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Jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) play important roles in plant defense systems. JA and SA signaling pathways interact antagonistically in dicotyledonous plants, but, the status of crosstalk between JA and SA signaling is unknown in monocots. Our rice microarray analysis showed that more than half of the genes upregulated by the SA analog BTH are also upregulated by JA, suggesting that a major portion of the SA-upregulated genes are regulated by JA-dependent signaling in rice. A common defense system that is activated by both JA and SA is thus proposed which plays an important role in pathogen defense responses in rice.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the role of Trichoderma virens (TriV_JSB100) spores or cell‐free culture filtrate in the regulation of growth and activation of the defence responses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by the development of a biocontrol–plant–pathogen interaction system. Two‐week‐old tomato seedlings primed with TriV_JSB100 spores cultured on barley grains (BGS) or with cell‐free culture filtrate (CF) were inoculated with Fusarium pathogen under glasshouse conditions; this resulted in significantly lower disease incidence in tomato Oogata‐Fukuju plants treated with BGS than in those treated with CF. To dissect the pathways associated with this response, jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) signalling in BGS‐ and CF‐induced resistance was evaluated using JA‐ and SA‐impaired tomato lines. We observed that JA‐deficient mutant def1 plants were susceptible to Fusarium pathogen when they were treated with BGS. However, wild‐type (WT) BGS‐treated tomato plants showed a higher JA level and significantly lower disease incidence. SA‐deficient mutant NahG plants treated with CF were also found to be susceptible to Fusarium pathogen and displayed low SA levels, whereas WT CF‐treated tomato plants exhibited moderately lower disease levels and substantially higher SA levels. Expression of the JA‐responsive defensin gene PDF1 was induced in WT tomato plants treated with BGS, whereas the SA‐inducible pathogenesis‐related protein 1 acidic (PR1a) gene was up‐regulated in WT tomato plants treated with CF. These results suggest that TriV_JSB100 BGS and CF differentially induce JA and SA signalling cascades for the elicitation of Fusarium oxysporum resistance in tomato.  相似文献   

