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Summary Electron and fluorescence microscopy were used to identify organelles involved in attachment of secondary zoospores ofSaprolegnia ferax as they were transformed into secondary cysts. When secondary zoospores were exposed to 1.0% peptone in the absence or presence of a substrate, they began to encyst. If substrates were present when encystment was induced, the groove surface of the secondary zoospores adhered to them. The first event in attachment was secretion of contents of the kinetosome-associated organelle (K-body), which was typically oriented with the tubule-filled cavity positioned toward the cell surface of the groove region in the zoospore. The tubules which contained carbohydrates became coarsely granular, the matrix became more fibrous, and the shell remained along the membrane concavity that was formed as the K-body fused with the plasma membrane.Five minutes later, a cyst coat appeared, and cysts were not readily dislodged from a substrate. The concavity was no longer found, presumably because it had evaginated; but a layered pad of adhesion material was between the cyst coat and substrate. The layers of the adhesion pad corresponded to the structure of the matrix of K-bodies. As with the tubules of the K-body, the coarsely granular portion at the edge of the pad stained for carbohydrates. Similarly, the lectins WGA and GS-II labeled with fluorescein stained the rim of the adhesion pad on cysts, indicating the presence of glycoconjugates containing N-acetylglucosamines. Because globular areas near the kinetosomes and groove of zoospores (where K-bodies were located) also bound WGA and GS-II, K-bodies contained the same carbohydrates as the adhesion pad. We conclude that K-bodies function in the attachment of encysting zoospores to substrates as the cell differentiates. The tubular portion of the K-body matrix contains carbohydrates which might assist in the adhesion process.Abbreviations D dictyosome - EV encystment vesicle - F flagellum - C cyst - CC cyst coat - Con A concanavalin A - GS-II Griffonia simplicifolia lectin - K K-body - Kt kinetosome - M mitochondria - N nucleus - NB nuclear beak - PC peripheral cisterna - PV peripheral vesicle - S shell region of K-body matrix - SBA soybean agglutinin - R 3 anteriorly directed triplet rootlet - R 8 posteriorly directed octet rootlet - WEV water expulsion vacuole - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Summary The oomycetes are a class of protists that produce biflagellate asexual zoospores. Members of the oomycetes have close phylogenetic affinities with the chromophyte algae and are widely divergent from the higher fungi. This review focuses on two genera,Phytophthora andPythium, which belong to the family Pythiaceae, and the order Peronosporales. These two genera contain many species that cause serious diseases in plants. Molecules on the surface of zoospores and cysts of these organisms are likely to play crucial roles in the infection of host plants. Knowledge of the properties of the surface of these cells should thus help increase our understanding of the infection process. Recent studies ofPhytophthora cinnamomi andPythium aphanidermatum have used lectins to analyse surface carbohydrates and have generated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed towards a variety of zoospore and cysts surface components. Labelling studies with these probes have detected molecular differences between the surface of the cell body and of the flagella of the zoospores. They have been used to follow changes in surface components during encystment, including the secretion of an adhesive that bonds the spores to the host surface. Binding of lectin and antibody probes to the surface of living zoospores can induce encystment, giving evidence of cell receptors involved in this process. Freeze-substitution and immunolabelling studies have greatly augmented our understanding of the synthesis and assembly of the zoospore surface during zoosporogenesis. Synthesis of a variety of zoospore components begins when sporulation is induced. Cleavage of the multinucleate sporangium is achieved through the progressive extension of partitioning membranes, and a number of surface antigens are assembled onto the zoospore surface during cleavage. Comparisons of antibody binding to many isolates and species ofPhytophthora andPythium have revealed that surface components on zoospores and cysts exhibit a range of taxonomic specificities. Surface antigens or epitopes may occur on only a few isolates of a species; they may be species-specific, genus-specific or occur on the spores of both genera. Spore surface antigens thus promise to be of significant value for studies of the taxonomy and phylogeny of these protists, as well as for disease diagnosis.Abbreviations MAbs monoclonal antibodies - ConA Concanavalin A - SBA soybean agglutinin - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - gps glycoproteins  相似文献   

