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Seed dispersal can severely limit the quantity of plant recruits and their spatial distribution. However, our understanding of the role of dispersal in regeneration dynamics is limited by the lack of knowledge of seed deposition patterns in space and time. In this paper, we analyse the spatiotemporal variability of seed dispersal patterns in the Mediterranean maple, Acer opalus subsp. granatense, by monitoring seed rain along two years at a broad spatial scale (2 mountain ranges, 2 populations per range, 4 microhabitats per population). We quantified seed limitation and its components (source and dispersal limitation), and explored dispersal limitation in space by analysing dispersal distances, seed aggregation, and microhabitat seed distribution. Acer opalus subsp. granatense was strongly seed‐limited throughout the gradients explored, being always dispersal limitation much higher than source limitation. The distribution of seeds with distance from adult individuals was leptokurtic and right‐skewed in all populations, being both kurtosis and skewness higher the year of the highest seed production. Dispersal distances were shorter than expected by random in the four populations, which suggests distance‐limited dispersal. Dispersal patterns were highly aggregated and showed a preferential direction around adults. At the microhabitat scale, most seeds accumulated under adult maples. However, there were no more seeds under trees and shrubs other than maple than in open interspaces, implying that established vegetation does not disrupt patterns of seed deposition by physically trapping seeds. When compared with patterns of seedling establishment, limited dispersal ability and inter‐annual spatial concordance in seed rain patterns suggest that several potentially safe sites for recruitment have a very low probability of receiving seeds in most maple populations. These findings are especially relevant for rare species such as Acer opalus subsp. granatense, and illustrate how dispersal studies are not only crucial for our understanding of plant population dynamics but also to provide conservation directions.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reports on vegetation development on permanent experimental plots during five years of succession. Nine (1 m2) plots were filled with three typical substrates from man-made habitats of urban and industrial areas in the region of Berlin. The three substrates (a commercial ‘topsoil’, a ruderal ‘landfill’ soil and a sandy soil), differ in organic matter and nutrient contents. Relevés of species composition and percent cover of each species present were made monthly during the growing season from the start of vegetation development. This paper describes the different successional pathways on topsoil and ruderal soil and the colonization process on sandy soil. On topsoil, ruderal annuals are dominant in the first year and are replaced by short-lived perennials from the second year. Those species were replaced by long-lived perennial herbs (Ballota nigra or Urtica dioica) from the third year of succession onwards. On the ruderal land-fill soil the early successional stages are less sharp and the perennial Solidago canadensis is able to dominate within one year after the succession was initiated. On sandy soil there is still an ongoing colonization process, where pioneer tree species like Betula pendula and Populus nigra play a main role. The importance of ‘initial floristic composition’, the role of substrate for community structure and the peculiarities of successional sequences on anthropogenic soils in the context of primary and secondary successions are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since many wood‐living forest species are influenced by the dynamics of coarse woody debris (CWD), information about the spatial pattern of CWD under natural conditions is essential to understand species distributions. In this study we examined the spatial pattern of downed logs and wood‐decaying fungi in an old‐growth boreal Picea abies forest in northwestern Sweden that is governed by gap‐phase dynamics. The spatial pattern of wood‐decaying fungi was studied to draw conclusions about species dispersal abilities. A total of 684 logs with a diameter > 10 cm were mapped and analysed with Ripley's K‐function. The distribution of all logs taken together displayed a significant aggregated pattern up to 45 m. The different decay stages also deviated from random expectations. Fairly fresh logs and logs in the middle decay stage were clumped up to about 25 and 35 m respectively, and late decayed logs aggregated up to 95 m. Logs with diameters from 10–29 cm were aggregated up to 25 m, whereas logs ≥30 cm diameter were randomly distributed. The result suggests that gap‐dynamics do have an impact on the spatial pattern of the CWD, creating fine‐scale clumping. The random distribution of large logs may result from the slightly regular spacing of large living trees. The spatial patterns of 16 species (n > 20) of wood‐decaying fungi were analysed with Ripley's K‐function. Three patterns were aggregated, for Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Coniophora olivacea and Vesiculomyces citrinus. These results indicate that the distribution of most species at the stand level is generally not influenced by dispersal limitations.  相似文献   

