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This study presents the analysis of 381 phytosociological relevés describing predominantly ombrotrophic South Patagonian lowland peatland vegetation along a gradient of increasing continentality. Numerical methods such as cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were carried out to explore the data set. Cluster analysis resulted in nine vegetation types that were also distinctly separated in DCA ordination. The major floristic coenocline along the first DCA axis reflected a gradient of continentality ranging from pacific blanket bogs dominated by cushion plants toSphagnum-dominated continental raised bogs. Increasing continentality along the first axis was parallel with decreasing peat decomposition and increasing peat depth and acidity. In contrast, floristic variation along the second DCA axis represented a water level gradient. The typical sequence of vegetation types along the hollow-hummock moisture gradient that is well established for north hemispherical peatlands could also be observed inSphagnum-dominated South Patagonian raised bogs with a surprising similarity in floristic and structural features. Concerning the gradient of continentality significant differences in comparison with the northern hemisphere could be established. Most obvious was the dominance of cushion building plants (e.g.Astelia pumila, Donatia fascicularis) in South Patagonian oceanic peatlands, whereas this life form is totally absent from the northern hemisphere. Similar to the continentalSphagnum bogs the cushion plant vegetation of hyperoceanic peatlands exhibited a clear separation along the moisture gradient.  相似文献   

Many north‐hemispherical mires seemingly untouched by drainage and cultivation are influenced by a diffuse sum of man‐made environmental changes, such as atmospherical nitrogen deposition that mask general patterns in species richness and functional group responses along resource gradients. To obtain insights into natural diversity‐environment relationships, we studied the vegetation and the peat chemistry of pristine bog ecosystems in southern Patagonia along a west–east transect across the Andes. The studied bog ecosystems covered a floristic gradient from hyperoceanic blanket bogs dominated by cushion building vascular plants via a transitional mixed type to Sphagnum‐dominated raised bogs east of the mountain range. To test the influence of resource availability on diversity patterns, species richness and functional groups were related to environmental variables by calculating general regression models and generalized additive models. Species richness showed strong linear correlations to peat chemical features and the general regression model resulted in three major environmental variables (water level, total nitrogen, NH4Cl soluble calcium), altogether explaining 76% of variance. Functional group response illustrated a clear separation along environmental gradients. Mosses dominated at the low end of a nitrogen gradient, whereas cushion plants had their optimum at intermediate levels, and graminoids dominated at high nitrogen contents. Further shifts were related to NH4Cl soluble calcium and water level. The models documented partly non‐linear relationships between functional group response and trophical peat properties. Within the three bog types, the calculated models differed remarkably illustrating the scale‐dependency of the explanatory factors. Our findings confirmed several general patterns of species richness and functional shifts along resource gradients in a surprisingly clear way and underpin the significance of undisturbed peatlands as reference systems for testing of ecological theory and for conservation and ecological restoration in landscapes with strong human impact.  相似文献   

Peatlands store approximately 30% of global soil carbon, most in moss‐dominated bogs. Future climatic changes, such as changes in precipitation patterns and warming, are expected to affect peat bog vegetation composition and thereby its long‐term carbon sequestration capacity. Theoretical work suggests that an episode of rapid environmental change is more likely to trigger transitions to alternative ecosystem states than a gradual, but equally large, change in conditions. We used a dynamic vegetation model to explore the impacts of drought events and increased temperature on vegetation composition of temperate peat bogs. We analyzed the consequences of six patterns of summer drought events combined with five temperature scenarios to test whether an open peat bog dominated by moss (Sphagnum) could shift to a tree‐dominated state. Unexpectedly, neither a gradual decrease in the amount of summer precipitation nor the occurrence of a number of extremely dry summers in a row could shift the moss‐dominated peat bog permanently into a tree‐dominated peat bog. The increase in tree biomass during drought events was unable to trigger positive feedbacks that keep the ecosystem in a tree‐dominated state after a return to previous ‘normal’ rainfall conditions. In contrast, temperature increases from 1 °C onward already shifted peat bogs into tree‐dominated ecosystems. In our simulations, drought events facilitated tree establishment, but temperature determined how much tree biomass could develop. Our results suggest that under current climatic conditions, peat bog vegetation is rather resilient to drought events, but very sensitive to temperature increases, indicating that future warming is likely to trigger persistent vegetation shifts.  相似文献   

