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Abstract. This study explored the validity of three responses of vegetation to increased soil erosion: reduction of vegetation cover, number of species and reduced substitution of species. 201 relevés, including edaphic and geomorphological data, were surveyed in the intensely eroded Eocene marls of the Prepyrenees (NE Spain). Changes in plant species’ presence in relevés from different degradation stages were compared. The level of vegetation degradation was defined as the total phanerogam cover which, in the studied area, was correlated to the degree of soil erosion. The considered trends were validated. Reduction of phanerogam cover and species number were gradual from low to high‐eroded areas. Vegetation degradation explained 48% of the species number variance. In the later stages of degradation a significant substitution of species was not observed, only a lower frequency of occurrence of several species that appeared in the whole set of relevés. Through the process of degradation, 47% of species displayed significantly reduced frequencies as degradation increased, none showed a significant increase in frequency. It is concluded that there are no characteristic species in these plant communities that survive in the severely eroded marls. Among the few species that had increased in frequency, most only colonised favourable micro‐environments.  相似文献   

The relative importance of sexual reproduction (seed) and sprouting as sources for regeneration in Brazilian Atlantic Forest was evaluated in three different successional forest stages: young forest, immature forest, and late‐successional forest. Young plants (10–100 cm tall) of tree species were classified into the following categories: (1) seedlings that are nonsprouting—plants that originated through sexual reproduction as seeds; (2) stem base sprouting—plants that sprouted at the base of an existing plant; and (3) underground stem sprouting—plants that sprouted from subterranean stems of an existing plant. A total of 1,030 individuals of 48 species were collected. Underground stem sprouting is the rarest form of propagation, with stem base sprouting somewhat more common and possibly associated with recovery of damaged parts. The greatest contribution to regeneration was due to seeds: 92% of the individuals counted in 67% of the plant species. However, 13 species were “facultative” sprouters as seedlings and sprouters were observed in this group. The three forest ages differed in the proportion of regeneration strategies; in immature forest, sprouting was more common (15%) than in young (7%) and late‐successional (3%; p < 0.05) forest. In these three forest stages, germinating seeds are the major source of new plants; although sprouting as a reproductive strategy is rare, it is related to recovery after damage of an already existing plant and may be due to previous land use history (agriculture) and low soil fertility. Restoration using natural regeneration should consider these factors to understand seed arrival as seed is the main source of regeneration.  相似文献   

In this contribution we want to show that growth forms intermediate between non-clonal and clonal plants can be used to ask questions about the functional ecology of clonality. We discuss this idea on plants sprouting adventitiously from roots and accomplishing clonal growth via root spacers. Based on extensive literature dealing with growth forms of root sprouting plants, we characterise forms functionally intermediate between clonal root-sprouters and non-clonal plants. We delimit them according to their potential ability to form adventitious shoots and horizontal roots. By reviewing experimental work with root sprouters, we identify the most important triggering factors and developmental constraints influencing these intermediate forms plant age, life-history mode and life-history stage. Using this information we ask questions about the importance of root sprouting in (1) conditions of unpredictable disturbance, where root-sprouting ability may be viewed as a tool for vegetative regeneration, and in (2) temporarily and spatially heterogeneous environment, where foraging by roots may serve as a way of exploiting patchy resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The objective of this study was to test whether the mean values of several root morphological variables were related to the ability to develop root-borne shoots and/or shoot-borne roots in a wide range of vascular plants. METHODS: A comparative study was carried out on the 123 most common plant species from eroded lands in north-east Spain. After careful excavations in the field, measurements were taken of the maximum root depth, absolute and relative basal root diameter, specific root length (SRL), and the root depth/root lateral spread ratio on at least three individuals per species. Shoot-rooting and root-sprouting were observed in a large number of individuals in many eroded and sedimentary environments. The effect of life history and phylogeny on shoot-rooting and root-sprouting abilities was also analysed. KEY RESULTS: The species with coarse and deep tap-roots tended to be root-sprouting and those with fine, fasciculate and long main roots (which generally spread laterally), tended to be shoot-rooting. Phylogeny had an important influence on root system morphology and shoot-rooting and root-sprouting capacities. However, the above relations stood after applying analyses based on phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs). CONCLUSIONS: The main morphological features of the root system of the study species are related to their ability to sprout from their roots and form roots from their shoots. According to the results, such abilities might only be functionally viable in restricted root system morphologies and ecological strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two South African mountain fynbos sites were studied to determine the effect of short fire cycles on the cover and density of understorey sprouting species and their subsequent effect on plant-species richness. Frequent fires (4–6 years between burns) increased the cover of sprouting species by 32% when compared to an adjacent site where the penultimate fire was 28 years previously. There was little or no effect of fire frequency on the densities of understorey sprouters; however, individuals were larger at sites with short fire cycles. The response of individual species of sprouters was variable with one species, Hypodiscus striatus , showing no response to fire frequency. The impact of sprouting species on the species richness of the plant community was great. The mean number of species recorded in quadrats with a high cover of sprouters was 60% lower in comparison to quadrats with low covers or under the burned skeletons of overstorey proteas. The effect of sprouters was consistent for all functional groups of species (i.e. sprouters, non-sprouters, short-lived and long-lived species), in each case reducing the number of species present.  相似文献   

