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胎生蜥蜴断尾及再生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对胎生蜥蜴的断尾及再生进行了统计和观察,结果表明:胎生蜥蜴幼体断尾率为28.26%,成体断尾率为45.45%。说明承受着很大的生存压力;断尾活动时间与断尾的长度及断尾部位有关;再生尾中有一节鳞片明显较其它鳞片长;再生尾明显较原尾生长速度快。  相似文献   

采用骨髓细胞制片法对分布在新疆阿勒泰地区的胎生蜥蜴Lacerta vivipara种群的染色体进行研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴的染色体全部为端着丝点,性别决定机制为Z1Z1Z2Z2/Z1Z2W型,雌雄染色体数目不同,雄性胎生蜥蜴二倍体染色体的数目为36,性染色体为Z1Z1Z2Z2型,染色体组型为2n=32+Z1Z1Z2Z2;雌性胎生蜥蜴二倍体染色体的数目为35,染色体组型为2n=32+Z1Z2W,性染色体为Z1Z2W型。从组型特征来看,新疆的胎生蜥蜴种群与欧洲中北部和俄罗斯地区的种群为同一大类群。  相似文献   

模拟生境中胎生蜥蜴的日活动节律和活动时间分配   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘鹏  刘志涛  李殿伟  赵文阁 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2146-2152
2007年5—7月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件观察法,对黑龙江省小兴安岭地区模拟生境中胎生蜥蜴(Lacerta vivipara)的日活动时间分配和日活动节律进行研究。结果表明:胎生蜥蜴的日活动内容以休息和晒太阳为主,取食、社会活动和其他活动所占时间较少;与晴天相比,阴天取食和其他活动所占时间显著降低,休息和社会活动所占时间没有显著变化,而晒太阳所占时间显著增加。不同性别、年龄和天气条件下胎生蜥蜴的日活动节律均为双峰型,但各种活动开始和持续的时间、活动高峰出现和持续时间以及峰值方面存在差异,晴天时胎生蜥蜴开始活动的时间早,2次活动高峰的持续时间及间隔时间长,而阴天时胎生蜥蜴的活动时间短且集中,在活动高峰时的个体出现率高;雄性比雌性的活动时间长,出现率高,幼体开始活动的时间比成体晚,出现率低。气温、地表温度和光照因子对胎生蜥蜴日活动节律均有影响,其中光照为控制活动节律的主要因子,当相对光照强度达到40%左右时,胎生蜥蜴开始出来活动,而温度主要影响胎生蜥蜴的活动数量,当达到最适温度(地表温度23 ℃~32 ℃,气温21 ℃~29 ℃)时出现活动高峰。  相似文献   

黑龙江省产胎生蜥蜴的染色体组型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用骨髓细胞制片法对分布在黑龙江省孙吴县的胎生蜥蜴染色体组型进行了研究,结果表明其雄性的二倍体染色体数是36,性染色体为ZZ型,2n=34+ZZ;雌性的二倍体染色体数是35,性染色体为W型,2n=34+W;所以胎生蜥蜴的性别决定机制为ZZ/W型.胎生蜥蜴的染色体全部为顶端着丝点染色体(除雌性的第5号染色体为亚端着丝点染色体外),根据其染色体的形态、大小将其配成18对,按照染色体的相对长度把它们分成3组,第Ⅰ组只有第1对染色体(相对长度>9.0%),第Ⅱ组包括第2、3和4对染色体(9.0%>相对长度>7.0%),第Ⅲ组包括第5~18对染色体(相对长度<7.0%).  相似文献   

2014年5~8月,采用直接观察的方法,在实验室条件下,对胎生蜥蜴(Zootoca vivipara)的蜕皮行为进行了观察和研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴成体在繁殖期间(6~7月份)的蜕皮次数为0~3次,不同性别之间的蜕皮次数没有显著差异,且蜕皮次数与个体的体长、体重无关。成体的蜕皮周期不恒定,最短为8 d左右,与仔蜥的蜕皮周期基本相同。仔蜥的蜕皮行为与其异速生长有关,且随着蜕皮行为次数的增加,蜕皮过程的持续时间逐渐减少。胎生蜥蜴成体的蜕皮一般较为完整,除一小部分外,均可翻转后完成蜕皮,而仔蜥不翻转,这种特殊的蜕皮方式可能与人工饲养条件有关,也可能与胎生蜥蜴栖息地的气候条件、行为策略等因素相关。  相似文献   

