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An actomyosin-like protein has been extracted from amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, V-12. The purified protein exhibited a reversible change in viscosity upon addition of ATP, indicating an ATP sensitivity of 75–85% and a specific viscosity of 0.1. At low ionic strength in the presence of Mg++ and ATP the amoeba protein displayed the phenomenon of superprecipitation. The protein extract was found to be an adenosinetriphosphatase (ATP'ase) hydrolyzing ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate. Both Mg++ and Ca++ at low ionic strength accelerated the ATP ase activity whereas at high ionic strength only Ca++ stimulated ATP hydrolysis. The ATP'ase activity was inhibited by ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic-acid, Mersayl and p-chloromercuribenzoate. The physico-chemical and enzymatic properties of the extracted amoeba protein are qualitatively comparable to those of muscle actomyosin, and very similar in quantitative properties to smooth muscle actomyosin and the actomyosin-like proteins of blood platelets, leucocytes and slime mold plasmodia. The significance of the presence of this actomyosin-like protein in Dictyostelium amoebae is discussed in relation to amoeboid form and movement.  相似文献   

Whole cell respiration rates were measured polarographically for Naegleria gruberi during growth in agitated cultures. Log growth phase amebae consumed 80 ng atoms O/min/mg cell protein. At stationary phase, respiration rate decreased 4–fold. Intact mitochondria were isolated from N. gruberi and their oxidative and phosphorylative capacities were studied polarographically. As with the mammalian system, the mitochondria oxidized succinate and NAD-linked substrates, but unlike rat liver mitochondria, those from the protozoan rapidly oxidized citrate and NADH. The rates of substrate oxidation were ADP-dependent, with ADP:O ratios equalling ? 2.8 for NAD-linked substrates and ? 2.2 for succinate. The respiratory control ratios. 2 to 4 for 11 substrates, were dependent on Pi, Mg2+, and serum albumin. Potassium cyanide, azide, malonale, and rotenone inhibited electron transport the same way as that of the mammalian system: however, amytal inhibited both glutamate and succinate respiration. Pentachlorophenol, DNP, and bilirubin uncoupled oxidation from phosphorylation. Difference spectra of oxidized and dithionite-reduced mitochondria had distinct absorption bands of flavins and of c-, b-, and α-type cytochromes.  相似文献   

Control of flagellum formation in Naegleria gruberi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Okubo  S Inoki 《Biken journal》1973,16(4):181-184

The proteome of the amoebo-flagellate protozoan Naegleria gruberi is rich in candidate RNA repair enzymes, including 15 putative RNA ligases, one of which, NgrRnl, is a eukaryal homolog of Deinococcus radiodurans RNA ligase, DraRnl. Here we report that purified recombinant NgrRnl seals nicked 3′-OH/5′-PO4 duplexes in which the 3′-OH strand is RNA. It does so via the “classic” ligase pathway, entailing reaction with ATP to form a covalent NgrRnl–AMP intermediate, transfer of AMP to the nick 5′-PO4, and attack of the RNA 3′-OH on the adenylylated nick to form a 3′–5′ phosphodiester. Unlike members of the four known families of ATP-dependent RNA ligases, NgrRnl lacks a carboxy-terminal appendage to its nucleotidyltransferase domain. Instead, it contains a defining amino-terminal domain that we show is important for 3′-OH/5′-PO4 nick-sealing and ligase adenylylation, but dispensable for phosphodiester synthesis at a preadenylylated nick. We propose that NgrRnl, DraRnl, and their homologs from diverse bacteria, viruses, and unicellular eukarya comprise a new “Rnl5 family” of nick-sealing ligases with a signature domain organization.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. When amoeboid organisms of Naegleria gruberi are treated with acriflavin at concentrations under 70 μg/ml, they still can form flagellates. Acriflavin between 70 μg/ml and 110 μg/ml increasingly inhibits morphogenesis. The effect of acriflavin is specific for the morphogenetic system since amoeboid organisms treated with acriflavin between 110 and 200 μg/ml are not otherwise inhibited and behave like the controls.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ultraviolet microscopy and electron microscope autoradiography were used to study ribonucleoprotein in cysts of Naegleria gruberi. The absorption maximum for cysts is at 265 nm with little detectable absorption occurring at 295 nm. Pre-cystic trophozoites absorb less strongly than the cysts at 265 mm. Acridine orange staining indicated concentrations of ribose nucleic acid or ribonucleoprotein in the cytoplasm of young cysts. The dye stained discrete vesicles in the cytoplasm. Tritiated uridine and tritiated proline were used to follow changes in RN-protein at encystment. Label was incorporated into vesicles filled with ribosome-like particles. These are presumably the sites of acridine orange staining. Relatively little label was associated with the cyst cytoplasmic matrix; most of the silver grains lay over the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles. The vesicles are believed to represent autophagosomal-type vacuoles with the contents derived from breakdown of organelles such as mitochondria. The path of label into the vesicles is via lysis of labeled cytoplasmic organelles. The RN-protein vesicles of Naegleria gruberi cysts are compared to the chromatoid bodies of Entamoeba invadens. It is concluded that, tho differences in detail are present, the role of the structures in the cysts is probably the same. They are a ready source of amino acids and ribosomes in a dedifferentiated or pool state to be used for synthetic reactions that accompany resumption of trophic existence.  相似文献   