Regeneration mechanisms of vegetation and the role of tree bark resistance to frequent fire were studied in savanna woodlands and grasslands in Gambella, Western Ethiopia. Data were collected from four sites, each with three replicate plots. The variation between sites in species composition and biomass correlated with the differences in fire intensity. Foliar cover was recorded for individual plant species regenerating by sprouting from older parts of plants that had survived fire or by seedlings; records were made during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season. Data on bark thickness and tree diameters of 12 dominant tree species were also recorded. Both facultative and obligate sprouters significantly contributed to post‐fire recovery, comprising 98.5 % of total vegetation cover. The contribution of seedlings to cover and abundance immediately following fire was negligible, but seedling density increased in the beginning of the rainy season, 4 to 5 months after fire. The importance of the sprouting and seeding strategies varied between the different plant growth forms. The highest contribution to cover and frequency was made by the most abundant grass species, which reproduced in both ways. Facultative sprouters made up 67.3 % of the vegetation cover, out of which 54 % consisted of grasses. Broad‐leaved herbs and trees/shrubs regenerating mainly by sprouting made up 31.3 % of the vegetation cover. Adaptations to fire in tree species seemed to include the development of a thick bark, once the tree has passed seedling stages. Tree bark thickness and tree diameter at breast height were strongly correlated with the time taken for cambium to reach an assumed lethal temperature of 60°C when exposed to fire, which indicated that mature trees with thick barks might resist stronger fire better than, e.g., small or young trees and trees with thin bark. However, for a given bark thickness the cambium resistance to heat varied three‐fold among species. Hence, site differences in fire intensity seemed to influence the distribution of trees depending on their bark characteristics and resistance to fire.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits are increasingly used in restoration ecology because they have the potential to guide restoration practices at a broad scale. This article presents a trait‐based multi‐criteria framework to evaluate and predict the performance of 17 plant seedlings to improve ecological restoration of marly eroded areas in the French Southern Alps. The suitability of these species to limit soil erosion was assessed by studying both their response to erosive forces and their effect on erosion dynamics. We assumed that species efficiency could be explained and predicted from plant traits and we looked for trait‐performance relationships. Our results showed that root slenderness ratio, the percentage of fine roots and root system topology, were the three root morphology traits best describing anchorage strength. Root system characterized by a long and thin tap root and many fine lateral ramifications would be the best to resist concentrated runoff. Species response to burial mainly depended on growth form and morphological flexibility. The abilities of species in reinforcing the soil and reducing erosion rates were negatively correlated to root diameter and positively to the percentage of fine roots. Moreover, root system density and root tensile strength also influenced root reinforcement. Finally, the ability to trap sediment was positively correlated to leaf area and canopy density. Species were then scored and classified in four clusters according to their global performance. This method allows identifying species that possess both response and effect traits related to the goal of preventing erosion during ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Vascular plant species compositional patterns of the low forest, scrub, and herbaceous vegetation on white sand soils and sandstone substrates were studied at six sandstone plateaus in Colombian Amazonia, by means of a field survey according to the Braun‐Blanquet relevé method. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was applied to separate effects of habitat and spatial configurations of the plateaus on species patterns. Also, information on dispersal ability and phytogeographic affinity of species was used to test explanations for between plateau differences. Low trees, shrubs and herbs were the main species recorded in 212 relevés. The main gradients in the species patterns were linked to the spatial configuration of the plateaus. Spatially controlled species patterns were mainly related to soil depth and soil organic matter. The association between phytogeographic affinity and the habitat controlled spatial link of species pointed at insufficient sampling at one plateau. Dispersal ability did not explain the habitat controlled spatially distributed occurrences of plant species. This might indicate a low frequency of local extinctions at the sandstone plateaus, especially of the poorly dispersed species, possibly because plant populations survive fire or drought disturbances in local sheltered places. Space and habitat controlled species patterns at one plateau were quite distinct from patterns at the other plateaus. This might be due to unmeasured habitat factors (e.g. unrecorded soil variation or human disturbance history) or the preferential, surveyor biased sampling procedure.  相似文献   

The stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that the importance or intensity of competition and facilitation will change inversely along abiotic stress gradients. It was originally postulated that increasing environmental stress can induce a monotonic increase in facilitation. However, more recent models predicted that the relationship between severity and interaction exhibits a hump‐shaped pattern, in which positive interactions prevail under moderate stress but decline at the extreme ends of stress gradients. In the present study, we conducted a field experiment along a temporal rainfall gradient for five consecutive years, in order to investigate interactions in a shrub‐herbaceous plant community at the southern edge of the Badain Jaran Desert, and, more specifically, investigated the effects of Calligonum mongolicum, a dominant shrub species, on both abiotic environmental variables and the performance of sub‐canopy plant species. We found that shrubs can improve sub‐canopy water regimes, soil properties, plant biomass, density, cover, and richness and, more importantly, that the positive effect of shrubs on sub‐canopy soil moisture during the summer diminishes as rainfall decreases, a pattern that partly explains the collapse of the positive interaction between shrubs and their understory plants. These results provide empirical evidence that the positive effect of shrubs on understory plant communities in extreme arid environments may decline and become neutral with increasing drought stress.  相似文献   

Questions: Is it possible to develop an expert system to provide reliable automatic identifications of plant communities at the precision level of phytosociological associations? How can unreliable expert‐based knowledge be discarded before applying supervised classification methods? Material: We used 3677 relevés from Catalonia (Spain), belonging to eight orders of terrestrial vegetation. These relevés were classified by experts into 222 low‐level units (associations or sub‐associations). Methods: We reproduced low‐level, expert‐defined vegetation units as independent fuzzy clusters using the Possibilistic C‐means algorithm. Those relevés detected as transitional between vegetation types were excluded in order to maximize the number of units numerically reproduced. Cluster centroids were then considered static and used to perform supervised classifications of vegetation data. Finally, we evaluated the classifier's ability to correctly identify the unit of both typical (i.e. training) and transitional relevés. Results: Only 166 out of 222 (75%) of the original units could be numerically reproduced. Almost all the unrecognized units were sub‐associations. Among the original relevés, 61% were deemed transitional or untypical. Typical relevés were correctly identified 95% of the time, while the efficiency of the classifier for transitional data was only 64%. However, if the second classifier's choice was also considered, the rate of correct classification for transitional relevés was 80%. Conclusions: Our approach stresses the transitional nature of relevé data obtained from vegetation databases. Relevé selection is justified in order to adequately represent the vegetation concepts associated with expert‐defined units.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper compares the occurrence of plant traits in five edaphically matched sites at the Barrens, southwestern Australia and the Agulhas Plain, southwestern South Africa. The two regions are very closely matched in terms of their Mediterranean-type climates, landforms, soil types and disturbance regimes. On both continents, matched sites on all substrata (siliceous sand, quartzite, laterite, limestone and calcareous sand) support sclerophyllous shrublands with a similar mix of growth forms. Soils from all substrata in both Australia and South Africa are extremely nutrient-poor except for the calcareous sands where high levels of phosphorus were recorded. Contrary to expectations, Australian soils are not generally less fertile than their South African counterparts. The frequency of species in different leaf consistence categories was similar on the two continents, as was the leaf specific mass of overstorey shrubs from all substrata. Woody plants with leaf spines are significantly more frequent on Australian nutrient-poor substrata. Among woody plants, species with canopy-stored seed are significantly more frequent on Australian nutrient-poor sites, whereas species with bird-dispersed fruits and inter-fire germination are significantly more frequent on South African limestone and calcareous sand. There was good evidence for convergence between the two continents in the frequency of other seed biological traits. The study indicates strong convergence between Australian and South African shrublands in the frequency of a wide range of traits relating to plant form and function. Examples of non-convergence are probably due to regional and historical processes rather than differences in the contemporary physical environments of the two study areas.  相似文献   

