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目的:了解农村留守老人的幸福感状况,探讨分析其影响因素。方法:采用自编人口统计学基本信息调查表,费城老年中心(PGC)信心量表,对149户农村留守老人和149户农村非留守老人的主观幸福感状况进行测量调查。结果:1农村留守老人主观幸福感得分低于非留守老人;2不同年龄的老人在激越,对自己年龄的态度和孤独与不满三个因子的差异无统计学意义(P0.05);3不同性别,不同受教育程度的老人在激越因子上有显著差异(前者P0.05,后者P0.01);4老人的配偶状况(P0.01),他们子女打工的年限(P0.05)在孤独与不满因子中的差异显著;5老人的子女数量在老人对自己年龄的态度上有显著差异(P0.05)。结论:农村留守老人主观幸福感水平较低,性别、配偶状况、受教育程度、老人的子女数量及其子女打工的年限,都是影响老人主观幸福感的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨西安市高校贫困大学生人格和主观幸福感的关系.方法:采用艾森克问卷和主观幸福感问卷对西安三所高校贫困生和非贫困生共337人进行测试.结果:(1)贫困生和非贫困生在精神质、内外向和神经质都存在显著差异;他们在总体主观幸福感、生活满意度和消极情感存在显著差异;(2)贫困大学生的神经质和内外向对他们的总体主观幸福感有影响;贫困生的神经质影响他们的生活满意度;贫困生的神经质、内外向和精神质影响着他们的积极情感,神经质和精神质对他们的消极情感产生影响.结论:贫困大学生的神经质对他们的幸福感的影响最大,其次是内外向和精神质.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,研究生教育在教学工作中的地位日渐突出。为了提高研究生培养质量,充分发挥研究生主观能动性,达到促进交流、活跃学术、培养研究生创新能力的目的,开展丰富多彩的研究生学术论坛活动势在必行。本研究通过问卷调查的方式对我校研究生学术论坛开展现状进行了分析,从结果可以看出大部分研究生对待研究生论坛的态度是积极的,同时,大多数研究生对研究生论坛的期望值是很高的,但是,仍有少部分研究生对待研究生论坛存在消极态度,我们应该清醒的认识到目前研究生论坛存在的不足,及时调整研究生学术论坛活动内容和形式,充分调动每一位研究生的积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

目的 考察安徽省护理管理人员的心理控制源、应对方式和主观幸福感之间的关系,探讨护理管理人员心理控制源及主观幸福感的中介因素。方法 对151名安徽省护理管理人员进行了内控性、有势力的他人和机遇量表、简明应对方式问卷、总体幸福感量表的测量。结果 (1)内在控制与积极应对成正相关,心理控制源的机遇成分与消极应对得分呈正相关;(2)应对方式中的积极应对与主观幸福感得分呈显著正相关;(3)内控者与主观幸福感呈正相关,而认为由他人决定自己命运者与主观幸福感成负相关;(4)内控性与积极应对可以预测主观幸福感;(4)积极应对是心理控制源的内控性预测主观幸福感的中介变量。结论 内控者较常采取积极应对方式,其在心理控制源影响主观幸福感中发挥中介作用。  相似文献   

目的 了解公立医院医生和管理者对薪酬、晋升与学习成长这医院3大核心人事制度的认知与评价。方法运用自行设计的人事制度管理状况调查表对我国东、中、西3省、直辖市9个地区的128所公立医院进行调查。结果 医院核心人事制度3个因子中,被调查者不清楚率最高的是“晋升”(5.21%),不认同率最高的是“薪酬”(25.02%)。多元logistic分析显示,是否是管理者、院内工龄等与被调查者对3大医院核心人事制度的评价有显著关联(P<0.05)。结论 普通医生与管理者对医院核心人事制度的知晓度尚可,医院管理者对医院核心人事制度的评价均显著优于普通医生。  相似文献   

