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Literature on the mobility of pastoralists and resource access is widely available, but conceptualization and understanding of the socioeconomic processes expected to affect the outcome are inconsistent. In this article, drawing on research conducted in the Yerer and Daketa Valleys, eastern Ethiopia, we use the notion of entitlements to examine how, under increasing pressure for resource access, various agro-pastoral households manage conflicting interests in common grazing resources. We observed that in times of drought and resource scarcity incumbent agro-pastoralists find peaceful sharing arrangements with intruding pastoralists. Asset-poor agro-pastoralists enter into mutually beneficial arrangements with pastoralists, trading their resource endowments to grazing land for other assets from the pastoralists, whereas wealthier households prefer a reciprocal risk-management strategy. These multiple arrangements have distributional effects because asset-poor agro-pastoralist households can stabilize or enhance their household assets and their capabilities in times of drought, and thus benefit from assisting pastoralist migrants to the common grazing land.
Ayalneh BogaleEmail:

This paper explores the grazing management systems in operation in communal areas of central Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, through two contrasting case studies from the region. Considerable differences in current management systems are identified and are shown to depend primarily on the degree of control that can be exercised by communities over communal grazing resources. This in turn can be related to the social and ecological heterogeneity that characterises the region and how this influences pressure on grazing resources at the local level. On the basis of this study three broad levels of grazing management system are identified in these communal areas. These are: complete lack of management with grazing taking place in an ‘open-access’ manner; grazing being controlled on a community basis and grazing taking place on private land and being controlled entirely by the landowner. Many aspects of these scenarios find reflection in struggles over common property which are taking place in other parts of Africa. Understanding the variation in these systems from both a social and ecological perspective will be fundamental in challenging previous management paradigms, and facilitating the development of effective common property institutions for grazing management systems in communal areas of South Africa.  相似文献   

As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management.  相似文献   

In this paper, the link between traditional rights of access to land and water and present day practices is established and illustrated. Data collected during various studies in the Zamfara Forest Reserve, northwest Nigeria, provided information on the different resources utilized (land, pastures, water) and the views and practices of different user-groups and stakeholders. The findings are discussed with a view to improving existing common property resource management (CPRM) in the area.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the Huaorani Indians of the Ecuadorian Amazon possess a long-standing common property management regime fostered by secure ownership status of the land, the small size and kinship ties of residence groups, the existence of mutual trust and reciprocity, and culturally sanctioned rules of behavior. This regime, however, was focused on maintaining harmonious relationships between residents of the nanicabo and not on resource conservation (although it may have fostered epiphenomenal conservation). It cannot be presumed that communal management of resources invariably leads to conservation; other factors need to be present, such as a perception of resource scarcity. The common property regime was designed for a situation of plentiful resources, low population density, clear membership, and behaviors held in check by respect for kin and the desire for good standing. It was a sufficient and simple system for delimiting common property resources from private property, based on implicit social boundaries and cultural understandings. Now, confronted by powerful external forces, population growth, and intermarriage with non-Huaorani, the system is faltering. Conservationist practices, however, can be encouraged by adapting the earlier system to reflect current conditions.  相似文献   

The mainstream view in natural resource management in African drylands has been that local people are responsible for natural resource degradation. Today, alternative views or new paradigms are emerging in several fields. These new paradigms, which support decentralization of natural resource management, are discussed in relation to the ongoing decentralization process in Mali. During the colonial period, heavily centralized governments were installed in all the French colonies. This structure was maintained by Malian governments after independence. However, following the recent transition to democracy, a decentralizing reform is being implemented. It is presently not clear whether these reforms will lead to mere deconcentration, involving the redistribution of administrative responsibilities within the central government, or whether Mali is heading toward real decentralization, devolving decision making powers to local communities. The gestion de terroir approach, which may be a useful tool in achieving decentralization in farming communities, would, in pastoral areas, cause more damage than benefit.  相似文献   