Question: Does the relative importance of stochastic and deterministic factors change during primary succession? Location: Small depressions (potholes) located on Mount St. Helens, Washington (46°13′51″N, 122°09′10″W, 1290 m). Methods: Pothole vegetation was described in 1993, 1997 and from 2001 to 2008. Explanatory variables included location and elevation (spatial factors), soil factors and Lupinus lepidus cover from prior years (a fertility surrogate). RDA assessed species‐variable relationships. DCA calculated β diversity and within‐year heterogeneity. Flexible sorting classified the vegetation. Species composition, richness, cover, H′ and evenness were also calculated. Results: Vegetation cover increased through 2001, and then fluctuated due to changes in L. lepidus cover. Richness peaked in 2005, after which pioneer species began to decline as persistent evergreen species increased. The six CTs recognized in 2008 were more scattered than were the six different CTs from 2001. DCA demonstrated that woody and rhizomatous species increased as pothole vegetation became less variable. RDA revealed weak spatial relationships in 1993, 1997 and 2001; thereafter, environmental and biological factors became important. The species‐explanatory data relationship increased during this study from 10.2% to 36.0%, leaving 64.0% of the variation unexplained. Conclusions: This is the first temporal study to demonstrate that deterministic control of vegetation development increases during succession. Pothole vegetation has converged somewhat due to deterministic factors, but the initial effects of chance, local disturbances and history remain large and may prevent strong convergence.  相似文献   

Questions: How does plant diversity (species richness, species abundance and rate of change) evolve in early succession on bare peat? Does succession converge towards one equilibrium stage or end up in several stages? Is there a regular pattern in succession velocity? Location: A mire in the calcareous Jura Mountains of northwest Switzerland. Method: Twenty‐one 1‐m2 permanent plots on bare peat were used to monitor temporal stages over a 21‐year period (1988 to 2008) in a Swiss mire where a slide occurred in 1987. Species diversity and life forms were analysed based on Shannon's equitability index and cover. We used classification and metric ordination techniques to investigate patterns of successional rates and trends. The high temporal resolution of the survey allowed the pattern of succession velocity to be analysed. Results: Species richness increased continuously over the 21 years of succession. The highest cover throughout the study period was the life form sedge. Time trajectories of the 21 plots revealed three alternative pathways towards intermediate equilibrium stages in the first years, still not converging in the later stages. Changes in succession velocity reached a first maximum about 6 years after the slide had occurred and a second maximum 12 years later.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of plant species are determined by an array of ecologica factors including biotic and abiotic environmental constraints and intrinsic species traits. Thus, an observed aggregated pattern may be the result of short‐distance dispersal, the presence of habitat heterogeneity, plant–plant interactions or a combination of the above. Here, we studied the spatial pattern of Mediterranean alpine plant Silene ciliata (Caryophyllaceae) in five populations and assessed the contribution of dispersal, habitat heterogeneity and conspecific plant interactions to observed patterns. For this purpose, we used spatial point pattern analysis combined with specific a priori hypotheses linked to spatial pattern creation. The spatial pattern of S. ciliata recruits was not homogeneous and showed small‐scale aggregation. This is consistent with the species’ short‐distance seed dispersal and the heterogeneous distribution of suitable sites for germination and establishment. Furthermore, the spatial pattern of recruits was independent of the spatial pattern of adults. This suggests a low relevance of adult‐recruits interactions in the spatial pattern creation. The difference in aggregation between recruits and adults suggests that once established, recruits are subjected to self‐thinning. However, seedling mortality did not erase the spatial pattern generated by seed dispersal, as S. ciliata adults were still aggregated. Thus, the spatial aggregation of adults is probably due to seed dispersal limitation and the heterogeneous distribution of suitable sites at seedling establishment rather than the presence of positive plant–plant interactions at the adult stage. In fact, a negative density‐dependent effect of the conspecific neighbourhood was found on adult reproductive performance. Overall, results provide empirical evidence of the lack of a simple and direct relationship between the spatial structure of plant populations and the sign of plant–plant interactions and outline the importance of considering dispersal and habitat heterogeneity when performing spatial analysis assessments.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is qualitatively effective when it increases recruitment probability. A poorly studied factor likely affecting recruitment is the spatial distribution of dispersed seeds. Seed-caching animals are thought to disperse seeds in a way that reduces clumping and density to impede cache pilfering. Furthermore, dispersal might differ depending on whether the seed is immediately consumed versus cached for later consumption, and might differ depending on the ecological context. The main objectives of this study were to determine: 1) the spatial pattern of seed dispersal by rodents in a heterogeneous environment; 2) whether the patterns differ among years and among acorn competitor exclosure treatments, and 3) whether rodents create different spatial patterns of dispersal for acorns that are cached versus consumed immediately following dispersal. We studied the degree of spatial aggregation of acorn dispersal by rodents using two different estimators derived from the Ripley K and the Diggle G functions. We also analyzed various metrics of dispersal distances. For both analyses we used observed acorn dispersal patterns in two years differing in crop size and inside versus outside exclosures restricting access to acorn-consuming ungulates. During 2003, a year with a larger crop size, maximum seed dispersal distances were less, and the pattern of dispersed seeds was more clumped, than in 2004, a year with a smaller crop size. Median dispersal distances did not differ between years. In the presence of ungulates, seed dispersal was marginally sparser than in their absence. Cached acorns were dispersed more sparsely than acorns eaten immediately. These results have important implications for the quality of seed dispersal for oak recruitment that are likely relevant to other systems as well.  相似文献   