核心种质数量性状代表性评价指标的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植物核心种质数量性状遗传多样性代表性的评价指标进行了系统的研究.以夏播菜用大豆154个品种为材料,采用马氏距离计算品种间的距离,并用不加权类平均法(UPGMA)进行聚类,根据树型图,采用逐步聚类随机取样法,构建了37个品种组成的核心种质.以此为例,通过方差F测验、均值t测验、极差符合率、表型频率分布、遗传多样性指数、表型相关分析等多个指标分析,来评价核心种质数量性状遗传多样性的代表性,结果表明构建的核心种质具有代表性,表明核心种质评价需包含评价遗传变异和遗传结构的指标.  相似文献   

目的:研究3至5岁儿童能否对主动行为、被动行为加以区分以及其控制能力的差异和两者是否相关。方法:设计两个任务:衡量儿童对主动与被动行为区分的意图实验与衡量儿童自我控制能力的七巧板任务。结果:意图实验年龄效应显著,F=48.317,P<0.001。七巧板任务年龄效应显著:F=88.123,P<0.001,意图实验与七巧板任务相关显著:r=0.79 t=8.37,P<0.01。结论:儿童对主动行为和被动行为的区分转折点为4岁;儿童的自我控制能力以坚持性为指标时转折点在4岁;儿童时意图行为的区分与自我控制能力具有相关性。  相似文献   

自2004年开始,本科室对硕士研究生作为助教参与教学进行规范化管理,明确其参与的时间及所需完成的具体教学内容,并对其参与教学的效果进行评价,此评价主要通过问卷调查来完成。调查对象:2004、2005、2006年级的五年制临床医学本科生。共发放调查问卷600份,回收552份,回收的问卷全部有效。方法:调查使用自行设计的问卷,集中发放,当场填写、回收。结果:(1)在工作态度方面,有98%的同学认为研究生助理教师的工作态度是认真的,2%的同学认为助理教师的工作态度不够认真。  相似文献   

以诺贝尔奖获奖工作的真实科研情境作为素材,设计“我看诺贝尔奖”的开放性作业,由学生撰写科普短文。基于此例,结合PTA量表和萨米特公立学校的认知技能量规,探索表现性评价的构建方法,提升学生核心素养。  相似文献   

在自然低温条件下,利用幼苗存活率、冷害指数、叶片数、株高及叶绿素含量5个指标对303份黄瓜核心种质进行了低温耐受性评价,结果表明:5个指标基本符合正态分布的特点,幼苗存活率和冷害指数均有明显向低值和高值区域偏离的趋势。相关分析结果显示冷害指数与幼苗存活率、叶片数、株高及叶绿素含量4个指标呈极显著负相关。通过隶属度函数综合评价群体的低温耐受性,共筛选获得28份耐低温种质,为黄瓜耐低温的品种选育及进一步深入挖掘低温耐受性相关基因奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Using an Italian survey, we investigate the effect of height on individual happiness. We find that a large part of the effect of height on well-being is driven by a positive correlation between height and economic and health conditions. However, for young men the effect of height on happiness persists even after controlling for these variables, implying that height is associated with some psycho-social direct effects on well-being. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that men care not only about their own height but also about the height of others in their reference group. Well-being is greater for individuals who are taller than other men in their reference group. Results are robust to different definitions of reference group and controlling for a number of other reference group characteristics.  相似文献   