Naegleria gruberi strains cloned from amebas isolated from a Vero cell culture (“TS”), a sewer drainage ditch (“PD”), and an established laboratory line (“S”) were morphologically identical except for differences in size and flagellate transforming ability. Cultivation on a Trypticase-yeast extract-glucose medium (“TYG”) fortified with autoclaved E. coli resulted in increased cell size of 2 strains. Differences also were noted in growth rates and optimal growth temperatures. The autoclaved E. coli in TYG medium was replaceable with serum only for strains TS and PD. A basal salts medium + autoclaved E. coli supported growth of all 3 strains, but the basal salts medium + serum would not support growth of any of the strains.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide: signal for excystment of Naegleria gruberi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have sequenced the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene of the amoebo- flagellate protozoan Naegleria gruberi. Comparison of this sequence with the rRNA sequences of other eukaryotes resulted in a phylogenetic tree that supports the suggested polyphyletic origin of amoebas and suggests a flagellate ancestry for Naegleria.   相似文献   

Inactivation of Naegleria gruberi cysts by chlorinated cyanurates.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The resistance of Naegleria gruberi cysts to chlorine in the presence of cyanuric acid was compared at pH 5 and 7. An amperometric membrane electrode was used to measure HOCl concentrations independently of the chlorinated cyanurate species, thus permitting an analysis of the role of free chlorine versus chlorinated cyanurates in cyst inactivation. In the presence of cyanuric acid, the products of the HOCl residual and the contact time required for 99% cyst inactivation were 8.5 mg . min/liter and 13.9 mg . min/liter at pH 5 and 7, respectively. The Watson's Law coefficients of dilution (n) were 1.3 and 1.6 at pH 5 and 7, respectively. The results strongly suggest that HOCl is the predominant cysticide with no measurable cysticidal effect of the chlorinated cyanurate species.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. DNA of Naegleria gruberi strain NEG, grown in axenic culture, forms a band at a density of 1.6912 in CsCl gradient and has a GC content of 31.8%. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA is much reduced in differentiating Naegleria immediately after the stimulation to transforms, primarily because of the reduction in thymidine uptake by differentiating cells. In addition, there is a marked decrease in the rate of incorporation of [3H]thymidine and [3H]uracil into DNA at from 45 to 60 min after the stimulation for differentiation. This decrease in the rate of precursor incorporation into DNA appears to be due to the differentiation-dependent cessation of nuclear DNA synthesis. The differentiated phenotype (the flagellate) emerges at ∼ 70 min after the stimulation, and over 90% of the population differentiates within the next 30 min. Synthesis of mitochondrial DNA is detectable until 190 min after the stimulation. Since the S phase of Naegleria lasts ∼ 180 min, some cells in the population must cease synthesizing nuclear DNA in the middle of the S phase.  相似文献   

The human pathogenic amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri and the nonpathogenic species N. gruberi can be cultivated axenically but usually in different media. Naegleria fowleri 6088 has been adapted to grow in Balamuth H-4 medium, usually used to propagate N. gruberi nB81. and nB81 has been adapted to grow in supplemented Nelson's medium, usually used to propagate N. fowleri. N. gruberi nB81. grown in either medium, enflagellated 135 to 150 min after subculture to non-nutrient amoeba saline, whereas 6088 required 225 min. Naegleria gruberi nB81 grown in either medium was agglutinated by 100 ug concanavalin A/ml, whereas N. fowleri 6088 was not. Naegleria fowleri and N. gruberi grown in Nelson's medium became rounded to a greater extent upon chilling at 5° C and remained rounded longer than Naegleria grown in Balamuth medium. The specificity of the surface antigens was an inherent characteristic of each species and not dependent upon the propagating medium. but Naegleria grown in Nelson's medium was agglutinated more reproducibly and more effectively by antiserum. N. gruberi was somewhat more resistant to acriflavine, actinomycin D, cycloheximide, or tetracycline than N. fowleri, regardless of the culture medium. Naegleria fowleri 6088 grown in Nelson's medium, however, was more resistant to actinomycin D, daunomycin. mithramycin. sulfamethoxazole, or tyrocidine than 6088 grown in Balamuth medium. There are limitations on the validity of comparisons of N. fowleri and N. gruberi based upon cultures grown in different media.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have constructed a molecular karyotype for two strains of Naegleria gruberi using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Each strain has about 23 chromosomes, considerably more than any previous estimate. These chromosomes range in size from 400 kilobasepairs to over 2,000 kilobasepairs. In Naegleria , construction of the DNA karyotype depends on assessment of the anomalous electrophoretic mobility of the circular ribosomal RNA genes. We have determined the chromosomal locations of an identified unique gene (flagellar calmodulin) and four identified multigene families (α- and β-tubulin, actin, ubiquitin), as well as three differentially expressed genes of unknown functions. The ca. 12 actin genes are dispersed over at least seven chromosomes, whereas the majority of the more than eight α-tubulin genes are confined to a single chromosome. The ubiquitin genes are found on five chromosomes in one strain and seven in the other and the β-tubulin genes are on three or four. Our observations provide a foundation for molecular genetic studies in this organism.  相似文献   