To clarify recruitment patterns of Photinia glabra, which is an evergreen, broad‐leaved, bird‐dispersed tree species, we analyzed spatial distribution in P. glabra recruits at each growth stage and demography of current‐year seedlings with respect to distributions of adults in a warm‐temperate secondary forest, western Japan. Although individuals ≥ 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) that had nearly produced fruits showed a random distribution, seedlings (≥ 1 year old, < 10‐cm stem length [SL]), small saplings (10 ≤ SL < 30 cm) and large saplings (≥ 30‐cm SL, < 5‐cm DBH) were clumped and associated with reproductive adults at approximately 2–3‐m scales, nearly equal to their average crown radius. Based on monitoring the demography of current‐year seedlings, emerged seedling density profoundly decreased, and no seedlings survived at longer than an adult's crown scales, with distance‐dependent mortality as a result of disease and herbivory not greatly affecting the current‐year seedling mortality. Thus, aggregated seed dispersal under the crown of adult P. glabra would directly influence the distribution of recruits for P. glabra in this forest. Of the bird‐dispersed tree species in this forest, P. glabra produced the highest amount of fruits during large crop years, and their fruits ripened during the late seasonal period (early January), suggesting that birds might be strongly attracted to these species, in turn leading to seeds being deposited mostly under the tree crowns. We propose that dispersal limitation would occur, even in a bird‐dispersed tree species such as P. glabra, owing to plant–bird interactions in the forest.  相似文献   

Territorial animals maintain a certain distance to neighbouring conspecifics, presumably leading to a regular spatial pattern through social spacing. Nevertheless, most animal populations are assumed to show aggregation at certain distance ranges, reflecting the scale dependency of spatial patterns. Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae) is a burrow-living spider species that shows territorial behaviour against conspecifics. A multi-scale approach in spatial analysis revealed that territory owners had fewer neighbours than expected under spatial randomness at distances up to 6 m. Behavioural field experiments showed that territory owners were able to perceive and react to burrow constructing neighbours up to at least 4 m distance from their own burrow. At larger distances individuals were often more aggregated than expected under spatial randomness. Analysing adult and immature relationships showed attraction between different development stages at small distances and avoidance at larger distances. The analysis reveals diverse spatial patterns in a territorial and cannibalistic species, showing that both behaviour and environment affect pattern development at different distances. The study outlines the importance of multi-scale approaches for spatial analysis and the need for accompanying experiments to facilitate the interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Abstract. Primary succession was studied on recently de-glaciated areas in front of the Ampère Glacier, Kerguelen Islands (49° 30′S, 69° 30′E). Vegetation, colonization processes and soil development were investigated on seven sites on the outwash plain over a distance of 5 km and representing a > 200-yr old chronosequence. Seven species are involved in the succession, showing four patterns of change: (1)‘pioneer’ (Poa kerguelensis, Poa annua, Colobanthus kerguelensis and Cerastium fontanum); (2)‘intermediate’ (Festuca contracta); (3)‘late colonizer’ (Azorella selago); and (4)‘fluctuating’ (Agrostis magellanica). Two of the pioneers are introduced species (Poa annua and Cerastium). The total plant cover increases significantly with the age of the sites but never exceeds 4.2 %. The plant succession pattern observed in this study appears to be related to soil development. Root architecture and fine particle dynamics in the soil may explain the behaviour of the different species along the chronosequence. The pioneer species have a very shallow root system whereas the intermediate and late colonizers are deeper and longer rooted. The dominance of Azorella selago (Apiaceae) in the oldest community may be attributed to its unique root system in relation to the vertical distribution of silt cappings in the soil.  相似文献   

