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记述拟枝角摇蚊属Paracladopelma 1新种:短鞭拟枝角摇蚊P.demissum sp.nov.。该新种触角比AR低,为0.60;肛尖具中肋;第9背板后缘肩形;第9背板带V型;上附器远端膨大,向外侧成三角形突起状,亚顶端具2根大刚毛,且内侧密被小刚毛;抱器端节两侧平行,中部内弯。模式标本存放于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。  相似文献   

A new species of Pelomus Reiss, 1989 Reiss, F. 1989. Pelomus gen. nov., ein weiterer potamobionter Vertreter des Harnischia-Komplexes aus dem Amazonasbecken (Diptera, Chironomidae)’. Acta Biologica Debrecina Oecologia Hungarica, 2: 305314.  [Google Scholar] (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae), P. sophiae sp. n., is described and figured as male, pupa and larva. Diagnoses for male and pupa of the genus are emended. The larvae, reared in the laboratory to obtain all life stages, were collected on bottom sand of reservoir and ponds, in southeast Brazil.  相似文献   

Two genera of chironomine Chironomidae are reported: Anuncotendipes , gen. n., type species Anuncotendipes australotropicus sp. n. and included Anuncotendipes kakadu sp. n., and Nandeva Wiedenbrug, Reiss and Fittkau as new to Australia for the species Nandeva fittkaui sp. n. The pupa and adults are known for each genus, but the larvae only for Anuncotendipes . The female of Nandeva is described for the first time. Pupal exuviae of both genera occur in smaller streams in the wet tropics of Far North Queensland, and A. kakadu is lotic in the Northern Territory. Phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Chironominae at generic level suggests that Anuncotendipes is a sister genus to Rheomus in the Harnischia -complex of genera. Nandeva shows convergent resemblance to the tribe Tanytarsini, but more likely belongs to an austral radiation of Chironomini including Nilodosis Keiffer, Fissimentum Cranston and Nolte and Imparipecten Freeman. These genera show tropical Gondwanan tracks linking Australia with the Afrotropics and Neotropics.  相似文献   

Wang  X. H.  S  sgmaelig;ther  O. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,362(1-3):103-106
Quiniella lii gen. nov., sp. nov. from China is describedas male imago. The genus share bare eyes, wing and squama and extended costa with most members of the Parakiefferiella group sensu S\sgmaelig;ther (1983), and the absence of a scutaltubercle, hump or microtrichial tuft and strongly developedvirga with Krenosmittia Thienemann & Krüger, but isamong other distinguished by a unique trifid gonostylus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

记述了采自中国西藏自治区的拟毛突摇蚊属1新种:三叉拟毛突摇蚊Paratrichocladius tridens sp.nov..该种与本属已知种的主要区别为:下附器发达并向外延伸,顶端圆形;阳茎内突色深部分明显骨化,呈三叉状,抱器端节细长,顶端有一小突状的业端背脊.  相似文献   

Abstract All life-history stages of the Australian Podonominae (Chironomidae) genus Archaeochlus Brundin are revised, providing evidence for recognition of a separate clade, named here as Austrochlus Cranston. Based on molecular and morphological evidence, the clade contains two additional species: Austrochlus parabrundini Cranston, Edward and Cook sp. n. is described from Western Australia where its granite outcrop seepage habitat and geographical range is almost identical to that of the type species Austrochlus brundini Cranston, Edward and Colless (n. comb); Austrochlus centralaustralis Cranston, Edward and Cook sp. n. is described from ephemeral seepage/flows in the MacDonnell and James Ranges of central Australia. Molecular studies reported here confirm species distinctions, relationships to African taxa, and basal relationships within the Chironomidae. Modelled distributions provide evidence for range restriction by seasonal rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

J. H. Epler 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):13-15
The adult male of Dicrotendipes baru is described from the Dominical area of southwestern Costa Rica. The species is characterized by its elongate club-like superior volsella. This species represents the third member of the genus known from Costa Rica.  相似文献   

本文记录狭摇蚊属一中国新纪录种:麦氏狭摇蚊Stenochironomus(Stenochironomus)macateei(Malloch).标本保仔于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

Adult chironomids were collected by light trap operations, sweeping grasses with insect nets, and aspiration of light‐attracted adults at various localities. All collected specimens were slide‐mounted and identified. Six species new to science were found and named: Rheotanytarsus pseudopentapoda n. sp., Cricotopus byeonsanensis n. sp., Cricotopus parajogantertius n. sp., Limnophyes bukhandecimus n. sp., Limnophyes simensis n. sp. and Orthocladius jeongnungensis. Two species, Ainuyusuroka tuberculatum (Tokunaga) and Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa and Hasegawa, are found for the first time in Korea. All species are fully described with illustrations. This is the first report of the genus Ainugusurika in Korea.  相似文献   