A. W. Burr  G. W. Beakes 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):142-163
Summary The importance of the surface structure and chemistry in zoospores and cysts of oomycetes is briefly reviewed and the organelle systems associated with encystment described. The surface structure and chemistry of primary and secondary zoospores and cysts ofSaprolegnia diclina (a representative saprophytic species) andS. parasitica (a representative salmonid fish pathogen) were explored using the lectins concanavilin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against a mixed zoospore and cyst suspension ofS. parasitica. The binding of lectins and antibodies to spores was determined using immunofluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled probes and with electron microscopy with gold-conjugated probes applied to spore suspensions post-fixation. In both species Con A, which is specific for glucose and mannose sugars, bound to both the surface of primary and secondary zoospores (the surface glycocalyx) and their cyst coats and readily induced zoospore encystment. The binding to the cysts appeared to be mainly associated with the matrix material released from the primary and secondary encystment vesicles and which appeared to diminish with time. No binding to germ tube walls was observed with this lectin. The MAb labelling showed a generally similar binding pattern to the primary and secondary cysts to that observed with Con A, although the binding to zoospores was more variable. Primary zoospores bound the antibodies but secondary zoospores appeared less reactive. It is suggested that the MAbs share a common epitope with one or more of the Con A-binding components. In both species WGA, which is specific for amongst other things the sugar N-acetyl glucosamine, bound to localised apical patches on the primary zoospores. This lectin also binds to the ventral groove region of secondary zoospores ofS. diclina, which were induced to encyst by this lectin. In contrast secondary zoospores ofS. parasitica were not induced to encyst by the addition of WGA and showed a patchy dorsal binding with this lectin. WGA also binds to both the inner wall of discharged primary cysts and the young germ tube walls of both species. These observations are discussed both in relation to other oomycete spores and to their possible functional and ecological significance.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Con A Concanavalin A - DBA Dolichos biflorus agglutinin - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - EM electron microscope - EV encystment vesicles - FCS foetal calf serum - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FV peripheral fibrillar vesicles - G+F 0.2% glutaraldehyde and 2.0% formaldehyde primary fixative solution - 2G 2% glutaraldehyde primary fixative - LM light microscopy - MAbs monoclonal antibodies - LPV large peripheral vesicles - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PCV flattened peripheral cisternae - PEV primary encystment vesicle - PIPES piperazine-N,N1-bis(2-ethane sulfonic acid) - PNA Ricinus communis agglutinin - RAM-FITC/Au10–20 Fluorescein isothiocyanate/gold (10 or 20 nm) labelled rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin - RCA Ricinus communis agglutinin - SEM scanning electron micrograph - SBA soybean agglutinin - SEV secondary encystment vesicles - TEM transmission electron micrograph - UEA I Ulex europaeus agglutinin - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Hardham  A. R.  Suzaki  E. 《Protoplasma》1986,133(2-3):165-173
Summary Only two of a number of macromolecules that bind to the surface of zoospores of the dieback fungus,Phytophthora cinnamomi, induce encystment when added to a suspension of actively swimming zoospores. One, the lectin Concanavalin A (ConA), binds to the entire surface of the zoospores including the surface of both flagella. Within 10 minutes more than 70% of the cells have encysted in the presence of 5 g/ml ConA. This encystment is inhibited by preincubation of the lectin with its hapten sugar, -methyl-D-mannoside. The other effective molecule, a monoclonal antibody designated Zf-1, is one of 35 that have been raised to components on the surface of zoospores and cysts ofP. cinnamomi. The antigen for Zf-1 occurs only on the surface of the two flagella. Purified Zf-1 at 15 g/ml causes encystment of 75% of the zoospores in 13minutes. To show that the induction of encystment by these two probes is not due simply to the presence of protein either in solution or bound to the zoospore a number of other proteins were tested, including other antibodies that bind to the zoospore surface. None of these other molecules caused encystment even at concentrations greater than 200 g/ml. The results are consistent with the surface components that bind ConA and Zf-1 being involved in the critical step of triggering encystment at the surface of a potential host during infection.  相似文献   