Questions: Can gender of nurse plants affect regeneration patterns and spatial population structure? Is there a seed‐seedling conflict in the regeneration process? What factors are responsible for the clumped spatial population structure observed for adult trees? Location: Mediterranean cold semi‐arid high mountains in Spain. Methods: The spatial pattern of adult Juniperus thurifera trees was studied by means of Ripley's K‐analysis. χ2 analyses were used to test for natural seedling frequency in each of three main microhabitats: (1) under female and (2) male tree canopies and (3) in open interspaces. The observed pattern was explained experimentally by studying seed and seedling survival for two years. Survival probabilities were calculated across life stages for each of three main microhabitats. Results: Adult J. thurifera trees were aggregated in space. Most seedlings were found underneath female J. thurifera trees. Experimental studies demonstrated that from seed dispersal to seedling survival all life stages showed the same positive or negative trend within a given microhabitat, indicating stage coupling and no seed‐seedling conflicts. Attraction of frugivo‐rous birds by reproductive female junipers and improvement of environmental conditions beneath tree canopies were the main factors responsible for the variation in seedling density among microhabitats; highest underneath female trees and lowest in open interspaces. Conclusions: In dioecious species, the gender of nurse plants can significantly determine the spatial population structure. In J. thurifera forests, facilitation beneath female trees occurs among all life stages without any sign of seed‐seedling conflict. The most critical factors shaping the spatial population structure were directed seed dispersal and environmental amelioration beneath female conspecific trees.  相似文献   

Forest succession on degraded tropical lands often is slowed by impoverished seed banks and low rates of seed dispersal. Within degraded landscapes, remnant forests are potential seed sources that could enhance nearby forest succession. The spatial extent that forest can influence succession, however, remains largely unstudied. In abandoned agricultural lands in Kibale National Park, Uganda, recurrent fires have helped perpetuate the dominance of tall (2–3 m) grasses. We examined the effects of distance from forest and grassland vegetation structure on succession in a grassland having several years of fire exclusion. At 10 and 25 m from forest edge, we quantified vegetation patterns, seed predation, and survival of planted tree seedlings. Natural vegetation was similar at both distances, as was seed (eight species) and seedling (six species) survival; however, distance may be important at spatial or temporal scales not examined in this study. Our results offer insight into forest succession on degraded tropical grasslands following fire exclusion. Naturally recruited trees and tree seedlings were scarce, and seed survival was low (20% after 7 mo). While seedling survival was high (95% after 6 to 8 mo), seedling shoot growth was very slow (x?= 0.5 cm/100 d), suggesting that survivorship eventually may decline. Recurrent fires often impede forest succession in degraded tropical grasslands; however, even with fire exclusion, our study suggests that forest succession can be very slow, even in close proximity to forest.  相似文献   

