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Apoptosis in human disease: a new skin for the old ceremony?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Naturally occurring cell death or apoptosis is essential for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and serves to remove extraneous or dangerous cells in a swift and unobtrusive manner. Recent studies have indicated a role for apoptosis in a plethora of human diseases. Hence, dysregulation of apoptosis has been implicated in autoimmune disease, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and other viral (and bacterial) infections, as well as in neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Furthermore, dysregulated apoptosis signaling may impinge on other age-related disorders such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis and perhaps on the process of aging itself. The present review provides an overview of human diseases, which are associated with defective or inadvertent apoptosis, with examples of pathological conditions in which putative apoptosis defects have been elucidated at the molecular level. Novel apoptosis-modulating therapeutic strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Waters A 《Cell》2006,124(4):689-693
Detailed analyses of the 5500 genes revealed by the complete Plasmodium genome sequence are yielding new candidate parasite antigens and strategies that may contribute to a successful vaccine against malaria in the coming decade.  相似文献   

The weed soil seedbank is of interest in agroecosystems as a major source of weed infestation in fields and as a reservoir of plant and seed‐feeder diversity. A seedbank is a characteristic of annual plants and has been the focus of numerous studies, as it reflects the past aboveground vegetation and is the reservoir of the future vegetation. Therefore, it potentially can be used to evaluate the past, present and future annual weed communities. The goal of this paper was to provide guidelines to help researchers to do a weed seedbank survey. Through a qualitative review of 60 weed seedbank articles, we investigate why and how the seedbank has been studied in agronomy. It shows that seedbank studies have been performed to address the following four major objectives: (a) the assessment of weed management practices on weed communities; (b) the relationship between seedbank and aboveground vegetation; (c) the study of composition and diversity of seedbank in a given area; and, (d) the quantification of seedbank as a food resource for wildlife. Because the analysis highlighted a wide range of methodologies to estimate the seedbank, we critically reviewed them. We show that the selected methodology strongly affects the seedbank estimate. Nevertheless, in our sample of research articles, the analysis revealed that the choice of the methodology was not always justified in terms of achieving a particular scientific goal, but was often determined by the resources available for the experiment (e.g., workload). While studying the soil seedbank remains of interest for scientists (proved by the amount of recent publications), it is time consuming and requires considerable botanical skill. Innovative methods of estimation are scarce and novel methodological developments are needed to increase the quality and reliability of the data obtained.  相似文献   

Population isolates are increasingly being used in attempts to map genes underlying complex diseases. To further explore the utility of isolates for this purpose, we explore linkage disequilibrium patterns in polymorphisms from two regions (VWF and NF1) in three isolated populations from Finland. At the NF1 locus, the Finnish populations have greater pairwise disequilibrium than populations from Africa, Asia, or northern Europe. However, populations from 'New Finland' and 'Old Finland' do not differ in their disequilibrium levels at either the NF1 or the VWF locus. In addition, disequilibrium patterns and haplotype diversity do not differ between a sample from the Aland Islands, Finland, and a collection of outbred Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain families. These results show that linkage disequilibrium patterns sometimes differ among populations with different histories and founding dates, but some putative isolated populations may not significantly differ from larger admixed populations. We discuss factors that should be considered when using isolated populations in gene-mapping studies.  相似文献   

A role for Rad23 proteins in 26S proteasome-dependent protein degradation?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Treatment of cells with genotoxic agents affects protein degradation in both positive and negative ways. Exposure of S. cerevisiae to the alkylating agent MMS resulted in activation of genes that are involved in ubiquitin- and 26S proteasome-dependent protein degradation. This process partially overlaps with the activation of the ER-associated protein degradation pathway. The DNA repair protein Rad23p and its mammalian homologues have been shown to inhibit degradation of specific substrates in response to DNA damage. Particularly the recently identified inhibition of degradation by mouse Rad23 protein (mHR23) of the associated nucleotide excision repair protein XPC was shown to stimulate DNA repair.Recently, it was shown that Rad23p and the mouse homologue mHR23B also associate with Png1p, a deglycosylation enzyme. Png1p-mediated deglycosylation plays a role in ER-associated protein degradation after accumulation of malfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, if stabilization of proteins that are associated with the C-terminus of Rad23p is a general phenomenon, then Rad23 might be implicated in the stimulation of ER-associated protein degradation as well. Interestingly, the recently identified HHR23-like protein Mif1 is also thought to play a role in ER-associated protein degradation. The MIF1 gene is strongly activated in response to ER-stress. Mif1 contains a ubiquitin-like domain which is most probably involved in binding to S5a, a subunit of the 19S regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome. On the basis of its localization in the ER-membrane, it is hypothesized that Mif1 could play a role in the translocation of the 26S proteasome towards the ER-membrane, thereby enhancing ER-associated protein degradation.  相似文献   