Questions: Plant invasions are considered one of the top threats to the biodiversity of native taxa, but clearly documenting the causal links between invasions and the decline of native species remains a major challenge of invasion biology. Most studies have focused on impacts of invaders' living biomass, rather than on mechanisms mediated by litter. However, invasive plant litter, which is often of a very different type and quantity than a system's native plant litter, can have multiple important effects on ecosystem processes – such as nitrogen cycling and soil microclimate – that may influence native plants. Location: We studied effects of litter of invasive grass species that are widespread throughout western North America on native shrubs in southern California's semi‐arid habitat of coastal sage scrub. Methods: We combined a 3‐year field manipulation of non‐native litter with structural equation modeling to understand interacting effects on non‐native grasses, native shrubs, soil nitrogen (available and total), and soil moisture. Results: Litter addition facilitated non‐native grass growth, revealing a positive feedback likely to enhance invasion success. Contrary to a major paradigm of invasion biology – that competition with invasive plant species causes declines of native plants – we found that litter also facilitated growth of the native dominant shrub, a result supported by observational trends. Structural equation models indicated that enhanced soil moisture mediated the positive effects of litter on shrub growth. Conclusions: We demonstrate that invasive plants, via their litter, can facilitate dominant native plants by altering soil moisture. Our results highlight that understanding the impacts and mechanisms of plant invasions may be enhanced by considering the role of invasive plant litter on native plants and ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

The Santa Monica Mountains are home to many species of chaparral shrubs that provide vegetative cover and whose deep roots contribute to the stability of the steep slopes. Recently, native chaparral have been threatened by an unprecedented drought and frequent wildfires in Southern California. Besides the damage from the wildfires themselves, there is the potential for subsequent structural losses due to erosion and landslides. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model that predicts the impact of drought and frequent wildfires on chaparral plant community structure. We begin by classifying chaparral into two life history types based on their response to wildfires. Nonsprouters are completely killed by a fire, but their seeds germinate in response to fire cues. Facultative sprouters survive by resprouting but also rely on seed germination for post-fire recovery. The individual-based model presented here simulates the growth, seed dispersal, and resprouting behavior of individual shrubs across two life history types as they compete for space and resources in a rectangular domain. The model also incorporates varying annual rainfall and fire frequency as well as the competition between plants for scarce resources. The parameters were fit using seedling and resprout survivorship data as well as point quarter sampling data from 1986 to 2014 at a biological preserve within the natural landscape of the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University. The simulations from our model reproduce the change in plant community structure at our study site which includes the local extinction of the nonsprouter Ceanothus megacarpus due to shortened fire return intervals. Our simulations predict that a combination of extreme drought and frequent wildfires will drastically reduce the overall density of chaparral, increasing the likelihood of invasion by highly flammable exotic grasses. The simulations further predict that the majority of surviving shrubs will be facultative sprouting species such as Malosma laurina.  相似文献   

We evaluated changes in ecosystem function in semiarid Stipa tenacissima L. steppes along a degradation gradient in southeast Spain. We used soil surface indicators to obtain surrogates of ecosystem function (resistance to erosion, infiltration, and nutrient cycling) and related these values to the main abiotic and biotic characteristics of the experimental sites. When ranked in an ordered sequence, the trajectory of these indicators showed abrupt changes, providing empirical evidence of discontinuities in ecosystem function along the degradation gradient evaluated. Surrogates of resistance to erosion showed nonlinear relationships with variables defining the spatial structure of patches, the area covered by sprouting shrubs, and species richness. The latter two variables were significantly related to surrogates of nutrient cycling and infiltration. Our results suggest that sprouting shrubs are playing a key role in improving ecosystem function and composition in degraded S. tenacissima steppes. The implications of our results for the optimization of restoration procedures in semiarid degraded steppes are discussed.  相似文献   