The relation between climatic conditions and type of peatland ecosystem in the different climate zones in Europe is discussed. Special attention is given to the hydrology of raised bogs in the sub-oceanic region. Possible effects of climatic change on such raised bog systems are discussed in terms of changes in water discharge, ground-water table, rate of peat accumulation, and flora and vegetation. It is concluded that future changes, as suggested by the more widely accepted scenarios for climatic change, will seriously disrupt the ecological functioning of these peatland ecosystems, and it is doubtful whether at least the most southerly examples of sub-oceanic raised bogs will at all survive. Finally, suggestions are given for future research on the impact of climatic change on peatland ecosystems.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the development of ombrotrophic raised bogs in NE Germany after the adoption of a protective program with a focus on the hydrological and floristic changes in two simultaneously restored cut-over bogs as a reference for all other bogs. At the moment, four fifths of the bogs area is dominated by woody vegetation forms and <5?% is characterized by typical raised bog vegetation. The trend of increasing areas with woody vegetation forms and decreasing areas with vegetation typical for ombrotrophic raised bogs could not be prevented despite increasing the portion of revitalized areas. The reason for the negative developments is founded in the different types of raised bogs in NE Germany, which differ in regard to the historical lagg area and the original grown up raised peat body. This as well as the kind and intensity of anthropogenic use have significant implications for the possibilities of revitalization and protection. Except for those bogs where no peat remnants remain, the revitalization of cut-over raised bogs in NE Germany can succeed if an almost closed hydrological protection zone (HPZ which is equal to the historical lagg area) is established so that the gradient of entire lateral water flow between the higher lying peat remnant and the lower lying surrounding area is reduced. The attainment of a lateral water flow gradient comparable to the original state and of a water-saturated peat body succeeds in turn in the precondition for growing Sphagnum species, which readjust the system??s self regulation. The comparison of two bogs with similar preconditions concerning location, climate, and anthropogenic transformation has shown that an incompletely closed HPZ is one important reason for the decreasing portion of intact raised bogs with their typical vegetation. The influence of climate change on current hydrological and floristic changes in NE German ombrotrophic raised bogs has less influence on the success of revitalization than the historic grown type of bog and the intensity of anthropogenic use.  相似文献   

Summary A dynamic model is developed which simulates changes in peat bogs on different kinds of slopes. The relationships between the elements of the model which include bog plants, fen plants, water, peat and nutrients, are defined based on data from an earlier study of vegetation in the Rothenthurm area in Switzerland, and from published sources.The model is tested for its performance on three types of slope, starting development at a hypothetical state with low amounts of all variables. The development of bogs is traced until a stable state is reached at equilibrium.It is evident from the results that the establishment of a mature stable system takes longest on the flat slope. On all three slopes the peat layer reaches its maximum value before the equilibrium is reached at a slightly reduced peat level. As were observed in the fied, most slope types do not allow a peat bog to persist long under the local climatical conditions, but changes are forced in the vegetation toward a fen type with higher nutrient supply. It was however possible to simulate a stable peat bog when the slope was flat enough (type C in main text). The results of simulation reproduced with reasonable accuracy the shape of the bogs investigated in the field, the abundance of bog and fen plant species, the ground water table, the thickness of peat and the state of nutrient concentrations in the site. The model is rendered to have minimum complexity by assumptions, described in the main text, to reproduce only those properties of peat bogs that were considered primary in importance in the field. The extent to which the model can help to better understand the natural system is discussed.A version of the model described in this paper was developed by the author at the Institute of Geobotany, Swiss Federal School of Technology, Zürich, in 1975–1976. The author expresses his thanks to Prof. Dr. E. Landolt, Director of the Department.  相似文献   