During early germination, the sporangiospores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus synthesized large amounts of glycerol. Glycerol started leaking out of the spores after some 20 min germination. Simultaneously the water content of the spores greatly increased. Water uptake was accompanied by disapperance of the phase contrast halo and an increase in spore cross-sectional area which all occurred during the same period between 10 and 30 min germination. When spores were incubated in 0.5 or 1 M sucrose, glycerol accumulated in the spores to much higher concentrations and the increase in cellular water content was greatly reduced and retarded. Glycerol synthesis and the concomitant lowering of spore osmotic potential was not the only mediator of spore swelling since equally important glycerol concentrations loaded into dormant spores did not cause spore water uptake or swelling. Also the swelling of the spores was less affected than water uptake by decreases in ambient water potential. Apparently also cell wall loosening was involved in the swelling phenomenon which might have important implications for cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Lectins of Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Concanavalia ensiformis (ConA), Phaseolus vulgaris (PHA), Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Ricinus communis (RCA I), Griffonia simplicifolia (GSA II) and the enzymes endo-(13)--D-glucanase, exo-(13)--D-glucanase and laminarinase were tested for binding to the infection structures of Puccinia coronata and Uromyces appendiculatus. The enzymes and lectins were labeled with fluorescein and the fluorescence was measured with a microscope photometer. GSA II and ConA bound to all parts of the two rust fungi to a certain extent. The germ tubes of P. coronata bound at least two times more WGA than did the germ tubes of U. appendiculatus. The appressoria of both rust fungi additionally bound exo-(13)--glucanase, endo-(13)--glucanase and laminarinase. The substomatal vesicle and the infection hypha of both rust fungi mainly bound the glucanases. Furthermore, the substomatal vesicle of U. appendiculatus bound PHA. No obvious binding with LTA, RCA I and PNA was observed. Binding generally could be inhibited by appropriate haptens. Binding to uredospores generally appeared unspecific. The results indicate that the germ tubes have chitin on their outer surfaces, the appressoria chitin and glucans and the substomatal vesicles and infection hyphae mainly glucans. Compared to P. coronata, U. appendiculatus has more terminal linked glucose residues or the glucan has more (13)--linkages. Also, U. appendiculatus has N-acetylgalactosamine or a similar sugar on the surface of the substomatal vesicle.Abbreviations ConA Concanavalia ensiformis agglutinin - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GSA II Griffonia simplicifolic agglutimin II - LTA Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PNA Peanut agglutinin - RCA I Ricinus communis agglutinin I - PHA Phaseolus vulgaris agglutinin - WGA Wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

The carbohydrate composition of the cell walls from spores, mycelium and sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus was analyzed. Spore wall polysaccharides contained over 50% glucose, about 20% uronic acids, 10% mannose and 10% amino-sugars. During the growth of the hyphae amino-sugars became the main carbohydrate (45%); uronic acids contributed some 25%, glucose and fucose 10% and galactose nearly 6%. Sporangiophores contained almost 90% aminosugars and some 6% uronic acids. Traces of rhamnose were found in all wall preparations. A similar picture emerged from studies on the incorporation of [U-14C]-glucose into wall materials.Furthermore we looked for a GDP-fucose synthesizing system and found an increasing activity during early germination. This rise in activity was inhibited by cycloheximide but not by 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