Common property regimes may contribute to environmental conservationand offer a complementary institutional model to state-run protected areas. The potential conservation value of common property management is of particular significance in Mexico, where a large majority of forests are held communally. Systems of common property management often exist in a context of close institutional overlap with state institutions. This project assessed the function of a common property regime nested within Lagunas de Montebello National Park (PNLM) in Chiapas, Mexico. We documented forest status and analyzed common property forest management institutions following severe fires that threatened forest conservation. Forests managed by the common property regime are less intact than federal forests, yet still moderately conserved, and many attributes necessary for common property management are functional, despite the recent fire crisis. Yet external authorities contest common property management by local institutions, resulting in limited joint management by the national park and the community. Formalization and expansion of de facto cooperation between the federal and community institutions may enhance forest conservation within PNLM.  相似文献   

Summary  Three new species of Acanthaceae, Lepidagathis pseudoaristata Ensermu, Acanthopale aethio-germanica Ensermu, and Rhinacanthus mucronatus Ensermu, are described from Ethiopia. The three species are illustrated and their distributions mapped. The three new species are also compared to their presumed closest relatives. L. pseudoaristata is restricted to the Bale and Sidamo Regions, A. aethio-germanica is more widely distributed in Ethiopia occurring in the Kefa, Arsi, Sidamo and Bale Regions, and R. mucronatus is a local endemic restricted to the Borana area in the Sidamo Region. The conservation status of each species is also assessed.  相似文献   

The limitations of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) with respect to the difficulties of comparing local versus scientific knowledge categories within a bounded definition of ‘community’ were investigated by means of a study exploring local indigenous knowledge pertaining to harvesting technique, and the impact of soil and species type on the post-harvest coppice response of popular savanna fuelwood species, among rural inhabitants of the Bushbuckridge region of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Soils and plants were evaluated chiefly in terms of their perceived ability to retain precipitation, making rainfall a driving force in local understanding of environmental productivity. Some indigenous knowledge showed an agreement with biological data, but overall the variability in responses, as well as the diverse scales at which indigenous and scientific knowledge is directed, were too great to allow for simplistic parallels between local ecological indices to be made. Indigenous environmental knowledge was underscored by the perceived symbolic link between environmental and social degradation. It is recommended that environmental managers incorporate indigenous knowledge as a component of a systems-level approach to natural resource management, where biological, cultural, economic, and symbolic aspects of natural resource use are nested within a broader ecosocial system. This approach to indigenous knowledge is offered as an alternative to the simple scientific evaluation that so often characterizes environmental management.  相似文献   

There are two broadly conceptualized ways in which conservation knowledge may evolve: the depletion crisis model and the ecological understanding model. The first one argues that developing conservation thought and practice depends on learning that resources are depletable. Such learning typically follows a resource crisis. The second mechanism emphasizes the development of conservation practices following the incremental elaboration of environmental knowledge by a group of people. These mechanisms may work together. Following a perturbation, a society can self-organize, learn and adapt. The self-organizing process, facilitated by knowledge development and learning, has the potential to increase the resilience (capability to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing change) of resource use systems. Hence, conservation knowledge can develop through a combination of long-term ecological understanding and learning from crises and mistakes. It has survival value, as it increases the resilience of integrated social--ecological systems to deal with change in ways that continue to sustain both peoples and their environments.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies were conducted in the Lake Langano area in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia to determine the occurrence of schistosomiasis and assess factors involved in its transmission. Microscopic examination of faecal specimens from free ranging Papio anubis (anubis baboon) troops from Bishan Gari and Burka Dita forest reserves revealed Schistosoma mansoni eggs with a prevalence of 12.1% (11/91) and 26.2%(34/130), respectively. The eggs were viable as confirmed by miracidial hatching and infectivity tests. Out of the total 12 communities (three schools, five villages and one herdsmen community) surveyed for schistosomiasis around Lake Langano, individuals excreting S. mansoni eggs were found in nine communities with prevalence of infection ranging from 1.4 to 43%. The intensity of infection ranged from 24 EPG (eggs per gram of faeces) to 243 EPG. Excretion of viable eggs by the baboons indicate that they play a role in maintenance of S. mansoni infection in the locality. The detection of S. mansoni eggs in young children, collection of cercarial-infected Biomphalaria pfeifferi in water bodies, and establishment of S. mansoni infection in lab-bred mice have confirmed establishment of transmission foci in Kime area, south-east of Lake Langano. However, the lake itself does not seem to support transmission of schistosomiasis since no snails were found along the shore of the Lake. Further investigations are indicated to fully elucidate the role baboons play in the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The risk of introduction of water-based development projects in these new endemic foci in relation to S. mansoni infection in the baboons is discussed.  相似文献   