We present the first quantification of forest community composition and its relationship with environmental factors in South American subtropical Atlantic Forests. In this region, rain, seasonally dry and mixed forests form an ecotonal zone near the parallel of latitude 30°S. To investigate how well current knowledge on climatic effects and biogeographic distribution apply to subtropical ecotones, we tested the following expectations: (i) there is a floristic longitudinal gradient correlated to altitudinal and climatic gradients; (ii) climatic variables are more important than soil factors in shaping floristic composition; and (iii) there are three floristic regions in the southernmost limit of the Atlantic Forest biome that are expected to be distinct in composition, structure and biogeographical origin. We examined floristic composition and its relationship with environmental factors across 52 1‐ha permanent study areas in subtropical Brazil, containing in total 269 tree species ≥ 9.5 dbh (diameter at breast height). Climatic data, related to rainfall seasonality and temperature, as well as soil properties, were compiled from published sources or global data banks. Expectations one and two were confirmed, but expectation three was only partially met. Hierarchical cluster analysis divided the southernmost Atlantic Forests into four major groups (Rain, Seasonally Dry, Western Mixed and Eastern Mixed Forests). Overall, the tested environmental variables differed significantly among the four regions. Using indicator species analysis, we distinguished 46 indicator species, which had significant environmental preferences for one floristic region. These species can be used as indicators of environmental conditions or to determine to which floristic region a certain forest belongs. Biogeographic distributions differed between floristic groups, supporting the interpretation that Eastern Mixed Forests are relict forests of a temperate forest of Andean origin that occurred during colder palaeoclimates. Western Mixed Forests represent the main floristic ecotone between Seasonally dry and Eastern Mixed Forests.  相似文献   

Climate is a major factor affecting the development and form of peatlands, as well as the distribution of individual bryophyte species. This paper examines the climatic and ecological gradients affecting the distribution of peatland types along a north-south gradient in the Mackenzie River Basin. Based on a TWINSPAN analysis of bryophyte abundance from 82 peatlands in the Mackenzie River Basin, seven peatland types, two with southerly geographical distributions are recognized. In the Mackenzie River Basin, such local factors as surface water chemistry, pH, and solute concentration as well as height above the water table play a significant role in determinining bryophyte species distributions. Climate is secondary. Amongst the climatic variables, precipitation, length of the growing season, and annual temperature are the most signifcant. The seven peatland groups are: widespread poor fens; peat plateaus with thermokarst pools, low-Boreal bogs; bogs and peat plateus without thermokarst pools; low-Boreal dry poor fens; wet moderate-rich fens; and wet extreme-rich fens.  相似文献   

Floristic variation is high in the Neotropics, but little is known about the factors shaping this variation at the mesoscale. We examined floristic composition and its relationship with environmental factors across 220 1‐ha permanent plots in tropical lowland Bolivia. For each plot, abundance of 100 species (93 tree and 7 palm species ≥10 cm diam) was obtained. Climatic data, related to rainfall seasonality and temperature, were interpolated from all available weather stations in the region, and soil properties, related to texture and fertility, were obtained for each plot. Floristic variation was strongly associated with differences in water availability and temperature, and therefore the climatic gradient shaped floristic variation more strongly than the edaphic gradient. Detrended correspondence analysis ordination divided lowland Bolivia primarily into two major groups (Southern Chiquitano region vs. the Amazon region) and a multiple response permutation procedure distinguished five floristic regions. Overall, the tested environmental variables differed significantly among the five regions. Using indicator species analysis, we distinguished 82 strong indicator species, which had significant environmental preferences for one floristic region. These species can be used as indicators of environmental conditions or to determine which floristic region a certain forest belongs. Given the predicted decreases in rainfall and increases in temperature for tropical lowland forests, our gradient approach suggests that species composition may shift drastically with climate change. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

The natural recovery of vegetation on abandoned peat extraction areas lasts for decades and the result of restoration succession can be unpredictable. The aim of the study was to specify environmental factors that affect the formation of the pioneer stages of mire communities and, therefore, be helpful in the prediction of the resulting ecosystem properties. We used the national inventory data from 64 milled peatlands in Estonia, distributed over the region of 300 × 200 km. This is the first national‐scale statistical evaluation of abandoned extracted peatlands. During surveys, vascular plants, bryophytes, and residual peat properties were recorded on three microtopographic forms: flats, ditch margins, and ditches. The microtopography was the main factor distinguishing the composition of plant communities on flats and ditches, while ditch margins resembled flats. The extracted indicator species suggested two successional pathways, toward fen or raised bog community. A single indicator trait—the depth of residual peat, which combines the information about peat properties (e.g. pH, ash content, and trophicity status), predicted the plant community succession in microtopographic habitats. We suggest that peatland management plans about the cost‐efficient restoration of abandoned peat mining areas should consider properties of residual peat layer as the baseline indicator: milled peatfields with thin (<2.3 m) and well‐decomposed residual peat should be restored toward fen vegetation types, whereas sites with thick (>2.3 m) and less decomposed residual peat layer should be restored toward transitional mires or raised bogs. Specific methodological suggestions are provided .  相似文献   