Summary. The fine structure and surface exopolymers of a coastal planktonic nanodiatom of the sparsely reported genus Extubocellulus were studied respectively by scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy in conjunction with fluorescent lectins. Monitoring the suitability of the species as prey food for other protists was also investigated by video microscopy coupled with digital film. Cells are rectangular in girdle view, with a pervalvar axis longer than the apical axis. Valves are almost circular with a diameter of 2.8 to 3.6 μm. The valve face bears randomly distributed areolae (ca. 50 in 10 μm), which may be either open or occluded. Two small raised ocelluli occur at the apices, with a rim devoid of perforations and about 6–7 porelli. Glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine moieties present on the surface of the live diatom were labelled with fluorescent lectins, and a differential pattern of distribution for both carbohydrates was observed. The potential role of fluorescent lectins as cellular probes of taxonomic value in small diatoms is compared with that of nucleotide and antibody probes. We provide the first illustrative evidence of the presence of Extubocellulus sp. in the cytoplasm of the nanoflagellate Goniomonas amphinema and of the egestion of diatom frustules. Results obtained are discussed in the light of the present knowledge of the role of carbohydrate–protein interactions in phagocytosis of prey by free-living protozoa. Correspondence (present address): M. Martin-Cereceda, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Haworth Hall, 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Summary The surface coat of the electrocyte of the main electric organ of Electrophorus electricus was studied using cytochemical methods (periodic acid-silver methenamine, periodic acid-chromic acid-silver methenamine, periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate, Concanavalin A — horseradish peroxidase, ruthenium red, Alcian-blue lanthanum nitrate, colloidal iron hydroxide and cationized ferritin). The surface of the electrocyte presents perpendicularly oriented tubular invaginations of the cell membrane. The fibrous coat 50–100 nm thick, penetrates into the lumen of the invaginations. It is also observed in the synaptic clefts existent in the posterior face of the electrocyte. The coating of the surface membrane gives a positive reaction with all techniques used. Binding of colloidal iron hydroxide particles was observed only in the outer layer of the coat. With the Alcian-blue lanthanum nitrate technique, microtubules were observed in the cytoplasm of the electrocyte.The results indicate that the surface coat of the electrocyte contains mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, acid mucopolysaccharides and anionic sites detected at low (colloidal iron hydroxyde) and neutral (cationized ferritin) pH.This work has been supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Conselho de Ensino e Pesquisa da UFRJ (CEPG) and Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico  相似文献   

Evidence is obtained for the existence of two different localizations of trehalase (,-trehalose glucohydrolase, EC in Phycomyces spores: one inside the cell, and one in the periplasmic region. The latter enzyme is sensitive to 0.1 mol l-1 HCl treatment and its activity can be regulated by external pH changes. The periplasmic form of the enzyme is involved in the metabolism of added labelled trehalose. This sugar is hydrolyzed externally to glucose which is found mainly in the incubation medium and which is partly absorbed by the spores. During incubation trehalose leaks out from both dormant and activated spores and is subsequently hydrolyzed to glucose. The intracellular trehalase is probably involved in the breakdown of endogenous trehalose in spores. After heat activation the hydrolysis of endogenous trehalose is stimulated even without an important increase in activity of intracellular trehalase. Additional treatments which break dormancy of spores without a significant activation of trehalase are the following: heating of HCl-treated spores and treatment of spores with reducing substances (e.g. Na2S2O4 and NaHSO3).  相似文献   

