few studies, however, have experimentally tested how animals capitalize on conspecific death and why this specialization would evolve. Here, we conducted experiments on the phylogenetically most closely‐related marine and terrestrial hermit crabs to investigate the evolution of responses to death during the sea‐to‐land transition. In the sea, death of both conspecifics and heterospecifics generates unremodeled shells needed by marine hermit crabs. In contrast, on land, terrestrial hermit crabs are specialized to live in architecturally remodeled shells, and the sole opportunity to acquire these essential resources is conspecific death. We experimentally tested these different species’ responsiveness to the scent of conspecific versus heterospecific death, predicting that conspecific death would have special attractive value for the terrestrial species. We found the terrestrial species was overwhelmingly attracted to conspecific death, rapidly approaching and forming social groupings around conspecific death sites that dwarfed those around heterospecific death sites. This differential responsiveness to conspecific versus heterospecific death was absent in marine species. Our results thus reveal that on land a reliance on resources associated exclusively with conspecifics has favored the evolution of an extreme collective attraction to conspecific death.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) have the potential to act as controlling elements to influence the expression of genes and are often subject to heterochromatic silencing. The current paradigm suggests that heterochromatic silencing can spread beyond the borders of TEs and influence the chromatin state of neighboring low-copy sequences. This would allow TEs to condition obligatory or facilitated epialleles and act as controlling elements. The maize genome contains numerous families of class I TEs (retrotransposons) that are present in moderate to high copy numbers, and many are found in regions near genes, which provides an opportunity to test whether the spreading of heterochromatin from retrotransposons is prevalent. We have investigated the extent of heterochromatin spreading into DNA flanking each family of retrotransposons by profiling DNA methylation and di-methylation of lysine 9 of histone 3 (H3K9me2) in low-copy regions of the maize genome. The effects of different retrotransposon families on local chromatin are highly variable. Some retrotransposon families exhibit enrichment of heterochromatic marks within 800–1,200 base pairs of insertion sites, while other families exhibit very little evidence for the spreading of heterochromatic marks. The analysis of chromatin state in genotypes that lack specific insertions suggests that the heterochromatin in low-copy DNA flanking retrotransposons often results from the spreading of silencing marks rather than insertion-site preferences. Genes located near TEs that exhibit spreading of heterochromatin tend to be expressed at lower levels than other genes. Our findings suggest that a subset of retrotransposon families may act as controlling elements influencing neighboring sequences, while the majority of retrotransposons have little effect on flanking sequences.  相似文献   

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