Hirabayashi  Kimio  Wotton  Roger S. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):151-159
In laboratory experiments, we used fluorescent dye markers to investigate processing of organic matter by larvae of Psectrocladius limbatellus (Holm.) (Diptera: Chironomidae). 59% of the organic matter used was incorporated into tubes, 39% was present in faecal pellets (both after 24 h), and 2% was found in the larval gut at the end of experiments. Ingested matter passed through the gut rapidly, resulting in the gut being emptied more than 20 times each day. Further 24-h experiments using dye-marked faecal pellets showed that 6% of pellets produced were re-ingested and 12% were incorporated into tubes. There was no preference for conditioned faecal pellets as food over those that had recently been egested and tubes also provided a food reserve on which larvae feed. Chironomid larvae recycle organic matter resulting in its mineralization and their ‘engineering’ has a dramatic effect on the substratum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The genus Mariambera is erected based on the males of M. amazonica n. sp. from Amazonas and M. mariae n. sp. from Minas Gerais. The new genus is easily recognized by the distinctive anal point which has a rounded dorsal lobe with microtrichia and a triangular ventral lobe with very strong, marginal setae, in combination with bare eyes and wing membrane, squama with setae, antenna without strong apical seta, and apparently few, short, very weak, hair-like acrostichals in anterior 1/3 of scutum.  相似文献   

T. Wiederholm 《Hydrobiologia》1984,109(3):243-249
The occurrence of deformed mouth parts in recent and subfossil material of mostly Chironomus, Micropsectra and Tanytarsus increased from less than 1 % of the larvae at unpolluted sites or time periods to figures in the range of approx. 5–25% at strongly polluted sites. Deformities occurred in species that are widely separate in taxonomic position and way of living. Several heavy metals are suspected causative agents. Deformities in various mouth parts are illustrated by SEM photographs.  相似文献   

Two new species of chironomid midges (Rheosmittia arcuata n.sp. and Mesocricotopus loticus n.sp.) are recognized. They may easily be missed in collections due to their small size, and difficulty in collecting from the larval microhabitat (sand substrates for R. arcuata n.sp., low order streams with depositional substrates including gravel, sand, and silt for M. loticus n.sp.). Some morphological features are given to distinguish the new species from similar congeneric forms. The distribution and some ecological information for each species are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Based on larvae, pupae and adults of Australian and New Zealand Orthocladiinae (Chironomidae) midges, a genus new to science, Anzacladius , is described. Two species, A. numbat Cranston sp. n. and A. kangaroo Cranston sp. n., are described from temperate Australia (both western and south-eastern). A. kiwi Cranston sp. n. is described from both North and South Islands, New Zealand: association of the pharate pupa with its putative larva used sequence similarity of the CO1 ( cytochrome oxidase 1 ) gene. Pupal exuviae, the major stage for species recognition, show the genus occurs in running waters, especially in Australian acidic and sandy-bedded creeks, and Anzacladius species are found also in perched lakes of Queensland's Cooloolla region and Fraser Island. Previous morphological phylogenetic studies (under the code 'SO3') indicate a relationship to austral genera Botryocladius Cranston & Edward, Naonella Boothroyd and Echinocladius Cranston.  相似文献   

Pseudorthocladius cristagus sp. n. is described as male imago. It differs from all other members of the genus Pseudorthocladius v. d. Wulp except P. pilosipennis Brundin by having setae on the wing membrane. It can be separated from P. pilosipennis by having a gonostylus with a prominent crista dorsalis and an outer corner or heel. The species was collected with emergence traps from a helocrene spring in northern Luxemburg.  相似文献   

Stenochironomus falcifer sp. n. is described and figured based on the characters of a male adult. The species was collected in Malaise traps in the Serra Furada State Park (PAESF), in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. It can be separated from all other species of Stenochironomus Kieffer, 1919 Kieffer, J.J. (1919), ‘Chironomiden der Nördlichen Polarregion’, Entomologische Mitteilungen, 8, 4048. [Google Scholar] by its unique thorax pigmentation, with two dark patches on the lateral vittae, brownish postnotum and dark stripes on the scutum, and also by the combination of a narrow, parallel-sided anal point, inferior volsella with a stout apical seta, rounded posterior margin of the tergite IX and green metallic eyes.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3646E02D-7E3F-487A-BED1-A7937AFF8040  相似文献   

记述真开氏摇蚊属Eukiefferiella Thienemann 1新种:盖真开氏摇蚊E. celata sp. nov.和1种中国新记录种: 翘叶真开氏遥蚊E. brehmi Gouin, 1943;提出兵库真开氏摇蚊E. togaeuquinta Sasa & Okazawa, 1992为翘叶真开氏摇蚊 E. brehmi Gouin,1943的新异名。  相似文献   

CC Yan  XH Wang  WJ Bu 《ZooKeys》2012,(208):41-49
Two new species, Olecryptotendipes exilissp. n. and Olecryptotendipes melasmussp. n. are described and illustrated as males and Chinese males of Olecryptotendipes lenzi are re-examined. A key to all known males of Olecryptotendipes is provided.  相似文献   

J. H. Epler 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):3-11
The males of three new species of Oukuriella Epler are described from Costa Rica. The genus had been previously recorded only from South America. Oukuriella annamae sp. nov. has genitalia similar to O. albistyla Epler, but differs in having transverse bands on abdominal segments In, IV, VI and VII, a lower AR, no humeral setae and fewer dorsocentral setae. Oukuriella costaricense sp. nov. differs from other described species in the genus by its brown abdomen, unnotched posterior margin of tergite IX and distinctive superior volsella, with its sharply bent, thin upper arm directed medially, and digitus small and directed caudad. Oukuriella rushi sp. nov. has apices of femora tipped with brown, a brown abdomen and distinctive superior volsella, with upper arm shorter and broader, and digitus longer then O. costaricense. The female of Oukuriella costaricense is also described. This is the first female described for the genus. Based on male and female genitalia, Oukuriella is closely related to Epedilum Townes and Zavreliella Kieffer. A key is provided to separate the males of the six described species.  相似文献   

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