【目的】水杨酸和茉莉酸在植物诱导防御虫害反应中发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在探讨水杨酸和茉莉酸诱导葡萄对根瘤蚜的抗性。【方法】以盆栽巨峰为试材,在接种葡萄根瘤蚜Daktulosphaira vitifoliae的同时喷施水杨酸和茉莉酸,测定和评估了对根瘤蚜生长发育及产卵量的影响,以及对葡萄根系抗氧化相关酶[过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)]活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量、新梢生长量及光合速率的影响。【结果】水杨酸和茉莉酸诱导处理显著降低了根瘤蚜卵量及下代1,2龄若蚜总数,接种35 d后根瘤蚜的产卵量分别减少了41.35%和50.00%,1龄和2龄若蚜总数分别减少了42.31%和50.00%;根瘤蚜侵染后根系中POD和CAT活性均呈先升高后降低的趋势,且水杨酸和茉莉酸诱导处理在各测定时期均高于仅接种根瘤蚜处理;水杨酸和茉莉酸处理的根系中MDA含量在各测定时期均低于仅接种根瘤蚜处理;水杨酸和茉莉酸处理降低了根瘤蚜侵染对植株地上部生长及光合的抑制。接种处理后第30天,仅接种根瘤蚜处理的植株地上部生长量减少了48.11%,光合速率降低了58.77%,而水杨酸和茉莉酸处理后的新梢生长量分别减少了31.57%和25.71%,光合速率分别降低了32.89%和24.67%。【结论】叶片喷洒茉莉酸和水杨酸能够降低根瘤蚜种群密度,并提高葡萄根系活性氧清除能力和防御酶活性,缓解树势衰退。  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid(JA) and related metabolites play a key role in plant defense and growth. JA carboxyl methyltransferase(JMT) may be involved in plant defense and development by methylating JA to methyl jasmonate(Me JA) and thus influencing the concentrations of JA and related metabolites. However, no JMT gene has been well characterized in monocotyledon defense and development at the molecular level. After we cloned a rice JMT gene,Os JMT1, whose encoding protein was localized in the cytosol, we found that the recombinant Os JMT1 protein catalyzed JA to Me JA. Os JMT1 is up-regulated in response to infestation with the brown planthopper(BPH; Nilaparvata lugens). Plants in which Os JMT1 had been overexpressed(oeJMT plants) showed reduced height and yield. These oe-JMT plants also exhibited increased Me JA levels but reduced levels of herbivore-induced JA and jasmonoyl-isoleucine(JAIle). The oe-JMT plants were more attractive to BPH female adults but showed increased resistance to BPH nymphs,probably owing to the different responses of BPH female adults and nymphs to the changes in levels of H_2O_2 and Me JA in oe-JMT plants. These results indicate that Os JMT1,by altering levels of JA and related metabolites, plays a role in regulating plant development and herbivore-induced defense responses in rice.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR), a natural disease response in plants, can be induced chemically. Salicylic acid (SA) acts as a key endogenous signaling molecule that mediates SAR in dicotyledonous plants. However, the role of SA in monocotyledonous plants has yet to be elucidated. In this study, the mode of action of the agrochemical protectant chemical probenazole was assessed by microarray-based determination of gene expression. Cloning and characterization of the most highly activated probenazole-responsive gene revealed that it encodes UDP-glucose:SA glucosyltransferase (OsSGT1) , which catalyzes the conversion of free SA into SA O- β-glucoside (SAG). We found that SAG accumulated in rice leaf tissue following treatment with probenazole or 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid. A putative OsSGT1 gene from the rice cultivar Akitakomachi was cloned and the gene product expressed in Escherichia coli was characterized, and the results suggested that probenazole-responsive OsSGT1 is involved in the production of SAG. Furthermore, RNAi-mediated silencing of the OsSGT1 gene significantly reduced the probenazole-dependent development of resistance against blast disease, further supporting the suggestion that OsSGT1 is a key mediator of development of chemically induced disease resistance. The OsSGT1 gene may contribute to the SA signaling mechanism by inducing up-regulation of SAG in rice plants.  相似文献   

Sulphonation of small molecules by cytosolic sulphotransferases in mammals is an important process in which endogenous molecules are modified for inactivation/activation of their biological effects. Plants possess large numbers of sulphotransferase genes, but their biological functions are largely unknown. Here, we present a functional analysis of the Arabidopsis sulphotransferase AtSOT12 (At2g03760). AtSOT12 gene expression is strongly induced by salt, and osmotic stress and hormone treatments. The T‐DNA knock‐out mutant sot12 exhibited hypersensitivity to NaCl and ABA in seed germination, and to salicylic acid (SA) in seedling growth. In vitro enzyme activity assay revealed that AtSOT12 sulphonates SA, and endogenous SA levels suggested that sulphonation of SA positively regulates SA production. Upon challenging with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, sot12 mutant and AtSOT12 over‐expressing lines accumulate less and more SA, respectively, when compared with wild type. Consistent with the changes in SA levels, the sot12 mutant was more susceptible, while AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants are more resistant to pathogen infection. Moreover, pathogen‐induced PR gene expression in systemic leaves was significantly enhanced in AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants. The role of sulphonation of SA in SA production, mobile signalling and acquired systemic resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypersensitive‐induced reaction (HIR) gene family is associated with the hypersensitive response (HR) that is a part of the plant defense system against bacterial and fungal pathogens. The involvement of HIR genes in response to viral pathogens has not yet been studied. We now report that the HIR3 genes of Nicotiana benthamiana and Oryza sativa (rice) were upregulated following rice stripe virus (RSV) infection. Silencing of HIR3s in N. benthamiana resulted in an increased accumulation of RSV RNAs, whereas overexpression of HIR3s in N. benthamiana or rice reduced the expression of RSV RNAs and decreased symptom severity, while also conferring resistance to Turnip mosaic virus, Potato virus X, and the bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas oryzae. Silencing of HIR3 genes in N. benthamiana reduced the content of salicylic acid (SA) and was accompanied by the downregulated expression of genes in the SA pathway. Transient expression of the two HIR3 gene homologs from N. benthamiana or the rice HIR3 gene in N. benthamiana leaves caused cell death and an accumulation of SA, but did not do so in EDS1‐silenced plants or in plants expressing NahG. The results indicate that HIR3 contributes to plant basal resistance via an EDS1‐ and SA‐dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Geminiviruses include a large number of single‐stranded DNA viruses that are emerging as useful tools to dissect many fundamental processes in plant hosts. However, there have been no reports yet regarding the genetic dissection of the geminivirus–plant interaction. Here, a high‐throughput approach was developed to screen Arabidopsis activation‐tagged mutants which are resistant to geminivirus Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV) infection. A mutant, lsb1 (less susceptible to BSCTV 1), was identified, in which BSCTV replication was impaired and BSCTV infectivity was reduced. We found that the three genes closest to the T‐DNA were up‐regulated in lsb1, and the phenotypes of lsb1 could only be recapitulated by the overexpression of GDU3 (GLUTAMINE DUMPER 3), a gene implicated in amino acid transport. We further demonstrated that activation of LSB1/GDU3 increased the expression of components in the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, which is known to counter geminivirus infection, including the upstream regulator ACD6. These data indicate that up‐regulation of LSB1/GDU3 affects BSCTV infection by activating the SA pathway. This study thus provides a new approach to study of the geminivirus–host interaction.  相似文献   