Significant stimulation of the number of appressoria, penetration and colonization by conidia ofHelminthosporium carbonum occurred on decolorized maize leaves when exogenous carbohydrates and leaf leachates were added. Germination and germ tube length, however, did not exhibit appreciable differences on decolorized or non-decolorized maize leaves. Lower germination was recorded by leached conidia on decolorized leaves; while appressoria, penetration and colonization were absent. Addition of exogenous nutrients (sucrose>leaf leachates>yeast extract>glucose) enabled conidia to accomplish appressoria, penetration and colonization. Optimum levels for various nutrients observed were 2% (w/v) sucrose/glucose or 0.1% (w/v) yeast extract. Higher concentrations inhibited the infection stages of the pathogen. Depletion of host carbohydrates from green islands/infection sites adversely affect appressoria formation, penetration and colonization; and the loss of carbohydrates from the spore affects germination. Cytokinin-like activity at the infection site/green islands increased with the period of incubation of the host as compared to the surrounding tissue or tissue under water drops. The culture filtrate extracts ofH. carbonum recorded cytokinin-like activity which increased with growth of the fungus. TLC (thin layer chromatography) of cytokinin-like substances (tissue extract and culture filtrate) revealed major activity was confined to Rf zones 0.6 to 0.8 which co-chromatographed with zeatin and zeatin riboside. These substances increase at infection sites by virtue of which carbohydrates accumulate at these sites ensuring a continuous supply to the growing pathogen.  相似文献   

Incorporation of radioactive glucose in growing apices of Saprolegnia monoïca hyphae were examined by electron microscopic autoradiography. 3H glucose labelling indicates that dictyosomes and apical vesicles do not contain much polysaccharide and that glucan synthesis occurs at the cell surface. 14C glucose labelling shows that incorporation was chased from the cell walls during hyphal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Annual variations in the abundance ofAlternaria spores were related to the length of the spore period for data from Murcia (southeastern Spain). To understand the relationship between the number of spores and climatic factors,Alternaria spore counts for March 1993 to February 1994 were examined by means of correlation and regression analyses with fourteen different weather parameters. The results indicated that there was a tendency forAlternaria spore concentrations to increase with increases in temperature, wind speed and hours of sunshine. Negative correlations were observed with air pressure, wind direction and humidity. Theoretical curves forAlternaria spore counts are given in relation to temperatures during the period studied.  相似文献   

Non-acid and acid glycosphingolipids were isolated from feces of one litter of germ-free rats from day 17 to day 51. Quantitative and qualitative changes described for small intestine of conventional rats [Bouhours D, Bouhours J-F (1981) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 99:1384–89] were also found in the feces of these germ-free rats. A decrease in lactosylceramide and sialyllactosylceramide excretion and a change fromN-acetylneuraminic acid toN-glycoloylneuraminic acid, as well as an appearance of type 1 chain blood group H-active penta- and decaglycosylceramides were observed during the weaning period. Thus the dramatic changes seen in rat intestinal glycosphingolipids postnatally seem to be primarily regulated by non-microbial factors.Abbreviations GM3 GM3-ganglioside, II3NeuAc-LacCer or II3NeuGc-LacCer - SPG IV3NeuAc-nLcOse4Cer - GM1 GM1-ganglioside, II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer  相似文献   

Phytase improves the bioavailability of phytate phosphorus in plant foods to humans and animals, and reduces the phosphorus pollution of animal waste. We have engineered the cell surface of the yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiae by anchoring active fungal phytase on its cell wall, in order to apply it as a dietary supplement containing bioconversional functions in animal foods and a whole cell bio-catalyst for the treatment of waste. The phytase gene (phyA) ofAspergillus niger with a signal peptide of rice amylase 1A (Ramy1A) was fused with the gene encoding the C-terminal half (320 amino acid residues from the C-terminus) of yeast α-agglutinin, a protein which is involved in mating and is covalently anchored to the cell wall. The resulting fusion construct was introduced intoS. cerevisiae and expressed under the control of the constitutive glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) promoter. Phytase plate assay revealed that the surface-engineered cell exhibited a catalytically active opaque zone which was restricted to the margin of the colony. Additionally, the phytase activity was detected in the cell fraction, but was not detected in the culture medium when it was grown in liquid. These results indicate that the phytase was successfully anchored to the cell surface of yeast and was displayed as its active form. The amount of recombinant phytase on the surface of yeast cells was estimated to be 16,000 molecules per cell.  相似文献   