The production of shoots from roots (adventitious bud and shoot formation, root sprouting) first attracted attention in the 19th century as a morphological rarity. At that time, the first checklists of plants capable of root sprouting were compiled. Since then, experiments have proven that the ability to produce buds on roots serves the purpose of bud bank formation or represents a mode of clonal growth. The former enables resprouting after injury whereas the latter facilitates foraging for nutrients and vegetative multiplication. However, only a small proportion of root-sprouters have been studied so far, and for most of them we lack detailed data on the anatomy, morphology, ecology and physiology of adventitious shoot formation. These knowledge gaps hinder further understanding of their ecology and evolution. To support researchers interested in adventitious bud and shoot formation in any field of plant science, we compiled a list of plants considered capable of root sprouting based on the literature and the CLO-PLA database for the flora of the Czech Republic. Here we provide basic comparisons concerning the distribution of root sprouting ability among life history types, plants differing in rarity and invasive status, and taxonomic groups. Altogether 342 plant species are reported to be root-sprouters, i.e. 10% of the Czech flora. Root-sprouters are most commonly found among woody plants, less so among non-clonal perennial herbs, biennials and clonal herbs, and least commonly among annuals. Root-sprouters are more common among alien plants (especially woody ones) than among red-listed plants. Root sprouting usually plays a supplementary (facultative) or regenerative role in the plant life cycle. Root-sprouters occur in 64 families, mostly of dicots. The greatest number of root-sprouters belong to the Asteraceae and Rosaceae families (41). We have only rudimentary information on 145 species out of the 342 (42%) species that are regarded as root-sprouters.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean environments, gully erosion is responsible for large soil losses. It has since long been recognized that slopes under vegetation are much more resistant to soil erosion processes compared to bare soils and improve slope stability. Planting or preserving vegetation in areas vulnerable to erosion is therefore considered to be a very effective soil erosion control measure. Re-vegetation strategies for erosion control rely in most cases on the effects of the above-ground biomass in reducing water erosion rates, whereas the role of the below-ground biomass is often neglected or underestimated. While the above-ground biomass can temporally disappear in semi-arid environments, roots may still be present underground and play an important role in protecting the topsoil from being eroded. In order to evaluate the potential of plant species growing in Mediterranean environments to prevent shallow mass movements on gully or terrace walls, the root reinforcement effect of 25 typical Mediterranean matorral species (i.e. shrubs, grasses herbs, small trees) was assessed, using the simple perpendicular model of Wu et al. (Can Geotech J 16:19–33, 1979). As little information is available on Mediterranean plant root characteristics, root distribution data were collected in SE-Spain and root tensile strength tests were conducted in the laboratory. The power root tensile strength–root diameter relationships depend on plant species. The results show that the shrubs Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. have the strongest roots, followed by the grass Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv. The shrubs Nerium oleander L. and the grass Avenula bromoides (Gouan) H. Scholz have the weakest roots in tension. Root area ratio for the 0–0.1 m topsoil ranges from 0.08% for the grass Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss to 0.8% for the tree Tamarix canariensis Willd. The rush Juncus acutus L. provides the maximum soil reinforcement to the topsoil by its roots (i.e. 304 kPa). Grasses also increase soil shear strength significantly (up to 244 kPa in the 0–0.1 m topsoil for Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv.). The shrubs Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. and Anthyllis cytisoides L. are increasing soil shear strength to a large extent as well (up to 134 and 160 kPa respectively in the 0–0.10 m topsoil). Whereas grasses and the rush Juncus acutus L. increase soil shear strength in the topsoil (0–0.10 m) to a large extent, the shrubs Anthyllis cytisoides (L.), Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss., Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. strongly reinforce the soil to a greater depth (0–0.5 m). As other studies reported that Wu’s model overestimates root cohesion values, reported root cohesion values in this study are maximum values. Nevertheless, the calculated cohesion values are used to rank species according to their potential to reinforce the soil.  相似文献   