乙烯、水杨酸和茉莉酸是植物体内主要的几个防御信号途径,也是研究比较多的几个信号途径。很多试验证明不同的防御信号途径相互间存在相互作用,他们或相互抑制,或相互促进。从这三种信号途径相互间的作用,及作用的联系点进行综述。  相似文献   

Plants mount defense responses during pathogen attacks, and robust host defense suppression by pathogen effector proteins is essential for infection success. 4E02 is an effector of the sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing the effector‐coding sequence showed altered expression levels of defense response genes, as well as higher susceptibility to both the biotroph H. schachtii and the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea, indicating a potential suppression of defenses by 4E02. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that 4E02 targets A. thaliana vacuolar papain‐like cysteine protease (PLCP) ‘Responsive to Dehydration 21A’ (RD21A), which has been shown to function in the plant defense response. Activity‐based protein profiling analyses documented that the in planta presence of 4E02 does not impede enzymatic activity of RD21A. Instead, 4E02 mediates a re‐localization of this protease from the vacuole to the nucleus and cytoplasm, which is likely to prevent the protease from performing its defense function and at the same time, brings it in contact with novel substrates. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that RD21A interacts with multiple host proteins including enzymes involved in defense responses as well as carbohydrate metabolism. In support of a role in carbohydrate metabolism of RD21A after its effector‐mediated re‐localization, we observed cell wall compositional changes in 4E02 expressing A. thaliana lines. Collectively, our study shows that 4E02 removes RD21A from its defense‐inducing pathway and repurposes this enzyme by targeting the active protease to different cell compartments.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous gram-positive bacterium that can cause superficial to serious systemic infections in animals and humans. Here we report the development of a plant infection model to study the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Three global regulatory mutants, RN6911 (agr-), ALC 488 (sarA-) ALC 842 (sarA-/agr-) and an alpha-toxin mutant defective in biofilm formation (DU1090) which are attenuated in animal pathogenesis, were also attenuated in their ability to infect plants, suggesting that these regulators that mediate synthesis of virulence factors essential for animal pathogenesis are also required for plant pathogenesis. Further, using Arabidopsis plants altered in defense responses such as the transgenic lines NahG [defective in salicylic acid (SA) accumulation], and 35S-LOX2- (defective in jasmonic acid production and hyper-accumulator of SA), and mutants ics1 (depleted in SA accumulation), and npr1-1 (non-expressor of pathogenesis-related protein) we show that resistance of Arabidopsis to typical plant pathogens and the animal pathogen S. aureus is conserved and is mediated by SA. The data presented here suggest that Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to S. aureus is mediated either by a direct effect of SA on the pathogen, specifically one that affects the attachment/aggregate formation on the root surface and reduces the pathogen's virulence, or by SA-dependent, NPR1-independent host responses.  相似文献   