Questions : To what extent can spatial structure and its causes be determined in a highly disturbed environment? What are the main determinants of pattern and are these species‐specific? How much do spatial patterns change over generations? Location : Wimmera region of southern Australia. Methods : Broad‐leaved weeds were counted in 225 000 contiguous 20‐cm square quadrats. A substantial number of these quadrats were recorded again after two and four years. An hierarchical ‘adaptive analysis’ approach was used to select spatial analytical methods to examine specific aspects of pattern and variation in pattern from year to year. Results : Patterns varied among species and included both dense and sparse patches surrounded by areas of zero density, diffuse gradations of density and clear anisotropy. Patterns in Erodium botrys and Oxalis pes‐caprae persisted over years, whereas patterns in Arctotheca calendula were less pronounced and varied over time. Edaphic factors appeared to have only a minor influence over the spatial distribution of the weed community as a whole. In Oxalis pes‐caprae, whose patches were hypothesized to have been shaped by cultivation, there was no spread in four years, despite further tillage. Outlying plants of O. pes‐caprae failed to establish new patches, even in the year of greatest population increase. Little evidence of localised recruitment events was found. Conclusions : Despite repeated annual disturbances by natural and anthropogenic mechanisms, clear and interpretable spatial structure develops in annual weeds over a range of spatial resolutions. Adaptive analysis is a useful approach to the characterization of such patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seed production, composition of the seed rain, germination, and seedling mortality, as well as vegetative growth characteristics of common pioneer plant species were studied on the foreland of the retreating Morteratsch glacier in the Swiss Alps. The frequency of diaspores trapped in different successional stages was related to their dispersal mode and was highly skewed towards a few species. Plenty of diaspores well adapted for dispersal by wind are a precondition for the most important pioneer species. Seeds from all pioneer species investigated had a good germination success, provided that the moisture content of the soil was high enough. However, requirement for seedling establishment differed among sites of increasing terrain age and among species. Only specialized pioneers such as Cerastium pedunulatum, Linaria alpina, Oxyria digyna and Saxifraga aizoides tolerate the cold and moist conditions near the glacier. However, these species are restricted to early successional stages. Seedlings of Epilobium fleischeri are affected not only by the cold and moist conditions near the glacier but also by moderately dry conditions on older sites. Availability of safe sites becomes crucial for most species with increasing age of sites and with drier conditions. Most species playing a dominant role during early succession and persisting during later successional stages have a distinctive ability to spread clonally and have a growth form with more or less widely spaced ramets: Achillea moschata. Cerastium pedunculatum. Epilobium fleischeri and Hieraium staticifolium. The growth strategy and demography of the clonal E. fleischeri is presented as an example. The life cycle of this species is characterized in succession by (1) the colonization of safe sites by small seeds adapted for wind dispersal, (2) horizontal spread by clonal growth, and (3) the persistence through phenotypic morphological plasticity in later successional stages. Seedling establishment and clonal growth are thus complementary mechanisms in plant succession on recently deglaciated terrain.  相似文献   

An aggregated distribution of dispersed seeds may influence the colonization process in tree communities via inflated spatial uncertainty. To evaluate this possibility, we studied 10 tree species in a temperate forest: one primarily barochorous, six anemochorous and two endozoochorous species. A statistical model was developed by combining an empirical seed dispersal kernel with a gamma distribution of seedfall density, with parameters that vary with distance. In the probability density, the fitted models showed that seeds of Fagaceae (primarily barochorous) and Betulaceae (anemochorous) were disseminated locally (i.e. within 60 m of a mother tree), whereas seeds of Acer (anemochorous) and endozoochorous species were transported farther. Greater fecundity compensated for the lower probability of seed dispersal over long distances for some species. Spatial uncertainty in seedfall density was much greater within 60 m of a mother tree than farther away, irrespective of dispersal mode, suggesting that seed dispersal is particularly aggregated in the vicinity of mother trees. Simulation results suggested that such seed dispersal patterns could lead to sites in the vicinity of a tree being occupied by other species that disperse seeds from far away. We speculate that this process could promote coexistence by making the colonization rates of the species more similar on average and equalizing species fitness in this temperate forest community.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of tree species in a subtropical forest of China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spatial dispersion of individuals in a species is an important pattern that is controlled by many mechanisms. In this study we analyzed spatial distributions of tree species in a large-scale (20 ha) stem-mapping plot in a species-rich subtropical forest of China. O-ring statistic was used to measure spatial patterns of species with abundance >10. Ω0–10, the mean conspecific density within 10 m of a tree, was used as a measure of the intensity of aggregation of a species. Our results showed: (1) aggregated distribution was the dominant pattern in the plot. The percentage of aggregated species decreased with increased spatial scale. (2) The percentages of significantly aggregated species decreased from abundant to intermediate and to rare species. Rare species was more strongly aggregated than common species. Aggregation was weaker in larger diameter classes. (3) Seed traits determined the spatial patterns of trees. Seed dispersal mode can influence spatial patterns of species, with species dispersed by both modes being less clumped than species dispersed by animal or wind, respectively. Considering these results, we concluded that seed dispersal limitation, self-thinning and habitat heterogeneity primarily contributed to spatial patterns and species coexistence in the forest.  相似文献   