Increased soil erosion on Eocene marls from N Aragón (NE Spain) tends to reduce vegetation cover and plant species number, but little is known about its effect in the neighbouring Miocene clays. In this study, the vegetation of strongly eroded areas on Miocene clays was analysed in terms of erosion intensity and compared with Eocene marls. Relevés were carried out on uniform patches of vegetation affected by different levels of erosion. The degeneration of vegetation cover explained 34% of the variation in species number as opposed to 48% in marls, and a clear pattern of species replacement through the destruction of the vegetation cover was not observed. Approximately 25% of the species decreased significantly and 4% increased, as opposed to 47% and 0% in marls, respectively. Erosion on marls may be more severe (more disturbance) and less stressing for vegetation (more water availability) than on clays. The few species that colonized intermediate degeneration stages and highly eroded sites were more common in non-eroded areas in drier bioclimatic belts. Thus, the degeneration of vegetation by soil erosion favoured the establishment of xeric species. The ecological range of erosion-resistant species was not wider than non-resistant species. Overall, increased soil erosion selected for different plant species in marls than in clays.  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies in the mountain fynbos of South Africa have demonstrated that short fire cycles favour the establishment of dense covers of understorey sprouters while longer fire intervals enable the establishment from seed of overstorey proteas and the formation of a overstorey. One consequence of these differences between fire cycle lengths is the effect that understorey sprouters and an overstorey protea canopy have on species richness. In the case of short fire intervals, species richness is decreased while longer intervals between fires allow species richness to decrease or increase depending on the patchiness of the overstorey canopy. Such results are suggestive of competitive effects between understorey sprouters and overstorey canopy proteas. In this study, data were collected from several pyric successional stages in mountain fynbos to study the effect of overstorey proteas on the growth and flowering of understorey sprouters since the last fire. Data were also collected to determine the effect that understorey sprouters had on the establishment and fecundity of overstorey protea species. Competitive interactions between overstorey proteas and sprouting understorey species were evident at all the sites studied. The vegetative growth and seed production of understorey sprouters, which grew under a canopy of overstorey proteas during the current interfire period, were significantly lower than that for plants growing in the open. In addition, the postfire growth and seed production of understorey sprouters were significantly lower for individuals, which grew under an overstorey protea canopy during the previous fire cycle, than for those individuals which grew in the open. The fecundity of overstorey proteas, which grew near understorey sprouters, was lower than that of plants which grew in the open. This effect was evident for up to the first 15 years after a fire. However, not all understorey sprouters affected the overstorey proteas equally. Also, seedlings of overstorey proteas established significantly less successfully in close proximity to understorey sprouters after a fire than in the open or under proteas. Finally, the results demonstrate that complex species‐specific, understorey–overstorey interactions are important in mountain fynbos. For example, some overstorey species depend on trophically similar species to reduce potential competition from understorey sprouters for their successful establishment at a site.  相似文献   

Aims In eroded lands of the French Southern Alps, burial of early established seedlings under marly sediment weakens the effect of vegetation on soil stabilization and sediment trapping. Therefore, this protective role is largely dependent on species' resistance to burial, and the understanding of species' tolerance to this environmental disturbance is highly valuable for basic knowledge on plant succession and for ecological restoration purposes.Methods The response of five woody species with contrasting ecological requirements and natural habitats—three tree species, Pinus nigra, Robinia pseudoacacia and Acer campestre, and two shrubs, Ononis fruticosa and Hippophae rhamnoides —to experimental burial under marly sediment was studied. Seedlings were exposed to three burial levels: no burial (control), partial burial (50% of seedling height) and complete burial (100% of seedling height). Burial tolerance was evaluated based on seedling survival, height and biomass. Biomass allocation to shoots and roots and soluble sugar and starch contents in roots and stems were measured to identify plant traits that determine species response to burial.Important findings All species survived partial burial but only A. campestre seedlings emerged from complete burial. Tree species were more tolerant to burial and buried plants showed no significant differences with control. The two shrubs were found less tolerant and buried plants showed slower growth than controls. The results showed that species response was not related to initial soluble and starch content in roots and stems, but instead to biomass allocation pattern flexibility.  相似文献   

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