Licuala taynguyensis is a new species of understory palm known only from the Dak Lak Province of the Central Highlands of Vietnam where it is locally common at elevations of 800–1000 m.  相似文献   

Establishing secure tenure is widely recognized as a fundamental component of sustainable forest management. Policy-makers generally prefer privatization to achieve these ends, although common property institutions may also be appropriate. But if common property tenure is insecure and fails to control exploitation, theory predicts that private tenure should lead to better forest conditions. In this case study of a western Honduras community, forest mensuration data were collected from four private forests and two relatively open access common property forests. Statistical analyses failed to find consistent, significant differences in vegetation structure or soils related to tenure. Notable contrasts between forests reflected historical conditions and owner preferences. Neither form of tenure appeared to emphasize concerns for sustainable management, and ongoing processes of change constrained the possibility for limiting common property forest exploitation. The study adds to others which show that the outcomes of private or common property tenure relate substantially to the socioeconomic, political, and ecological context.  相似文献   

Because of inadequate supply of water, inhabitants of five villagesclose to Tapachula, Chiapas, México, store water in cement tanksthat support large populations of Aedes aegypti. Biologicalcontrol using indigenous fish species were studied to control A. aegypti larvae in thosecontainers, since other organisms used as biological control agents areexpensive and unfamiliar to inhabitants of those towns. Other measures(chemical or physical control) are expensive and time consuming. Fiveindigenous fish species, Lepisosteus tropicus (Gill)(Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae), Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier)(Cypriniformes: Characinidae), Brycon guatemalensis (Regan)(Cypriniformes: Characinidae), Ictalurus meridionalis(Günther) (Cypriniformes: Ictaluridae) and Poecilia sphenopsValenciennes (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae), currently used asmosquito control agents in the area were tested. Container indexes (ameasure of disease transmission potential) in the tested area werealways zero during the year of the study, independent of towns and fishspecies; this was significantly (P < 0.05) different from containerindexes prior to the test as well as from controls without fish. Nosignificant (P > 0.05) differences were recorded in the efficiency ofthe tested fish species feeding on A. aegypti larvae. Our resultsshow that all tested fish species can be considered as good biologicalagents for controlling A. aegypti larvae in Southern Mexico.  相似文献   

This study focuses on individuals’ subjective reasons for complying with rules for common pool resource management. We examine the topic of individual rule compliance, which the commons literature has addressed only marginally, and outline recent empirical findings. Hypotheses are derived based on rule compliance theory and explored using data gathered in a Cuban community sharing a solar energy system. The statistical analyses reveal that compliance with rules for energy management is influenced by various factors. Depending on the particular rule, factors such as sanctioning, legitimacy, and compatibility, among others, influence the frequency of individual rule compliant behavior to differing extents.  相似文献   