Subjective well-being is an important and relevant theme in psychogerontological theory and practice. Against the background of the distinction between hedonistic and eudaimonic conceptions of well-being a six-dimensional relational model of subjective well-being is described. A new instrument for the measurement of psychological, physical, social, material, cultural and existential well-being was tested in a sample of 366 elderly persons (61% women) aged 60 years and older. After item analysis and exploratory factor analysis of the different scales, 56 items of the original 72 were retained for six more homogeneous scales with acceptable Cronbach's alphas between .89 en .61. Relations were found between the scores on different scales--especially on the scales for Physical, Psychological, Existential and Cultural Well-being--and some demographic and person-related variables such as, number of children, presence or absence of daughters, living independently, availability of friends, etc.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00459.x
Relationship between subjective assessment of oral health and medical expenses in community‐dwelling elderly persons Objectives: The increasing medical expenses of elderly persons in Japan’s rapidly ageing society have become a major concern. It is therefore important to elucidate the factors associated with such escalation. Here, we focused on the relationship between subjective self‐assessment of oral health, as an index of general health, and medical expenses (excluding dental repair) under the hypothesis that oral health contributes to general medical expenses. Several studies have shown that oral health status is correlated with general health status among elderly persons. We speculated that oral health status might show a relation with medical costs among elderly persons. However, few studies have investigated this relationship to date. Materials and Methods: Participants were 259 elderly subjects (range: 65–84 years; 120 men, 139 women) residing independently. Subjective assessment of oral health was evaluated by their responses (‘Good’, ‘Not good’ and ‘Not at all good’) on a survey questionnaire. The correlation between subjective assessment of oral health and medical expenditure was analysed using Spearman’s rank method, the Mann–Whitney U‐test and the Kruskal–Wallis test. Medical expenses were used as the dependent variable in multinomial logistic regression analysis with background and intraoral factors as independent variables. Results: A slight yet statistically significant correlation was observed between subjective assessment of oral health and outpatient treatment fees. Conclusion: The findings revealed that subjective assessment of oral health is significantly and independently related to the medical expenses of community‐dwelling elderly persons after adjusting for social background, living environment and physical factors.  相似文献   

Studies on transnational families argue that the subjective well-being of migrant parents is negatively affected by living separated from their children. Most studies employ qualitative methods without a control group and hence are not able to distinguish whether the effects found are associated with separation only or with other factors. This paper investigates the association between parental subjective well-being and parent–child separation by comparing migrant parents who have at least one child in their country of origin with those who live with all their children in the Netherlands. The paper further investigates whether the same associations are found between migrant groups from Angola and Nigeria. Results indicate that transnational parents indeed report lower subjective well-being, as measured by happiness, life satisfaction and mental health for both groups and additionally, self-assessed health for Angolans. However, legal status, socio-economic status and the quality of the parent–child relationship are found to be important mediators.  相似文献   



The study of well-being is becoming a priority in social sciences. The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) was developed to assess affective states. The aim of the present study was to validate an abbreviated version of the DRM designed for administration in population studies, and to assess its test-retest properties.

Principal Findings

1560 adults from Jodhpur (India) were interviewed using an abbreviated version of the DRM, and a week later they were re-interviewed using the original long version of the DRM, after which the abbreviated version of the DRM was compared with the original version. A regression model considering interaction terms was employed to analyse the impact of sociodemographic characteristics on net affect. Test-retest reliability was assessed, and found to be moderate. Positive affect showed more test-retest reliability than negative affect, while net affect had more temporal stability than U-index. The affect of sets A, B, and C, taken together, had a moderate predictive ability compared with the affect obtained using the full version of the DRM: AUC = 0.67 for positive affect; 0.66 for net affect; 0.61 for negative affect; and 0.60 for the U-index. Household income, gender, and setting all had a significant impact on net affect.


Net affect and positive affect showed moderate temporal stability, whereas negative affect and the U-index showed fair temporal stability. Evaluating the affective state using the abbreviated version of the DRM provides a profile of the population similar to that of the full version. The results provide considerable support for using the short version of the DRM as an instrument to measure subjective well-being in large population surveys.  相似文献   

The relationship between lifestyle regularity and subjective sleep quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In previous work we have developed a diary instrument-the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM), which allows the assessment of lifestyle regularity-and a questionnaire instrument--the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which allows the assessment of subjective sleep quality. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between lifestyle regularity and subjective sleep quality. Lifestyle regularity was assessed by both standard (SRM-17) and shortened (SRM-5) metrics; subjective sleep quality was assessed by the PSQI. We hypothesized that high lifestyle regularity would be conducive to better sleep. Both instruments were given to a sample of 100 healthy subjects who were studied as part of a variety of different experiments spanning a 9-yr time frame. Ages ranged from 19 to 49 yr (mean age: 31.2 yr, s.d.: 7.8 yr); there were 48 women and 52 men. SRM scores were derived from a two-week diary. The hypothesis was confirmed. There was a significant (rho = -0.4, p < 0.001) correlation between SRM (both metrics) and PSQI, indicating that subjects with higher levels of lifestyle regularity reported fewer sleep problems. This relationship was also supported by a categorical analysis, where the proportion of "poor sleepers" was doubled in the "irregular types" group as compared with the "non-irregular types" group. Thus, there appears to be an association between lifestyle regularity and good sleep, though the direction of causality remains to be tested.  相似文献   