四种利用不同生境蜥蜴运动能力的形态特征相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物体态特征、功能表现和生境利用之间是否存在相关性是当前生态形态学领域的一个研究焦点。在实验室条件下测定分别利用开阔地面、草丛、岩石、树丛生境的 4种蜥蜴 (中国石龙子、北草蜥、山地麻蜥和变色树蜥 )的形态特征和运动能力 ,着重探讨蜥蜴运动能力与形态特征之间的相关性。 4种蜥蜴的头体长大小依次为 :中国石龙子 >变色树蜥 >北草蜥 >山地麻蜥。就相对体长而言 ,中国石龙子 >山地麻蜥和北草蜥 >变色树蜥 ,而头大小、附肢长度和尾长的种间差异趋势则相反 ;体高的种间差异为北草蜥 >中国石龙子和变色树蜥 >山地麻蜥。在平面上 ,山地麻蜥和北草蜥的速度显著大于中国石龙子和变色树蜥 ;在斜面上 ,变色树蜥和山地麻蜥的速度显著高于中国石龙子。变色树蜥斜面附着能力最强 ,中国石龙子最弱。生境利用不同的蜥蜴形态迥异 ,运动能力亦因此有显著的差异。本研究结果支持动物形态特征与其功能表现相关的观点。  相似文献   

断尾对胎生蜥蜴运动能力和选择体温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾自切是蜥蜴为了降低被捕食危险而采取的一种反捕食适应策略,但断尾可导致体重减轻、热量收支平衡改变,并影响蜥蜴的运动能力和体温调节.为检验断尾对蜥蜴运动能力和选择体温的影响,于2006年5月选取黑龙江省小兴安岭地区的一个胎生蜥蜴种群进行实验.结果表明:在30 ℃和24℃两个实验温度下,断尾后胎生蜥蜴的运动能力均明显下降,表现在停顿次数增多、最大可持续距离和最大疾跑速度减少等方面;断尾、温度和性别对胎生蜥蝎运动能力的影响在一定程度上是相互独立的,断尾是影响胎生蜥蜴运动能力的主要因素;断尾对胎生蜥蝎的选择体温没有显著影响.  相似文献   

胎生蜥蜴的捕食行为及其食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵文阁  董丙君  刘鹏  刘志涛 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1520-1523
通过直接观察和胃容物分析对胎生蜥蜴(lacerta vivipara)的捕食行为和食性进行了研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴的捕食过程包括觅食、攻击前行为、攻击行为、猎物处死、吞食、食后清洁共6个主要步骤。在6~10月间,胎生蜥蜴的食谱中以昆虫和蜘蛛最多;不同月份的食物种类和数量不同;食物中以个体长为1~10mm食物数量频率最高;食物组成与生活环境中的无脊椎动物种类有极显著的相关。雌、雄体的食物生态位重叠度较高,而幼体和成体的食物生态位重叠度较低。  相似文献   

摘要:2007年和2008年的5月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件观察法,对模拟生境中胎生蜥蝎(Lacerta vivipara)的交配行为进行了详细的研究。结果表明,胎生蜥蜴交配行为的基本模式为:①追逐;②咬腹;③环抱;④交媾;⑤分离。其中各交配行为持续时间占总交配时间的百分比分别为:追逐占2. 35%,咬腹占0.51%...  相似文献   

温度是影响动物生存的重要生态因子之一。两栖爬行动物属于体温不恒定的变温动物,其分布受温度的影响较大。一般来讲,常年温度较高的热带和亚热带地区,两栖爬行动物的物种多样性较为丰富,而在温带和寒温带则逐渐减少。汗马自然保护区(以下简称汗与)地处北方高寒地区,由于气候寒冷干燥,两栖爬行动物种类较少。但  相似文献   

The common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) is a small live-bearing lacertid that reproduces once a year. In order to document the poorly known mating system of this species, we present here an assessment of multiple paternity using microsatellite markers. Paternities were established within 122 clutches belonging to two wild populations from contrasted areas and to four seminatural enclosed populations. The proportion of multiply sired clutches was found to be very high (between 50.0% and 68.2%) and similar among populations, which suggests that the mating system of this species may be insensitive to environmental and population conditions.  相似文献   