Question: Has the vegetation of Sphagnum bogs been affected by more than 200 years of human activities? Location: Bas‐Saint‐Laurent region, southeastern Québec, Canada. Methods: Data (species assemblages, abiotic and spatio‐historical variables) were collected in 16 bogs ranging from 2 to 189 ha, and incorporated in a geographical information system. Major gradients in vegetation composition were identified using DCA. CCA was used to relate vegetation gradients to abiotic and spatio‐historical variables. Results: A clear segregation of species assemblages was observed, from open and undisturbed bogs to forested and highly disturbed sites. Among abiotic factors, tree basal area, water table level and peat thickness had a significant influence on plant species composition. Among spatio‐historical factors, disturbance level, area loss and fire were the most influential factors. Variance partitioning between these groups of factors suggests that spatio‐historical factors had a major influence on peatlands, representing 22% of the variation observed in the plant species assemblages while abiotic factors represent only 17% of the variation. Conclusions: The results highlight the influence of agricultural and other anthropogenic activities on plant assemblages and suggest that even wetlands apparently resistant to disturbances, such as peatlands, can be severely affected by anthropogenic factors. Plant species assemblages of ombrotrophic peatlands of the Bas‐Saint‐Laurent region were, and still are, largely influenced by human activities.  相似文献   

Arsenault  Julien  Talbot  Julie  Moore  Tim R.  Beauvais  Marie-Pierre  Franssen  Jan  Roulet  Nigel T. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1352-1367
Ecosystems - Ombrotrophic bogs can comprise a mosaic of vegetation patches and open-water pools, with hydrological and biogeochemical connections between pools and the surrounding peat and...  相似文献   

Summary The paper summarizes the vegetation pattern of the largest swamp (peat bog) area in the world. The core area covers about 800×1800 km (NS x EW) in West Siberia between the Ural mountains and the river Yenisey. The core area is one gigantic oligotrophic swamp (Peino-Helobiome acc), the new classification suggested in Walter 1976, see also summary in Vegetatio 32, 1976, pp. 75–81. A map of the entire area is presented.Intensive recent field studies were executed by the geobotanical-soil science faculty of the University of Moscow and the first five publication under the editorship of A. I. Popov (1971–1975) are the basis for this paper. The original papers are in Russian, still unavailable for most western scientists.The bog genetics was stratigraphically analyzed. The analysis revealed that the majority of the Northern bogs started in taiga forests. The peat in these areas is now 4–7 m deep. About 60% of the peat consists of the mixed (Sphagnum) fuscum type deposit. Peat type profiles are shown in Figure 4. The figure illustrates the different peat deposits in relation to depth as well as to surface pattern of strings and hollows.The surface vegetation shows the pattern typical for many northern peat bogs on very slightly inclined land: parallel strings of peat moss and Pinus trees alternating with hollows filled with rain water and hydrophytic Sphagna (Sph. dusenii, Sph. balticum). A cross section through this vegetation pattern is given in Figure 5. Details of the pattern: strings and hollows are given in Chapter 4 of the paper.The second chapter of this paper deals with regression phenomena in the vegetation development due to excessive water logging caused by the development of the strings. Under such conditions black water lakes are formed which grow in size through the erosive action of wind and waves on the expense of the peat moss surface.Bog development in the middle and northern Taiga zone of the biome are discussed in Section 3. The hydrology of this area is ruled by the seasonal fluctuation of water level. The amplitude of the Ob river amounts to 12 m with the amplitude of the tributaries ranging around 4–6 m. The annual flood is aggravated in spring by huge ice packages. The entire area is for extended periods one great lake which dissects into hundreds of thousands of little lakes during the low water season.In some parts of this area local drainage is responsible for the development of small forest patches. The crown cover in this forest is reported up to 50%; the species composition changes from Pinus sibirica, P. sylvestris, Picea spec. near the drainage creeks to Pinus sylvestris f. willkommii and Betula in the drained upland portions.In this area the general peat bog is eutrophic because of the high influence of the flood. The local development of oligotrophic raised bogs is frequent, however. These bogs are obviously a successional stage in series that leads eventually to a boreal forest.Section 5 deals with the vegetation typology of the entire area. Three different subdivisions of the Helobiome are distinguished, with several regional subdivisions in each. The principle for the biome division is the environmental change from oligotrophic water on the northern lower end of the watershed to the eutrophic water condition further south in the forest steppe zone. In the area of the southern eutrophic biome are forest islands Ryami and even the first salt soil patches noticeable especially in the northern steppe zone. This indicates the regional transition to the Halo-Helobiome. Some vegetational and floristic details for the subdivisions are summarized in this chapter.Supplement to H. Walter: The vegetation of Eastern Europe, North and Central Asia, 1974.Translated by: Stephen S. Talbot, Forest Management Institute, 396 Cooper Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OH3, and Runhild E. Eessell, 54 Spindle Road Hicksville, New York 11801, USA.