Induced systemic resistance (ISR) of plants against pathogens is a widespread phenomenon that has been intensively investigated with respect to the underlying signalling pathways as well as to its potential use in plant protection. Elicited by a local infection, plants respond with a salicylic-dependent signalling cascade that leads to the systemic expression of a broad spectrum and long-lasting disease resistance that is efficient against fungi, bacteria and viruses. Changes in cell wall composition, de novo production of pathogenesis-related-proteins such as chitinases and glucanases, and synthesis of phytoalexins are associated with resistance, although further defensive compounds are likely to exist but remain to be identified. In this Botanical Briefing we focus on interactions between ISR and induced resistance against herbivores that is mediated by jasmonic acid as a central signalling molecule. While many studies report cross-resistance, others have found trade-offs, i.e. inhibition of one resistance pathway by the other. Here we propose a framework that explains many of the thus far contradictory results. We regard elicitation separately from signalling and from production, i.e. the synthesis of defensive compounds. Interactions on all three levels can act independently from each other.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is an important regulator of plant defense responses, and a variety of Arabidopsis mutants impaired in resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens show defects in SA accumulation, perception, or signal transduction. Nevertheless, the role of SA-dependent defense responses against necrotrophic fungi is currently unclear. We determined the susceptibility of a set of previously identified Arabidopsis mutants impaired in defense responses to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The rate of development of B. cinerea disease symptoms on primary infected leaves was affected by responses mediated by the genes EIN2, JAR1, EDS4, PAD2, and PAD3, but was largely independent of EDS5, SID2/ICS1, and PAD4. Furthermore, plants expressing a nahG transgene or treated with a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) inhibitor showed enhanced symptoms, suggesting that SA synthesized via PAL, and not via isochorismate synthase (ICS), mediates lesion development. In addition, the degree of lesion development did not correlate with defensin or PR1 expression, although it was partially dependent upon camalexin accumulation. Although npr1 mutant leaves were normally susceptible to B. cinerea infection, a double ein2 npr1 mutant was significantly more susceptible than ein2 plants, and exogenous application of SA decreased B. cinerea lesion size through an NPR1-dependent mechanism that could be mimicked by the cpr1 mutation. These data indicate that local resistance to B. cinerea requires ethylene-, jasmonate-, and SA-mediated signaling, that the SA affecting this resistance does not require ICS1 and is likely synthesized via PAL, and that camalexin limits lesion development.  相似文献   

Elicitors and inhibitors of chemical induction were used to manipulate the activities of several putative defense-related proteins in leaves of the tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. The four presumptive defenses manipulated were proteinase inhibitors, polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, and lipoxygenase. The elicitors used were jasmonic acid, methyl jasmonate, ultraviolet light, and feeding by larvae of the noctuid, Helicoverpa zea Boddie; the inhibitors used were salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid. These chemical manipulations were combined with short-term growth assays using larvae of the generalist noctuid, Spodoptera exigua Hubner, in order to assess the relative roles of the proteins in induced resistance to S. exigua. When activities of proteinase inhibitors and/or polyphenol oxidase in leaf tissue were high (e.g., in damaged or elicited plants), growth rates of larvae of S. exigua were low; when activities of polyphenol oxidase and proteinase inhibitors were low (e.g., in undamaged or damaged, inhibited plants), growth rates of larvae were high. In contrast, high activities of peroxidase and lipoxygenase were not associated with decreases in suitability of leaf tissue for S. exigua. The association of high levels of proteinase inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase with resistance to S. exigua – irrespective of the presence or absence of damage – strongly implicates these proteins as causal agents in induced resistance to S. exigua.  相似文献   

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