Environmental (i.e. non-genetic) maternal effects have the potential to associate the environmental conditions faced by mothers during gestation or before egg laying with the phenotype of their offspring. For this reason, maternal effects may play a major role in determining offspring phenotype independently of the genotype of the individuals, and can thus be considered a mechanistic basis of phenotypic plasticity. Despite the ecological and evolutionary implications of environmental maternal effects, few studies have experimentally investigated this phenomenon in reptiles. Here we report the results of an experimental laboratory study on the effects of maternal feeding rate and density on offspring locomotor performance in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). Lacerta vivipara is a viviparous lizard, and viviparity enhances the probability of a maternal influence on offspring phenotype. We focused on a particular phenotypic trait, maximal sprint running speed, because this trait is thought to be selectively important in squamates. Sprint speed was a repeatable trait, and it varied significantly among families. Maternal feeding rate significantly affected sprint speed, whereas density had no effect on this trait. The effect of maternal feeding rate differed according to the sex of the offspring and their body size, resulting in significant two-way and three-way interactions among these factors. In other words, the maternal feeding rate changed the shape of the allometric relationship between speed and size, but differently for males and females. The complexity of such effects makes it extremely difficult to offer an adaptive interpretation, but emphasizes the role played by the environment in shaping phenotypes among generations.  相似文献   

The concept of the oviparity-viviparity continuum refers to the wide range in the length of intrauterine egg retention and, hence, in the stage of embryonic development at oviposition existing in squamates. The evolutionary process underlying this continuum may involve not only a lengthening of egg retention in utero, but also a marked reduction in the thickness of the eggshell. The idea that there may exist a negative correlation between the developmental stage reached by the embryo at oviposition and the eggshell thickness within squamates, although supported by the comparison of oviparous vs. viviparous species, has seldom been evaluated by comparing eggshell thickness of oviparous forms with different lengths of intrauterine egg retention. Eggs of two distinct oviparous clades of the lizard Lacerta vivipara were compared. The eggs laid by females from Slovenian and Italian populations have thicker eggshells, contain embryos on average less developed at the time of oviposition, and require a longer incubation period before hatching than the eggs laid by females from French oviparous populations. Our data and several other examples available from the literature support the idea that the lengthening of intrauterine retention of eggs and the shortening of the subsequent external incubation of eggs are associated with reduction in the thickness of the eggshell, at least in some lineages of oviparous squamates. The current hypotheses that may account for this correlation are presented and a few restrictions and refinements to those hypotheses are discussed. In particular, other changes, such as increased vascularization of the oviduct and of the extraembryonic membranes, may play the same role as the decrease of eggshell thickness in facilitating prolonged intrauterine egg retention in squamates. Future studies should also consider the hypothesis that the length of intrauterine retention might directly depend on the extent of maternal-fetal chemical communication through the eggshell barrier.  相似文献   

The lizard Lacerta vivipara has allopatric oviparous and viviparous populations. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene coding for the 16S rRNA was sequenced for several viviparous lizard populations from France, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Sweden, and for oviparous lizard populations from the Pyrenean and Cantabric Mountains. Seven distinct groups (three oviparous and four viviparous) were identified. The net nucleotide divergence between oviparous and viviparous haplotypes was 1.3% +/- 0.5 (mean +/- standard deviation). These results on mtDNA, together with other data obtained previously, led us to formulate a biogeographical scenario that could be tested by further research.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-recapture study was carried out in sympatric populations of Lacerta agilis and Lacerta vivipara in the Netherlands from 1976 to 1982. In most years the age structure of both populations was pyramidal. For both species life expectation of females was higher and on average they did live longer. Hence the sex ratio for adults deviated significantly from 1.0 in favour of females. Maximum age for Lacerta vivipara was 8 years (female) and for Lacerta agilis 12 years (male). The density of both species fluctuated around 100/ha. The biomass of Lacerta agilis was twice that of Lacerta vivipara. In Lacerta vivipara the 3rd and 4th calendar year class supplied 78% of total net reproduction; in Lacerta agilis the 4th, 5th, and 6th calendar year classes supplied 68%. In both populations the population replacement rate was 2. Population turnover time was 4.83 years for Lacerta agilis and 2.81 for Lacerta vivipara. The life history strategy of the Lacerta vivipara population is compared with six other European Lacertavivipara populations.  相似文献   

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