This study investigated seasonal and time-of-day dependent moderations in the strength and direction of acute diurnal non-image forming (NIF) effects of illuminance level on performance, physiology, and subjective well-being. Even though there are indications for temporal variations in NIF-responsiveness to bright light, scientific insights into potential moderations by season are scarce. We employed a 2 (Light: 165 versus 1700 lx at the eye level, within) × 2 (Season: autumn/winter versus spring, between) × 2 (Time of day: morning versus afternoon, between) mixed-model design. During each of the two 90-min experimental sessions, participants (autumn/winter: N = 34; spring: N = 39) completed four measurement blocks (incl. one baseline block of 120 lx at the eye level) each consisting of a Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and a Backwards Digit-Span Task (BDST) including easy trials (4–6 digits) and difficult trials (7–8 digits). Heart rate (HR) and skin conductance level (SCL) were measured continuously. At the end of each lighting condition, subjective sleepiness, vitality, and mood were measured. The results revealed a clear indication for significant Light * Season interaction effects on both subjective sleepiness and vitality, which appeared only during the morning sessions. Participants felt significantly more vital and less sleepy in winter, but not in spring during bright light exposure in the morning. In line with these subjective parameters, participants also showed significantly better PVT performance in the morning in autumn/winter, but not in spring upon bright light exposure. Surprisingly, for difficult working memory performance, the opposite was found, namely worse performance during bright light exposure in winter, but better performance when exposed to bright light in spring. The effects of bright versus regular light exposure on physiology were quite subtle and largely nonsignificant. Overall, it can be concluded that acute illuminance-induced NIF effects on subjective alertness and vitality as well as objectively measured vigilance in the morning are significantly moderated by season. Possibly, these greater illuminance-induced benefits during the morning sessions in autumn/winter compared to spring occurred due to increased responsiveness to bright light exposure as a function of a relatively low prior light dose in autumn/winter.  相似文献   

Forty pregnant women participated in a study to compare subjective with ultrasound assessments of fetal movements. A real-time ultrasound scanner was used. Movements were recorded for 45 minutes in all cases. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of movements recorded by the two methods, but the 95% confidence limits were wide and no correlation was found in those patients who recorded fewer than 20 movements in the study period. Thus "false-positive" information may be obtained from purely subjective data, and in patients reporting low "kick counts" fetal activity should be assessed from real-time ultrasound recordings.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was (1) to determine the relationship between chinook conditions and physical and psychological symptoms in women aged 20–49 years, and (2) to examine the possibility of subgroups of chinook-sensitive women. The evidence for this relationship is at present merely anecdotal. The study carried out in 1985–1986 in Calgary comprises the secondary analysis of a large survey of various health and health-related factors, including different symptoms, of urban women aged 20–49 years. The interview date was used to link these data to days on which pre-chinook, chinook, post-chinook and non-chinook conditions occurred. Between November 1, 1985 and February 28, 1986, 182 women were interviewed on pre-chinook days, 74 on chinook days, 229 on post-chinook days and 886 on non-chinook days. Autonomic reactions and skin disorders were found to be significantly related to chinook conditions. None of the psychological symptoms was related to chinook conditions. However, a significant relationship was found between symptoms and chinook conditions in women with a history of emotional disorders. This type of information is important to educate chinook-sensitive women and health professionals as well as for hospital emergency departments in order to be able to prepare for potential increases in workload.  相似文献   

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