Climatic changes have profound effects on the distribution of biodiversity, but untangling the links between climatic change and ecosystem functioning is challenging, particularly in high diversity systems such as tropical forests. Tropical forests may also show different responses to a changing climate, with baseline climatic conditions potentially inducing differences in the strength and timing of responses to droughts. Trait‐based approaches provide an opportunity to link functional composition, ecosystem function and environmental changes. We demonstrate the power of such approaches by presenting a novel analysis of long‐term responses of different tropical forest to climatic changes along a rainfall gradient. We explore how key ecosystem's biogeochemical properties have shifted over time as a consequence of multi‐decadal drying. Notably, we find that drier tropical forests have increased their deciduous species abundance and generally changed more functionally than forests growing in wetter conditions, suggesting an enhanced ability to adapt ecologically to a drying environment.  相似文献   

Succession has a strong influence on species diversity and composition of terrestrial ecosystems. Peat bogs are among them. They have a large area in Belarus compared to other Central European countries. While in several studies have analyzed the effects of succession on vegetation in peat bog ecosystems, the response of peatland insects to succession has not been investigated yet. To address this issue were sampled Auchenorrhyncha abundance and environmental parameters on the ancient and one of the largest natural peat bog along a successional gradient from the margin to the bog dome. The results provide evidence that succession of peat bogs has influence on planthoppers and leafhoppers abundance, diversity and species composition. Along the successional gradient from younger towards older successional stages an increase abundance of specialized peat bog species, chamebionts, oligophagous and monophagous was observed. On the contrary, the younger stages of natural peat bog succession offer favorable conditions to eurytopic, polyphagous and chortobiont planthoppers and leafhoppers. The highest abundance and species richness of Auchenorrhyncha were in the lagg zone followed by early stages of natural peat bog succession. The highest diversity was in the middle stages of succession. A determinant of Auchenorrhyncha diversity was the cover of ericaceous dwarf shrubs. Linear models shrub cover and number of plants species had a positive effect on planthoppers and leafhoppers diversity and a negative effect on their abundance. Amount of ericaceous dwarf shrubs within the peat bog could be as a measure of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Processes responsible for shaping community patterns act at specific spatial scales. In this study, we aimed at disentangling the effects of climate, soil and space as drivers of variation in a coastal grassland plant community. We were specifically interested in evaluating the relative influence of those processes at broad and fine spatial scales as well as when considering species groups with good and poor long‐distance dispersal capacity. We sampled grassland vegetation at 16 sites distributed along a latitudinal gradient of more than 500 km in subtropical southern Brazil and used variation partitioning procedures to ascertain the relative influence of climatic, edaphic and spatial processes on variation in species composition at different spatial scales, considering the entire community and subsets with only species from the Asteraceae family (good long‐distance dispersal) and Poaceae (poor long‐distance dispersal). Climatic filters were the most responsible for shaping grassland community composition at the broad scale, while edaphic filters showed higher importance at the fine scale. When not considering the influence of spatial scale, we observed higher influence of climate structured in space. Composition patterns of species with poor long‐distance dispersal (Poaceae) were more closely related to spatial variables than those of species with effective dispersal (Asteraceae). Our results stressed the importance of addressing different spatial scales to rightly ascertain the magnitude that different drivers exert on plant community assembly. Dividing the community into groups with different dispersal abilities proved useful for a more detailed understanding of the community assembly processes.  相似文献   

Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane. Here, we assess controls on methane flux using a database of approximately 19 000 instantaneous measurements from 71 wetland sites located across subtropical, temperate, and northern high latitude regions. Our analyses confirm general controls on wetland methane emissions from soil temperature, water table, and vegetation, but also show that these relationships are modified depending on wetland type (bog, fen, or swamp), region (subarctic to temperate), and disturbance. Fen methane flux was more sensitive to vegetation and less sensitive to temperature than bog or swamp fluxes. The optimal water table for methane flux was consistently below the peat surface in bogs, close to the peat surface in poor fens, and above the peat surface in rich fens. However, the largest flux in bogs occurred when dry 30‐day averaged antecedent conditions were followed by wet conditions, while in fens and swamps, the largest flux occurred when both 30‐day averaged antecedent and current conditions were wet. Drained wetlands exhibited distinct characteristics, e.g. the absence of large flux following wet and warm conditions, suggesting that the same functional relationships between methane flux and environmental conditions cannot be used across pristine and disturbed wetlands. Together, our results suggest that water table and temperature are dominant controls on methane flux in pristine bogs and swamps, while other processes, such as vascular transport in pristine fens, have the potential to partially override the effect of these controls in other wetland types. Because wetland types vary in methane emissions and have distinct controls, these ecosystems need to be considered separately to yield reliable estimates of global wetland methane release.  相似文献   

Raised peat bogs harbor unique vegetation types in specific hydrological conditions. Environmental controls of peat bog vegetation are relatively well known for the boreal zone, while in the European boreo-nemoral zone healthy raised bogs are nowadays very rare. By contrast, Latvia, located in the transition zone between the nemoral and the boreal biomes, still has a large number of active raised bogs. The aim of the present study was to characterize the environmental controls on raised bog vegetation structure, species composition and ecology in Latvia. The study includes 17 raised bogs, where vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens were recorded in 480 sample plots and related to environmental variables (microtopography, litter cover, electric conductivity, pH, and macroelements Na, K, Ca, Mg and P in bog surface waters). The factor best explaining total species richness and composition was microtopography, which also affected most other explanatory factors. Thereby total species richness and cover were highest on hummocks. However, the importance and direction of the effects of microtopography and the other factors differed between vegetation groups. When disregarding microtopography, species composition was most strongly correlated with alkaline ions and litter cover and for bryophytes also with vascular plant cover. The present study is the first wide-scale study in Latvia relating raised bog vegetation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Tertiary‐relict Hyrcanian (Caspian) forest along the shores of the southern Caspian Sea is a center of biodiversity. Still, there is little information on plant diversity patterns in this area. This study evaluated plant diversity, variation in life forms, and geographical distribution of the zonal vegetation types and their relationships with environmental variables, in the educational and experimental forest of Kheyrudkenar, an important protected area in the central Hyrcanian forest of northern Iran. For this purpose, 226 vegetation plots of 400 m2 were laid out along two altitudinal transects from the lowlands (100 m a.s.l.) to the timberline (2000 m a.s.l.). Four vegetation types were identified using modified TWINSPAN, indirect and direct gradient analyses. Species‐related (species diversity indices, life form and phytogeographical elements) and environmental variables (climate, topographic and soil variables) were calculated and subjected to one‐way ANOVA among the vegetation types. Both constrained (CCA) and unconstrained (DCA) ordination analyses showed an almost identical variation of the floristic composition along their axes and demonstrated that there are two main gradients in the Hyrcanian forest. Elevation together with annual precipitation and mean annual temperature were the most important factors controlling the floristic composition in the area. Topographic features such as slope inclination and heat index were found to be important within an elevation zone/vegetation type. Soil physical and chemical properties were of secondary importance for the separation of the vegetation types. This knowledge will be useful for forest management and conservation practices in the Hyrcanian area with its distinct and unique flora and vegetation.  相似文献   

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