Early succession of butterfly and plant communities on set-aside fields   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 Hypotheses on secondary succession of butterfly and plant communities were tested using naturally developed 1- to 4-year-old set-aside fields (n = 16), sown fields (n = 8) and old meadows (n = 4) in 1992 in South Germany. Pioneer successional fields (1st and 2nd year of succession, dominated by annuals) and early successional fields (3rd and 4th year of succession where perennials, especially grasses became dominant) had fewer plant species than mid-successional fields (old meadows). In contrast to established hypotheses, mean number of plant species decreased from 1- to 4-year-old set-aside fields. Species richness of butterfly communities did not change during the first four years of succession, but species composition changed greatly. Pioneer successional fields were characterized by (1) specialized butterflies depending on annual pioneer foodplants (e.g. Issoria lathonia), and (2) species preferring the pioneer successions despite their host plants being more abundant on early and mid-successional fields (e.g. Papilio machaon). The variability in butterfly species richness was best explained by flower abundance which was closely correlated with plant species richness. Species whose abundance was correlated with habitat connectivity were significantly smaller than species which correlated with flower abundance. Numbers of caterpillar species were correlated with numbers of adult butterfly species. Life-history features of butterflies changed significantly from pioneer to early and mid-successional fields. We found decreasing body size and migrational ability, decreasing numbers of species hibernating as imago, decreasing numbers of generations and increasing larval stage duration with age of succession, but, contrary to expectation, host plant specialization, numbers of egg-cluster laying species and egg diameter did not change with successional age. Received 18 September 1995 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

We used auto- and cross-correlation analysis and Ripley's K-function analysis to analyze spatiotemporal pattern evolution in a spatially explicit simulation model of a semiarid shrubland (Karoo, South Africa) and to determine the impact of small-scale disturbances on system dynamics. Without disturnities bance, local dynamics were driven by a pattern of cyclic succession, where 'colonizer' and 'successor' species alternately replaced each other. This results in a strong pattern of negative correlation in the temporal distribution of colonizer and successor species. As disturbance rates were increased, the relationship shifted from being negatively correlated in time to being positively correlated-the dynamics became decoupled from the ecologically driven cyclic succession and were increasingly influenced by abiotic factors (e.g., rainfall events). Further analysis of the spatial relationships among colonizer and successor species showed that, without disturbance, periods of attraction and repulsion between colonizer and successor species alternate cyclically at intermediate spatial scales. This was due to the spatial 'memory' embedded in the system through the process of cyclic succession. With the addition of disturbance, this pattern breaks down, although there is some indication of increasing ecological organization at broader spatial scales. We suggest that many of the insights that can be gained through spatially explicit models will only be obtained through a direct analysis of the spatial patterns produced.  相似文献   

Relatively little information exists on neotropical secondary rain forests that have progressed beyond the pioneer stages of succession, or on the potential of natural regeneration to restore forest on large areas. We determined the structural and floristic characteristics (10 cm dbh) of a 30‐year‐old secondary forest developing on a 32.5 ha pasture on hilly terrain, abandoned after use of moderate intensity. Ten 0.24 ha sample plots covered the range of site conditions. The forest was dominated by long‐lived pioneer tree species; overall, the majority of species (70%) was vertebrate dispersed but the majority of individuals (52%) was of wind‐dispersed species. Tree species, including the dominants, were a mixture of those present in old‐growth and adventives colonizing from agricultural land. The forest was very heterogeneous. Vochysia ferruginea‐dominated stands characterized slopes with soils of high exchangeable acidity, while the adventive Cordia alliodora dominated sites with gentler topography and soils of lower acidity. Structural differences between the two forest types were slight, but Cordia forest had significantly greater species diversity and absolute and relative abundances of vertebrate‐dispersed tree species than Vochysia forest, which had significantly greater absolute and relative abundances of wind‐dispersed tree species. These latter differences between forest types, as well as the wide structural variation of the forest as a whole, were probably largely due to spatial and temporal variation in seed rains, some of it linked to the characteristics of the dominant species. Rain forest restoration on large pastures may depend greatly on wind dispersal and adventive tree species, and techniques for silvicultural diagnosis must be developed as a basis for the management of heterogeneous successional stands. Studies of early colonization of pastures should be expanded to focus on the causes of heterogeneity in older forests.  相似文献   

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