Nectar used by bees as a food source is collected and stored in the crop, where it is transported and converted into honey. The production of honey involves water uptake from nectar. However, the crop is a portion of the insect foregut that has been characterized solely as a food storage organ. Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that function as specific canal for water transport and are abundant in tissues with high water permeability. In this study, we detected five predicted genes for aquaporins in the gut of the honeybee Apis mellifera. We evaluated the aquaporins’ localization in the crop by using an anti-aquaporin antibody produced against the peptide sequence from one of the expressed genes, which was detected in the crop epithelium, particularly in the apical portions of the cells. Furthermore, we also showed an increase in sugar concentration in a sucrose solution collected from the crop lumen a few minutes after feeding, indicating that water uptake occurs during storage of nectar in the crop, suggesting a previously unidentified function for the honeybee crop.  相似文献   

Power requirements of swimming: do new methods resolve old questions?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recurring question in the study of fish biomechanics and energeticsis the mechanical power required for tail-swimming at the highspeeds seen among aquatic vertebrates. The quest for answershas been driven by conceptual advances in fluid dynamics, startingwith ideas on the boundary layer and drag initiated by Prandtl,and in measurement techniques starting with force balances focussingon drag and thrust. Drag (=thrust) from measurements on physicalmodels, carcasses, kinematics as inputs to hydromechanical models,and physiological power sources vary from less than that expectedfor an equivalent rigid reference to over an order of magnitudegreater. Estimates of drag and thrust using recent advanceslargely made possible by increased computing power have notresolved the discrepancy. Sources of drag and thrust are notseparable in axial undulatory self propulsion, are open to interpretationand Froude efficiency is zero. Wakes are not easily interpreted,especially for thrust evaluation. We suggest the best measuresof swimming performance are velocity and power consumption forwhich 2D inviscid simulations can give realistic predictions.Steady swimming power is several times that required for towingan equivalent flat plate at the same speed.  相似文献   

BB Land  RJ Dileone 《Neuron》2012,75(3):360-362
A recent paper in Nature (Lim et?al., 2012) describes the effects of melanocortin receptors in the nucleus accumbens. The studies connect a hypothalamic peptide system with brain reward centers and show effects on specific neuronal populations and behavioral components of mood.  相似文献   

New discoveries in life sciences depend on accurate analysis of biomolecules, which in turn depends on the extraction of high-quality molecules in high quantities from the tissues of plants, animals or microorganisms. The extraction process for hard-to-lyse cells and tissues has been a bottleneck in the path to discovery for many years. This review describes extraction methods currently in use, and compares them to a newly developed, automated process involving patented pressure cycling technology (PCT). The PCT sample preparation system (SPS) uses an instrument capable of rapid, temperature-controlled pressure cycling between ambient and high pressures, and single-use sample tubes containing a ram and a lysis disk. The quality and quantity of nucleic acid and protein prepared by the PCT SPS method are comparable to the older methods, whereas ease and safety of processing, reproducibility, speed and control are enhanced.  相似文献   

Iron and phosphorus are essential minerals for both humans and plants. Advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the mobilization, transport and storage of these minerals now allow us to engineer plants to improve the yield and mineral nutrition of crops. Strategies range from increasing the expression of endogenous genes, such as that encoding the iron storage protein ferritin, to expressing a phytase gene from the fungus Aspergillus in Arabidopsis, thereby allowing the plants to obtain a previously unusable pool of phosphorus.  相似文献   

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