Characterization of common cell surface-bound antigens inCandida albicans strains, particularly those expressed in the walls of mycelial cells might be useful in the diagnosis of systemic candidiasis. Hence, antigenic similarities among wall proteins and mannoproteins fromC. albicans clinical serotype A and B isolates, were studied using polyclonal (mPAbs) and monoclonal (MAb 4C12) antibodies raised against wall antigens from the mycelial form of a commonC. albicans serotype A laboratory strain (ATCC 26555). Zymolyase digestion of walls isolated from cells of the different strains studied grown at 37°C (germination conditions), released, in all cases, numerous protein and mannoprotein components larger than 100 kDa, along with a 33–34 kDa species. The pattern of major antigens exhibiting reactivity towards the mPAbs preparation was basically similar for all the serotype A and B isolates, though minor strain-specific bands were also observed. The immunodeterminant recognized by MAb 4C12 was found to be absent or present in very low amounts inC. albicans isolates other than the ATCC 26555 strain, yet high molecular weight species similar in size (e.g., 260 kDa) to the wall antigen against which MAb 4C12 was raised, were observed, particularly in wall digests from serotype A strains. Cell surface hydrophobicity, an apparently important virulence factor inC. albicans, of the cell population of each serotype B strain was lower than that of the corresponding serotype A counterparts, which is possibly due to the fact that the former strains exhibited a reduced ability to form mycelial filaments under the experimental conditions used.Abbreviations CSH cell surface hydrophobicity - IIF indirect immunofluorescence  相似文献   

Spores harvested by conventional methods could be cleaned up considerably using discontinuous density gradients. This method yielded a population of almost entirely viable spores. Germination of the spores resulted in density changes probably due to spore swelling. These changes could be observed as early as 15 min after activation. The usefulness of this method in the study of spore activation was shown by its application to spores germinating after a heat treatment at various temperatures, or to spore reacquiring dormancy by incubation in water after activation at different temperatures. Dormant and activated spores can quickly and easily be separated from mixed populations.  相似文献   

Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenberg cells cultured on cycles of 16 h light and 8 h dark, undergo cell division synchronously in the dark period. After cell division, the symmetry of the daughter semicells is restored by controlled expansion, the time required for this restoration, 3.5–4 h, being relatively constant. The restoration of the symmetry is achieved by highly oriented surface expansion occurring along the entire length of the new semicell. During early semicell expansion, for about 2.5 h, microfibrils are deposited parallel to one another and transversely to the cell axis on the inner surface of the new wall. Wall microtubules running parallel to the transversely oriented microfibrils are observed during this period. About 2.5 h after septum formation, preceding the cessation of cell elongation, bundles of 7–11 microfibrils running in various directions begin to overlay the parallel-arranged microfibrils already deposited. In the fully elongated cells, no wall microtubules are observed.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of the surface coat in embryonic cells ofXenopus laevis was examined by agglutination and fluorescent staining with lectins.Cells of early and mid gastrula stages were agglutinated by lectins specific for D-mannose, D-galactose, L-fucose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. No differences in agglutinability among ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm cells were observed with lectins specific for D-mannose, D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, though agglutination of gastrula cells with fluorescent lectins revealed considerable differences in the intensity of lectin binding among cells within an aggregate. These differences in amount of lectin bound were not related to cell size or morphology. Patches of fluorescent material formed on the cells, suggesting that lectin receptors are mobile in the plane of the plasma membrane.In the early cleavage stages intensive lectin binding occurs only at the boundary between preexisting and nascent plasma membranes. The external surface of the embryo has few lectin receptors up to the late gastrula stage. The unpigmented nascent plasma membranes, when exposed to fluorescent lectins, do not assume any fluorescence distinguishable from the background autofluorescence of yolk, in stages up to the mid-blastula. From this stage onwards lectin binding was observed on the membranes of the reverse side of surface layer cells and on the membranes of deep layer cells. During gastrulation there is an accumulation of lectin-binding material on surfaces involved in intercellular contacts.The significance of lectin binding material for morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

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