The vegetation structure and phenology of a 74.5 ha block of moist deeiduous forest in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India were investigated during primatological fieldwork. Within a grid of 0.25 ha quadrats all 9935 trees (woody plants > 2 m tall), of 63 species, were enumerated and their girth measured. The forest was dominated by the dipterocarp sal (Shorea robusta). Most species were rare and showed clumped distributions within the sea of sal whilst the dispersion of five large canopy trees could not be distinguished from random.The phenology of 215 trees, of 61 species, was monitored over 14 months using an index of phytophase abundance. Leaf renewal was highly synchronous between and within species, mostly occurring between February and June. One species was evergreen, 5 were semi-evergreen and 55 were deciduous. Flowering generally occurred between leaf fall and flush whilst fruiting peaked late in the hot weather and early monsoon.  相似文献   

The incidence of generalist indigenous natural enemies of the citrus leafminer (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera; Gracillariidae), was monitored during three growing seasons at two different orchards located in the major citrus-growing area of Spain. Composition of the parasitoid complex changed during the study period. However, the eulophids Cirrospilus near lyncus Walker and Pnigalio pectinicornis L. were consistently the predominant species. Despite the varying composition of the parasitoid complex, oviposition, host feeding, and predatory preferences of the natural enemies of the CLM clearly centered on third instar larvae. Incidence of beneficial fauna increased as the season progressed, reaching maximal values up to 70% of susceptible leafminers (mature larvae) at the end of the summer. Parasitism was significantly related to relative host density. However, predation showed no relationship to host availability but did so to flushing in one of the orchards. Incidence of indigenous natural enemies of the CLM should not be ignored when planning any introduction of exotic parasitoids, and their conservation should be taken into account when planning any citrus IPM strategy.  相似文献   

One of the basic tenets of the theory of common property resources is that private property rights work to conserve natural resources. There is growing evidence, however, that some large forest owners in Maine are cutting their forests heavily, using poor-quality silviculture techniques. This overexploitation is being done by paper companies, forest contractors, and some private land owners, who are being motivated by very different sets of factors. This article explores the reasons that private owners of forest resources are overexploiting their own lands and the implications of this for the theory of common property resources. Secure private property rights alone will not be enough to conserve resources and do away with externalities when the owners are operating in a system demanding constant short-term profits, where they are producing undifferentiated commodities in a highly competitive market, where the future value of slow-growing resources is very low, and where harvesting has so many ramifying biological and social effects.  相似文献   

西双版纳勐宋哈尼族的传统文化与生态系统多样性管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
世界各地的原住民族 (indigenouspeople) ,在悠久的历史发展过程中 ,与当地的动植物和森林结成了极其密切的关系 ,他们之间互相作用、互相影响 ,形成了多样化的原住民知识体系 (indige nousknowledgesystem)和传统文化信仰 (culturalbeliefs)。这些知识体系和传统文化包含着丰富的认识、利用与保护动植物以及生态系统的知识与实践 ,因而也就成为这些原住民族与当地生态环境、生物多样性相互协调和持续发展的社会基础和技术保障[3 ,8,1 0 ,1 1 ] 。在全球性环境变化和生物多样性迅…  相似文献   

Southern Chile experienced serious deforestation during the past century and it is projected that by the year 2025 Chile will be devoid of native forests. One of the most important endemic tree species of the country and at the same time one of the most endangered ones is Araucaria araucana (Mol.) C. Koch, the monkey-puzzle tree. It grows in the Andes Mountains, homeland of the indigenous Mapuche Pewenche people who depend on this tree. This paper is based on participatory field research with a Mapuche Pewenche community in the southern Chilean Andes on their ecological knowledge, values, use and management of the Araucaria araucana forest. It attempts to reveal how indigenous people and their knowledge contribute to the sustainable management of these forests. The paper (1) illustrates the complexity of indigenous ecological knowledge of Araucaria araucana and its efficacy in native forest management, (2) explores the link between the conservation and use of biodiversity by the indigenous people, and (3) provides answers relevant to native forest management and conservation strategies ex-situ and in-situ incorporating indigenous and scientific knowledge, thus providing a contribution towards integrated natural resource management.  相似文献   

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