Naegleria fowleri is the etiologic agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Proteases have been suggested to be involved in tissue invasion and destruction during infection. We analyzed and compared the complete protease profiles of total crude extract and conditioned medium of both pathogenic N. fowleri and non-pathogenic Naegleria gruberi trophozoites. Using SDS-PAGE, we found differences in the number and molecular weight of proteolytic bands between the two strains. The proteases showed optimal activity at pH 7.0 and 35 degrees C for both strains. Inhibition assays showed that the main proteolytic activity in both strains is due to cysteine proteases although serine proteases were also detected. Both N. fowleri and N. gruberi have a variety of different protease activities at different pH levels and temperatures. These proteases may allow the amoebae to acquire nutrients from different sources, including those from the host. Although, the role of the amoebic proteases in the pathogenesis of PAM is not clearly defined, it seems that proteases and other molecules of the parasite as well as those from the host, could be participating in the damage to the human central nervous system.  相似文献   

When Naegleria gruberi flagellates were extracted with nonionic detergent and stained by the indirect immunofluorescence method with AA-4.3 (a monoclonal antibody against Naegleria beta-tubulin), flagella and a network of cytoskeletal microtubules (CSMT) were seen. When Naegleria amebae were examined in the same way, no cytoplasmic tubulin-containing structures were seen. Formation of the flagellate cytoskeleton was followed during the differentiation of amebae into flagellates by staining cells with AA-4.3. The first tubulin containing structures were a few cytoplasmic microtubules that formed at the time amebae rounded up into spherical cells. The formation of these microtubules was followed by the appearance of basal bodies and flagella and then by the formation of the CSMT. The CSMT formed before the cells assumed the flagellate shape. In flagellate shaped cells the CSMT radiate from the base of the flagella and follow a curving path the full length of the cell. Protein synthetic requirements for the formation of CSMT were examined by transferring cells to cycloheximide at various times after initiation. One-half the population completed the protein synthesis essential for formation of CSMT 61 min after initiation of the differentiation. This is 10 min after the time when protein synthesis for formation of flagella is completed and 10-15 min before the time when the protein synthesis necessary for formation of the flagellate shape is completed.  相似文献   

We have constructed a molecular karyotype for two strains of Naegleria gruberi using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Each strain has about 23 chromosomes, considerably more than any previous estimate. These chromosomes range in size from 400 kilobasepairs to over 2,000 kilobasepairs. In Naegleria, construction of the DNA karyotype depends on assessment of the anomalous electrophoretic mobility of the circular ribosomal RNA genes. We have determined the chromosomal locations of an identified unique gene (flagellar calmodulin) and four identified multigene families (alpha- and beta-tubulin, actin, ubiquitin), as well as three differentially expressed genes of unknown functions. The ca. 12 actin genes are dispersed over at least seven chromosomes, whereas the majority of the more than eight alpha-tubulin genes are confined to a single chromosome. The ubiquitin genes are found on five chromosomes in one strain and seven in the other and the beta-tubulin genes are on three or four. Our observations provide a foundation for molecular genetic studies in this organism.  相似文献   

To establish a transient transfection system in a Naegleria, we constructed three nfa1-pEGFP-N1 vectors by the promoter replacement and insertion of a nfa1 gene and transfected the DNAs into Naegleria gruberi using a lipid reagent. The transfection efficiency and usefulness of the three modified vectors were estimated by identifying the expressions of the EGFP and Nfa1 protein from N. gruberi. After transfection, the Nfa1 protein was functionally expressed on pseudopodia of N. gruberi. The strong GFP fluorescence was observed in N. gruberi transfected with the actin-nfa1-pEGFP-N1 vector, of which the CMV promoter region in the expression vector was replaced with the actin 5' UTR region. Additionally, when transgenic N. gruberi trophozoites were co-cultured with CHO target cells, the Nfa1 protein was also located on cytoplasm and pseudopodia, especially on a food cup that was formed in contact with target cells as it shown in pathogenic N. fowleri.  相似文献   

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